37. Dramaqueen 😎

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Target: 110 votes

"I am not coming", Dev interrupted. "Why?", Adithya asked shocked. "Not interested", Dev replied curtly. And before Adithya could ask anything Sonakshi came in between. "Leave him. He must be scared to come with me", she said smirking while Dev gave her a death glare. "I mean with us", she corrected while Adithya looked at her quizzically. "What's there to get scared?", Adithya was quick to ask. "You might have not known. That bungalow which we are talking about is said to be haunted", she said. "What? You can't be serious!", Adithya said chuckling. "I am serious. And even your friend knows about it. That's why he is scared to come", Sonakshi said teasingly while Dev gave her a staunch look.

"I am not scared of that", Dev replied irritatedly. "Then what else are you scared of Mr. Dixit? Me uh?", Sonakshi asked smiling teasingly earning another death glare from him. "I am NOT scared of anything Ms. Bose!", Dev replied in anger. "Liar!", Sonakshi said staring at him while he gritted his teeth in annoyance. "If so, tell us the reason for refusing to come with us", Sonakshi asked sounding calm. "I don't need to tell you that", he replied bluntly. "But I need to hear your answer", she said but he turned away abruptly. "Oh god! Why are you both fighting like kids?", Adithya who was silently watching them till then interrupted.

"We aren't fighting. That's how we usually talk, isn't it Mr. Dixit?", Sonakshi asked smiling one sidedly while Dev rolled his eyes off her. "Adi, I am not coming anywhere. That's it", Dev replied. "So you are still scared!", Sonakshi interrupted again. "Stop your drama Ms. Bose!", Dev yelled. "I should be the one to tell you that Mr. Dixit", she was not ready to give up. Seeing them getting into loggerheads again, Adithya interrupted. "Guys! Am I missing something?", he asked confusedly. By looking at both, he could feel that there's something more than his knowledge.

"Nothing much. We both have some unfinished business in that bungalow, isn't it Mr. Dixit?", she asked looking at Dev who seemed visibly annoyed. "Whatever! You both are equally mysterious", Adithya said giving up. "I'll take it as a compliment", Sonakshi said smiling and standing up while Dev huffed tiredly. "So no more confusions. We are leaving to Jharkhand tomorrow Morning. I will see you both in the airport. Bye", she said and stormed off out of the cabin even before they could say something leaving Dev fume to himself. "I am not coming. That's it!", Dev said to Adithya sternly who inturn smiled at him.


"Wow! This one is beautiful!", Adithya exclaimed as he stepped out of the car. "This was my exact reaction when I got to see this bungalow first", Sonakshi said standing beside him. "Not bad yaar. You have a good choice", Adithya added looking at the sky high rooftop. From the grandeur of the building to it's serene surrounding everything seemed to be too much perfect for a century old bungalow, he thought. "Ofcourse I know I have a good choice", she said looking back at Dev who stepped out of the car. She didn't miss that look on his face when he got to see the bungalow after such a long time. It was a look of longingness mixed with a pinch of pain and guilt.

"And no one knows that better than your friend, right Mr. Dixit?", she asked smiling at Dev who let out a deep breath. But without saying anything he walked inside, leaving Adithya wonder over his actions. "Why is he acting so weird? He was never like this before", he muttered disappointedly. "He sure was never like this before", Sonakshi whispered to herself audible enough only to her. "Whatever! Let's go inside", she said and he nodded at her, making their way inside the bungalow.

"Are you going to get out of the car or not?", Elena asked Rohan irritatedly who sat inside the car as if he was glued in there. "Ma'am it's not even much late. Let's go back to Delhi", he said gulping down in fear while she rolled her eyes off him. "If you didn't come out then I won't think a minute before burning this car along with you inside it. Sit and die there happily", she said with a tight lipped smile and slammed the door on his face making him shudder. "One..",Elena counted while he gulped down in fear. "Two...", she stopped the driver who just passed by. "Do you have lighter?", she asked and Rohan's eyes widened in shock hearing her. The driver nodded his head and took the lighter out from his pocket which she got quickly and turned it on making Rohan gulp down. "Thr..", and before she could complete she saw Rohan rushing inside the bungalow and unable to control it anymore she burst out laughing looking at his retreating figure.


"Good to see you all again Madam", Kichu smiled welcoming them at the hallway to which sonakshi smiled inturn entering in. "I hope you are doing good kichu bhaiyya", she said and he nodded at her. "What happened to your leg madam?", he asked concerned looking at her walking with a crutch. "I met with an accident, a small one only", she said. "Atleast you cared to ask, unlike someone", she added looking back at Dev who was standing at the door step reluctantly. Seeing him looking around all lost, Kichu walked towards him amusedly. "Dev bhaiya where did you go that day even without telling anyone? Two days after that sonakshi madam..", before he could say anything more Sonakshi interrupted. "Kichu bhaiyya", she called him aloud breaking their conversation and he rushed towards her. "This is Adithya Sharma, my business partner and friend, our guest", she added as Kichu greeted him.

"I can't believe that this bungalow is more than a century old. You guys maintain it so well", Adithya said to kichu. "It wasn't looking this good before a few months Sir. Sonakshi Madam renovated this whole bungalow as soon as she bought it and ofcourse half the credits goes to Dev bhaiya too. If not him, no one would have dared to enter that room, keep aside renovating it", Kichu said while Adithya looked at him quizzically. "Dev?", he asked sounding confused. "Yes! No one in this village had the courage to even enter into that room. But it was then Dev bhaiya did it voluntarily and helped us in renovating it all by himself", kichu explained making Adithya surprised.

"Dev, when did you change your profession Mr. Doctor?", Adithya asked with a questioning look while Dev sighed. "It was just for fun. You know me right?", Dev asked him to which Adithya shook his head tiredly. "Ofcourse I know, everything is fun for you", Sonakshi interrupted while he looked away from her. "If you guys had finished your 'usual talks', do you care to tell me where my room is? I am tired", Adithya came in between breaking their conversation. "Oh yeah sorry. Kichu bhaiyya take Adithya to that room in the ground floor. And I hope everyone's room is ready", she said. "Yes madam. But how can you walk upstairs?", he asked looking at her broken leg. "I hope someone will help me with it", she said looking at Dev who looked at her shocked.

"Dev, can you?", Adithya asked sounding doubtful because Dev's behaviour towards Sonakshi made him a little confused as well. "Why not! He already has an awesome experience in it", Sonakshi said smiling while Adithya looked at her quizzically. "You know what, once I was caught up with fever and at that time it was Mr. Dixit..", before she could continue Dev interrupted her. "I won't", he replied curtly. "Dev! That's rude", Adithya seemed disappointed. "Why so? Your room is adjacent to mine only. What's the big deal?", Sonakshi asked with a sad pout while Dev rolled his eyes off her sensing the drama coming up.

"I'm sorry for him Ms. Bose. Let me help you", he said trying to help her but she stopped him. "It's okay Adithya. I can walk", she said sounding sad and stepped up on the stairs with the help of her crutch. But within a step or two she stumbled and fell back straight into Dev's arms who was standing down the stair. "Ms. Bose! Are you okay?", Adithya asked panicked as Dev held her in his arms, who still kept her eyes shut. "Ahh! Did I fall down? Am I alive?", she asked sounding scared while Dev rolled his eyes off her understanding her drama yet again! "Yeah you are fine. Open your eyes", Adithya said helping her stand straight and she opened her eyes slowly clutching Dev's arms tightly, still not ready to get out of his hold.

"I thought I fell down and broke my broken leg again. But thank god!", she said tiredly. "Dev, see what happened because of you", Adithya said disappointedly. "That's why I said I will help you Ms. Bose", Adithya said. "It's okay. I can walk", Sonakshi said trying to climb up but stumbled again and clutched Dev's arms tightly, irking him again. "Seriously? Wait", he said trying to help her but Dev interrupted. "I will help her", he said and hearing him Sonakshi's eyes sparkled. "Can I trust you Dev? I hope you won't put her down", Adithya said seriously while Dev gave him a staunch look. "Okay okay. You can trust him Ms. Bose", Adithya said to Sonakshi smilingly. "Just because you are forcing me, I am agreeing", Sonakshi said sounding disinterested while she did a happy dance internally.

"Fine. Be careful. I'm going to my room", he said and went inside as she stepped up holding Dev's hand but everytime she did so, she stumbled again and fell all over him, irking him much. Giving up, he grabbed the crutch from her hand and placed in aside making her amused. And before she could ask anything, he scooped her in his arms making her eyes widen in surprise. But soon her lips curved up and she looped her hands around his neck as he climbed the stairs holding her in his arms.

"Great! Sona has started her game", Elena said standing at the door step with Rohan beside her, with both looking at the scene unfolding infront of them silently. "Ma'am it's your first time. I have seen so many such games already", he said gulping down reminiscing how everytime he caught Dev and Sonakshi in a not-so-appropriate position together. "But do you know one thing Rohan? More than Sona getting close to Dev in these days, I am excited about something else", she said breaking his reverie. "What Ma'am?", he asked innocently. "I am going to stay with Adithya in this house. Just think how cool it's gonna be! Omg!", she squealed excitedly and rushed inside unaware of the fact that someone was fuming already.


"Dramaqueen!", Sonakshi heard Dev saying to himself in an annoyed tone, looking everywhere but her and she chuckled to herself. "And the credits for that goes only to you", she said smiling, reminiscing the time she read from Devrath's diary, the way Dev fainted in Shona's lap when he got to see a snake. "What?", he asked sounding annoyed. "You know me very well, don't you?", she asked tracing the collar of his shirt and he gave her a death glare. "I know why you stopped me when I was about to blurt out to Adithya everything that had happened between us when I was caught up with fever. You don't want me to share our personal moments with him, right?", she asked smiling but he still looked away from her.

"I know you are scared to look into my eyes, don't you?", she asked smiling and he let out a deep breath trying to calm himself down. "Do I affect you the same way you do to me?", she asked tracing the bottons of his shirt and sensed his body getting stiffened. "Even if you didn't tell me anything, I can hear you very well Mr. Dixit. And I don't need to know mind reading to do that. Because my heart is connected with your heart", she said placing her hand over the left side of his chest and looking into his honey brown orbs that met with her dark ones, for the first time in a while.

"And your eyes say what your heart holds", she added as she got lost in his magnetic eyes. Everything felt the same to her, even after all the things happened between them, even after knowing what he was doing all the while with her, even after getting rejected by him badly, she could still feel the connect, to his soul. It took so many days for him to break the wall around her and enter into her heart, which was now beating for him only. And she knew if he will ever want to get out of her heart, it could happen only if it stops, forever. So much she was lost in his eyes that she failed to notice his expressions changing into a serious one. And within a second..


"Ouch!", Sonakshi shrieked as she found herself dropped down from his arms, but thankfully the damage was less as she was dropped on the bed instead. "Keep a check on your hands as well as your thoughts", he said with a straight face and walked out of the room even before she could reply him. "Ugh! So rude. I should be the one to get angry here but instead he is! Such a mysterious man to deal with", she murmured to herself annoyingly. "But my man!", she said as her lips curved up into a bright smile looking at his retreating figure.


"And this is the room I was talking about.. Devrath's room", Sonakshi said to Adithya as they stood infront of the huge closed doors of the restricted room. "Let's get in", she said opening the door with a creak to which he nodded at her. "What are you both doing here?", they both heard a known voice and turned around to see Dev standing infront of them with his arms crossed acrossed his chest. "Dev, where did you come from all of a sudden?", Adithya asked confusedly. "I was very much expecting you here Mr. Dixit", Sonakshi said smiling to herself while Dev furrowed his brows at her. "Because I know you will come here if I open this room", she thought smirking to herself and Dev narrowed his eyes at her annoyed.

"By the way Mr. Dixit, this is my house and I can go anywhere I want", Sonakshi replied with a tight lipped smile and entered into the room. It looked the same as how she left it a few months back except that it looked a little untidy, not forgetting the fact that people working over there are still scared to enter the room. But something seemed different this time, she didn't know what it is but the peace she used to feel whenever she entered this room seemed to be missing this time much to her surprise. "This room looks beautiful", she heard Adithya and saw him looking around amused. The grandeur ceiling with intricately designed royal furnitures everything amazed him while Dev was silently staring at each thing in the room standing beside him, as if they could understand what he thinks. "But it wasn't like this when I opened it for the first time. I hope you can imagine how a room that remained closed for more than a century would look like", Sonakshi said reminiscing those days.

"And so it's believed that it was Devrath's spirit who was behind the death of all those people, who killed the girl he loved right infront of his eyes", Sonakshi narrated him the story of Devrath, the only part which she heard from Kichu on the first day of her visit, which seemed to be a little contrasted one than what she learned later. "Do you believe in all these things?", Adithya asked her in disbelief. "I do, very much", she said looking at Dev who was standing with his back turned towards them and gazing outside the window. "After all, this is what is believed by all the people here for over more than a century", she said but Adithya nodded at her. "Not everything what everyone believes can be true", Dev interrupted them while they both looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Sometimes the truth is hidden, for good", he added making her doubtful. "Then, do you know the truth, the hidden one?", Sonakshi asked suspiciously hoping for an answer but he chose to be silent. Suddenly she heard the loud bark of Bruno and saw him rushing towards her. But instead of her, he ran somewhere behind her, ignoring her completely. She turned around and was shocked to see him sitting beside Dev who was ruffling his hair and playing with him. "So, you did your magic on my Bruno too!", she said in disbelief while he smirked. "Dogs love only good people", he said. "That's why I am wondering how Bruno is behind you!" , she said smirking while Dev gave her a death glare.

Suddenly she heard a loud cacophony of piano and looked around startled. But sighed in relief only to find Adithya playing with the keys of the piano. "You freaked me out!", she said calming her racing heart. It's not that she got scared but everytime she heard the music of this piano, it made her feel strange and nostalgia spread through her, as if bringing back the older memories. "What can I do? You guys were busy with your fight oops! sorry, 'usual talks'. So I started looking at the things here", he replied calmly. "Oh yeah sorry. And be careful while touching the things in this room. They are as old as this room is and ofcourse they were kept untouched for these many years so they may be fragile", Sonakshi said to which Adithya nodded at her understandingly.

"And everything here looks the same as how I left it", she said looking around but stopped as Dev interrupted her. "No!", he paused and walked toward the wall. "Where is the picture which used to be here?", he asked looking around doubtedly. "Which picture?", she asked. "Devrath's picture! The one in which his face was not even half visible", he explained. "Which picture are you talking about Mr. Dixit? I don't remember any such pictures being here", Sonakshi replied sounding confused. "What? You can't be serious!", Dev said in disbelief. "I guess you are confused. There wasn't any picture in this room from the very beginning", she said sternly but he didn't look convinced.

"Which picture Dev?", Adithya too joined them. "Adithya, there was a picture of Devrath, the owner of this bungalow, placed over here. I very well remember", he said seriously but then something striked him. "Is this too your game?", he asked Sonakshi doubtedly but she smirked at him. "You might be wrong Mr. Dixit. There wasn't any such pictures in this room, I am sure about it", she said but he looked at her suspiciously. "No one knows this room better than me Ms. Bose and you know that", he said seriously. "Is it so? Fine the picture then!", she thought and he looked at her shocked. Gritting his teeth in anger, he walked out of the room frustratedly leaving Sonakshi smirk to herself while all Adithya did was to stare at both of them confused.


Dev heard someone knocking the door of his room and found kichu standing at the doorstep with a cup of coffee. He nodded at him to get in and so he did, placing the cup on the table beside. He was about to leave the room but stopped hearing Dev. "Kichu bhaiya, shall I ask you something?", Dev asked hesitantly. "Sure bhaiya", he replied smilingly. "What were you about to say when I entered the house? Like.. Two days after I went.. Umm.. what did Ms. Bose do?", he asked a little reluctantly. "Yes! Two days after you left this house, Sonakshi madam came here. She seemed to be so eager to meet you. But", he paused. "But, what happened?", Dev asked. "But when she found that you are not here she was so much shocked. And later she opened your room with spare keys but things worsened after that only", he said.

"Worsened?", Dev asked furrowing his brows. "I don't know what she found in your room but after that she became devastated. And in her frustration she left the house, without even saying anything", he replied. "Oh", that's all Dev could reply. "But now she seems to be normal and happier than before", he said smiling but Dev just hummed in response all lost in his thoughts. "But bhaiya, something had changed now in you as well", Kichu bhaiya continued breaking his reverie. "Me?", Dev asked him confused. "Yes. Previously it was Sonakshi madam who used to drink a lot of coffee but now, this is your 4th cup for the day. It seems as if you became like madam", he said smiling and left the room, while Dev kept staring the coffee mug wondering over his words.

"Dev", Adithya shouted breaking his reverie who was all lost in his thoughts. "Is that coffee mug so good looking that you are staring at it for all these time?", he asked entering inside the room but Dev doesn't seem to listen to his talks. "Dev, what happened to you? You don't seem to be fine since we came here. Are you okay?", he asked placing his hand over his shoulder and it was then Dev looked up at him. "Adithya, do you like this place?", Dev asked. "Ofcourse I do. I like everything over here, the fresh air, serene greeneries, peaceful environment... It gives me a good peace of mind", he said walking over to the mirror and adjusting his hair.

"You like this place just because of these things or because of the person whom you are here with?", Dev asked as Adithya looked at him through the mirror. "I didn't get you", Adithya said confusedly. "You like Ms. Bose don't you?", he asked. "Ofcourse. She is a good friend of mine" he was quick to reply. "Not as a friend", Dev said while Adithya looked at him quizzically. "I can see something more between you guys. Not to forget, you two would make a great couple", Dev said sounding casual and hearing his words Adithya stopped his actions and stared at his reflection in shock.

What is Dev upto? 🤔

Precap : Bold sonakshi 😏

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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