51. Painful confessions

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"If this is what love means to you, then I am letting you go, forever!"

Sonakshi looked at Dev stunned as his words started sinking in her mind. She sensed his hold on her hand getting loosened and he immediately stood up from his place. He took unsteady steps and walked towards the door while all she did was to stare at him in shock. But before he could reach the door, he tripped and she immediately rushed towards him and held him by his shoulders without letting him fall down. "What are you doing? You are not even steady. Just come and sit here", she led him towards the bed. "No please Sonakshi.. I can't be here. I shouldn't be here. Just let me go.. far away.. from you.. from your life", he blabbered in his semi conscious state as she made him sit on the bed.

"Let me go Sonakshi.. Please!", he repeated trying to stand up but stumbled and fell back on the bed again making her panicked. "Just shut up and sit here! You can't even able to stand now but you are telling me to let you go! Where do you want to go? Haa?", she shouted at him as he tried to look at her through his drooping eyes but failed to do so. "And this bloody ring! You want me to keep this now. But what will you do without this? What will you answer to that Williams? Don't you know he even came inside this house and threatened me? If you didn't hand this to him, do you think you can stop him from harming me? Or.. Or what if he did something to you?", she yelled out of frustration.

She didn't know what got into her but she couldn't control her growing rage. Already her mind was so messed up by the recent happenings and Dev's confession spoiled it even more. She knew if he was in his senses he would never let her go. But may be deep down he knew, this was what good for her, that is, to stay away from him. "I will!", he shouted all of a sudden. "I will protect you till my last breath! I am not like that Devrath, whom you are worshipping. I don't even want to be like him, who can't even protect the one he loved. Thank God I am no where related to him! If I were like him, I would've died out of guilt. Such a loser he is!", he mumbled and she looked at him stunned. What made him develop so much hatred on a person whom he didn't even know about?

"Dev!", she yelled and he looked up at her who was giving him a disappointed look. "See, even now, you are getting angry on me for that.. that Devrath!", he chuckled a sad one and she shook her head in dismay. "What did he do so much that you are supporting him and not me? He is such a fool Sonakshi! A courageless person! A coward who even after knowing everything couldn't protect the one who trusted him. Such a selfish person!", he said frustratedly and Sonakshi looked at him in disbelief. "Stop Dev! Stop! Did you even realize that you are talking crap about someone whom you don't even know? Who is not even alive in this world now?", she asked angrily. "Then you too stop! Stop talking about him! Stop supporting him! Stop caring for him! Stop loving him!", he said seriously and her eyes widened. Did he say Love?

"Think before you speak!", she tried to control her growing rage. She knew he was not in his senses now. But she also knew, whatever he said must be straight from his heart. Because this time, he can't hide anything even if he wanted to. "Why Sonakshi why? Why did you fall in love with a person who doesn't even exist? Why did you fall in love with that Devrath when I love you so much?", he shut his eyes trying to absorb the pain while she looked at him startled. "But I don't care. I don't want to care even if you love him. But it bothers me a lot. It hurts right here", he pointed towards his heart.

"True.. very true, I used his identity to get close to you. But at the end, it backfired me!", he chuckled a sad one. "Because instead of me, you fell in love with him! That Devrath! Because for you, he is the truth and I am.. I am just a shadow of him, a useless shadow", he smiled sadly and Sonakshi stared at him in shock. "But don't worry, as I said, I will protect you, even if it costs my life! And at the end, I will make sure you will get what you deserve", he said. "I don't deserve you Sonakshi, not even a bit. You deserve someone better, better than me", he paused and looked up at her who already sensed her heart pounding aloud her chest. But the next words that left his mouth made her froze. "Someone like Adithya!".


Elena fell back on the couch grabbing a packet of chips. Tearing it open, she put one in her mouth lying down leisurely. "Uff! I have worked so hard today! Anyhow at this time Dev should've blabbered every truth about him to Sona. I wonder how many slaps he got from her. I am so proud of you Elena!", she patted her own shoulders smilingly and shoved a few more chips on her mouth. "But what's with this sudden change in Rohan?", she thought for a while. "And when did I start behaving according to his words? This is so bad elena. Don't lose your stupid mind seeing his good looks now. He didn't..", she paused realizing what she said. "Did I say good looks!", her eyes widened and she quickly shook her from left to right. "No! Never! He is always that stupid, nerd, senseless P. A of Sona!", she twitched her nose in annoyance.

"And my dear Adithya! What will he be doing now?", she tapped her finger on her chin and thought for a while. "What else! He must be sleeping now!", she grinned widely. "So let me go and check if he slept comfortably in his room or the power of that capsules made him sleep in the garden itself! Oh no! He will spoil his handsome face if he sleeps in the garden. I should check him now", she quickly stood up but what she saw then made her rooted at her place. Adithya was walking out of his room all decked up in his black tuxedo, looking handsome than usual! "Oh my God! He looks so good!", she literally gawked at him but as the realization striked her, her heart almost stopped beating for a while. Shouldn't he be sleeping right now?

"Adithya!", she shouted all of a sudden gaining his attention and he turned back at her confusedly. "Elena! You are here! Tell me how I look", he adjusted his tie and elena gulped down her dry throat. "Very ho..Uhhhu.. Uhhuu.. I mean very nice!", she covered it up giving him a tight lipped smile. "Oh thanks! By the way, where is Sona?", he asked and Elena blinked her eyes twice in order to grasp his words. Did he say 'Sona'? "She must be in her room. But how are you awake... I.. I mean.. No!", she fumbled unable to say anything. "Didn't you drink the coffee which I prepared?", she finally asked. "Coffee! Which coffee?", he sounded clueless making her more suspecious. "Didn't Rohan give you any coffee this morning?", she asked him doubtedly. "No", he was quick reply making elena shocked. Rohan! You are dead!

"Sorry! But I have to go now. I am going to ask Sona out for a date", he winked at her and her heart almost skipped a beat. "What!Date!!", she sounded more of a shock. "Yes! You may wonder where in this village but yeah its a secret! But no matter what, I am going to confess everything to her today", he flashed one of his brightest smiles and Elena's heart almost sank. "Adithya please don't rush up with everything. Have some patience please", she didn't know how to stop him. "Even I don't want to rush up. But there is a time for everything right? I can't wait anymore", he smiled and she looked at him tight-lipped. "Uff! Okay bye! Wish me good luck", he said smiling nervously and walked upstairs leaving her shocked. "Adith..!!", and before she could stop him he was almost near Sonakshi's doorstep.


"Yes! He is the one for you Sonakshi! He can keep you happy. He can keep you safe. He can give you everything you need. He is a very good person Sonakshi", he said and she looked at him startled. Didn't he tell her a while ago that he triggered Adithya only out of his insecurities? If so why was he behaving like he did everything intentionally now? "It was me who brought him inbetween us. I used his friendship with you to get back to you which is very wrong to him. Now that I realized that, I guess I should do something to correct my mistake. I guess I should do what is right, to everyone", he said and she looked at him nervously. Every word of his, made her fear more.

"Elena.. Elena told me that Adithya is making preparations to propose his love for you. Do you know that?", he asked and her eyes widened. "She asked me to stop him. But now I think, I shouldn't stop him! May be.. May be he is the one for you! The one who will suit you in everything, your standard, your way of living, your good heart! I'm not saying this only because he is my friend. He is a very good person Sonakshi, unlike me!", he said looking down in guilt but all the while she just stared at him in horror. "So accept him Sonakshi. He will be a better partner to you, much better than me!", he looked up at her and she felt every word of his, prick her heart. Everytime she felt like he can't put her through more pain than this, he was proving her wrong. Out of everything he said, this made her feel the worst!

"And..", he paused looking down at her lap. "Can I lie here.. for one last time?", he asked more of a plead and she felt something choke in her throat. Tears blurred her vision as he voluntarily lied his head down on her lap and placed her hand on his forehead. "Now I feel better. My pain is long gone when you are with me!", he smiled closing his eyes and she looked down at him, trying hard to control her tears. "But I know Sonakshi, you can't be with me all the time. We can't be together. But I will be there for you, forever! Because..", he stammered in his semi conscious state and she felt hard to not cry. She didn't know why but she felt nothing for him at this moment, not love, not even hatred! Just nothing! Her chain of thoughts were broken but the sudden sound of door knob clicking open. And when she looked up at the person standing at the doorstep, her heart skipped a beat... Adithya!


"Hey Rohan!", Elena shouted from the corridor seeing Rohan walking downstairs but immediately clasped her mouth. She knew she shouldn't let Adithya to know that she was following him. He looked up at her and she signalled him to come upstairs. But instead he sat back on the couch, completely ignoring her. Shocked, Elena marched down the stairs and stood infront of him fuming, with her hands crossed across her chest. "Rohan!", she yelled and he stood up from his place. "Yes Elena!", he gave a tight lipped smile and her eyes almost popped out in shock. Did he actually call her by her name? "What the hell Rohan? What did you call me as?", she almost shouted but he remained calm. "Elena! That is your name right?", he narrowed his brows questioningly and she pressed her lips together to suppress her anger.

"Have you lost your mind or what? From when did you start calling me by my name?", she asked furiously. "From now on. Why? Names are kept for the purpose of calling only, aren't they? So what's wrong Elena?", he asked sounding calm making her fume more. "Respect! I am your boss!", she was quick to reply. "Correction! Not boss but boss's friend! If I should respect someone then it will be Sonakshi 'Ma'am' only", he said giving a tight lipped smile and she looked at him wide agape. "And yes! Stop ordering me! I am not your 'Personal Servant'", he said stressing the latter and she gave him a dumbfounded look. Was he the same Rohan who feared to even stand infront of her a day back?

"So what's wrong elena? Why were you shouting like a pig?", he asked and her eyes almost popped out wondering if she heard him right. "I mean.. Why were you shouting like something big had happened?", he tried to cover it up and she looked convinced. "Yes! Something very big happened. And its because of you!", he pointed at him angrily and he furrowed his brows at her. "Me?", he was more than confused. "Yes! Did you give the coffee that I gave you to Adithya or not?", she asked doubtedly. "Why should I?", he asked and she looked at him in disbelief. "Didn't you hear me well? I am not your 'Personal Servant'! Get that in this little brain of yours!", he poked his finger on her forehead and walked away leaving her shocked. "What the hell! He surely is possessed by some evil spirit!", she murmured to herself gritting her teeth and looking at his retreating figure.


The smile on Adithya's face disappeared and he stood rooted as his mind took in the scene infront of him. Dev lying on Sonakshi's lap! "Adithya!", Sonakshi' whispered more of shock which only she could hear. Dev wondered looking up at her shocked face and tried so hard to open his drooping eyes. He brought her hand that was on his forehead and held it close to his heart continuing what he was saying. "Because.. Because I love you Sonakshi. You mean a lot to me, more than myself!", he murmured. Sonakshi looked down at him shocked as his eyes closed their own accord and then back at Adithya who looked visibly stunned by the sudden turn of events. "I.. I am sorry. I should've knocked the door", he stammered in embarrassment and stepped back closing the door behind him.

Confused, he ran his fingers through his hair as his mind flashed the image of Dev and Sonakshi he saw a while ago. "How!", he held his head in his hand as he reminsced his conversation with elena.

"Why is everyone becoming so serious after hearing this? First Dev and now you!"

"Are you serious? Did you even tell this to Dev?"

"Yes! Infact he was the one who made me realize"

"No! I mean there must be some serious misunderstanding here"

His eyes widened as everything made sense to him now. "Even Elena knows something! But why Dev?". His mind went back to the moment he told Dev that he was going to confess to Sonakshi and realized how his face went pale hearing him.

"Now the only thing I need to do is to confess to Sonakshi"

"No! Listen Adithya, don't do anything in a hurry"

He facepalmed as the realization striked him. Dev tried to stop him at that time. But he was so lost in his own world to even listen to his words. But something which still confused him was Sonakshi's words. He could very well remember the moment she told him about her feelings and that made him worry even more. Did he mistook something else too? A sudden sound broke his reverie and he looked up to find Sonakshi walking out of the room. She closed the door behind her and looked at Adithya who was looking everywhere but her out of awkwardness. "Adithya", she paused and he lifted his gaze to meet hers. "We need to talk".


"I am sorry", Sonakshi said finally breaking the awkward silence prevailing between them and Adithya looked at her bemused. They both were standing in the middle of the lawn amidst the overpowering dead silence and confusion. "I don't know how and where it went wrong but even I was totally unaware of all these misunderstandings. If I had known it previously, I would've definitely talked to you", she said and he looked at her dazed. "I heard when you were talking with Dev this morning", she said and it was then it striked him. Sonakshi had listened to everything he told Dev about them and it made him feel even worse. "After hearing what you've said I couldn't help but get angry on Dev. And so much I was lost in my own agony that I couldn't have a talk with you. It's all my fault", she said feeling guilty and Adithya looked at her startled.

"But.. that day in Dev's room you said that you.. like someone pointing at..", he was a little hesitant to continue. "Yes, I pointed at the framed sketch in which Dev was standing to your left", she said and it was then it striked him. She indeed pointed at the frame of their picture which he stupidly mistook as the mirror on his left! "But I don't know how everything got messed up. I am really sorry for hurting you. You are my very good friend Adithya. Infact a very good person. But..", she paused and he looked up at her nervously, understanding what was coming up. "I don't love you Adithya! I can't love you!", she said and he closed his eyes tight as her words started sinking in his mind. At this moment he felt so stupid of himself. He wished for something which he could never get!

"It's.. It's okay Sonakshi. It was all my fault
I was the one who misunderstood everything. I'm really sorry", he said but she shook her head. "I was the one who should apologize to you. I feel ashamed of myself to say this but the truth is I did everything for Dev", she said and he looked at her quizzically. "Yes! As you know, Dev and I already knew each other. And.. Not just knew but he was the reason why I came to London", she said and he gave her a confused look. "Yes, I came in search of him because he disappeared all of a sudden from here. I searched him everywhere but all in vain. It was then I saw him in your birthday party but he behaved like he never cared about me. And I had no other options so", she paused.

"I asked you to accompany me to this trip only because Dev will come along with you! I know I was selfish to make use of your friendship. But now I really feel bad about that. I am genuinely sorry for what I did and on behalf of Dev as well", she said and he looked at her bemused. It took a minute for him to let everything she said to sink in his mind. "I.. I don't know what to say", he stammered looking everywhere but her. "I don't know who is lucky, either you or Dev!", he tried to smile and she looked at him amused. "Keeping all these things aside, you both are my friends Sonakshi. To be honest, now I feel so jealous of Dev", he chuckled sadly. "He got the most precious thing in the world, your love!", he smiled but Sonakshi looked at him startled.

"Adithya", she shook her head making him wonder. "I don't know how to say but everything is not the same between me and Dev. We are not together anymore", she said and he looked at her shocked. "Whatever, leave it. Once again, I really feel sorry for all the misunderstandings created by me as well as Dev. And please don't let these things affect any of our friendships", she said seriously but instead he smiled making her wonder. "You said that you are not with Dev but now you are apologizing on his behalf!", he said surprisedly and she looked at him stunned. "I don't know what's wrong between both of you. But I can still see the concern for him in your eyes", he paused. "Don't try to fool yourself Sonakshi. You still love him!", he said and walked away leaving her dumbstruck.


Sonakshi was walking through the corridor but halted in her steps sensing something unusual. She quickly turned back but there was nothing much to her confusion. So pushing away her thoughts she turned back to walk but suddenly she heard the sound of some faint footsteps making her panicked. She quickly stopped and turned back but again found nothing. "Who's there?", she asked doubtedly looking at the pillar at one corner. She didn't know why but she felt the need to look behind the pillar. She knew no one could enter the bungalow now as she had already tightened the security. But still something in her made her fear. Getting no response, she walked towards the pillar nervously and when she was about to look behind it, she saw Elena walking on the opposite side.

"Elena!", Sonakshi shouted spotting elena rushing into her room. Hearing her, Elena stood rooted at her place and turned back nervously. "What the hell have you done?", Sonakshi shouted making her squirm a little. "What.. What did I do? I didn't do anything", she smiled meekly increasing Sonakshi's anger all the more. "What did you make Dev drink? What did you mix in his coffee?", she shouted at the top of her voice making elena panicked. She knew Sonakshi had never got this angrier to her! "Sona, calm down. It was just a medicine kind of capsule. It will just bring out everything in his mind. If he falls asleep and wakes up, everything will get fine. Nothing to fear", she tried to smile but Sonakshi gave her a death glare. "Medicine! Whom are you trying to fool elena? Do you know how much pain he had to go through because of you?", she yelled at her making her scared.

"Sona, I just thought of helping you in your love..", she said more of a whisper panicked a little to see her anger. "Help my foot! And there is nothing between me and Dev now. Everything got over!", she said making elena shocked. "Already everything is so messed up! So please stop messing up anything further", she joined her hands together folding them infront of her. "Sona..", she gulped down nervously. "Elena please! If I saw you hurting Dev again, I don't know what I will do. Better stay away from all these things!", she said more of a warning and walked away leaving elena confused. "I don't think everything is over between you and Dev. You still love him Sona! You do!", elena murmured to herself looking at her retreating figure. "But I don't know if you will realize that or not", she sighed in dismay and walked inside the room totally unaware of a pair of eyes looking at them from the dark side of the corridor all the while.


Sonakshi entered her room and closed the door behind her. She turned back and her gaze fell upon Dev who was sleeping on the bed completely unaware of the happenings around him. She walked forward with her gaze fixed on his serene face and sat on the bed beside him.

"Why Sonakshi why? Why did you fall in love with a person who doesn't even exist? Why did you fall in love with that Devrath when I love you so much?"

Tears blurred her vision as she reminisced his words. "Why Dev? Why did you do that? It's so easy to point your finger at someone. But do you know how the other person feels? Did you even realize what this question of your made me feel like?", she wiped her tears and looked back at him. "Everytime you did a mistake I am the one who is crying. Even now, you did so many things! You revealed so many things! But at the end you made me feel the worst with this one question of yours and now you are sleeping here, peacefully", she paused. "Yes I agree. I was shocked to see you on our first meet. More than shock it was some kind of excitement which couldn't be put into words. Because you are the person I saw in my dream! Whether you agree or not, this is the truth!".

"And with each passing day I realized there is something in you which pulled me towards you. But I don't know if it's your mysterious behaviour or your flirty talks", she chuckled. "Never in my life someone had behaved with me like the way you did. You fought with me, you teased me, you irritated me, you angered me, you confused me, you annoyed me, you made me smile, you made me feel better, you made me feel special, you made me feel myself!", she smiled a little. "You made me go through every feeling at once, even betrayal and regret!", she stopped as she felt a forming in her throat. "You are the one who gave me that diary of Devrath. Did I ask you to do so? No right? Then why are you questioning me now?", she asked him angrily.

"I agree, I adored the story of Devrath and his Shona, I admired Devrath as a person. And even you wanted me to do that only right? But when I did, why are you getting disappointed with me?", she paused. "Because you are insecure. You feel like, Devrath who doesn't even exist now, is living your life! But it's wrong! Totally wrong!", she shook her head. "Devrath and Shona had a perfect love story to cherish. But our story was never perfect. It had flaws because you are different so am I. Our story might not be perfect but our love was!", a lone drop of tear fell down on his hand. "Yes, I loved you! I loved you Dev Dixit! I loved you and not Devrath! But you destroyed everything! Everything!", she closed her eyes letting her unending tears fall down.

"I realized my love for you long before I got to know that you and Devrath are one, which ofcourse was framed by you only!", she smiled a sad one. "And I would've loved you even if I didn't get to know that you are Devrath! Because I loved you for the person you are, not because you are the person I thought you to be! But I don't think you will ever understand that. Because your mind is corrupted with the thought that I am in love with Devrath and not you! And now I don't even feel the need to prove you that because there is nothing between us! Nothing!", she sniffed. "And yes, who do you think you are? Now you wanted me to get together with Adithya but when you wake up you will ask me to never leave you. Do you think I am a toy you can play with? I am a damn human being with emotions and feelings like you! And I know what to do and what not to do. You can never decide what I should do. You don't even have the right to, because whatever rights you had on me, you lost them all, today! And now, you are no one to me!", she said angrily and stood up to leave but sensed a tug on her skirt.

She looked down at found Bruno standing near the bed and pulling her skirt. "Bruno please. Let me go", she said holding her head. She already had enough for the day. He immediately left her skirt and barked aloud gaining her attention. He walked towards the cupboard and pulled her bag with his mouth that it fell down on the floor scattering everything inside it. "Bruno what are you doing?", Sonakshi asked annoyed sensing Bruno digging his face in the scattered clothes. But soon he got up with a diary in his hand making Sonakshi wonder. "Devrath's diary!", she looked at it surprised as he forwarded it to her. She could very well remember the time she placed the diary in her bag when she was packing for the trip from Delhi thinking it could help her sometime. But after reaching here, she totally forgot about it and getting it from Bruno now, made her wonder.

Suddenly bruno barked again breaking her reverie and she looked down at him. "But I can't read it now", she said placing the diary back on the table and tried to walk out of but bruno blocked her way. "What? Leave the way Bruno", she tried to move but he didn't let her to do so. "What's wrong with you? You never used to do like this before. What happened now?", she asked annoyed as he moved everywhere blocking her path. Giving up, she sat back on the bed and bruno held the diary again in his mouth and forwarded it to her. Confused, she took the diary from him. "Is there something really important in this that I should read now?", she thought for a while and Bruno sat beside her leg wiggling his tail left to right. She didn't know why but even she felt a little curious to know what's so important it in that she missed all this while. "May be I should give it a read", she opened a diary and flipped the pages to continue it from where she left.

15th November, 1907...

So what more secret is left for Sonakshi to know from Devrath's diary? And was anyone actually following her?

Precap : Someone is kidnapped!

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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