Chapter 37

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"Ji- Jungkook. Oh." Upon opening my eyes, I wasn't less relieved to see my brother. But it was still a comfort. "Hi Jungkook."

"Hi Sujin." He looked at me for a second, expecting me to say something. When I didn't, he did. "What're you doing?"

"What does it look like? I was just using the bathroom."

"Oh." His expression was soft and he looked sad. "Still no Jiho?"

I shook my head, closing my eyes so the tears wouldn't form again.

"Hey," a soft voice said as a hand landed on my shoulder. "Hey, that's okay. We always knew boys were stupid."

"Not him," I choked, trying to wipe away the tears as fast as I could. We were still at school, and we both had reputations to hold, even if I was still building mine. "He's not supposed to be stupid. He never was."

Jungkook pulled me into a hug, and I laid my face on the side of his suit so as to not let any mascara spoil it. After a second, I let go and took a seat on a broken desk that was sitting in the hall.

"He's not coming, I'll just call Jin or Yoongi and ask them to bring me home. You should stay and have fun, Kookie," I said as I slumped on the seat.

My eyes were solid on the floor, letting Jungkook's black dress shoes take over my vision. They slowly took a few steps towards me, and then he was taking my hands in his.

"Come on."


"Back to the dance. We came here for it."

"What?" I asked, clearly confused. "Kookie, I don't want to go in without a date."

"That's why I'm giving you a date."

"Ew, I don't want one of your friends or something." I took a step back and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Pabo," he laughed, "It's me. Wanna?"

It took me a second to think through what he was planning. After some consideration, I asked, "I thought you had a group of friends you were gonna hang with."

"Pft, who cares about them?" His voice lowered. "You're my sister."

He grabbed my hand again, and I let him. We slowly walked back to the entryway of the gym, before I stopped.

"I mean, but why? Why do you care, Jungkook?"

He turned to me with a soft smile. "Because I know you've been looking forward to this for a while. I'll make sure you have the best time possible, because that's what you were waiting for. This stupid boy made a decision, and the only person he should be allowed to hurt is himself."

I stumbled over words for a moment."What if it was my fault, Jungkook? I never...Well, I abandoned him last night."

"He should have known better than to tempt you to sneak away from your brothers," he laughed. "Come on, I'm not going to let you waste this. It's your first high school dance!"

A tiny smile formed on my face, and I let it. "Thank you, Kook," I said, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "But don't let me ruin it for you, either."

"Of course not. What do you want to do first? Dance? Eat? Throw a pie in the principal's face? Cake walk?" He led me further, into the room where the lights ran around the floor. "Oh, come on! This is your favorite song, isn't it?"

With a skip in his step, Jungkook led me further, towards the center of the room where people were dancing. "Sujin, I know you love to dance. I bet you got the best moves out there."

"Ahhh," I whined, covering my cheeks where they were getting hot. "Jungkookie, I don't know, what kind of moves do people do at dances? I know routines only," I said with a laugh.

"Like this," he said as he did a funky body wave while flailing his arms around, and making a satisfied expression.

"Jungkoooook," I laughed, "come onnn."

"No, really. What've you got?"

I felt frozen. As I'd explained, I could do routines. Asking me to just bust out a few moves to a random song that wouldn't look like a routine would be a little hard.

"Just move your body," he suggested.

"But that seems like it'd be awkward, and weird."

"Oh come on. Move around with the beat. Just enjoy the music, that's what everyone else is doing. You love this song, don't you?"

With a nod, I decided to be brave. I started moving from one side to the other in time with the beat of the song, and found myself enjoying it, laughing at or with my brother every few seconds. I couldn't help but sing along with the song that was playing.

Eventually, the music died down as the song stopped, and my brother and I looked around, waiting to see how to match the new music that would start.

But at the same time, our eyes went wide as they zoomed to each other's, because the familiar intro that I'd heard so many times before started playing.

"Jungkook, it's your song. It's Butterfly."

"Ahh," he let out an emotional sigh. "This'll count as a slow song. Come here."

When I looked around, I saw the couples starting to link hands and I put mine towards him, but hesitated. "I don't know how to do this."

"That's okay," he said softly, taking his left hand and my right hand together and interlocking it, while taking my left hand and placing it on top of his right shoulder, which was a little high up but I reached comfortably. He placed his right hand on my waist, and then we moved. Back and forth, listening to our song echo through the speakers and everyone listened. I could feel the intimate moments going on in between the couples, enjoying themselves in their peace. So badly, I wanted to be with Jiho. But he wasn't here, so I climbed closer to Jungkook, and kept my hand on his shoulder while the other one dropped to our sides so I could lay on his chest as we continued rocking back and forth.

As I looked around, there was an eerie aurora of the cheerfulness in the room. Something felt so wrong, so bad. I could feel unease, discomfort, and pain, but I had no reason to be feeling that way. It was as if the event would end and a muder would go down. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it was uncomfortable. It only made me wish for Jiho even more. It felt like it'd be a happy, festive night if we were having fun together, letting Jungkook go off with his friends and knowing we could spend the night in each other's company. But knowing he wasn't there only made me more thankful for my brother.

"It means a lot to me for you doing this, Jungkook. I really didn't want to come here alone."

"Sis, I love you. I really do."

Though I knew he couldn't see it, I closed my eyes and smiled. It felt so good to be loved, and know it was real.

To this day, I still felt like my mom loved me. She always had, and she did everything she could to make sure I still felt loved for the rest of my life. She set me up for that, and she still loved me. But it wasn't something I could feel. I couldn't physically feel it, or see it, or know it was really there. The only thing I had was faith, for that type of comfort.

Now, though, I was here. I had Jungkook. I had my brothers. And I could feel it here.

When the song finally came to a close, I parted from Jungkook and smirked at him. "So how do you feel about cake walks?"

"Dude," he said, giving my arm a small slap. "I will get you the biggest dessert they have."


As I climbed in bed that night, I was satisfied. Thoughts of Jiho wouldn't leave me alone, but I tried to settle on talking to him in the morning. I'd ask the boys to let me run over to his house and talk to him about everything.

But my stomach was full of hot fudge, brownies, and ice cream, because Jungkook had kept his promise and won me the package of the three desserts that towered over all the other desserts there. The rest of the boys and I had fun eating as much of it as we could, to distract from the fact that I was slowly losing Jiho through the slits between my fingers, and fast. It didn't take much having fun with the boys to feel better.

Not only that, but several news articles had popped up in the following hours after the dance about how Jeon Jungkook of BTS and Kim Sujin, the adopted sister, had gone to the SOPA Fall dance together. It was giving good attention to the company, and the band. I felt good to contribute, and to earn a good name for myself.

With fun memories I'd made with my brother, a full stomach, and a good feeling, I was ready to head to bed and await the day ahead. I lit a pumpkin candle, closed my window, and climbed into bed, closing my eyes with a smile on my face.

But something didn't feel right when I woke up. I checked my window, still closed and locked from the night before. The house was awake with the quiet hustle and bustle of the boys morning routine. My phone didn't have any pressing notifications. It was like I was in an alternate world, a universe away from any business I'd experienced the night before with Jungkook. So what was it?

Nothing in my room had moved besides my blankets, so that couldn't be it. My door was still closed, same as I left it. My bag was resting on my desk. Homework was present. No matter what I made sure was still there and hadn't changed, I couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling of wrongness in the back of my skull.

Maybe nothing was wrong? Nothing had moved, nothing had changed, no one had burst in to tell me that the world was about to implode. I decided to ignore it. Maybe it was just something off with the weather, or something had broken in the house. That's all it was. Probably. I tried to convince myself that that was it, and that I had just slept wrong. The feeling would go away eventually.

When I got downstairs, the mostly eaten package of brownies still sat on the counter, with the bowl of fudge sporting a mess around it's rim from pouring.

Then, I remembered I still hadn't been able to contact Jiho. Ignoring the boy's asking about breakfast, I headed back to my room to try again. I slapped out a 'good morning' text and then decided to try Daehyun. Maybe he'd be able to tell me about Jiho's whereabouts.

It was really hard, not being able to contact Jiho still. Thoughts of him always continued to invade my days, pop into my mornings, and put me to sleep. At the moment, I was having a famine of new memories to make and texts to think over. It was calming, but not in the way I wanted. I figured that was what unsettled me.

I tried to shrug everything off and enjoy the day we all had off together. Namjoon took me to get some new books, and Hoseok and Jimin came along when I went looking for clothes.

My phone slid out of my pocket periodically, waiting for a notification. Waiting for someone to talk to me. I just wanted someone to talk to me.

I wanted Jiho to talk to me. I missed him, so badly. But there wasn't anything I could do for that at the moment, so I decided to keep waiting. Maybe he'd show up at school the next day.

Later in the evening, while I was doing homework on my bed, my phone buzzed with a text. Anxious to see if it could possibly be Jiho or someone who could inform me of his whereabouts, I set my pencil down and picked up my phone to read it.

Suho: Sujin? Can I come over?

Oh, it was Suho. His urgency meant something else going on. Suho didn't text often.

Suho: There's something I need to tell you about.

Suho: I'd rather you hear it from me than someone else.

I glanced over at the clock on my nightstand. It was almost dinner time, so I was hoping the boys probably wouldn't mind. It sounded important.

I slid off my bed and took my phone to go find one of the boys. Taehyung was the first one I ran into in the kitchen. He was making a sandwich, the loaf of bread sat on the counter with the peanut butter and jelly.

"Tae." He looked up with a smile. I took one of the stools across from him and asked, "Can Suho come over for a little bit? He says it's important."

My brother put down the sandwich and nodded slowly. "I don't know what the others' schedule is for dinner, but sure. We could always have a plus one."

"Thank you, Tae. Maybe we'll walk to Jiho's real fast, too. It'd be nice to check up on him with a friend."

"That's a good idea," he agreed. "I'll text you if the others say something about it."

"Alright, I'll be back soon."

With my shoes on and phone in hand, I went out the front door, and stopped abruptly when I saw Suho standing on the porch.

"Woah. I didn't even reply to you."

"I know," he said, kicking the gravel under his feet lightly. "I didn't need one."

"Oh. Alright. Do you want to go somewhere? Or we can go inside." I put my hand out, motioning to the door. "I think the boys would enjoy having you over for dinner-"


For a moment, I looked at him, waiting for his eyes to look up from the door and into mine. They never did.

"Okay. So the park? Or... we can walk around? What did you want to talk about?" I prodded, starting to walk down the driveway to try to kickstart his reply. "Actually, I was hoping you'd come with me to Jiho's house. He hasn't talked to me for a few days and I feel bad because I... stood him up on accident. Anyways, I've tried Minie, and even Dae, but none of them answered. Why don't we head over there?"

"Wait, hold on." His hand reached towards my arm, but stopped almost an inch away.

"It's just down the street, you don't mind, do yo-"

"Look, Sujin." He grabbed my shoulders. Quickly, my mouth clamped shut as he stepped back and leaned his head back against the wall. "Just. Give me a minute, alright?"

"Alright," I murmured. We stood quietly while he calmed himself down, watching the occasional car pass by. I didn't really have time to think through what he was about to say. It didn't calm my nerves in the slightest.

He took a few deep breaths as he finally seemed to collect himself.

"I'm not going to dance around the subject like some people said I should, and this is going to hurt. A lot. But it's better I tell you straight than try to lie about it, it's better in the long run." His eyes locked with mine.

"Suho? You're scaring me."

So. This chapter was cute. 

Hahahahahahah but wait for the next one *evil laughter*

This story is about to take you off a cliff. See you next week.

Stay safe, happy, and healthy!


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