𝟬𝟬𝟭, this is me trying

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chapter one !
❪ this is me trying ❫


"KENNY!" Gwen's voice echoed through the house. She flipped the pancake over, the pan sizzling. Her little brother came out of his room and she noticed he was already dressed for his first day of school.

Kenny and Gwen had to move schools in the middle of the year. After what happened to their brother Shawn, their parents thought it would be better for them to start new.

Their dad is in the military so Gwen and Kenny barely see him... and their mom is overworking at the office. Since Shawn was gone... Gwen had to take charge of the house.

Most likely, taking care of Kenny.

"Here," Gwen slid over a plate of pancakes to Kenny. "I made your favorite... blueberry pancakes!" She smiled.

Kenny chuckled and looked at his sister with a playful glare. "Gwen, i'm not a kid anymore."

She started to take the plate away from him. "Okay then, i'll just eat them."

"No!" He exclaimed and snatched the pancakes back. "I'll just take them."

"That's what I thought," Gwen smirked and placed a pancake on a new plate.

Kenny noticed. "Is that for mom?"

"Yeah, when she gets back home." Gwen answered, turning off the stove and placing the pan in the sink.

"I miss them around here," Kenny sadly mumbled. "Dad, Shawn, Mom."

"Me too." Gwen nodded and walked around the kitchen counter to stand next to her little brother. "But I'm trying my best around here. Without Shawn and Mom barely being home... I have to take charge around the house."

"You're doing a great job." Kenny gave her a genuine smile and pulled her into a small hug.

Gwen smiled and wrapped her arms around her brother. But the moment was ruined when she remembered mom's note.

'Make sure he isn't late for the bus! <3'

Gwen shot her eyes open. "Shit, you're gonna be late for the bus!"

Kenny pulled away and ran to get his backpack from the living room. Gwen gave him his lunch in a plastic bag and he started to head out. "I'll save your pancakes for later!" She called out. "And good luck!"

Kenny gave her a wave and closed the door behind him. Gwen huffed and leaned on the counter, running her hands through her hair.

She checked the time on her phone and it was 7:20 am. School starts at 8:20 for her so she decided to hop into the showers and get ready for her first day.


GWEN ENTERED the doors to West Valley Highschool. She already had her schedule in her hands and was trying to find the room for her first period class.

She glanced around the school, receiving some stares from students... even one from a teen with a mohawk and his weird friend that was standing beside him.

Gwen stared at them and wasn't looking ahead of her until she bumped into a hard chest, causing her bag and her schedule to fall from her hands. Great... already embarrassing myself, she thought.

"I'm so sorry," the boy apologized and bent down to grab her stuff. Gwen waited for him to get back up with her belongings and when he did she took them from his hands.

His hair was a dark brown with a middle part and his skin was tan. He gave her a friendly smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Miguel."

"Gwen," she gave him an awkward nod.

The boy stuffed his hands in his jean pockets. "Are you new around here? Never seen you before."

Gwen glanced down before meeting his brown eyes. "Yeah," she adjusted her bag from her shoulder. "My parents made me switch schools mid-year."

"Oh, cool."

Gwen furrowed her eyebrows. Cool?

Miguel noticed her look and he quickly fixed his mistake. "I mean not cool! Since you have no friends and all... not-not that you're not gonna have friends this year it's just terrible that you switched schools but not that I don't want you here!" He rambled and Gwen chuckled.

"Sorry... I'm kinda a rambler."

Gwen opened her mouth to speak but the same boy with the red mohawk came behind her and stood next to Miguel. The weird one showed up too.

"Dude, stop scaring the new hottie away," The mohawk boy patted Miguel's chest. He walked closer to Gwen with a cocky smirk and pulled out his hand for her to shake. "Hey, they call me Hawk."

"Hey," she gave him a fake smile and shook his hand. "They call me 'not interested.'"

Hawk's smile faltered when he heard his two friends laughing. He stepped away from the Payne girl as his other friend stepped forward.

"Hi, I'm Demetri. It's a pleasure having you in West Valley." He gave Gwen a smile. "It's not really a pleasure being here though 'cause theres like crazy karate wars going around here." He explained with a serious expression.

"Karate wars?" Gwen's face scrunched up in confusion.

"We all take karate," Hawk gestured to him and the other two. "You should join. Our dojo is called 'Miyagi-Do'... we need more hotties like you there." He gave the girl a smirk.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Sorry, but my schedule is already packed. I have to take care of my little brother. And I used to do boxing lessons so I'm good."

"Boxing lessons?" Miguel exclaimed. "Badass."

She shrugged with a small grin. "Thanks," Gwen looked at her schedule. "Now can one of you tell me where Government is at?"

"I have the same first period class, we can walk together if you want?" Miguel suggested.

"Sounds good," She answered and glanced at Demetri and Hawk. "Nice meeting you both, see you around."

Miguel turned around and started heading to their class with Gwen following along. Hawk and demetri stared at the two. "Man, how does Miguel get all the hot girls?" Hawk huffed.

"It's not like he's trying to hit on her. Besides, he's with Sam."


AFTER A long first day of school, Gwen was relieved to go back home. She waited for her uber outside of the school since she still doesn't have her license yet.

She stared at her phone until someone cleared their throat behind her. Gwen turned around and saw Miguel. "Waiting for your mom or dad?"

Gwen shook her head and flipped her phone, showing him the location of where her uber driver was at. Miguel frowned, "You're taking an uber back home?"

"I took one coming here." She shrugged. "And I don't feel like taking the public bus."

"My sensei can drop you off." Miguel suggested.

"Sensei?" Gwen inquired.

"My karate teacher," He corrected for her to understand. Miguel glanced at the parked car that was a few feet away from them and looked back at Gwen. "He's here right now, come on."

Miguel started walking to the car and she hurriedly followed behind him. When they were near the car, a blonde middle aged man rolled down the passenger window.

"Hey Sensei," Miguel smiled.

The man stared at Gwen, who was beside Miguel. "Who the hell is that? Your new chick or girlfriend?"

"This is my friend, Gwen." He told the blonde. Miguel glanced between his sensei and her. "Gwen, meet my Sensei, Johnny Lawrence."

"Hello," She waved.


"I was thinking if we can drop Gwen off at her house since she doesn't want to take the bus." Miguel explained to Johnny.

"It's fine, Miguel. Really." Gwen reassured him.

"Just get in the car, both of you." Johnny nodded towards the backseat for the girl.

Gwen gave him a small 'thank you' and opened the door to the backseat. "Be careful with my beer bottles. There's kinda a lot back there." Johnny told her.

The girl saw all the bottles on the car floor. It looked like millions scattered around. "Kinda?" She gave him a pointed look.

Johnny gave her a nonchalant shrug and Gwen hopped in the car and shut the door closed. Johnny began driving recklessly before she could even put her seatbelt on.

God help her, she thought.


mars speaks!

authors note: OKAY SO... i remember i had a robby fanfic and i unpublished it but with the new season out... IM BACK IN MY COBRA KAI ERA. 😍

please vote for this chapter and don't be a silent reader <3

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