Chapter 1

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Hello my fellow readers! This is the closing of the Clover series and it is really emotional. Sorry for the ones out there who don't like those kinds of things, but this is the last book in the series. It deserves to be emotional! 

Clover POV

I knocked the third Athena kid to the floor. The sword in my hand felt really unbalanced, but I was able to knock the strategists to the floor. I took a deep breath and faced the next opponent. A scrawny kid, named Anthony, stepped forward, shield and sword ready. I blew a stray strand of blond hair out of my face and lowered my sword into position. Anthony and I circled each other, studying our opponent. I thrust my sword and Anthony deflected easily. I took a swipe at his head, but he raised his shield to block it. Huh, I’d never seen that move before. I swiped at Anthony’s side but he swung his blade and deflected it. We faced off a little while longer until I moved in close and thrust my elbow into Anthony’s chest. He fell back onto the floor and I lowered my sword to his chin. Anthony raised his arms in surrender and I threw my sword to the ground. I held out my hand and Anthony took it. I helped him up and we shook hands.

“Nice job that time. You just need to watch your guard.” Anthony nodded and picked up his gear. I slipped my breast plate off and picked up my unbalanced sword. I didn’t like sword fighting because of the blades, but I was pretty good at it. I walked over to the bleachers, dropped my gear on a bench and picked up a water bottle I had packed. I squeezed some of the water into my mouth and it was ice cold. It cooled my mouth and made my body feel not as hot. I sat down for a minute and watched the other Athena kids fight. Swords clanged, shields smashed together, and campers cried out. Normal day at Camp Half-Blood. I took a deep breath and stood up. My armor bag was at my feet, and I stuffed my gear into it. It looked like a baseball bag. I placed my sword in the spot where the bats usually went, and by breastplate and other armor in the main pockets. I stuffed my water bottle in the pocket it was used for and slung the bag on my back. I waved goodbye to my cabin mates and walked out the door.

I stepped into the sunlight and took a deep breath. The smell of strawberries filled the air and the warm sunlight made me feel right at home. I walked toward the cabins, waving to a couple people as I passed. I walked into the commons area and stepped into the Athena cabin. Annabeth was reading through some scrolls on her bed, doing some last minute research before she left on her quest. Yeah, Jason, Piper, Annabeth and, my boyfriend, Leo were leaving on a huge ‘save the world’ quest. I plopped my bag into my trunk and Annabeth shot her head up.

“Oh, it’s just you Clover. I was just so focused, I didn’t see you come in.” I shrugged.

“Don’t worry about it. Doing some last minute reading?” Annabeth nodded,

“I want to find Percy so bad and I am so close, I can almost taste it. Where you headed?” I shrugged this time,

“Just to the bunker. Help Leo out with the last minute adjustments to the Argo II.” Annabeth nodded,

“Good. See you around.” I waved goodbye and walked outside. I headed straight for the woods, but someone came running up to me.

“Clover! Could you help me?” I turned and saw my brother, Carl, running up to me with lego pieces in his hand. He stopped next to me and I examined the pieces.

“Well, let’s see. Oh, here’s your problem,” I pointed to where some bricks came together, “you just need to flip these around then you will be good to go.” Carl smiled and hugged me,

“Thanks!” He said, and ran off. I waved goodbye to him and walked into the forest. I had gotten so used to going to Bunker 9, I had memorized the way.

Leo had needed a lot of help with the Argo II lately. The oars would short circuit, a fuse would blow, the control panel would explode, you know. Little things, but when those little things built up, Leo would go ballistic. I usually had to smack him for swearing, but Leo had been getting better at controlling his language. I usually would look at the plans and find a flaw. Leo would fix it and we would be good. I had found so many flaws, Leo made me double check. Sure enough, we had a lot to work on. I spent my free time at the bunker, looking at plans, slapping Leo, joking around. It really was a lot of fun.

I pushed through the last line of trees and into the dead grass clearing. Leo and I had used it for test runs of the Argo II and had put some pretty good ditches in the ground. I stepped over a blast hole and jumped over a trench. When I made it over to the white cliff/bunker’s door, I banged on it,

“Leo! It’s Clover!” I waited for a few minutes then the door began to take shape. When it opened, I was blasted with hot air. I turned away then looked inside. The metal rods that held the ceiling were steaming and Leo was on the Argo II’s deck cursing over the controls.

“Leo! You better not be cursing!” He stopped immediately. He turned to me and I saw that his face was black from and explosion of some sort.

“Oh... hi Clover. Could you figure out what I did wrong?” I rolled my eyes.

“I thought you were the genius here. What happened?” I asked, climbing up the hot iron ladder that lead to the deck.

“It spazzed out on me,” he said, slapping the machine, “The freaking machine won’t stop it!” He didn’t say ‘freaking’ though. I slapped him on the face when I got up to the deck.

“Leo, stop with the cursing! Ugh... it drives me crazy!” Leo rubbed his cheek as he looked at the control panel.

“You figure it out.” I looked into the machine and pulled out a screw. I had pretty much memorized the whole blueprints and knew every little detail about it.

“This screw was supposed to be attached to gear thirty-two. That should fix it.” Leo took the screw from me and looked around the panel. He found gear thirty-two and screwed it into place. He then flipped a switch and the machine whirred to life. No accidents happened. Leo exhaled.

“Thank you so much.” He was about to turn on something else, but I grabbed his hand,

“Leo, I think you need to take a break. Your face is a mess, your clothes are in tatters, and you aren’t in the best mood. Take a breather and calm down.” Leo looked down at my hand and sighed. He looked down at his clothes,

“You’ve got a point. Alright, how ‘bout I change and meet you at our spot. Deal?” I sighed,

“Yeah, but hurry. I don’t want to wait for a hour and a half like last time.” Leo smiled and took off down the ladder. I sighed and looked across the Argo II’s deck. I had been a huge part of this, but I couldn’t put my name on it. I wasn’t even supposed to help Leo, but I did anyway because it wouldn’t matter in the end. I had a plan. I climbed down the ladder and left the bunker. I walked out of the field and through more familiar trees. I climbed over a familiar rock and pushed branches aside. A view of trees, a lake, the beautiful blue sky, and the sea in the distance was spread before me. I took a seat on the green grass and relaxed. I tried to enjoy my time with Leo, but I knew it was getting smaller by the hour. My plan haunted me, but I needed to do it. I leaned back on my elbows and stared at the scene in front of me. I had found this spot on one of the first weeks I had spent at Camp Half-Blood. I usually came here when I was down or when I needed a breather. It reminded me of home, the countryside of Utah. Now, I came here to spend time with Leo, which was happy, but sad at the same time. Even thinking about it made me sad. I heard footsteps coming from the entrance and I looked behind me. Leo came through the trees in a new Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and some cargo pants, with his tool belt strapped to his waist. He had some new sneakers on as well. He plopped down next to me and pecked me on the cheek.

“Hello. Better?” I nodded,

“A lot. I can tell that your mood has changed too. Thank you, it changes mine.” Leo smirked and looked out at the view. I put my head on his shoulder and he put an arm around me.

“Leo, I am going to miss you.” I said. Leo smiled down at me and said,

“I’ll come back. Just watch me.” I smiled, but on the inside I was crying. I still didn’t know who was going to die in the end. Leo had a pretty good reason to die, and it sounds like something he would do for his friends. No, I thought, push those thoughts aside. I tried to get rid of them, but they stayed there, haunting me.

“So,” Leo said, shifting his weight. “I asked the Hephaestus cabin if they could put on the fourth of July fireworks early, but they said no. So instead of those, I’m going to put on my own fireworks.” I looked up at him and he was looking at me. I smiled,

“That sounds like a great idea, but won’t people get suspicious about the fireworks? They might think of it as an attack.” Leo grinned,

“That’s the thing, so I invited Piper, Jason, and Annabeth. Sort of like a farewell party for us. I told Chiron and he agreed as long as we go to bed on time.” I grinned from ear to ear. I had some time before the party to put my plan into action. Piper, Jason, Annabeth and Leo were the ones I needed.

“That sounds like the best idea ever!” Leo now was grinning from ear to to ear. We sat there for another few minutes, just staring out at the beautiful view. Why does it have to be so beautiful? I was about to do something horrible. After about ten minutes, I said,

“Leo, I think you need to get back to work now.” Leo looked at me and asked,

“Are you coming?”  I shook my head,

“I will be there tonight to the fireworks, but I won’t be there anytime soon.” Leo nodded with understanding. I lifted my head off of him and Leo stood. He held out a hand and I took it. He hoisted me up and I kissed his cheek.

“See you later.” He kissed mine back and climbed down the rock. I looked out over the view and started to choke up. I collapsed on the grass and started to have tears slip down my cheeks. A breeze blew by next to me and I looked over. Aspen, the tree nymph, was sitting next to me with a puzzled face.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, putting her arm around me. I spilled everything. My plan, Leo’s and my experiences together, the sadness creeping through the cracks of me. Everything. Afterwards, I put my head in my hands and cried my eyes out. Aspen didn’t say anything, and I didn’t want her to. I already had had enough of the topic. Aspen just sat there, rubbing my shoulder and trying to comfort me. It was nice to spill out my plans, it made me feel like I was getting a big burden off my back. The view was so beautiful, I was not.

If there are some problems, with the plot, spelling, grammer, etc. please comment about it so I can fix it! Thanks to everyone!

Happy Reading!

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