Chapter 15: Losing And Gaining

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She was definitely knocked unconscious, because only Fury was left in the room when Katya woke up. Everybody else was gone, either fallen out through the windows or getting ready to fight and suiting up somewhere else.

Her first thought was always Natasha and panic raised in her throat when she didn't see her. Natasha wouldn't leave Katya laying here like this, so something must have happened to her. 

''Petrova? You good?'' Fury had pushed himself up from the ground with some loud grunts and stumbled over to the woman as best as he could.

Her head throbbed, probably from hitting the wall, and her left arm had a lot of tiny glass pieces stuck in it. But overall, she was okay. 

Nodding, she gladly accepted the hand Fury extended to her, pulling her up easily. ''Where's Nat?''

''Don't know. We have to get to the bridge.'' Fury knew Natasha could handle herself and didn't worry about her, but Katya had trouble following him out of the room and not start looking for her. He knew Katya would feel better and do her job better, knowing the redheaded spy was fine, so he asked into his ear anyway. ''Romanoff?''

Natasha was panting and shaken up from the fall when she answered. ''We're okay.'' It didn't completely convince Katya, but it was enough to ease her nerves a little bit. ''Katya?'' The question was directed at Fury, but Katya answered herself.

''I'm with Fury. Be careful please.''

''You too.'' Her voice was too quiet for Katya's liking, but knew she couldn't do anything anyway right now.

The loud roar of the Hulk scared Katya to death while running through the hallways of the ship. Alarms sounded and lights flashed very annoyingly throughout the whole walk over to the bridge. It was no surprise the monster had come out following the explosion. It would have been more surprising if it didn't. But it scared the shit out of her anyway. Another problem they had to deal with.

It was chaos when Katya and Fury arrived in the biggest room of the ship. Everyone ran around and yelled at each other, although weirdly enough, it was all in an organized manner. 

Fury bolted to his own station, yelling loudly to the guy steering the flying trap. ''Bring the carrier inwards and head south. Take us to the water.'' Smart, in case the ship fell out of the sky, a water landing would be less fatal. 

''Flying blind,'' the agent yelled back, tapping on his screen wildly. ''Navigations recalibrated after the engine failure.''

Fury was not happy to be contradicted right now, his one eye focusing angrily on the guy. ''Is the sun coming up?''

The guy looked seriously scared of him, something that brought a smile on Katya's face despite the situation. ''Yes, sir.''

''Then put it on the left!'' Fury exclaimed impatiently. ''Get us over water! One more turbine goes down and we drop.''

Katya stood a few feet behind the director, feeling pretty useless while he tapped and swiped on his monitors. ''Sir, what can I do?''

''Stay here, protect this room,'' was his short answer.

So she did, turning around in her spot from time to time to cover the whole room. While she watched the doors, windows and other entryways into the room carefully for any sign of movement, Katya tried her best to ignore the loud crashes and explosions in the ship. 

It wasn't clear where it came from or what it was, but the Hulk was probably responsible for a lot of them. It took out a lot of systems, blinding them more than they were already. Between the explosion and the Hulk, the ship caught some nasty blows. 

Katya gathered that Stark and Rogers were busy trying to prepare the lost engine, while Thor fought the Hulk on the lower levels. Where Natasha was, she didn't know. And again: she didn't like not knowing things. Focusing on her own mission was the best thing she could do right now, trusting the others to complete theirs.

Not two minutes after Fury had given her orders, a very familiar small object got thrown into the room, very close to Katya's feet. ''Grenade!'' The word was just out before it exploded loudly. 

She had thrown her body over the railing, falling roughly on the ground below. Between this fall and the one in the lab, there would definitely be a lot of bruises on her body tomorrow.

Gunshots made her stand up quickly, pulling her own gun out and finding the targets. Three men walked in in SHIELD gear, but these were not their allies. They were some of the agents Loki had brainwashed. They couldn't kill them. The mind control was reversable. 

Fury took out two of the three men before the blonde spy could even stand up, and shot the third one in his protective armor before he could kill Fury. Her shot wouldn't kill him, but it brought him down long enough for her to stalk over and kick him unconscious. 

Katya took cover behind some computers while shooting every person coming through the doors into the bridge. They kept coming, not making any progress but not stopping either, so she didn't stop either. Didn't matter what their plans were, they couldn't get control over the ship.

''We got perimeter breach! Hostiles are in SHIELD gear. Hold on to every junction. The Hulk and Thor are in shuttle levels 2, 3 and 4!'' Agent Sitwell reported the events going on right now loudly through the room, so everyone could hear what a big drama this was.

The Hulk was in all those levels? It was a big part of the ship and much of the Helicarrier's important machinery and electronics were there. Katya reloaded her gun, happy for the extra magazine she always carried. ''Sir, the Hulk will tear this place apart!'' Her voice sounded just over the loud shooting.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Fury nod. Yelling to Agent Hill, he ordered her to do something about it. ''Get his attention.''

Hill ducked down, talking into her earpiece. ''Escort 606, proceed to wishbone and engage hostile. Don't get too close.''

Katya had a bad feeling about this. Shooting at the green monster with a fighter jet wasn't going to do anything and it only put the pilot at risk.

It didn't take long for the pilot of the jet to confirm he was on the move. He must have already been inside the jet to be able to answer so quickly. ''Target acquired.'' He was in for one hell of a flight. 

''Target engaged.'' Over his radio, the gunshots were audible, firing at the Hulk to try and get his attention. But not even ten seconds later, he yelled in panic. ''Target angry! Target angry!''

After that, the signal cut out. That was not a good sign. How the hell were they going to turn the Hulk back into Banner before he destroyed the whole ship? It was almost impossible to restrain him, let alone kill him. 

Meanwhile, the gunfire in the room died down, but the men were still coming. Fury and Katya picked them off before they were around the corner. Both spies were confused as to why they were still coming. They were making no headway.

''They are not getting through here, so what the hell-'' The Director got cut off by an arrow flying through the air, exploding behind them. Clint. Only he shot arrows and was an enemy at the moment. 

Katya's heart stopped when she realized her friend was trying to kill them at the moment, even though he didn't know what he was doing. It didn't make it suck any less.

One arrow didn't blow, it lodged itself into one of the computers, hacking the system. All screens around Katya turned black, but she was too focused on finding Barton to see it. There, above their heads, behind a grate. She fired at him, but he was quick to dodge them and disappear, his job done.

''Engine one is now in shut down.'' O god, no. Because that engine was on the same side as number three, the one that was already down. 

The whole ship toppled over to the left and Katya had to hold onto the railing to keep from falling over. If this ship crashed right now, hundreds of people would die and SHIELD would have some serious explaining to do to the government of the worlds. She was pretty sure they didn't know of this Carrier.

''It's Barton. He took out all systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?'' Fury asked over the comms, hoping at least someone could get to Barton in time.

''This is Agent Romanoff. I copy.'' Those were the first words Katya heard from her in a long time, and even though Natasha pretended to be fine, Katya could hear in her voice that she was shaken up.

''Petrova, get to detention. Keep Loki in his cell.'' Katya nodded at the order the Director had given her and stormed out the room, taking out any hostiles while running to the God of Mischief. Loki's minions were here to free him, no doubt. 

The floor was tilted because the ship ran on only two engines, so Katya had to put her left hand on the wall to keep herself upright. It took way longer to get to the detention level than she had hoped. Each second that passed, was a second where Loki had more chance to get free.

She turned corner after corner, keeping her balance with difficulty. The door to the room of Loki's cell was open. Not a good sign. Katya rushed in and knocked out the only brainwashed guard by the door before he saw her coming. He was pretty useless.

Only then did she see the situation inside. Thor was locked in the cell instead of Loki, who stood at the controls Fury threatened him with before. Thor didn't look angry as much as disappointed and frustrated. He believed in the goodness of his brother, unlike the rest of the world.

The loud thud of the guard hitting the ground is what made Loki stop moving and notice Katya. Pointing her gun at him, she narrowed her eyes in anger. ''Move away from the panel.''

Loki smirked his famous evil smirk. ''Ah, the tortured killer. Have you come here to manipulate me again?'' His tricks wouldn't work on her this time.

A familiar presence emerged from behind her. Katya didn't need to look back, she knew who it was. ''She said move away please.'' Coulson's strong voice made Loki look at him instead of her. If he expected to escape without any resistance, he was wrong. 

Coulson went to stand next to Katya, one of the Phase Two prototype guns in his hand. From the collection Steve found earlier, what their whole argument started with. It was meant for threats just like these. And Coulson had picked the biggest handheld one, something that could take on a god if you shot him often enough.

The Agent held it up in a threatening way. ''You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent The Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does.'' He powered it up. ''Do you wanna find out?''

Katya had no idea what happened next. She still didn't. Like she had said before, gods and magic were unlike anything they were trained for. All she knew is that the man next to her suddenly gasped and dropped to the ground. Thor's scream still echoed in her head, the despair expressing what she felt as she watched Coulson fall down.

He had been so kind to her. Always. Even before she had proven herself at SHIELD. Natasha loved him, he was like a mentor to her. She would be devastated, as well as Clint.

Katya wanted to drop down in front of him and help him, do something about the huge hole in his chest, but the threat hadn't left the room yet. 

Because before she could fire her gun at him, Loki dropped the cage down into the sky, never to be seen again. Thor didn't scream on the way down, at least not as far as she heard. Without a care in the world, Loki peeked down the huge hole in the ground before closing it again, stopping the noise from the wind from entering the room. He looked very satisfied with killing his brother.

He turned to leave, thinking Katya and Coulson weren't threats to him. The gun in her hand followed him as he walked, prepared for any sudden moves. She didn't shoot because it wouldn't do anything anyway and she didn't want to end up like Coulson on the floor. She hadn't expected anything from him, when he suddenly spoke up weakly. ''You're gonna lose.''

Loki turned around with that smile she wanted to punch off his face. ''Am I?''

Coulson had the energy to smile faintly. ''It's in your nature.''

Loki took slow steps towards him, completely ignoring Katya pointing her gun at him. ''Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?''

''You lack conviction.''

Now, the god was pissed. ''I don't think I-'' but he didn't get to finish the sentence, because a big blast blew him to the other side of the room, forcing him through the wall into the space behind.

''So that's what it does,'' Coulson mumbled to himself smugly.

Now that the threat was gone and nobody wanted to kill her, Katya dropped to her knees in front of the dying man. She put her hand on his wound while tapping her earpiece with the other. ''I need medical in detention, now.'' Her voice was panicky but firm and an answer came immediately.

''You okay Petrova?'' It was Fury.

Her hand shook as she put pressure on the wound, but the blood gushed out anyway. It stained her skin a deep red. ''It's Coulson, he- just hurry.'' She couldn't get herself to say the words, cutting off halfway.

Fear and concern were audible when the Director spoke again. ''We're on our way.''

Coulson put his hand on Katya's as a way of getting her to focus on him. ''Katya-''

She shook her head furiously. ''No. No goodbyes.'' She hated goodbyes and it took all her willpower not to cry right now. Her blue eyes focused on the man's blue ones, trying to keep him alive that way. ''You can't leave us. Natasha loves you. As do Clint and I. Just focus on me and you will be fine.'' Her free hand landed on his cheek, hoping the contact would get his attention. His eyes started to get fuzzy, a sign she knew all too well. The life literally drained out of him.

A tiny smile somehow made its way on his face. ''I'm happy you found each other. Take care of each other.'' His head rolled to the side, no longer finding the energy to keep it upright.

That was when Fury walked in. He must have run here because it was a long way from the bridge. Katya stood reluctantly to make space for him. He had more right to say goodbye to Coulson than her. He'd known him so much longer, their trust running deep.

Coulson somehow saw Fury in front of him, despite his eyes being glazed over. ''Sorry, boss. They got rabbited.''

''Just stay awake.'' When Coulson's head threatened to fall to the side again, Fury grabbed his chin and forced the man to look at him. ''Eyes on me!''

''No. I'm clocked out here.''

Fury shook his head. ''Not an option.''

''It's okay, boss. This was never going to work - if they didn't have'' His last breath left his lungs before the final words were spoken. Nobody would ever know now what he wanted to say. He was gone.

Katya's hands shook heavier. Not only in sadness, but also in anger. Loki did this and she would be damned if she didn't take revenge for Coulson. Even though she knew he didn't want her to do anything stupid. Water threatened to spill from her eyes, but she wasn't sure if it was the pain or rage.

Fury looked at his friend, maybe hoping he would wake up again. But nothing happened. Bowing his head in respect, he stood up slowly.

That's when the medics walked in, rushing to the dead man on the ground. Katya knew he was gone. There was no way to fix the hole in his heart. 

She turned around, no longer able to look at her dead friend, and leaned on the railing that used to surround the cell, staring at the ground below her feet.

It was a mess, this whole mission. Thor was lost, probably dead. Being dropped a couple miles from the sky in a trap did that to you. Banner was lost too. He fell from the sky while throwing the pilot out of his plane. The Helicarrier was seriously damaged and SHIELD had lost one of their best agents to ever work for it.

''Agent Coulson is down.'' Fury's hard voice broke through her thoughts. Katya's hands tightened around the railing, the knuckles turning white.

''Paramedics are on their way,'' an Agent replied.

''They're here. They called it.''

Katya shook her head, speaking up after a while. ''This is my fault.'' She could have prevented it, if she'd paid more attention. She should have sensed Loki's copy behind her, but he distracted her too much. Coulson distracted her too much. 

Fury looked up from where the medics were taking his friend's body away. ''Petrova, this is not-''

She spun around swiftly and cut the Director off, something she had never done before. ''Spare me the lecture. Did we get Barton?''

Fury stared at her for a second, unsure if he should just let her outburst go. Reluctantly, he answered her. ''Yes. Romanoff is with him.''

''Where?'' she demanded. If Fury didn't like her tone, he didn't say anything. 


''Where?'' she repeated, clenching her hands into fists. 

He sighed, giving in. ''Medical.''

He watched as she stalked off, not even looking back at the lifeless body. Her mind had already moved on, shoved his death down. Those were emotions she didn't want to deal with. 

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