Chapter 18

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Present Day:


As I sat there with Jimin reminiscing over the fun we had, my mind kept straying back to his subtle dig at me. I felt ashamed for the way I had pushed my friends, especially Taehyung and Jimin, so quickly. They had been accepting of me from the first day I started working at JJK Enterprises. Jimin, Taehyung and I had been extremely close. One of the secretaries used to call us the Three Musketeers and it had been surprisingly accurate. We used to spend so much time together, either the three of us or all four of us. There was even one specific memory that would cause my heart to beat a little faster and my face to flush.

Jimin told me a couple stories about him and Taehyung over the last three years. They were still together and still going strong. They were absolutely adorable together and when I first started at JJK Enterprises, I had almost gotten into an argument with a secretary about them, but I soon realized she supported them as much as I did.

Jimin also told me about Jungkook. Apparently last year, he sold JJK Enterprises and walked away with over $800 million dollars. Although they disagreed, he shared the money with his friends, arguing that the company would never have gotten off the ground without their help.

Finally the conversation made its way back to Jaehyun. I showed Jimin a couple pictures, including one of my favorites. I had taken the picture just as Jaehyun had puckered up his lips to give me a kiss. He looked so much like his father, especially with those full lips, that it made my heart stutter in my chest, threatening to stop completely. I could see by the look on Jimin's face that he recognized the similarities immediately.

"Are you going to tell him about Jae?" Jimin finally asked.

At his question, my heart began to race in nervousness as I thought about the little boy sleeping upstairs who meant everything to me. I couldn't tell him that he had a son. Clearly Jimin didn't know everything or he wouldn't even be asking that question. He would be doing the same thing as Mirena did: encourage me to stay the hell away from him. "Have you talked to him recently?"

Jimin shook his head, his look of confusion clear, wondering what that had to do with me telling him about Jaehyun. "No. He was in a psychiatric hospital for a while. They were trying to help bring back his memories. At least that's what he told us," he explained. "I... I don't know though. I talked to him once or twice when he got admitted, but he just didn't seem the same. More volatile, more angry."

I nodded my head in understanding. It sounded similar to the information that Mirena had been giving me. "I... I don't think it was the type of psychiatric hospital that helps you. Mirena did some looking into it. The facility is run by a small group of medical personnel. Unfortunately this group of medical personnel do not always abide by safe practices." I took a deep breath before continuing. "One of Mirena's contacts was able to tap into their database and his medical records. They were injecting him with medication to bring out that anger in him."

Jimin's eyes widened in shock. "They were doing this on purpose?" He jumped to his feet, pacing back and forth across the small living room. "Why would they do that to someone?"

Running a hand through my hair in frustration, I sighed. "I don't know," I replied honestly. "But that's not the worst part. They were conditioning him to hate, to kill. It was all part of the medical records."

"Whom do they want him to kill?" Jimin asked, his eyes wide with worry.

I looked down at my hands, fingers tightly clenched in my lap. "Me."


At Y/N's words, my heart began to pound in fear. I sat down next to her, clutching her trembling fingers between my own. "How... how do you know all this?"

Y/N released my hands and slipped them in the pocket of the hoodie she had on. I recognized the gesture as the one she used to do when she thought Taehyung and I were getting too close to her and she didn't want to intrude on our relationship. I pulled her hand from her pocket, lacing her fingers with mine and holding on tight so she couldn't escape.

"It's all in the medical records in the database. They would show him my photo to gauge his response. First there was nothing. He had no idea who I was, but then there were clear signs of absolute rage and hatred. The last words of his that the facility recorded was that he wanted to kill me," Y/N explained, her voice tired and broken.

The words from Y/N's mouth sent a flash of rage through me. Who would do something like this to him? Why? Why did these people hate Y/N so much they wanted her dead? "I will do everything in my power to protect you," I vowed. "He, or anyone else, will not get close enough to harm you."

Y/N squeezed my fingers. "Don't you worry Jimin. Mark will be here in a couple of days. He's done a pretty good of protecting me so far."

I didn't miss the pretty blush that stained her cheeks at the mention of the other man's name. Mirena had mentioned someone taking care of Y/N and Jaehyun but she had assured me that it wasn't serious. I couldn't stop the prickling of jealousy that crept up my spine at the mention of the other man.

Even though I was deeply in love with Taehyung, there was always something about Y/N that drew both Taehyung and I to her. Seeing her now after 3 years, she was even more beautiful than I remembered. Her long curls were now right above her shoulders, framing her pretty face. Taehyung and I used to be the ones who were close to her, who would hold her hands when she was sad or cuddle on the sofa with her for a movie. I was angry that someone else had come in and taken our place so easily. Suddenly the name rang a bell.

"Are you talking about Kookie's secretary Mark?" I demanded. Shortly after the accident and the resulting mess in the hospital, Jungkook's secretary suddenly quit and we had not spoken to him since.

Y/N blushed even further and nodded her head. "At first, he was only brought into protect me. With his military experience, he was the best choice. We... we became close." Y/N brushed a hair from her face as she explained her relationship with Mark.

I nodded my head, not trusting myself to say anything. I couldn't help the feeling of hurt that washed over me, the feeling that Taehyung and I had been replaced. I looked down at my phone for the first time since I arrived and noticed the slew of texts from Taehyung. I had been so caught up talking to my sweet friend that I didn't even notice that my boyfriend had been trying to contact me, the texts getting increasingly more worried. I sent a quick reply that she was okay and I would be there soon.

After a few more minutes and Y/N's third yawn, I finally stood. Although I wanted to stay by her side, I could see in her eyes that she was exhausted. "I'm going to head back to TaeTae," I informed her, smiling at the look of reluctance that crossed her face. It helped to know she had been missing as much as I missed her. "We'll both come and see you soon lovely."

Y/N nodded her head and gave me a hug. I nuzzled my face into her hair, the scent of strawberries and whipped cream filling my nose. "I missed you Jimin." I could barely hear the words muffled by my shirt but I knew what she said.

"Me too lovely. Me too," I whispered back. I gave her one last squeeze, pressed a kiss to her cheek then left the house, the hesitation clear in my heavy steps. As I drove back to the hotel room Taehyung and I had rented, I thought about everything that had happened over the last couple of hours. Taehyung and I had to help her; I just didn't know how.

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