Chapter 21

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Sitting across from Jimin and Taehyung, I noticed the bright smile that had returned to Jimin's face.  It was something that had been missing over the last few days and it made the guilt wash over me that I hadn't noticed it, hadn't notice the sadness in my friend's eyes.

"What about this Friday?"  Jimin's attention was on me and I could see the hopeful look in his eyes.  "You going to come over and do movie night with us?  We'll even let you choose the movie."

"Please don't say no," Taehyung pleaded.  "We've missed you so much lately."

I turned to Jin to see what his response was and he just shrugged.  "Go baby. Go have fun and we can get together on Saturday."

"Why don't you just come with her?"  Taehyung suggested, wincing when Jimin elbowed him in the side, sending Taehyung an almost angry glare.

I was surprised at Jimin's reaction. Usually he was so sweet and pleasant with his boyfriend but at this moment, he seemed almost annoyed.  I didn't understand what was going on and how to make him happier.

Jin shook his head.  "Thanks but not this time. You guys need the time with her. I can see her Saturday night. It's okay with me."

Jimin's smile reappeared and his sweet demeanor was instantly back.  "So is it a date lovely? Are you TaeTae and mine's this weekend?"

"Calm down Jimin. You get her one night. She's still my girl."   I could see that Jin was only joking but the unhappiness in Jimin's eyes was hard to miss. There was something bothering him, but I didn't know what it was. I wasn't going to ask him in front of Jin just in case the man sitting next to me was the cause of Jimin's sour mood.

I checked my watch then gathered up my garbage. "I have to get going. I need to see Yoongi about a track to go along with the design I'm working on."

Jimin kissed Taehyung's cheek then quickly got up.  "I'll go with you. I have seen Yoongi in a few days."

I nodded my head then leaned down and gave Jin a quick peck on his full lips, almost missing the way Jimin rolled his eyes.  "I'll see you later."

Jin nodded, trying to tug me down for another kiss, but I pulled away.  "Come on baby. Just one more kiss."

Shaking my head, I moved out of his reach.  "Sorry. Not in the middle of the cafe with everyone watching."

"Yeah. We don't need to see that," Taehyung agreed.

Jin laughed out loud then reached over and ruffled the younger man's hair.  "How many times have I walked in on you and Jimin with your tongues down each other's throats?"

Taehyung's cheeks turned the same color as the discarded tomato on his plate and he ducked his head.  "It wasn't that many times," he mumbled.

Wanting to escape the awkward conversation, I gave both guys a quick wave then left the cafe, Jimin trailing silently behind me.  "What's the matter Jiminie? I can tell something is bothering you."

Jimin shook his head.  "It's nothing lovely.  Just got some things on my mind.  Some stuff I have to work through."

The sadness in his eyes broke my heart and I reached over and rubbed his shoulder.  "Is everything okay with you and Tae?"  The idea that something was going on with his relationship worried me.  The two of them were so sweet together and it would be a shame if something were to happen to them. 

Shaking his head, Jimin gave me a sweet smile.  "No worries.  Things are great with TaeTae and me.  I'm okay.  I promise you."

Not believing him, but not wanting to push the issue further, I nodded my head.  "Okay.  I'm here if you need me.  I love you guys and you can always talk to me."

Pulling me close against his side, Jimin gave me another smile.  "I love you too and so does TaeTae."

Sensing that he didn't want to talk about it, I extracted myself from his arms and we made small talk as we waited for the elevator.  We rode up to the music production floor and headed towards Yoongi and Namjoon's studio.  The light was red above the door, so we stood in the hallway waiting until the light went off and we could knock on the door.

Jimin still looked sad, so I went up and wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest.  "Don't be sad Jiminie.  You're going to make me sad too."

Returning the hug, Jimin nuzzled his nose into my hair.  "I'm okay lovely.  I promise.  There is something bothering me, but it's nothing for you to worry about.  I'll be okay."

Giving him one final squeeze, I moved away from him, giving him space.  "Okay.  If you say so."  I hated feeling like I was trying to push him to talk to me, but he was one of my closest friends and I hated seeing the sad look currently on his face and in his eyes.  "So Mr. Engaged Man, when you going to start planning for this wedding of yours?"

The sadness in Jimin's eyes cleared and he grinned at me.  "When can you get together with TaeTae and me to start talking about plans?  We'll need to go dress shopping for you and pick out flowers."  Jimin's excitement was obvious.  "Ohh and cake tasting.  I'm so excited for cake tasting."

I held up a hand.  "Calm down my Jiminie.  Some of that stuff you have to save for you and Tae." 

Jimin's eyes went wide.  "You... you called me your Jiminie.  TaeTae and I always say your ours, but... but this is the first time you have claimed us as yours." 

"I'm sorry.  I... I didn't even realize what I said."  My cheeks flushed and I cast my gaze down to the ground.  I couldn't believe I said that.  I didn't want Jimin to feel like I was trying to come in between them.  I was too worried to lose my friend.

"It's okay lovely."  Jimin touched my shoulder then ran a hand down my cheek.  "We... we like being yours."  I looked up and saw the truth of his words clearly written in his eyes.  "Y/N, TaeTae and I are in..." Jimin's words cut off as the light above the door turned green.  He sighed, not continuing his statement.  "Come on lovely.  Let's go see Yoongi."

I nodded, wondering what he had been about to say, but knowing if I asked and he wasn't ready, he wouldn't tell me anything. 

Jin POV:

As I left the cafeteria with Taehyung, I couldn't help but wonder at the strange behavior of the couple.  Jimin looked downright angry when Taehyung suggested I join them for movie night.  Although I would have liked to join them, the hostility coming from Jimin changed my mind instantly. 

"Tae?  What's... what's going on with Jimin?"  I turned my attention to the younger man as we waited for the elevator.  "Why did he not want me to come tomorrow?"

Taehyung hesitated then shrugged.  "Umm... I'm not entirely sure."

I studied Taehyung's face, knowing instantly that he wasn't telling me the truth.  "Come on Tae.  What is it?  Did Jimin fall in love with my girl or something?"  I teased the other man as we stepped onto the elevator, knowing that couldn't be it.  The color drained from Taehyung's face and I instantly regretted what I said.  I didn't want Taehyung to doubt Jimin's love for him, even if he knew I was only teasing.  "I'm sorry Tae.  I was only kidding."

Taehyung shook his head.  "Oh trust me.  I know my Jiminie loves me.  I would never question it."

At Taehyung's words, I felt the confusion fill my mind.  If he knew Jimin loved him and wasn't concerned about that then why did he look so horrified when I mentioned Jimin being in love with Y/N?  His strange behavior caused a wave of uncertainty to wash over me, but I brushed it off not wanting to cause any tension between Taehyung and myself.  I decided to change the subject and bring up something else I had noticed during lunch.  "Did I notice a ring on Jimin's finger?"

Taehyung's eyes brightened at my words as the elevator door opened and he followed me out.  "We wanted to tell everyone together, but Jimin insisted on wearing the ring.  I asked him to marry me last night."  The sheer elation was clear on Taehyung's face, reassuring me of their relationship.

"Congratulations!  That's amazing!"  We stopped in front of my office door and I pulled Taehyung in for a hugging, embracing him tightly.  I was over the moon excited for my friends, knowing how poorly their relationship had been received by others, knowing the struggles they faced. 

Unfortunately, it was something I noticed with the other members of our friend group.  I had suspected something between Namjoon and Jungkook for a while, but knew that Namjoon's dad wouldn't accept the relationship.  He had tried dating women several times, but the relationships never panned out.  The relationship between Hoseok and Yoongi was a little bit more unexpected.  I had truly thought that Hoseok was interested in Y/N, so I was surprised when the two of them mentioned that they had started seeing each other.

Mama Janeul had been extremely supportive of the relationship, but I had only been partially joking when I teased Y/N about Mama Janeul being afraid of Y/N kicking her ass.  Y/N was as defensive over Jimin and Taehyung as a mother bear with her cubs and I'm sure she would be the same no matter who was in the relationship, even if it meant going up against someone's parents.

"Thanks.  I've wanted to ask him for a while, but I had never gone ring shopping.  I took Y/N with me a few weeks ago and she helped me choose.  She's got great taste.  You're really lucky Jin.  I hope you know that." 

I nodded my head.  "I do know.  She's... she's amazing and I... I love her." I wanted to tell Y/N first, but I couldn't stop the words from coming out.

Taehyung's eyes widened in what could only be described as horror before the look disappeared and a smile appeared across his face.  "That's... that's great to hear."  Taehyung's words sounded happy but his tone seemed almost forced.

"Alright Tae.  Come out with it.  What is going on?"  I couldn't take it anymore.  There was something he was hiding from me and it had to do with Y/N.  "Why do you and Jimin act like this with me and her?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment.  "Look Jin.  It's nothing personal.  We... we care about Y/N and don't want to see her hurt by you.  She's special to us.  More than you could understand."

Devastated by his words, my heart felt like it was going to shatter.  "Why would you automatically assume I would hurt her?  I'm in love with her Tae.  I've never felt like this about anyone before.  This is the girl I could imagine being with for the rest of my life.  She's it for me."  Knowing that one of my best friends doubted me hurt more than I thought it would.

"I'm sorry man.  I really am." Taehyung's eyes were sad and I could see he regretted his words, but at the same time, it made me feel good that they cared for her as much as they did, almost as much as I did.

"I'm not planning on hurting her.  I swear it to you."

"I know you're not planning on it, but I think we, Jimin especially, are still a little tense about what happened before.  Your jealousy got the better of you and you deliberately hurt her and one of your best friends." Taehyung's words were stern, although his tone was gentle and I felt like a child being scolded for taking too many cookies, an adult being scolded for acting like a foolish asshole.

I cast my gaze down to the ground, ashamed to make eye contact with him.  "I fucked up.  I know I did, but I've been doing everything I can to make it better.  I'm in love with her and I want to be with her.  Only her.  I just don't know how to tell her."

"I don't know how to help you there.  Sorry."  Taehyung shrugged, his words and gesture apologetic.

We spoke for a few more minutes, but as he left, I couldn't help but feel there was something he wasn't telling me, something that had to do with him, Jimin, and Y/N.  Something that made my mind fill with worry and my heart fill with panic.

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