Chapter 33

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December 2015

Jin POV:

After Y/N had lunch with Jimin, I could sense a change in her demeanor over the next few weeks. Gone was the sad, depressed girl that I had come to expect and in her place was someone who smiled more often, but it still wasn't the same. I could see the relationship with Jimin was still off and she hadn't made up with Taehyung yet. As much as I wanted to help her, I just didn't know what to do, what to say to help make it better. It was obvious she was still hurting, but was too afraid to let them both in all the way.

There was a change in Jimin too. After the incident with Y/N and Taehyung, he had become withdrawn, depressed, and had clearly lost weight he didn't need to lose. After the lunch with Y/N, the smile was back. It wasn't as bright as it used to be, but it was better than the shadow of a man that had been wandering the corridors of the company like a ghost. Even his work had begun to suffer, the quality not near what we had expected of him. I had brought it to Hoseok's attention once and we were both surprised at the lack of quality in his work. We both knew right away it had everything to do with Y/N and how much he missed her, missed their closeness.

I was sitting in the office going over some new designs that had been submitted by the team when there was a knock on the door. I looked up to see Taehyung standing there, a hesitant smile on his face and shifting back and forth from foot to foot as though he was afraid I was going to bite him. "You can come in Tae."

Taehyung stepped into the office, but I could still see the nervousness in his frame. We hadn't talked much since the whole situation began with Y/N. Yes these guys were my friends and they were more important to me than I would ever let on, but at the same time, the woman I was in love with had been hurt and that was something that was hard to forgive and even harder to let go. There was a part of me that wondered if I would ever be able to forgive Taehyung, but seeing him standing in my office sent a wave of pity for him rushing over me.

As Taehyung sat in the chair, I stayed quiet waiting for him to speak. I knew he had come for a reason and I wasn't going to rush him if he wasn't ready to talk to me. I didn't want to push him because knowing him he would lash out at me or shut down. While he gathered his thoughts, I continued to go over the designs, my ears open for any sense of movement, any sign that he was ready. After a couple of minutes, he shifted in the chair and I knew it was time. I set the tablet aside and gave him my full attention.

"I suppose you know why I'm here." Taehyung's voice was hesitant, as though he didn't want to speak to me about this, but ultimately knowing he had no choice. I merely hummed in response, not wanting to give an indication that I knew how badly he was hurting. "It's about Y/N. I'm sure you know by now that she talked to Jimin a couple of weeks ago. They had lunch at a café not far from her new company."

"Yeah I know. She told me." My response was simple, not wanting to give any more information than absolutely necessary.

Taehyung sighed, looking down at the fingers he was twisting in his lap, picking at his fingernails, a habit he did when he was nervous or upset. He said nothing for a moment and when he looked up, I was surprised to see the tears spilling down his cheeks. "Why won't she talk to me too? Why does she still hate me so much? I swear, Jin, I didn't mean to hurt her like that. She was my friend and I would never want to cause her pain like that."

I ran a hand over my face. "But the fact is that you did hurt her. You did cause her pain. Like I told Jimin, you took the best parts of her personality and made her seem dirty and underhanded. Made it seem like she was flirting with all the guys when, in reality, she's just that friendly." Standing up from my desk, I moved over by Taehyung, sitting in the chair next to him. "She tried to keep you two at a distance, but you kept pushing her. If you were so worried about her coming in between your relationship with Jimin then why did you try so hard to get her in your life?"

"What are you talking about?" Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his mouth was set in an unhappy pout. "I... I never thought Y/N was trying to come between Jiminie and me. I would never think that about her. Why would she... why would she even think about something like that?" The bewilderment was clear on Taehyung's face as he spoke and I could see he really had no idea what I was talking about.

"The night before all this went down, Y/N texted you." I was reluctant to bring it up, not wanting to get involved in the problems between them, but wanting to help my friends at the same time. "She asked you about Jimin and you told her that you were handling it and she shouldn't worry about him. It was a huge flashing neon sign to Y/N that she was getting too close to Jimin. It was an indication that she needed to start pulling away from you both. Then when you spouted that bullshit in the elevator, it just made it that much clearer for her. Clear that she needed to get away from you too. That she had become too close to you both."

Taehyung's eyes widened in horror. "I swear Jin. I never thought she was trying to come between Jiminie and me. I promise you that. I know Jiminie loves me. I really do."

Although I still didn't understand what had caused Taehyung to spew the shit that he did, I could see from the look on his face that he was sincere. He really didn't think she was trying to come between them, but then what the fuck happened? "What did cause that then?"

Shaking his head, I could see Taehyung didn't want to talk about it. There was something going on that he didn't want me to know, but I let it go, deciding to let him have his privacy. He was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Y/N is... she is just so fucking special to us and I miss her so fucking much. I hate this distance between us. Please. Please talk to her. You got her to talk to Jiminie. Please. Ask her to talk to me too." Taehyung ran a hand through his hair. "I... I need her Jin."


I let myself into my flat after work and flopped down onto the sofa, dropping my arm over my eyes. The day had been extremely long. Alex's company was in negotiations for a collaboration with another company and we were all working our asses off to help make sure it happened. The head of the design department, Francisco, had been working us hard, wanting to see our best work, knowing that this collaboration could be the turning point for Alex's company. I had worked 70 hours in the last five days, up my usual 45 and I was exhausted, more so than I had ever been. However, when I gave Francisco my final designs, the pride and happiness on his face made it all worth it.

Forcing myself to get up, I stripped out of my clothes and moved into the bathroom, needing a quick shower, a chance to wash away all the stress from the day. Jin was supposed to be coming tonight. We hadn't seen each other all week because of my hours and I was excited to see him tonight. We planned on ordering takeout and just spending the evening together, something we hadn't been able to do in a while.

Standing under the hot spray, I let the water pressure relax me, the tension beginning to fade from neck and shoulders. This was the last day of the long week and I was happy for next week to return to normal. After washing my hair, I soaped up my body then rinsed off, pulling a towel off the rack and stepping out of the shower. I dried off then wrapped the towel around me while I went into my bedroom, searching for clothes. Since it was just a hang out night, I decided on soft black pants and a mint green shirt. After dressing, I went back into the bathroom, toweled my hair dry and put on a little bit of makeup. Even though I wanted to be comfortable, I still wanted to look pretty for Jin.

I had just dropped my towel and dirty clothes in the hamper when the knock on the door came. Excited to see my boyfriend, I hurried over to the door and pulled it open. Jin gave me a grin as he stepped inside. "Hey baby. I missed you." He pulled me into his arms and pressed his lips to mine, giving me a sweet kiss.

"Mmm... I missed you too. Feels like it's been too long." I wound my arms around his neck, my fingers playing with the soft hair at the back of his neck, just enjoying the time with him.

"Yeah it sure has been. At least I get this weekend with you."

I grinned at Jin's words. "Oh? Not planning on going home tonight?" I raised an eyebrow in question at his bold statement.

Jin shook his head. "Nope. I haven't seen my girl since Sunday night. So I need to spend some extra quality time with her."

I eyed him for a moment then nodded. "Sounds good to me." We went into the living room and ordered takeout, snuggling on the sofa while we waited for it to arrive. Sensing something was on Jin's mind, I turned to him and took his hands. "What's going on Jin?"

Jin hesitated then sighed. "Taehyung came to see me today." At the sound of the man's name, I couldn't stop the way my body tensed up. "He's still really upset and he... he misses you baby."

It had been a couple weeks since I had met with Jimin at the café. After I had unblocked his number, he sent me a couple texts here and there, asking if I wanted to get coffee or have dinner, but I always said no. As much as I wanted to see him, spend time with him, I just couldn't do it yet. I didn't want to see Taehyung's face fill with anger and disgust, thinking I was trying to go after his boyfriend. Did I still love the two of them? Absolutely, but it was something I would never act on.

"Just think about talking to him, okay?" Jin's eyes were worried and I knew it was directed towards his friend. "He really misses you." After that the subject changed from Taehyung and we had a nice evening, ending in my bed with his lips on mine and his cock buried deep inside me, removing thoughts of anyone but him from my mind.

The next morning, I woke earlier than usual, not having slept well the night before, thinking of what Jin had said about Taehyung. When I turned over, Jin was still sleeping. Needing some time to think, I gave him a kiss and told him I would be back shortly. I dressed and headed out of the apartment, walking the few short blocks to the coffee shop, making a decision to pick up breakfast for the both of us. I had just ordered pastries and drinks when I heard my name behind me.

It was just like dejavu when I turned to see Jimin and Taehyung standing behind me. Jimin had a smile on his face, his eyes lighting up in happiness, but Taehyung studied me for a moment, his face filled with sorrow. "Hi." I kept my greeting short, not wanting Taehyung to think I was flirting with either of them.

Jimin went to hug me, but I stepped back, not missing the way his smile dropped at my actions. I felt bad making him feel that way, but knew that keeping distance between us was the best thing to do, making sure there was no misunderstanding.

Taehyung pointed to a table. "Will... will you sit with us for a moment?"

I hesitated then nodded. I took Jin's coffee and mine to the table and sat down on the edge of the bench, making sure that when they came back they would both have to sit on the other side. When Jimin approached, I saw the hurt in his eyes, but I ignored it. He slid into the other side, Taehyung joining him.

"Look I'm really sorry about what happened. I don't know how to make it better and I wish I could." Taehyung sighed and went to reach for my hand, but I pulled it back, settling them in my lap. "I miss you. I miss you so fucking much and I want you back in my life. I want things to go back to the way they were before."

Although I could see the truth in his eyes, I just couldn't subject myself to that kind of thing again, that kind of pain. "I believe you Taehyung, but I just don't think things will ever be like they were before. You two are in a relationship and I can see how I crossed some boundaries. I just... just can't let that happen again."

"NO! You didn't cross any boundaries. It was... I can't explain it to you, but you were never in the wrong. You were perfect and beautiful and sweet and our soulmate. Please. Please come back to us." Taehyung's words were pleading and I could see the tears welling up in his eyes.

My heart shattered in two as he spoke, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't pretend everything was okay when I was still so in love with the both of them.

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