Chapter 44

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Jin POV:

"Jinnie? I'm going to go shopping with Sandy. Do you need anything?" Mina stood at the doorway to our bedroom, her eyes on me. She had her dark hair pulled back, showing off her pretty face and the slim jeans she wore showcased her long slender legs.

"No darling. I'm good." Standing up from the edge of the bed, I moved toward her side. "Have fun shopping." Reaching out, I gathered her in my arms and pressed my lips to hers, the taste of her cherry gloss heavy on her lips.

After a moment, Mina broke the kiss. She leaned back and wiped my lips with her thumb. "Okay Jinnie. I'll see you later. I love you."

"Mmm... love you too my darling." I pecked her lips again and grinned as she headed out of the bedroom.

After the accident, I felt terrible that I didn't remember my beautiful girlfriend so I had been making the effort to make sure everything would better. When I was released from the hospital, she had subtly suggested she move in with me so she could help take care of me, make sure I was getting everything I needed, that someone would be there at night, help get me through the nightmares.

I had been having nightmares almost every night since the accident, terrible dreams about a faceless woman. She was always sad, always crying, begging me to remember her, begging me to come back to her. The voice in my dreams was so familiar, but I couldn't place it, couldn't even begin to think of who it could be. I mentioned the dreams to Mina and after a consultation with a doctor from another hospital; I had been put on medication that helped me sleep at night, medication that made me feel fuzzy and not quite myself. I hated the feelings the medication gave me but I hated the nightmares even more. It was all I could do to suffer through it, just try and get used to this being my new normal.

I returned to work just two weeks ago and it had been awkward to say the least. Before the accident, I remember being so close to the guys, but now everything seemed almost forced, a sense of falseness that drove me crazy. I learned that Hoseok had been dating Yoongi, a new relationship that I didn't understand at first since they were so different. When I had mentioned it to Mina, the look of disgust on her face was so clear, but I brushed it off, not wanting to get into an argument with her.

Jimin and Taehyung were still together, apparently even engaged. Taehyung had let it sleep that he had proposed, but said something had come up several months back, which had caused the two to postpone the wedding. When I had asked Jimin about it, all my friend said was that it was something personal that he didn't want to talk about. The words had hurt because Jimin and I had been close, but things had changed and I could see it clearly.

The relationship with Jungkook was just as odd. His behavior towards me had become more professional as opposed to the easygoing interactions we used to have. He no longer came down to have coffee or lunch with me, instead choosing to spend time with Namjoon. Namjoon, who had been my best friend, was almost like a stranger to me now, but I tried to push it off as being that way since I didn't remember anything from the last eight months.

I hadn't seen the girl that was at my side when I woke up and it made me wonder if she had lied to me about who she was. Wouldn't she have come to see me again? When I asked Namjoon about her, he had hesitated and told me he didn't know her very well. He had said she worked at the company during her internship, but that was all he knew. The rest of the guys had said the same thing, the words sounding oddly similar, almost rehearsed and it made me even more suspicious of what they knew about her.

The alarm on my phone went off and I headed into the bathroom, reaching into the cabinet for the pills that I was supposed to take. It was ridiculous how many I took each day and I didn't even know what half of them were for. When I mentioned it to the doctor, he merely told me that they were necessary to help me, pills that would eventually bring my memory back. Washing them down with a large gulp of water, I put the box back in the cabinet and went back into my bedroom.

Feeling uneasy, I left the room and wandered down the hallway. Even though I had lived her for years, the place felt strange to me just over the last several weeks. I didn't know what it was, but I had an idea about it might be. I had lived alone for so long that the little things that Mina had moved or changed made me feel weird. The placement of the sofa since the old spot was not feng-shui or some other nonsense she said. The little flowery pillows on the bed. The toothbrush that sat in the cup next to mine. The bright yellow placemats that were now on the table. Pieces of jewelry that were on the dresser. The little things that showed another person was living in the house with me.

Unable to sit in the empty penthouse any longer, I grabbed my phone and keys then shoved my wallet into my pocket. After locking the door, I took the elevator down. Needing fresh air, I chose to walk instead, not wanting to be locked up in yet another small box. I wandered along the streets, peering into windows of shops that looked familiar. I had just walked past the window of a café when a shock of bright red hair caught my attention. When I stopped to look, I saw Hoseok and Yoongi seated at a table with the girl from the hospital. They were laughing, their faces lit with bright smiles, their mannerisms friendly. How did they know her? Why did they seem so close? Yoongi said something to her that made her laugh then reach over and punch his arm, the action clearly familiar. The questions flew through my mind. Why had they lied to me? How did they know her? Who the hell was she?

Hoseok POV:

"Alright Y/N. Please don't be a stranger. Keep in contact with us, okay?" I hugged the woman in front of me, a feeling of melancholy washing over me. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until she was sitting in front of me. It had taken Yoongi and me almost forty five minutes of pleading for her to have lunch with us and when she joined us in the restaurant, it was like all the time that had passed faded away into nothing.

Nodding her head, Y/N grinned. "I promise." Her eyes turned sad as she kissed my cheek. "How... how is he doing?"

Yoongi and I had been careful to avoid the topic of Jin, knowing that it was painful for her, knowing she was missing him. "He's... he's okay, I guess. I don't really talk to him as much as I used to. And I only really see him at work. He's changed a lot."

Y/N's eyes went glassy and I knew my words had bothered her. "Oh... well as long as he's happy then that's all that matters." I hesitated but Y/N reached out and touched my arm. "It's okay Hobi. I already know about Mina. I... I saw them in a store a week ago."

Shit! We had been holding this information from her, not wanting to tell her that the man she had been seeing was with someone else, someone who had been undeniably cruel to her, someone who Jin had repeatedly said he was never involved with. I don't know what Mina said to Jin to convince him, but it worked.

"Don't even worry about him anymore. If he was so quick to believe Mina then he doesn't deserve you." Yoongi's words were short and direct, surprising both Y/N and me. He wasn't the type to normally say things that were so comforting, but it was clear that Y/N needed it, needed to hear that she would be okay.

Y/N gave him a grateful smile then hugged the both of us before leaving the café. I watched her walk away, feeling a rush of hurt and sympathy wash over me for the girl who I considered my friend. "What do we do Yoongi?" I turned to my boyfriend, unable to hide the sadness no matter how hard I tried.

Yoongi wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close. "I... I don't know. I really don't." His eyes narrowed in irritation. "What I'm really curious about is how that fucking bitch Mina convinced Jin they were together."

Knowing exactly what he was feeling, I shook my head. "Do you know she moved in with him?" Yoongi's jaw dropped and I knew the information was new to him. "Yeah. I heard him on the phone yesterday. Told her he would be home soon. What the fuck is going on? Jin hated her!"

"This whole thing is a fucking shitshow." Yoongi's voiced was resigned and I couldn't help but feel the same way.

We sat there in silence for a moment, neither of us sure of what to do. Part of me wished things could be better, but the other part of me wondered if this was the chance Jimin and Taehyung needed. They had been really good about keeping their secret, but I knew everything since Y/N had been injured in the fire. I was standing outside her hospital room when Jimin confessed, confessed that him and Taehyung were in love with her. I had been shocked down to my very core, but as I watched them with her, I couldn't help but see it and I was surprised that no one else did. It also explained their falling out. If Taehyung and Jimin were in love with her then seeing her with Jin, with Namjoon would have incited a rage in Taehyung, especially considering how jealous he could be.

A ding from my phone grabbed my attention and I looked down to see Jin's name on the screen. I was surprised to see him texting me since he hasn't been lately. He's been so occupied with Mina that he hasn't had as much time for us. The message was short, asking Yoongi and me to meet him at the park, a small quiet place not far from where we were. "Hey Jin wants to meet us. You want to come?" Yoongi nodded and I sent a response back, asking when. Jin responded almost immediately, saying he was there now.

My eyebrows rose in confusion, wondering why he was already there. Did he see us and just want to meet with us? Yoongi and I left the café, our steps hurried as we made our way to the park. When we arrived, Jin was seated on a bench. His hair that was pink yesterday was now bleached blond and he was wearing jeans and a hoodie. Although I knew it was Jin, there was something different about him, something I couldn't exactly pinpoint, but it was strange. He stood and meted us halfway as we approached, a tentative smile on his face, one I wasn't used to seeing.

"Hey Hobi, Yoongi. How are you guys?" Jin stopped in front of us. "Haven't really seen you guys outside of work."

Yoongi just nodded and I knew it was his way of keeping his mouth shut. There were things he wanted to say, but was trying to be nice, trying to be polite. "How are you Jin?"

Jin shrugged. "Good I guess." He hesitated and I could see he wanted to say something. "Um... I asked you to meet me for a reason. How... how well do you know the girl that was in the hospital when I woke up?"

My mouth dropped open in surprise at his question. "Um... why do you ask?" Was he remembering her? Did he know who she was?

"I saw you guys with her." Jin's admission was short and I could hear the frustration in his voice. "You all told me you didn't really know her, but I saw you with her. You do know her and you know her well."

I turned to Yoongi, not sure what to say. "Yeah we know her." Yoongi's words were short. "Y/N went to college with me so yeah. I know her."

At the sound of Y/N's name, Jin's eyes narrowed, the look on his face something I had never seen before. "Tell me the truth. How do you know her?"

"Does it really matter? You say you don't remember her, so it shouldn't matter." I tried to keep my voice calm, but Jin's behaviors were starting to concern me. The cool collected head of the graphic design department was fidgety, his eyes darting back and forth, his hands clenched in front of him.

"Fucking tell me the truth!" I flinched at Jin's words, never hearing him speak to me in such a manner. Jin took a step forward, a weird look in his eyes, and I automatically moved closer to Yoongi. "How do you fucking know her?"

Yoongi held up a hand. "Calm down Jin. I don't know what you're getting all worked up about but clearly something is wrong. Let us call someone, someone to come help you."

Jin shook his head. "No. I don't fucking need your help. She said... she said you would do this, say this." Jin gripped his hair as though his head was aching.

"Who said that? Who is she?" My voice was soft, not wanting to take the chance of pushing him over the edge. I reached out a hand to Jin, wanting to help my clearly disturbed and distressed friend.

Backing away from me, Jin held up his hands in protection. "Just... just get away. Don't touch me." With a look of panic on his face, Jin turned and fled the park.

Although I wanted to follow him, Yoongi stopped me with a hand to my wrist. "Just leave him be for now. There's something going on with him. Let him have some space."

I turned my head in the direction Jin had taken off, but the head of blond hair was nowhere to be seen. Although I knew Yoongi was right, the idea of my friend hurting broke my heart, but I knew there was nothing I could do. At least not yet.

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