Chapter 46

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Present Day


Shit! Shit! Shit! The envelope in my hand was about to tell me the truth about everything I needed to know. After Jimin had brought up Jaehyun being his, I had made the decision to get a DNA test done. I had sent in samples of both Jimin and Jaehyun's DNA to a mail in company that promised quick results. Here I was, three days later, an envelope in hand. Was Jaehyun really Jimin's? How would he feel about it? Would he want to be a dad or was I going to continue raising my son on my own? The questions flew through my mind and I couldn't help but worry about it all. What was going to happen once these results were revealed?

I was most nervous about Taehyung's reaction. Although I had tried to fix my friendship with them, being around Taehyung still made me a little nervous. I didn't want him to think I was trying to steal his boyfriend when, in reality, I loved them both, wanted them both. I knew it sounded selfish, but I couldn't help it. I had been thinking about him the last few days and the idea that I still might love him was becoming less and less. How could I still love him? He had abandoned me, married some other woman, and didn't even want to hear the explanation of who I was to him.

As I sat there on the porch swing, waiting for Jimin and Taehyung to arrive, I tried to push thoughts of him out of my mind. I didn't want to think about him anymore and I had done a good job over the last few years forgetting him. I tried to focus all my attention on the little boy who meant everything to me and so far, it had all worked out. Looking around, I admired the quiet yard. I knew Mark didn't want me out here, but I was so tired of being cooped up in the house. I needed the fresh air and I was willing to suffer Mark's wrath to get a little bit of it. Jaehyun was down for a nap so this truly seemed like the perfect time.

"Y/N honey? What are you doing out here? You know it's not safe." Mark's voice startled me and I turned, not even realizing he had come out of the house.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. "I know, but I can't... I can't stay cooped up in the house any longer. It's driving me crazy and makes me feel like the walls are closing in on me sometimes."

Mark sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "I get it honey, I do, but we... we need to make sure you are safe. I'm not sure what I would do if something happened to you."

I leaned my head on Mark's shoulder, taking in his familiar scent, a clean smelling soap that I loved, along with a woodsy smelling cologne. It was comforting, the same scent I had grown used to over the years, something I associated with him and being safe. "I... I know, but I had to get out of there. Just for... just for a minute please?" I turned pleading eyes to Mark and he sighed then relaxed against the swing.

"Fine. Five more minutes then you promise me you won't come out here alone again. At least give me time to make sure the perimeter is safe, that you're safe." Mark's voice was stern, but filled with a hint of adoration and compassion.

Nodding my head, I leaned my head back on his shoulder, enjoying the comfort of his silent strength. As we sat there, I thought about what happened with us, the kiss we shared. Although I tried to keep things friendly only, I had to admit that the feelings I was having for him were no longer just friendly. There was a hint of something under the surface. It wasn't anything close to what I felt for Jimin and Taehyung, but it was there just the same. Almost like a bud after the last frost. Buried under a layer of dried dirt, packed hard in a lonely forsaken flowerbed, trying to push its way through at the first hint of sunshine and warmth.

I didn't know what to do because of my feelings for Jimin and Taehyung. Do I just pretend that my feelings don't exist? Do I try and forget about it knowing it's impossible to have them? I wasn't sure what to do, but I knew that some answers lay in the envelope in my hand. What would I tell Jimin if it turned out that Jaehyun was his? Should I even tell him the truth? I pushed that thought away immediately knowing I couldn't do that to Jimin. I would have to tell him the truth, no matter what happened.

"What else is on your mind?" Mark's voice was soft as he pulled me closer. "Talk to me honey."

I sighed, not really wanting to put Mark in the middle of the whole situation, knowing it could potentially get very messy. Should I tell him about the possibility of Jaehyun being Jimin's? Should I tell him about my feelings for the two? Should I tell him about my feelings for him? As much as I wanted to deny it, the feelings there were no longer just friendly. Part of me worried that it was out of loyalty and not love, but I didn't even know what to do about that. I didn't want to lead him on, but I also wondered where this could go. Mark had been by my side for the last three years and I knew he would do anything for me, for Jaehyun.

A gentle touch to my chin had me turning to face Mark. His eyes, his beautiful dark eyes, were so full of feeling that it made my breath hitch in my throat. Without thinking of the consequences, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. Mark's lips parted immediately and his tongue came out to tangle with my own. His arms moved to my waist and the familiar touch soothed me like nothing else. As Mark continued to kiss me, I tried to push everything and everyone out of my mind. Mark was real and he was here. He deserved to be the main focus so I let myself get lost in him. I was so caught up in Mark that I barely registered the sound of the car pulling into the driveway.

Jimin POV:

Two hours earlier...

"Are you nervous baby?" Taehyung's voice was gentle in my ear and his touch was soothing on my bare back as we lay there in the hotel bed together.

I didn't need to ask what about. I knew Taehyung was referring to the DNA test that Y/N had gotten done on Jaehyun. The results were supposed to come in today and I had been pacing the hotel room, chewing on my fingers until Taehyung had pushed me down on the bed and distracted me with his lips on my neck and his hand in my pants. The distraction was perfect and soon I was moaning his name and cumming all over his hand. By the time, Taehyung had sunk his cock into me, everything but him and his body had fled my mind.

Unfortunately, reality had sunk in again as soon as my heart rate had slowed. The time between the test and now had seemed to crawl by and I knew that if I didn't find out soon, I would lose my mind. I needed to know and I needed to know now.

"Is it bad that I want him to be my son? That I want it so bad that it makes my chest ache?" My words were quiet, almost sad, as I spoke. I never wanted Taehyung to doubt my feelings for him. I loved the man beside me, loved him so much it hurt and sometimes I wish I could push the feelings for Y/N aside and just go back to being us, but I couldn't. And deep down I knew I didn't really want to. She was the piece we hadn't even known was missing, the part of our hearts that we had been longing for, needing, craving.

Taehyung stroked my hair, running his long fingers through the still damp blond strands. "No baby. It's not. Part of me wants it to be yours because it will give us that connection to her. That no matter what she feels about us, we will always be a part of her life. Is it selfish? Probably, but I can't help feeling selfish when it comes to her. I probably will always feel that way."

Taehyung's words were exactly what I needed to hear. "I know it seems selfish but it's what I want too. Every part of me wants that boy to be mine." I looked down at my hand, which was lying on his chest, and took a deep breath. If I'm being one hundred percent honest with myself I don't need the test to tell me what I already know. That last time I was there... he... he snuggled into me, hugged me like he knew who I was to him. I feel it Tae. I feel it deep down in my heart that he's my son."

The tears leaked from my eyes and dripped on to Taehyung's chest. Taehyung sat up and tugged on me until I was sitting next to him. "Please don't be sad baby. Please. This is a happy day."

Letting his words calm me, I gave him a watery smile, knowing he was right.

Happy day my ass! The last thing I expected when we pulled in front of the little cottage was seeing Y/N on the porch with her lips on Mark's and his arms around her waist. I couldn't help but slam the car door, but they were so into each other that they didn't even flinch. Every part of me wanted to run up there and tear them away from each other, but I stopped when Taehyung grabbed my wrist.

We approached the porch slowly and Y/N looked up, her eyes wide in surprise and what looked like guilt. Mark hurriedly stood and stepped away from her. "H-hey guys! How... how are you?" His voice was higher than normal and I could see he was embarrassed at being caught.

"We're... we're good." Taehyung's voice was short and I simply nodded, afraid to say anything, afraid of what would come out of my mouth.

Mark turned to Y/N and his eyes softened. "Y/N honey? I'm going to run to the market. Jae asked me to make him chocolate chip pancakes in the morning and we're out of chocolate chips."

Y/N stood and reached for his hand, giving it a squeeze. "You're too good to him."

Mark grinned then leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be back soon. Go inside, okay?" Y/N nodded then Mark turned his attention back to us as he headed down the porch stairs. "Um... see you guys later."

I could see he felt uncomfortable with us so I just gave another nod. Mark smiled tightly then hurried out to his car. Taehyung and I followed Y/N into the house. We settled in the living room and the tension in the room was so thick it could be cut with a knife. "I thought you said you were just friends." Taehyung's voice was stiff and I could tell he was trying to reign in his temper.

"We are. Mark... Mark has been my best friend for the last three years. We've... we've grown close."

"That didn't look like just friends." I tried my best to sound nonchalant, but it came out more like a petulant child whose favorite toy had been taken away.

Y/N's eyes widened at my tone. "I... I don't get why it even matters."

"It just does." Taehyung's words burst from his lips and he stood up, pacing back and forth across the small family room. "You... you just don't understand. It's... it's the same thing that happened four years ago in that elevator with Joon. You were... were too close and I was jealous. I was jealous." Taehyung's words trailed off and his voice was sad, dejected.

"Why would you be jealous?" Y/N tilted her head to the side in confusion. "You... you have a fiancé. You have Jimin. Why... why would you be jealous?"

I looked at Taehyung and he nodded, a clear sign for me to just say it, tell her the truth. "It's the same reason why I got jealous whenever you kissed Jin. When I saw you kiss Mark." Taking a deep breath, I stood and went to sit beside her, taking her hands in mine. "Tae and me? We... we love you. We're in love with you and have been for four years."

Y/N's mouth dropped open and her eyes went glossy with unshed tears. At first, my stomach dropped, thinking she was going to kick us out, tell us she never wanted to see us again, but when she looked at me, looked up at Taehyung, I could see the truth in her eyes.

"Are... are you sure?" Y/N's voice was shaky and I wanted to pull her in my arms and kiss her until every bit of hesitancy faded away.

"Yes." Taehyung kneeled by her feet, taking her hand in his. "We love you. That day in the elevator when Namjoon pulled you away from me, I was... I was so jealous. I wanted you to be with me, to be with us, but... you weren't ours and I hated it."

The tears spilled down Y/N's cheeks and I wanted nothing more than to kiss them away. "Is... is there any chance that you feel the same about us?" The question came out softer than I intended, but I couldn't stop myself from asking. I needed to know. Needed to know the truth, hear it from her lips.

"Yes." Y/N looked down at her hand that was still clenched tightly in Taehyung's. "Yes. I've... I've struggled with my feelings for you for the last four years. You... you were together and... and I didn't want to take the chance of ruining it. The day I met you Jiminie, Janeul told me how jealous Tae was. Then... then when you seemed sad, I asked him about it and he told me that he was taking care of it. It... it was a sign to me to back off."

I remembered that particular day like it was yesterday and it still left a bitter taste in my mouth. "I... I was upset because I realized I had fallen for you, but you... you were dating him." The thought of Jin sent a bitter feeling rushing over me.

Y/N placed her hand against my cheek and I leaned into the gentle touch. "I... I love you Jiminie." I gave her an encouraging smile and she turned her attention to Taehyung, who was watching her expectantly, his eyes filled with hope. "And I love you Tae."

I wanted to kiss her, but I was afraid I would never stop and there was still one more important thing to take care of. The DNA test results that were sitting in her lap.

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