Chapter 54

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Present Day


My stomach felt nauseous as I stared at the envelope in my lap. This was it. This was the moment of truth. Part of me was terrified about what Jimin's reaction would be. Is it possible that Jaehyun really is his? Would he want to form a relationship with him? Or... or would he walk out of my life forever? What would Taehyung think? I know Taehyung had said that he loved me, that he only reacted that way because he was jealous, but what would his feelings be if it came out that I had a baby with his boyfriend? Would he hate me forever? Would he forgive me?

A hand on my cheek pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up to see Taehyung. He had a soft smile on his face and his eyes were so filled with love and adoration that it made my heart flip over in my chest. He was looking at me. That love was directed to me. "It's going to be okay sweets. It really is." Taehyung brushed a hair back from my face then leaned into kiss my cheek. "You... you need to remember that Jiminie and me? We love you. And not just love you, but we are in love with you."

The words that spilled from his lips helped to calm the raging storm that was brewing in my heart, to calm the tidal wave of emotion that was threatening to overtake me and drown me. Filling my head with negative thoughts that were almost too much for me to handle. "But... but what if Jae is Jimin's?" Just voicing my fear made me sick to my stomach. My biggest worry was the two of them walking away and leaving me behind, leaving me the way I had left them.

Taehyung pulled me close, wrapping his long arms around me. He nuzzled his face against my hair then pulled back, his pretty eyes on mine. "I love you sweets. I love you so fucking much that it makes me crazy. Not being able to see you these past few years was the worst kind of torture that I ever went through and it was something that tried to tear me apart." Taehyung gestured towards the envelope in my lap. "Those results are not going to change anything. They're especially not going to change how I feel about you, how Jiminie feels about you."

Jimin moved closer to me on the sofa, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Tae's right lovely. I love you. We both love you. We love you so much. You... you really don't understand how important you are to us, how important you are to me." Running a hand through his blond hair, Jimin gave me a soft smile. "This test? Honestly, I know who that little boy is to me. I already know. I can... I can feel it in my heart and I know he feels it too. Jae... he knows he's my son. This is just confirming it."

The conviction was so strong in Jimin's eyes, in the tone of his voice that I knew he meant every single word he said. He really believed Jaehyun was his son and from the look on his face, he was happy with it. "Will... will this change anything with us?"

Jimin and Taehyung both shook their heads, the identical movements making me laugh. "No sweets. It won't." Taehyung looked over at Jimin, who nodded. "We... once this is all over, this mess, we want... we want you to move in with us." My eyes widened in shock and Taehyung hurried to continue. "Kook sold his company a little while ago. He gave... he split the money with us. He wanted us to use it to find you, bring you home, take care of you."

"It's true. Kook... he knew all along how we felt about you. He knew... I think he even knew from the first photo that I showed him who Jae belonged to. He had said it reminded him of someone and I... I assumed it was Jin, but I... Kook was referring to me, not Jin." Jimin placed a hand on my knee and gave me another soft smile and in his eyes, I saw the same love and adoration that I had seen in Taehyung's. "Just open it lovely. Tell me what I already know."

Nodding my head, I took a deep breath and opened the envelope, the rustle of paper loud in the quiet room. Jimin's hand on my knee tightened and I could tell from the slight tremble in his hands that he was nervous. Nervous about what, I didn't know. I pulled out the single sheet of paper, scanning the contents. The first couple paragraphs explained how the test was administered and the percentages and a couple other things I didn't understand. My eyes went to the bottom of the page where the probabilities were listed. Jimin's name, along with my son's name, were stark against the paper, along with the percentage next to it.

Saying nothing, I handed the paper to Jimin. Keeping my eyes on his face, I watched him scan the document, his eyes filling with tears as he read the results. My heart filled as I watched a grin bloom on his face, one so big that it turned his pretty eyes to perfect crescent shapes. The tears spilled down his cheeks and continued to fall as he passed the paper to Taehyung. Putting his face in his hands, Jimin began to sob and my heart stopped in fear.

After a moment, Jimin looked up at me, his eyes wide. "W-where is Jae? Where is he? I want... I want to see my son. I want... I want to hold my son."

Taehyung laughed out loud, the sound happy. "Jiminie, calm down. He's sleeping. You're... you're not going to wake him up."

Jimin's smile dimmed but it grew again when he turned to me. "See lovely? I told... I told you. I knew. I knew he was mine. I knew he was my son. He's my son. MY son."

The way Jimin kept repeating my son touched my heart and I couldn't help but feel the tears fill my own eyes. "Yes. Yes Jiminie. Jae is your son."

Tackling me in a hug, Jimin wrapped his arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder. "My son lovely. Our son. We... we have a son."

I felt another pair of arms come around me and when I looked up, Taehyung was hugging the both of us, the same look of happiness mirrored on his face, tears dripping down his cheeks. All the fears I was feeling began to slip away. They were both happy about the situation, about the fact that Jaehyun was Jimin's.

Sitting up, Jimin wiped his tears, but the smile remained. "I want to tell him. I want him to know who I am. I want to know Jae. I want to know everything about him." Jimin hesitated, his eyes worried. "Will... will you let me tell him? Let me have a relationship with him?"

The worry in Jimin's eyes broke my heart and I couldn't help but let my own tears escape. "Jiminie? Jae is yours. I... I would never keep him away from you. You can be a part of his life as little or as much as you want."

Jimin nodded, the look on his face determined. "I want to be his dad. I want... I want it all. I want to take care of him, take care of you like it should have been from the beginning."

A key in the door had me looking up to see Mark coming in. He had a bag in his hand and from the top of the bag, I could see Jaehyun's favorite cookies sticking out. Once again, Mark had spoiled my son, the way he always did. His eyes caught mine and immediately filled with concern. "Honey? Why are you crying? Are you all right? Where's Jae? Is he okay?"

I could feel Jimin's hand that was currently holding mine tense up and I knew right away that the sweet nickname from Mark had bothered him. "Yeah. I'm all right. Jae's asleep upstairs."

Mark looked at Jimin and Taehyung suspiciously, his eyes narrowed and I knew he was immediately going into protective mode. "Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?"

Jimin POV:

I could tell by the look on Mark's face that his feelings for Y/N, our Y/N were more than just friendly, more than just a protector. He had the same look on his face that Taehyung and I had and I knew this was going to be a tough conversation. I felt a pang of envy as he asked about Jaehyun, about my son. He knew everything about Jaehyun, the things I wanted to know. His favorite foods, his favorite cartoons, what he liked to eat for breakfast, what he liked to do after lunch, the stories he preferred. He knew all the things that I should know. It made me even more determined to build the relationship with my son. I wanted Jaehyun to look to me to protect him, the same way he looked at Mark.

Y/N squeezed my hand then released it, standing up and making her way over to Mark. She gave him a quick hug and it took everything in me to not yank her away and pull her back in my arms, the place where she was supposed to be. "Um... you... you might want to sit down." Y/N's voice was gentle as she spoke and I knew she was going to break the news to Mark, the news about Jaehyun.

Mark nodded, keeping an arm wrapped around her. "What is it honey? You know you can tell me anything."

Y/N looked over at me and I could see the pleading look in her eyes. She was looking to me to help her and for the first time in a long time I was able to do what I should have been able to do from the beginning. I nodded, letting her know I would take care of her. "It's about Jae."

Running a hand through his hair, Mark sighed and his shoulders slumped. Turning to Y/N, he reached out and took her hand. "Jae is Jimin's, isn't he?" Y/N nodded slowly and Mark gave her a small smile. "I knew honey. I... I could see it the second Jimin walked in the house that first night. It was so glaringly obvious. And... and I think Jae knows too."

"What? What do you mean? Why would you say that?" Y/N's eyes were wide, her mouth dropped open in shock.

Mark turned to me and gave me a wry smile. "Jae mentioned it to me. A couple of days ago, we... we were making pancakes together and Jae asked me if Jimin was his dad. He told me... he told me that Jimin looked like him, said that Minnie looks like him." Mark shrugged. "I didn't know what to say so I just changed the subject. We talked about Legos instead."

As Mark spoke about my son, I couldn't stop the flash of envy that coursed through me again. I hated that I missed out on so much of his life, learning all the little things about him. I wanted to know him like Mark knew him. "We... we just found out today. I suspected it the first time I met him so Y/N got a DNA test done."

Mark chuckled, the sound almost coming out forced. "I... I didn't know you two were that close."

Grinning over at one of the two loves of my life, I nodded. "Yeah. It's... it was a surprise to all of us. Definitely not something any of us expected."

The sadness on his face was evident and I couldn't help but feel a rush of pity for the man sitting in front of me. I knew exactly how he was feeling, like he had just lost something amazing, something so wonderful he didn't know how to feel about it all. "I knew... I knew there was someone besides Jin, someone that still had a hold of your heart. It... it makes sense to me now. I always used to see the three of you together at the company and thought... thought something was going on, but then you left and it..." Mark shrugged and I knew he was thinking of that awful time.

Y/N reached over and squeezed his hand. "You're so special to me and you've... you've been amazing these last few years. You protected me, took care of me and helped me with my son. The love you've shown Jae is nothing short of remarkable." Y/N's voice was soft as she spoke and I could feel the gratitude radiating from her in waves.

Mark blushed and he tugged on a strand of her hair, a gesture that seemed so familiar that it made my heart ache. I looked over at Taehyung and I could see the envy on his face as well, the uncomfortable sensation that someone was so close to our girl. However, neither of us said anything since we knew Mark was the one that was there when we weren't, when we couldn't be. "You know I'll always take care of you and Jae."

Mark wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulder, giving her a quick hug before releasing her. He quickly stood and gestured towards the bag in his hand. "I better go put this stuff away." Giving us a small smile, he hurried into the kitchen.

Taehyung moved to Y/N's side. "Okay. Tell me all about Jae. If Jimin's going to be daddy then can I be Papa Tae? I want to be close to him too." Taehyung's voice was excited and I knew he was almost as happy as I was. Y/N laughed and Taehyung began a barrage of questions. I wanted to stay and hear about my son, but there was something I needed to do first.

Standing up, I grabbed the empty glass that was on the table, giving the excuse that I wanted some water and headed into the kitchen. Mark was leaning over the sink and I could tell from his posture that the whole thing bothered him. He turned quickly as I came in and I could see the tracks of tears on his cheeks. Part of me wanted to leave the room and let the man have his moment of sorrow, but the other part of me couldn't.

"Um... did you need something?" Mark hurriedly wiped his face and I handed him a tissue that I had pulled from the box on the counter. He took it and gave me a dry smile.

"You love her." I knew it wasn't coming out as a question and I hadn't intended on it that way. I knew how Mark felt about her. It was obvious every time he looked at her.

Mark blew his nose then gave me another smile. "Probably almost as much as you do." He folded the tissue in his hand and I could see he had more he wanted to say. "I... I had hoped the last three years that she... she was moving on from Jin, from the shitshow that her life had become. I was hoping that I could help her heal her heart and then she... she could trust it to me. I just never... I guess I didn't realize that she had those feelings for you and Taehyung too."

From the look on Mark's face, I could tell his heart was breaking but I didn't know how to make it any better, make it any easier. He just found out the woman he loved was in love with another. It was the same way I felt when Y/N had fallen in love with Jin. It shattered my heart and I felt like I was broken on the inside. Now that she was back in my life, there was no way I was going to let her go, especially knowing about Jaehyun.

Wishing I could find a way to soothe Mark, I racked my brain, but I knew there was nothing I could do. This was something he would have to work through, but I knew there was one thing I could do. Putting a hand on Mark's shoulder, I gave it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you." Mark tilted his head at me in confusion. "Thank you for taking care of my son when I couldn't."

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