Chapter 6

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I sat in the chair, next to Jimin as he was going over the program the graphic design department used. My hands had finally stopped trembling after my encounter with Mina. Januel had asked me to watch the desk for a moment when the insufferable woman had come in.

"Where's Januel?" Mina had demanded, without even saying hello first.

"She has gone to get coffee," I had explained. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Mina's voice had dropped to a sickly sweet tone. "There sure is honey. I need you to pull up Kim Seokjin's travel accommodations for me," she had said with a smile.

I had shaken my head in refusal. I had heard Hoseok instruct Januel to not share the information. "I apologize ma'am. I do not know that information," I had said.

"Then what are you doing here in the first place? You're completely worthless and useless," the vile woman had spouted out.

"Mina! That's enough. You have no right harassing my interns for information about Jin," Hoseok had replied, his voice quiet with rage. He had come out of the office and had heard Mina's words to me.

"Hobi darling," Mina had said, her voice sweet again. "I just want to known where Jinnie is."

Hoseok had stood there, his face tight with anger. "If Jin wanted you to know where he was, he would have told you himself. Leave my intern alone and stop harassing the people in my department. Better yet, stay out of my department. You have no business down here. If I see you down here again harassing my employees, I will have no choice but to report you to the CEO for unprofessional behavior."

Mina had looked at Hoseok in shock, before turning around and stomping out of the office, slamming the door behind her.

Hoseok's face had relaxed and he had approached me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" he had asked.

I had looked down and realized my hands were shaking. The woman definitely made me uneasy. This was my third encounter with her and each time was worse than the last. "I'm okay," I said. "She... she just made me a little nervous."

Januel had come back in at my words. "Is everything alright honey?" she asked, setting the cups down on the desk and reaching for my hands.

"She just had a run-in with Mina," Hoseok said. "If you see that woman up here again, please let me know immediately. I'm sick of her shit."

Januel look surprised at the anger in her son's voice. "Of course Seokie," she said with a gentle smile.

Jimin came into the office, worry on his face. Hoseok had explained the situation and that's how I was currently sitting next to him, watching him work through a program as he tried to keep me occupied. He must have noticed my distracted look. He put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. "Don't even think about that snake lovely. She's not worth it," he said, a delicate shudder running through his body.

I nodded and directed my attention back to the program. "Is this the program everyone uses?" I asked.

Jimin shook his head. "Not everyone. There's a couple the company purchased for the design department, but this one is the most user friendly to me. It's easy to work with and tech support has always been helpful when I've had to call them," he explained.

That made sense to me. I had learned in my design program that the best programs weren't always the most expensive ones. Jimin went through the program, showing me a couple things then moved his chair back. He gestured me to slide in front of his computer.

"Play around with it a little. It's also very error friendly so if you make a mistake, it can always be undone," Jimin said.

I hesitated but then started moving the mouse around, messing with the graphics, the fonts and the colors. Jimin passed me a paper. "This is the next idea for the show coming out. This is the concept from the planning department. It's a horror film and these are some of their ideas. See what you can come up with," he said with a smile.

I looked down at the paper, reading over the descriptions. It didn't look to be too challenging. I opened a new document on the computer and started messing around with character designs. Although real actors would play the parts, the effects in the film would be CGI.

I got caught up in the design and didn't realize Hoseok had come in behind me until I heard a slight cough. I turned around in shock and he smiled at me. "Looks good Y/N," he said. "You've definitely got some raw talent. A little bit of time with Jimin and you'll be leading the department and taking over my job."

I gave him a shy smile. "I'm nowhere close to that, but thanks." I turned to Jimin who had pulled out a tablet and was working on something else. "Sorry Jimin. I didn't mean to take over your workspace," I said, looking down at my hands.

Jimin reached over and patted my shoulder. "No problem lovely. It was fun to watch you work. You definitely get immersed into it," he said, giving me a smile.

"Actually Y/N, I know you are supposed to be out of here at 5, but would you mind hanging out a little bit longer. Jin is flying back today and wants to meet you. A kind of quick greeting since you'll be working directly under him starting tomorrow," Hoseok said.

I wouldn't be working for Hoseok anymore? My disappointment must have shown in my face. "Oh no worries. You'll still be in this department, but since there are two of us, we each have our own intern. Mine is supposed to be coming tomorrow. Actually, I might ask Jin if he wants to switch. Since he hasn't met you yet, he probably won't mind," Hoseok said, a thoughtful look on his face.

"It's no problem. I can stay as long as you need me to," I said with a smile. Hoseok gestured for me to stand up. "Since you're supposed to be working with Jin, let me take you and introduce you to Hana. You'll still be in the same department here, but you'll report to Jin."

Hoseok led me out of the large design room and down the corridor that his office was in. He stopped at the door across from his and opened the door. It was very similar to the rest of the building, all black, white and chrome. A kind looking, middle-aged woman was seated at the desk. She looked up when we entered and gave Hoseok a polite smile.

"Good afternoon Mr. Jung," she said respectfully. "What can I do for you?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes at her polite words. "Hana, please! Hoseok or Hobi is fine. You've been Jin's secretary for how long now?" Hana gave him a much more genuine smile and he laughed at her. "Why you like messing with me?"

Hana laughed and turned to me with the same genuine smile. "You must be Y/N, the new intern," she said, standing and reaching out a hand to me.

I extended my hand and nodded my head. "Yes ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you," I said politely.

"Please call me Hana. We're going to get to know each other pretty well," Hana said, giving me another smile.

"I would have brought her by sooner, but I know that with Jin being out of town, it's kept you really busy," Hoseok said.

Hana nodded her head. "It sure has been. It will calm down a bit since he's returning this evening," she replied.

"We've had her working with Jimin today," Hoseok said, gesturing to me.

Hana raised an eyebrow at him. "You've subjected this poor girl to Jimin already?" she turned to me. "I'm so sorry my dear."

I laughed at her response. "I've really enjoyed him. He's so funny and made me feel very comfortable," I replied.

Hana smiled at my words, but then hesitated. "He must not have flirted with you yet," she said. "Jimin is a wonderful person, but people tend to feel... uncomfortable around him."

Hoseok shook his head. "Nope. Him and Taehyung already got to her. They're convinced they're going to share her. She immediately took to both of them," Hoseok explained.

Hana let out a relieved laugh. "Thank goodness. They're both harmless, but some people just don't understand them," she said.

"That's ridiculous," I said, feeling oddly protective over the two boys who had taken me in right away. "They're sweet, kind and so unbelievably talented. People are too judgmental when they have no right to be." Hana and Hoseok looked surprised at my words and I realized my tone. "I'm... I'm sorry. I have no idea what came over me," I said quickly, looking down at my hands.

"Oh no my dear. You're absolutely right," Hana said reassuringly. "We just don't see many people defend the two of them."

Hoseok patted my shoulder. "Jiminie and Tae are some of my closest friends. Trust me. It makes me feel good to know they have someone else in their corner," he said with a bright smile.

"In whose corner?" a voice asked.

I turned and the most beautiful man I had ever seen was standing in front of me. Holy shit! Someone kill me now because if I'm not standing in front of an angel, I want to be. He had blond hair, the fullest lips I had ever seen, and broad shoulders. He was wearing a gray sweater and a pair of dark dress pants that hugged his long legs. I stood there in a shock for a moment.

The man held out a hand to me, pulling me from my reverie. "You must be Y/N. I'm Kim Seokjin, but please call me Jin."

This was my boss? Oh damn! I wasn't going to survive this internship.

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