Chapter 60

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Three weeks later...

Jin POV:

"How are you feeling today Mr. Kim?"

I looked up to see Dr. Samuel Han, the doctor who had been treating me for the last three weeks coming into the room, his traditional white lab coat hanging open and his stethoscope around his neck.  I nodded in response, not exactly sure how to answer that question, never really sure what to say when someone asks me that question.  "I think... I think I am okay today."

Dr. Han smiled, the gesture polite.  "And the memories?  How are those coming along?"

My memories.  The ones that I had lost.  The ones Mina had taken away from me.  "They're..." My voice trailed off and Dr. Han nodded in understanding. 

"It's alright Mr. Kim.  You have been through quite the ordeal the last few weeks and things are going to be challenging.  It's not something that is going to right itself overnight or even over several months.  Your mind was conditioned to believe things that were categorically untrue and that is not something that is going to be easily fixed."  Dr. Han looked down at the clipboard in his hand, clearly annotating something on my chart.  "What about the nightmares?  Are you still having those?"

I nodded.  "Um... yeah.  They're not as bad and it's not... not so much with Mina anymore, but with... with Y/N."  Ducking my head down, I fiddled with the blanket covering my legs.  "I... I'm standing in front of her, the gun in my hand again.  She's begging me to not... to not kill her, but... but I do."

Dr. Han made a sound in his throat, some indiscernible one that I couldn't identify.  "There are a few reasons that could be happening.  You could be still feeling the guilt for threatening to kill her and your mind doesn't know how to process it.  You could be dealing with residual anger with everything that happened."  His analysis made sense and I nodded.  He stayed for a few more minutes, encouraging me to write down what was happening in my dreams, letting me know it might help me process it. 

Once I was left alone, I let my mind wander back to the last three weeks.  The memories had started to slowly come back once I was weaned off the medication I had been on.  Although they had been hesitant to talk about it, worried that it would affect me mentally, the doctors had told me about the clinic I had been a part of.  I had learned that the clinic I had been in was not one that was practicing safe medical practices and the drug I had been given was an experimental one designed to mess with the receptors in the brain that controlled memory.  It was why I had no recollections of Y/N and the life we shared, the life that I was now missing terribly.

Y/N.  Just thinking of her name made feelings of guilt wash over me like a wave.  The memories of her had been slowly coming back, slowly returning.  I remembered meeting her, falling in love with her, wanting to marry her.  I remembered going with Hoseok to choose a ring, a delicate pretty one that would have looked beautiful on her, would have fit her perfectly.  All of those memories were so clear and it made me wonder how I ever managed to forget in the first place.  I had hoped that after the truth came out, she would forgive me, come see me, but I had been in the hospital for three weeks but she hadn't come to see me once.  And honestly I couldn't say I blamed her.

Anytime I closed my eyes, all I saw was the look of fear on her face as I pointed the gun at her, the soft gasp of terror as I threatened to kill the little boy that was in her arms.  Every time I thought of it, I hated myself a little more each time.  And my hatred for Mina grew even more.  I knew that everything I had gone through, every tear, every nightmare, every bit of pain I had caused was due to her actions, to the things she had done and the plans she had made.  It made me sick to know that I had married the woman who had destroyed my relationship with Y/N, destroyed my relationship with the guys. 

Thoughts of my friends hurt almost as much as thoughts of Y/N.  Namjoon had visited me once, but the conversation had been polite, almost stilted.  There was nothing left of the open caring relationship we had, the closeness we had once shared.  I hated to hear it, but Namjoon had given me a short replay of the shit that had gone down the last few years.  From meeting Y/N and my relationship with her to the accident to the memory loss, the wedding to Mina.  As Namjoon had spoke, it almost felt like I was hearing a story, hearing the story of someone else's life.  Before he had left, Namjoon had given me a smile, a small one, but it was a smile just the same.  It gave me a sliver of hope that I might be able to work my way back into their hearts, earn their trust once again.

Yoongi had also visited me once, but it was even worse than the visit with Namjoon.  I could see the uncomfortable look in his eyes as he had hovered by the doorway, barely able to step into the room with me.  He had adored Y/N, just as much as the rest of us and I knew that everything that had happened to her had hurt him.  I had showed him the photo of the little boy, asked him about the child I knew to be her son, but Yoongi was hesitant to speak and it made me wonder if there was something I didn't know.  Was the little boy my son?  Was he the only reminder left of the love we had shared?

Although I knew it wasn't possible, there was still something in me that held out hope that somehow, someway we would be able to work things out, that we would be able to pick up where we left off.  It had been years, but part of my heart still belonged to her and always would.  She was the first woman I had ever really loved and if I was being completely honest with myself, the only woman I had ever really loved.  The love I had felt for Mina was a result of manipulation and the longer I was away from her, the more my memories returned, I knew that it wasn't real.  None of it was.

I felt so lost in my own pity sometimes that I didn't think of the problems my actions had caused, the difficulties that existed because of me.  I knew I had made some horrible mistakes and they were ones that I wondered if they could ever be forgiven.  The mere idea of it terrified me and made me want to lose the little bit of lunch that I had managed to force down.  Part of me knew that I wasn't entirely to blame, that I had been manipulated, but at the same time, another part of me argued that I knew things were off, that things were strange.  I had just chosen to ignore it, push it aside and pretend it never happened.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I barely heard the knock on the door.  It came a second time and this time, the door opened slowly and the woman that filled my thoughts stepped into the room, looking just as beautiful as I remembered seeing her.


"Y/N?  W-what are you doing here?"  Jin's voice was filled with surprise, filled with shock. 

I hesitated, not even sure why I was there.  Jimin and Taehyung had begged me not to go, but I knew I needed this closure.  I needed to say goodbye to Jin once and for all.  It was something I never had the chance to do and it left a sense of things being unfinished.  After I had explained it to the guys, they had given me smiles and understanding looks.  Taehyung had offered to stay with Jaehyun when Jimin volunteered to take me to the hospital and I had readily agreed.

Jimin had been silent on the way, his hand gripping mine tightly, holding as though I might disappear if he let go.  "I'm... I'm just afraid that you're not... you're not going to come back to us."

I had squeezed Jimin's hand gently.  "No Jiminie.  Please... please don't think like that.  I love you.  I love Tae.  I... I want to be with you both and I promise I won't change my mind.  You're the only ones I want."

From the look of relief that had appeared in Jimin's eyes, I could tell my words had reassured him and I knew it was what he needed to hear.  "I'm so in love with you.  Please... please don't ever leave us, ever leave me."

I shook my head.  "Not going to happen.  I love you both too much.  Plus, I'm sure Jae would not be happy." Jimin had laughed at my comment and I knew it had help to ease some of his anxiety.  Over the last few weeks, the relationship with Jimin and Jaehyun had flourished.  Jimin had fallen into his new role as dad so well and I could see the happiness in both of their faces.  As hard as it was for me to admit, Jaehyun had quickly become a daddy's boy, always wanting Jimin by his side, wanting his dad to read to him, hug him, play with him.  Jimin had clearly had a hard time saying no, often getting down on the floor to play with our son.

The relationship with Taehyung and Jaehyun was amazing as well.  I had worried that Taehyung might be angry that Jimin had fathered a child with me, but Taehyung accepted my son like his own.  Jaehyun adored his Papa Tae, probably as much as Jimin, and clung to the other man as well.  Seeing the three of them together made my heart feel so full and I knew this was where I wanted to be.

Jimin had stopped the car in front of the hostile and I could see the tension he was feeling from the way he had gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.  "Please... please be careful."

Leaning over, I had pressed a kiss to his full lips, still unable to believe that I was able to do that with him, kiss him like he was mine.  Jimin had wrapped his hand in my hair, pulling me closer to him, refusing to break the kiss and I couldn't help but grin against his lips. 

I had been hesitant getting into the relationship with Jimin and Taehyung, full of doubt that this was not going to work, but little by little they helped to alleviate all of my fears.  Over the last three weeks, both Jimin and Taehyung had been affectionate with me.  Sweet kisses as we all snuggled on the sofa after Jaehyun had been put to bed.  They had no problem showing me attention and it helped to show me how much they did love me.  Bit by bit, the fears had dissipated until there was nothing left but love and trust. 

The relationship hadn't progressed past kisses and part of me wondered why.  Did they not want that part or were they waiting for me to be ready?  I just didn't know and I was in more of a hurry than I thought to find out.  As I kissed Jimin in the hospital parking lot, I had carded my fingers through his hair, gently tugging on the strands.  He had moaned into my mouth and the sound went straight to me.  After he had pulled back, I could see the raw hunger in his eyes.  Had they been waiting for me to make the first move?  It was one of the reasons I needed the closure with Jin.  Once this situation was over, I could fully move on with Jimin and Taehyung.

Now here I was standing in the doorway of Jin's hospital room, staring at the man who I had once loved.  There was nothing left of that love now, nothing that could even resemble what we once shared.  He had destroyed that the moment he decided to believe Mina over me.  Although he had saved me from Mina, had taken the bullet, he had threatened to kill my son and that was something I could never forgive.

"Hi Jin.  How... how are you feeling?"  I was hesitant to move further into the doorway, not sure how he was going to react.

Jin sat up further, adjusting the blanket that was stretched over his legs, the same bleached white blanket that was in all hospitals.  He was wearing a hospital gown with some strange print and I could see the IV's and other tubes and wires connected to his arms. "I'm... I'm better now.  I was hoping you would... would come see me."

My eyebrows rose in confusion at his words.  "Why?"

Sighing, Jin picked at the edge of the blanket.  "I remember everything.  I remember who you are, who you were to me, what... what we were to each other."

Nodding my head, I didn't know what to say.  Part of me felt terrible since I knew none of this was actually his fault, that he hadn't known what he was doing, that he was being manipulated.  However, the other part of me kept holding on to the memory of him pointing a gun at my son and threatening to kill him.  That simple action made me believe that he deserved the absolute worse.

"You can... can sit down."  Jin pointed to the chair next to his bed and I slowly moved towards it, sitting on the edge.  We sat there in silence for a moment and Jin sighed.  "I'm... I'm sorry.  I don't know what to say to make this any better, to fix what I did.  I hurt you in the worst way possible and I know... know you can never forgive me for that."

"Jin?  I actually do forgive you.  I know you were being manipulated and that the things that were happening were not you.  I knew... I knew it wasn't the man I had loved."  Jin's eyes teared up at my words, spilling over and sliding down his handsome face.

"Y/N?  I'm so fucking sorry.  You were the love of my life and I just... just pushed you aside like you were nothing and it kills me now to know that."  I could tell by the look on his face that there was something he wanted to ask, but there was clear reluctance in his voice.  "The... the baby?  Is he...?"

Surprised by Jin's question, I hesitated then shook my head.  "No.  He's not.  We... we got a DNA test done and Jae?  He's Jimin's."

The flicker of hope that was in Jin's eyes disappeared and I could see the hurt cross his face.  "From the night I...?"

"Yeah."  I wasn't sure how much information I wanted to give him about me, about Jaehyun, about things going on with Taehyung and Jimin.

Jin nodded.  "I know... I know I don't have the right to ask this question, to ask this of you, but do you think there's anyway we could maybe... maybe start over?  I made a lot of mistakes with you and I want the chance to fix them, make things right." 

I wasn't lying when I told Jin I forgave him for everything that happened with Mina, with us.  I knew some of it was happening when he was essentially being controlled and manipulated, but the threats to Jaehyun?  That was something I could never let go. I let out a sigh and looked down at my hands.  "I'm sorry Jin, but I can't.  My relationship with you, everything that happened between us, is something I want to put in the past.  I have a son I need to think about now and he is the most important thing in the world to me." 

"Um... oh."  I looked up at Jin and my heart broke a little for the pain in his eyes, on his handsome face.  There was probably always a tiny part of me that would love him, love the man he used to be, but my feelings died completely for him the day he pointed a gun at my son. 

Standing up, I reached over and squeezed his hand.  "I got to go.  I only wanted to come today and check on you.  Make sure that you're doing all right."  Leaning down, I kissed his cheek.  "Take care of yourself, all right?"

Jin nodded.  "I will.  You... you too okay?"

Giving him a last smile, I left the hospital room, ready to close that chapter of my life.  Would I see him again?  It depended on whether the friendship between him and the others would ever right itself, but nothing could ever be the same between him and me as it was before. 

Jimin was leaning against the car, chewing on his nail when I exited the hospital.  He looked up at my approach and I could see the worry in his eyes.  "Is... is everything okay?"

Nodding my head, I wrapped my arms around his waist, needing to feel close to him.  "Yes.  Everything is great."

Leaning back, Jimin studied my face for a moment then a grin broke out across his.  "Okay lovely.  Let's go home."

A/N: Epilogue to Forgotten coming next week!

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