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Two days only in bed gave me a lot of time to think and listen to music.
I guess I did my best to sort everything out with myself and deal with emotional pain.
However, I'm still sick and my head hurts like hell.

Anyways, as I said, I listened to a lot of music, like a LOT of music.
And I've come to realise that I wanna animate. Not only a few seconds but a whole song.

To give you an idea of what that means:
I normally animate with 8-10 fps (frames per second). Good hd games have 60-80 fps but most games have 20-40 fps. Depending on your computer of course. Movies are at least 25 fps. Never less than that.
So, of course I can't handle that since I have to draw every frame myself and don't have a team of artists that draw for me nor do I want that.
Still, it's obviously not gonna be easy. The song I wanna animate is called I was here by Beyonce and is 2-3 minutes long. That means I'd have to draw around 150 frames. And that's surely not going to be easy.

The point is, I want your help. This will probably be a long time project, maybe it'll take me months only for the sketches. I can't tell yet.

So, I'll tell you what I need people for and what you need to be one of those people.

I need:
2-3 people for backgrounds
3-6 people for colouring
1 person for character design
1 person that can time the frames to match with the lyrics
1-2 people to keep me motivated

What you need:
For Backgrounds:
Be able to draw digitally. Phone or computer doesn't really matter as long as you can manage a rather high resolution (1200×1600 pixels). Sadly, I can't accept traditional art here.
Also, have a good idea of perspective and viewing angle. It's not really important whether you can draw good or realistic, I just don't want it to be flat like paper. It should be a bit dimensional.
For colouring:
Be able to draw digitally. Phone or computer doesn't really matter as long as you can manage a rather high resolution (1200×1600 pixels). Sadly, I can't accept traditional art here.
Be durable. Colouring will be the most exhausting part, no doubt, so I need you to be determined on this. I don't need someone who gives up after 5 frames. Don't forget, you'll have to colour 25-50 frames at least, depending on how much fps I can hangle and how many people are willing to help me. It won't be easy but I never said that.
Also, having an e-mail address would be awesome. But it's not necessary. It would just save me and the people who colour a lot of work.
For Designing:
You need to be creative of course. However, I will need to limit you a bit to make it easier for myself. I want the character to be male and a furry, simply because I can't draw human feet. Also, make him wear clothes and please don't overdo it with detailing. Remember, I have to draw that character over a hundred times so complex fur coloration and complicated shirt designs are a no-go. I don't really care about anything else but a long tail would be welcome cuz I love those :3
Traditional and digital art are both okay, however, you'll need to draw a fullbody reference sheet from back and from front.
I expect much from you.
For Timing: (I really hope you can do this, Dark_Angel_7)
You'll need to have a lot patience. Timing is really annoying if you got audio. You need to time the frames so that they'll match with the lyrics, meaning that you have to listen again and again and again. I don't really know how many frames I'll make, but in the end, it'll be you who decides the fps. That includes that you'll maybe have to cut out a few frames and/or duplicate frames to make it match. Of course I'll try my best to get the frames in correct time by ear measure but in the end it's up to you.
That means that you need to know how to measure. Inother words, some kind of program with which you can play images like a gif with certain fps or a website like that would be necessary. I'd leave that up to you.
An email address is important here so you can send me the frames and the number of fps that you cut this out for.
(I really hope Angel can help me with making it into a movie clip cuz I really dunno how to do that)
For motivating:
Well, you need a LOT of patience, determination and durability here. I'm a lazy person and I'm surely not one to draw 150 fucking frames. In the back of my head, I really want to, but my laziness will most likely win if I don't have one or two people to yell at me to get some frames done. I need you to remind me and motivate me to do this project.
This is probably the most important jobs cuz if no one does it, then the other jobs are not relevant cuz I'll never get more than 5 frames done that way. I know me. Believe me.
A Wattpad account is enough for this job.

So, now that you know what you need, you can decide what and if you want to do (something).
I won't force you or be like "it would make me happy if" cuz that'd just making you feel guilty so you'd do it and that's basically forcing.

I can only do this project if we get enough people to help me. Maybe I'll even need more people to help. I don't know yet. This is all just an idea.
However, if you get a job as background drawer, wait for me to finish all these frames first. I wouldn't want you to have unnecessary work.
Also, I obviously can't start without my character reference so whoever does that should do it within a week or less.
You can take more tgan one job but you have to take full responsibility for all of your jobs. Also, if there are many people volunteering and if I feel a need for more help, I'll add people into the background and colouration jobs.

I pick whoever I think is suited for the jobs, for example people with similar art styles or people whom I know of that they're pretty good at a certain terrain. I'd advise yu to volunteer for the jobs that you and others think that you're best at.
Also, this ain't first come first serve. I'll tale 1-3 days to decide. Please don't be sad or angry if I don't pick you. I just don't really like big groups and I suck at working in groups in general so I try to keep it small but big enough so that the people I work with won't have so much work.

Lastly, if we can get enough people, I'll make an account specifically for this project. I'll decide on a name when the times come.
On this account, I'll maybe sometimes post a little sneak peek but to the people in the project: please don't post any contents cause I don't wanna spoiler so much.
After this project is done, the account will either rott away or be kept active by one of the others.

So, i hope we can do this, if not, then not. I won't force you. It was just an idea but it'll probably give me the most work whichsucks but hey, you told me you liked my sketch animations so maybe a longer sketch animation would be in your favour, too?
Welp, now I've got a headache from Staring at my phone screen for so long. Also, respect to the people who read this. Took me an hour to write.
Bye :)

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