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[Requested by SassyCC for the cover design :)]
[A day late, happy belated birthday Alexander Hamilton <3]

[AU where they live in a house/apartment outside of their college, Alex still in his last year and John graduated, Alex having come from the Caribbean a year ago to go to college here, meeting John shortly afterwards]

John whistled to himself as he strode into the household, opening the door with a swing and grinning widely, "Wifey, I'm home!"

There was silence for a moment.

"I'm not your wifey!" A voice called from down the hallway of that house that John and Alex shared.

John chuckled before making his way into the hallway of the house, looking to a doorway to his right, looking into the living-room to see Alex on the couch with his glasses on, attempting at pulling his tie up. John's grin fell to tender smile as he saw Alex and his attempts at tying his tie and growling in frustration when he couldn't.

"Need some help?" John murmured as he made his way into the living-room and approached Alex, stopping beside him where he sat on the couch, now slumping back against it in defeat.

"I'm an not throwing away this tie, but I really want to." Alex huffed.

"Here," John knelt down to Alex's seated height and held his tie, slowly beginning to retie it, "I've showed you how to tie this how many times now?"

Alex gave John a slight glare as he looked away.

John simply chuckled in return.

"Seventeen times..." Alex muttered bitterly.

John paused, looking up to see Alex's frustrated, flustered features before letting out a laugh, "You counted?"

"Counted? Of course I counted! Numbers make up information that's important, John." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Yeah?" John chuckled as he pulled up the tie and leaned back, resting his hands on Alex's knees to look directly at him.

"Yeah, numbers are absolutely essential," Alex nodding as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Ew, math." John got up to sit beside Alex.

"Not just math, but...history." Alex nodded once again.

"I graduated college last year, Al— I don't need to learn anymore." John groaned as he let his head fall onto Alex's shoulder.

Alex couldn't help but smile with a sigh as John looked up at him with wide eyes, "I mean dates."

"Dates? We could go on a date, Yeah." John grinned widely.

"I mean dates as in days." Alex snickered as he put his arm around John's shoulders, pulling him closer, John not minding one bit.

"Like events, you mean?" John sighed, a bit disappointed as he liked the other kind of dates that he had suggested.

"No, the fruit." Alex dead-panned before continuing, "Things such as when Valentine's Day is-"

"-Which you almost forgot last year." John mumbled.

Alex rolled his eyes, "We've been dating for under a year, John, nobody took the time to tell me this,"

"Cos you went straight from the Caribbean to a scholarship, boyfriend goals, huh?" John winked.

"PfT, you're boyfriend goals." Alex kissed John's head, earning a small giggle of joy from John, "Valentine's Day, Which I'll remember this year," he added the last part quickly, "That your birthday is on October...twenty eighth— and you want to cosplay as a matching costume this year,"

"Aw," John rubbed his cheek against Alex's shoulder affectionately, causing Alex to smile lovingly.

"And that mine is tomorrow." Alex closed his eyes to rest his head on John's, though immediately John's head smacked square into his jaw, causing him to hiss out in pain.

"ALEX WHAT THE HELL!?" John cried out as he leapt to his feet.

Alex immediately felt panic rise as he leapt to his feet as well, "Wh-what, what, what's wrong? Did I- what did I do? Was it me?" Alex sounded absolutely confused and concerned.

"YES!" John threw his hands up, causing Alex's eyes to dull guiltily; John quickly noticed this and shook his head, putting his hand on the other's shoulder, "No, No, I mean- why didn't you tell me it was your birthday tomorrow?"

Alex paused before blinking, "Because it's actually Uh, today?" Alex shrugged.

"ALEXANDER HAMILTON!" John shrieked.

"JOHN LAURENS, WHAT?" Alex shrieked back.

"You are not going to go to work today." John put his hand on his hip.

"Why not?" Alex pouted.

"Because it's your birthday, Alexander!"



"I'm another year older...closer to death...yay?" Alex frowned in confusion.

"...Have you never celebrated your birthday?" John's face dropped into an astonished look.

"Why would I?" Alex scrunched his shoulders up to his cheeks.



John began to pace, pinching the bridge of his nose, "This is horrible!"

"Sorry..." Alex mumbled sheepishly.

"No- no- Alex, I don't mean-" John groaned before taking in a breath and turning to Alex, "I'm such a terrible boyfriend for not knowing it was your birthday, that's what's upsetting me."

"Really?" Alex's smile resumed as he approached John, "Because that's pretty ridiculous."

John furrowed his brow, "What do you mean?"

"John, you're probably the best boyfriend in the room, the best that I know of, and the best— well, of all time really." Alex grinned.

"...That's probably not true." John chewed on his cheek.

Alex placed his hand gently on John's cheek, "I knew that people celebrated birthdays...I just never saw the point..." He shrugged.

"The point receive gifts from those that you love and appreciate those around you..?" John sounded unsure.

"Well that's not special."

"Yeah it is!" John argued.

"You give me the gift of your freckle-spotted smile every day that I get to be around you, isn't that exactly what you just described as a birthday celebration?" Alex smiled genuinely.

"You sound so ignorant about this but you're the smartest person I know..." John mumbled as his eyes shone brightly.

"I'm just not accustomed to everything yet." Alex shrugged, still keeping his hand against John's face.

"We could grab a fancy dinner if that's what you'd like?" John suggested.

"My birthday doesn't change the fact that I'm still a poor college student." Alex chuckled lightly.

"With a job." John pointed out.

"A job that provides a roof and pays bills and minimal groceries." Alex countered.

"Then I'll use my turtle-bank money." John nodded.

"You'll have the smash the turtle." Alex frowned, knowing that would hurt John greatly.

"I'd do anything...for you dear, anything, for you mean everything..."

"Everything to me."


SassyCC You were right, I am obsessed.


John felt himself melting, not even trying to stand up but rather letting himself fall forward, Alex yelping as John fell forward, resting his chin on Alex's head.

"You were wrong for once, Al." John's voice was muffled by Alex's hair.

"That's impossible." Alex snickered.

"You're literally the best boyfriend ever."

Alex couldn't deny such facts.

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