Chapter 10 " Forever Falls & Fleetway (Y/n)'s Sudden Change"

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Ruby's POV Location: Team RWBY's Dorm Room

I was in my dorm getting ready to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about my brother and all the things he had been through without us and instead had his new family with him.

Ruby: *Mentally* I wish (Y/n) could forgive us but Dad just had to slap and call him names again. *Sighs* I should talk with him and see what could happen between us.

I was getting out of the bathroom and saw Blake reading, Weiss finishing her homework, and Yang doing push-ups.

Yang: 95-96-97-98-99-. *Gets interrupted*

Weiss: Yang, can you be a little quiet?!

Blake: *Looks up from her book* I have to agree with Weiss on this one, I do want to finish this book without any distractions.

Yang: Well unlike you two, I want to get stronger to be the best Huntress.

Weiss: *Annoyed* Look Xiao-Long, all of us want to be the best Huntresses but that would also mean we need to study, and that's something that you wouldn't know.

Yang: *Angry tone* And what is that supposed to mean?! 

Weiss: It means you're nothing but a du-. *Interrupted*

I decided to intervene before this got out of control, I didn't want one of my teammates and sister to get into a fight and get hurt.

Ruby: *Shouting* YOU TWO, PLEASE STOP FIGHTING JUST FOR ONCE! *Calms down* All you do is argue all the time.

After I finished speaking everyone went silent. Yang didn't say anything and got onto her bed, Weiss went back to doing her homework, and Blake went back to reading her book as usual. I walked out of my dorm with a smile to talk with my little bro but I saw Jaune standing outside of his dorm which was weird.

Ruby: Hey Jaune, how are you doing and why are you outside? Are you locked out?

Jaune: *Nervous* W-what? N-no, I'm just ummm thinking that's all.

Ruby: Oh ok, well I'll talk to you late-. *Gets interrupted*

Jaune: Ruby, do you think I'm capable of leading, being a leader like you and (Y/n)?

I didn't know what to say, Jaune thinks I'm a great leader which I sometimes think that I'm not and I don't know about (Y/n).

Ruby: *Smiles* Jaune you're a great leader and a great friend as well but you gotta ask for help when you need it and besides you have Decoy (Y/n) helping you. *Looks at Jaune* So please tell me what's going on and why haven't you been hanging around us anymore.

Jaune: *Looking down* If I told you then you wouldn't be my friend anymore and then will tell Opzin.

I opened my mouth to say something but Jaune's scroll started to vibrate, he looked at it and put his scroll back in his pocket. 

Jaune: *Fake smile* Hey Ruby, I have to go but I'll talk to you on the field trip tomorrow, okay?

Ruby: Ok Jaune, see you tomorrow. *Mentally* Jaune, I wish you could tell us what's wrong. *Sighs*

I was walking to Team Sonic's Dorm and luckily for me, they were two just two doors away from mine. Once I got there, I knocked on the door and I heard the sound of Sally and Lucy saying "Just a minute", while I was waiting I kept thing that maybe (Y/n) wouldn't forgive me, that this is a stupid idea and that I should go back to my dorm to go sleep. But I was snapped out of my thoughts because I saw the door open and Lucy and Sally were in the doorway.

Sally: How can we help you-. *Looks at Ruby and speaks in a disgusted tone* Oh hello Rose, how can we help you?

Lucy: And the fact you and I have the same last name makes me sick.

Ruby: *Nervous smile* Well, you see... I um... just want to talk with (Y/n)... If you don't mind. *Looks down* 

Sally: *Sighs* He's not here, you see our shower is broken so we had to shower in another room.

Lucy: I just got back from taking my shower and (Y/n) is still taking his.

Ruby: Oh okay, well thanks anyway. I'll um talk to him later. *Bows down* Sorry for disturbing all of you, good night.

Lucy/Sally: And good night to you as well.

Lucy closed the door and I was walking back to my dorm so I could get some sleep for tomorrow, on my way I couldn't stop thinking to myself about how to make up to (Y/n) for everything I did to him.

Ruby: *Mentally* Little brother, I won't give up on you, and I promise I'll make it up to you no matter what.


Sally's POV Location: Team Sonic's Dorm Room

Lucy closed the door after Ruby finished talking and left. I couldn't stop thinking about why she and her family kept trying and trying to make it up to (Y/n), I mean if they want to make it to him they should leave him alone.

Tails/Yuri: Hey Lucy, Sally who was that?

Sally: It was Ruby.

Tara: *Confused* What Ruby? What does that little bitch want?

Lucy: She wanted to talk with my brother, that's all.

Tails: *Confused* And why does she want to talk with him?

Sally:  I have no idea. *Sighs and looks at Tara and Lucy* Tara And Lucy, do you know when (Y/n)'s coming back?

Lucy: He said after a few minutes he'll be back but also said he wants to test a new form and show it to you girls.

Tara: I wonder what his new form could be. *Thinking and starts blushing*

Tails: *Looks at Tara* What are you thinking about Tara?

Yuri: It's not that cold, so why are you blushing?

Sally: Yuri's right, it's not that cold. So what's on your mind?

Tara: *Nervous* Nothing, just thinking about some food ok!?

I see Tara cover herself with her blankets and went to sleep quickly, I looked at Yuri who was finished reading a book called "Scrappink Island", then I looked at Tails who finished working on a new gadget, and finally I looked at Lucy and she was going to bed while looking at her scroll. I went to my bed ready for the big day tomorrow.

(Y/n)'s POV Location: Shower Room

I just finished taking my shower and I gotta say it was refreshing but the staff could have fixed the one in my dorm and I took a new form to look more human.

[Your human form]

[(A/n): Pretend the hair is (H/c). Also, I'm sure you weren't the human form to come back.]

I was walking out of the Shower Room and heard Jaune with...Someone else.

Kage: *Mentally* That was Jaune's voice, wasn't it?

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* It was his voice but who are the other ones?

(Y/n): *Mentally* Well, if you two stop talking at once. I could find out.

Lamia: *Mentally sighs* Boys. 

To be honest, I really dislike it having both Kage and Lamia in my head especially when they talk with Fleetway (Y/n), I followed Jaune's voice and saw him with Team CRDL.

Kage/Lamia/Fleetway (Y/n)/(Y/n): *Mentally* What the hell is Jaune doing with them?!

Cardin: So Jauney boy, did you bring what we wanted?

Jaune: *Sighs* Yes I did.

I see Jaune pull out about eight bags of chips and a box of sodas.

Cardin: *Smiles* Thank you, see was that so hard to do? *Smirks* And if you keep this up, we won't have to tell Opzin or Goodwitch about you secretly getting into Beacon.

Kage/Lamia/Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* So that's what they're doing...

(Y/n): *Mentally* They're blackmailing Jaune. If only I could do something but I can't because if they see me, they'll tell on Jaune.

It was true, I can't do anything. I felt powerless to help my friend but that was when Lamia had an idea. 

Lamia: *Mentally* (Y/n), look at Cardin and his stupid teammates' shadows.

I looked to see their shadows but didn't understand what she meant.

(Y/n): *Mentally confused* Lamia I'm not following, what am I supposed to see?

Kage: *Mentally and takes control of (Y/n)'s left arm* Let me do it. *Smirks* this will be so much fun.

I couldn't control my left arm and Kage said "This will be fun", he was now controlling Sky and somehow made him punch Cardin in the face. Cardin was looking at Sky all pissed off.

Cardin: *Yelling at Sky* WHAT THE FUCK SKY?!?!

Sky: It wasn't me Cardin, I mean it was but I wasn't the one in control?

I looked at Jaune who was walking away from this, once he was far from Team CRDL I transformed back to my true form and ran in front of him making him scared, and fell on his butt.

Jaune: (Y/n), don't do that!

(Y/n): *Scratches his ear and closes his eyes* Sorry Jaune, *Extends his hand and lifts Jaune up* What's going on with you anyway? *Smiles* Come on, you can tell me. We're friends after all, right?

[You scratching your ear]

Jaune: *Sighs and looks away from (Y/n)* I...I faked my credentials.

(Y/n): What does that suppose to mean?

Jaune: It means when something is used to indicate someone is suitable for something.

(Y/n): *Opens his eyes* Oh ok, keep going.

Jaune: Like I said I faked it, I'm not supposed to be here and Cardin is going to tell Professor Ozpin or Professor Goodwitch if I don't do what he wants.

(Y/n): *Puts his hand on Jaune's shoulder* Look bud, you don't need to worry about it. I mean do you really think Cardin and his teammates have the guts to say something, don't you think Professor Opzin and Professor Goodwitch already know about your credentials?

Jaune turned to face me with a scared expression and was about to say something until I keep talking.

(Y/n): And don't worry pal, *Smiles* if they would kick you out, they would talk to me, I see potential in you, a great flame that never dies, and I can tell with the right guidance you will be stronger.

Jaune: You think so?

(Y/n): I don't think so, I know so. Anyways, I gotta go but Jaune... just remember to live life to the fullest with no regrets.

Jaune: Thanks (Y/n), I'll keep that in mind.

(Y/n): Fist bump? *Extends his fist*

Jaune: Sure* Fists bumps (Y/n)'s fist*

After I fist-bumped Jaune and walked back to my dorm while Lamia, Kage, and Fleetway (Y/n) were talking to me in my head.

Lamia: *Smiles mentally* Damn, you starting to sound like father aren't you?

(Y/n): *Mentally* Thanks Lamia and how did Kage control Sky's shadow like that?

Kage: *Smirks mentally* Well, you see since Lamia and I are filled with Dark energy, we can control anyone by using their shadows, and if their hearts are filled with Darkness then we could draw more power from that make that person our puppets, so since you're a Wind dragon and then that makes Lamia and I Darkness dragons. 

Wow, I couldn't believe that both Kage and Lamia are Darkness dragons but now if I think about wouldn't that make me a Darkness dragon along with being a Wind dragon cause they're both inside of me and making the three of us the same, right? I don't want to think about it too much because I'm way too tired when I got to my dorm I saw Yuri, Tails, Lucy, Tara, and Sally already asleep, I got to my bed losing my strength, and went to sleep.

3RD POV Timeskip to by Team Sonic playing Tag with each other as kids

It was the next day and Teams Sonic, RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL were all walking with Gylnda inside the forest that is called Forever Falls.

Gylnda: Yes students, the Forest of Forever Falls is indeed beautiful. But we are not here for the sights.

Tara: Then why are we here?

Gylnda: You see, we are here because Professor Peaches [(A/n): This makes me think of the song Boswer sang in the Mario movie lol.] asked all of you to collect some samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you don't die while doing so.

(Y/n): Don't worry about us Professor, Decoy and I will make sure to keep all of us safe and Jaune will help out, right Jaun-. *Looks at Jaune and stops talking*

(Y/n) saw Jaune carrying a box and five empty jars that belonged to Team CRDL.

Decoy (Y/n): Hey Jaune, do you need some help with that?

Jaune: I uhh...Well-. *Gets interrupted*

Cardin: He doesn't need help freak, *Looks at Jaune* Jauney boy can do this all on his own.

Yuri: How about doing your own things, instead of making other people do it like our friend here, and don't call my boyfriend a freak.

Russel: Or how about you and your boyfriend stay it FREAK!

Half-Fleetway (Y/n): *Looks at Russel and speaks in an angered tone* Russel, if you ever EVER call my girlfriends a freak, I will break every single bone in your body. *Shouts* GOT THAT?! 

[Your Half-Fleetway Form]

Russel backed away from (Y/n) for two reasons, (Y/n)'s sudden eye change and if even with his teammates Russel knows he would be dead than the last time they fought against Team Sonic.

Jaune: (Y/n) it's okay, I volunteered to help them.

(Y/n) took back control and could tell Jaune was lying but didn't do anything because Gylnda was there with them and didn't want to risk Cardin telling her Jaune's secret.

(Y/n): *Sighs* Alright, good luck I guess?

Gylnda: Okay, so I want all of you to stay with your team and make sure all of you stay safe, and have fun.

Decoy (Y/n): *Mentally Umm, a moment ago you were telling us we could die, but now you're telling us to have. WHAT THE HELL WOMAN?!?!

Cardin: *Grabs Jaune by the arm* Come on buddy let's go!

Jaune looked up to see Pyrrha who had a disappointed face and the same could be said for Team RWBY, and Team Sonic except (Y/n). Jaune walked with Cardin and his team while everyone else walked with their teammates.

Lucy: Hey big bro, do you think Jaune will be okay?

(Y/n): I don't know sis, but I'll be back ok?

Lucy understood what her brother was going to do while she went to tell Tails, Tara, Sally, and Yuri and Tails decided to follow (Y/n) to make sure Jaune would be okay. It's been 15 minutes of (Y/n) and Tails looking at Jaune doing everything Cardin and his teammates telling him what to do and while looking at him, (Y/n) remembers something similar to what is happening to Jaune but with his old family.

(Y/n)'s POV 9 Years Ago

Tai: *Shouting in anger* (Y/N), WASH THE FUCKING LAUNDRY!!

Summer: And when you're done with that, make us dinner got that?

(Y/n): *Shy and nervous* Y-yes mo-mom.

My mom got up, walked toward me, and when she got close to me, and slapped me in the face really hard making me cry.

Summer: *Angry tone* Don't you ever and I mean EVER call me mom. *Grabs (Y/n) by the hair* You got that!?!?

These were some things this family made me do but that wasn't the worse of it, they would make me clean the house, get food from the forest, paint the house by myself, and catch some fish even though I'm scared of water and much more.

3RD POV Back in the Present

Tails: *Whispering* Hey (Y/n), are you alright?

(Y/n): *Snaps out of his thoughts and whispers* Yeah, I'm fine Uncle Tails.

Both (Y/n) and Tails noticed that Team CRDL and Jaune were hiding on a cliff at first they didn't know why until (Y/n) saw Pyrrha and figured out what was going to happen Tails wanted to go down but his nephew stopped him wanting to see what Jaune will do.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Alright, Jaune time to know what kind of a person you are.

Tails: *Mentally* Let's see what Jaune will do right now.

Jaune's POV

Jaune: *Looks at Cardin* Cardin, what's going on?

Cardin: Payback.

Jaune: *Looks at Pyrrha* On Pyrrha?

I see Pyrrha turn her back behind while getting more sap from the tree.

Jaune: What are we-. *Gets interrupted*

Cardin: That's the girl, red-haired know-it-all who thinks she's so smart. *Pulls out a box from behind his back* Alright boys, last night ol' Jaune here managed to round an entire box of rapier wasps, and now we're going to put them to work.

Cardin pulled me up to my feet and I thought he was going to punch me but it was much worse.

Cardin: And you're going to do it, hit her with the sap! Either that or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch and you'll be out of Beacon.

I looked at the sap and then back to Cardin who was smirking and so were his teammates, I turn to Pyrrha and was ready to throw the sap at her but I couldn't she is one of my closest friends.

Jaune: *Serious tone* No.

Cardin: *Confused* What?

Jaune: I said *Throws the sap at Cardin* NO!

Cardin: Oh-oh-oh. *Smirks* Now you've done it.

At this point Sky and Dove grabbed me and I knew where this is going, Cardin punched me in the face several times and then threw me to the ground where he kicked me in the stomach, and he picked me up, and made me look at him.

Cardin: I'm going to make sure they send you back to Mommy in teeny, tiny pieces.

Jaune: *Weak tone* I...I don't...Care what you... Do to me. *Looks at Cardin with a serious look* But you're not messing with my team.

I looked at Cardin and his face was filled with anger and all I could do was smile at this, I see him back up his fist ready to punch me so I closed my eyes for impact...But nothing happened, I opened my eyes and saw (Y/n) blocking Cardin's punch and Tails was holding the rest of Cardin's Team at gunpoint with his arm cannon.

[How you're blocking Cardin's Punch]

Cardin: *Confused and scared* W-what, where did you come from?

(Y/n): *Ignores Cardin* I knew you had it in you Jaune, you really understood what I said last night about living life with no regrets that motto belongs to my father and now I'm living my life with no regrets! *To Cardin* And as for you Cardin, blackmailing someone for your own gain just because you're a weak fool? How low can you get?!

(Y/n) grabbed me and got us out of there, all I did was smile at him but the moment was ruined by a loud roar. All of us turned around and saw an Ursa, it punched Cardin to the ground while the rest of Cardin's team ran away, I looked at Cardin and saw him pull his mace ready to hit the Ursa but it smacked his mace away from him. I looked at Tails and (Y/n) who were just looking at Cardin.

Jaune: *Worried* Guys, we got to do something.

(Y/n): *Closes his eyes* I don't know Jaune, maybe this is a good lesson for Cardin to learn from.

[How your eyes are closed]

Jaune: So you're going to let a human being die?!

Tails: No he isn't.

(Y/n): My Uncle is right, *Opens his eyes* I want you to fight that Ursa and save Cardin.

Jaune: *Shocked and confused* What, why me? I can't fight an Ursa like you.

Tails: You can and you will, *Looks at the Ursa* the Ursa only uses strong attacks so it doesn't have much speed in it to attack you quickly.

I couldn't think of what Tails told me and he and (Y/n) were making defeat the Usra and save Cardin by myself, and all I could think was...

Jaune: *Mentally* God why me?


While (Y/n) and Tails were distracting the Ursa and Jaune was getting Cardin out of the fight, the rest of Teams Sonic and JNPR heard a loud roar.

Ruby: Did anyone hear that?

When Ruby asked that everyone saw Russel, Dove, and Sky running away while Russel was yelling...

Russel: *Worried and yelling* Ursa! Ursa! *Bumps into Yang*

Yang: *Holds Russel by the shirt* What, where?

Russel: *Scared and nervous* B-back -th-there. *Points to the direction where Tails, Jaune, and (Y/n) are at* It's got Cardin!

When Pyrrha heard that, she got worried not because of Cardin but for...

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Ruby: *Mentally* (Y/n)! *Outloud* Yang, you and Blake go get Professor Goodwitch while me, Tara, Sally, Lucy, and Yuri go help them.

Tara: Looks at Ruby* First of all, don't tell us what to do, and second of all. *Gets interrupted*

Yang: *Angry tone* We don't have time for this Tails, Jaune, and my brother would die!

Yuri: *Puts her hand on Tara's shoulder* Look Tara, I hate to say this but Ruby's right.

Lucy: *Confused* What, how is he right?! *Points at Ruby*

Sally: Don't you remember what happened in the initiation when Fleetway (Y/n) took over (Y/n)? He loses his aura.

Yang: I remember that but Fleetway (Y/n) can only take control whenever (Y/n) is stressed-. *Realizes* 

Lucy: So if my brother gets stressed enough Fleetway (Y/n) takes control and he'll get killed?!

Yuri: If (Y/n) takes back control whenever we're near him and that always works whenever someone close to him sees as Fleetway (Y/n) but when we're not nearby Fleetway (Y/n) could just get the both of them killed. 

The information Yuri told everyone made Ruby, Yang, Lucy, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren worry because if (Y/n) loses his aura to protect him, he might die, and Pyrrha knows that Jaune can't fight.

Pyrrha: *Looks at Nora and Ren* You two, go with Yang and Blake! There could be more Ursas!

Yuri, Lucy, Ruby, Tara, Weiss, Sally, and Pyrrha got their weapons out and rushed to (Y/n), Tails, and Jaune's location while Jaune had already got Cardin out of the fight, (Y/n) was letting Fleetway (Y/n) have control and he knows he can't fight the Ursa because whenever Fleetway (Y/n) takes control he can't use his aura and isn't able to summon his weapons. Jaune looked at his scroll and saw (Y/n)'s aura while Tails had snuck something into (Y/n)'s quills. 

Jaune: *Worried* (Y/n), get out of there!

Fleetway (Y/n): *Dodges the Ursa's claws* No Jaune. *Dodged another attack* There are times when you can't run away even if you think it's a fight you can't win!

Tails: Fleetway (Y/n)?! Why are you in control?!

Fleetway (Y/n): Thought I would turn over a new leaf. *Chuckles*

Jaune got his shield ready and ran to (Y/n) to protect him from the Ursa's claws saving his life.

Jaune: *Mentally* (Y/n) is right, I can't walk or run away *Struggling* not anymore, this time I'm staying and I will prove to everyone I belong here.

Yuri, Tara, Lucy, Sally, Pyrrha, and Weiss have arrived at the location where (Y/n), Tails, and Jaune were at.

Lucy: Big bro, Catch!

(Y/n) heard his family and saw his sister throw a golden ring at him and he grabbed it and the ring transformed into a sword he didn't expect it was...

(Y/n): *Shocked* EXCALIBUR?!?!


Jaune looked at (Y/n)'s new sword and wanted to finish the fight by himself.

Jaune: (Y/n) let me finish this, I want to prove myself, to prove I can protect everyone just like you and your father.

(Y/n): Jaune...I know but you're going to need this to take the Ursa down. *Hands Jaune Excalibur*

Jaune: (Y/n), I can't take this it belongs to-. *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): *Smiles* Jaune, as your friend you can use my sword.

Tails: *Mentally* Sonic would be proud of his son right now. *Files to the girls' location*

Jaune grabbed (Y/n)'s sword and got to his battle position ready to strike down the Ursa but was stopped by (Y/n) confusing Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Pyrrha. 

Ruby: *Confused* Why is (Y/n) stopping Jaune.

Yuri: You just don't get it, do you?

Weiss: *Confused* What are we supposed to get?

Tails: (Y/n) is explaining how to kill the Ursa to Jaune.

With (Y/n) and Jaune

(Y/n): *Serious tone* Jaune, you're a sword fighter so you got to focus on striking the Ursa in the right spot.

Jaune: *Looks at the Ursa* Okay (Y/n), but where do I strike it?

(Y/n):  Strike it on the lower half but I want you to hit with full strength *Smiles* and don't worry pal, I'll make sure the Ursa doesn't get you k.

Jaune: *Worried* But (Y/n), what if you get hurt?

(Y/n): *Smirks* Are you forgetting who I am? I'm the fastest thing alive! Just don't worry about me and show this Grimm that fire in you.

Jaune looked at (Y/n) and felt like he could do this.

(Y/n): *Shouts* NOW!!

Both (Y/n) and Jaune dashed at the Ursa while it ran at them, Jaune saw the Ursa was getting ready to strike but was by (Y/n) kicking it off balance. Back with Yuri, Tara, Sally, Ruby, Weiss, and Pyrrha were all surprised at what they were seeing while Tails and Lucy were cheering for their friend and relative and Pyrrha was happy to see Jaune was taking this fight seriously but that moment soon vanished when she saw the Ursa getting to ready to punch Jaune again.

Pyrrha: *Shouts with worry* JAUNE LOOK OUT!!!

Jaune looks at Pyrrha and then looked back at the Ursa and closed his eyes for the hit but it never came. Jaune opened his eyes to the worst scene possible, he saw the Ursa's claws digging deep into (Y/n)'s right arm, and Jaune was angry and stabbed its stomach with Excalibur.

Jaune: *Shouting with anger* HOW DARE YOU *Digs deeper into the Ursa's stomach* YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND!

The Ursa was killed and Jaune threw Excalibur to the ground running to (Y/n)'s side with everyone following scared that (Y/n) was dying.

Everyone but Tails/Lucy/(Y/n): *Shouting and tearing up* (Y/N) NOOO!!!

Jaune: *Holding (Y/n)'s hand* C'mon man, please be okay, don't die now.

Ruby: *Tearing up* Please *Sniff* don't die. *Sniff* Please...

Yuri, Tara, and Sally didn't say anything but had tears in their eyes while Pyrrha and Weiss felt the pain of losing a friend until they heard Tails chuckling.

Yang: *Pissed* What's so funny, Tails?!?!

Tails: *Chuckling* Look at what is near (Y/n)'s hip. *Laughing*

Everyone looked at (Y/n)'s hip and saw a golden ring meaning it has protected (Y/n) from death and heard him laughing.

(Y/n): *Laughing* Man, now I know how my dad feels after taking a hit when holding a ring to save him.

Lucy: Yeah, it hurts like hell for a few seconds but it doesn't really hurt right big bro.

Everyone except the trio from Mobius was pissed and had their weapons scaring the trio causing them to run away while shouting...

(Y/n): *Shouting* DON'T HURT ME, I'M SORRY!!!

Tails/Lucy:  *Shouting* SHUT UP AND KEEP RUNNING!!!

Decoy (Y/n): *Arriving* What hell did I miss

Timeskip is brought to you by (Y/n), Tails, and Lucy running away from Team Sonic and Team RWBY

After that event, Cardin stopped blackmailing Jaune because Team Sonic and Team RWBY would show him the true definition of hell and Jaune gave (Y/n) Excalibur back to him. And everyone went back to their dorm but Yuri, Tara, and Sally were still mad after (Y/n), Tails, and Lucy did to them.

Lucy: Come on girls, we didn't mean to scare you like that. 

Tails: I just wanted to test if the rings still work as they did on Mobius.

(Y/n): I'll try my best to not do those again.

Yuri: Still, it was not funny you scared us to death.

(Y/n): I know *Looks down* it won't happen again...

Tara: How about this, we will forgive you three if (Y/n) takes Sally, Yuri, and me on *Blushes* a date.

This caused (Y/n) to blush the same way when he saw Yuri sleeping on top of him. 

[The way you're blushing]

Sally: *Blushing and stuttering*Ta-Tara what a-are you-. *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): *Blushing extremely* Ok, I'll do it.

This caused Tara, Sally, and Yuri to blush very red from (Y/n)'s answer and they now have to think that (Y/n) wouldn't mess things up on their first dates.

(Y/n): *Mentally panicking* ABORT ABORT ABORT! *Repeats*

At this point, (Y/n)'s scroll buzzed and he took it out, it was a text message from Ozpin reading "Mr.Lilac, can you please come by my office right now?"

Lucy: Who was it, big bro?

(Y/n): It was Professor Ozpin, he said that I need to go to his office right now.

Yuri: (Y/n), what did you do this time?

Tails: I bet my money on him breaking ten treadmills.

Tara: That would be hilarious. *Starts laughing out loud*

Sally: You really need to stop doing that.

(Y/n): Hey, I just wanna make sure I'm in a good fit* Gets up from his bed and walks to the door* I'll be back, and don't stay up too late. *Opens the door and walks out*

As (Y/n) was walking, he wanted to talk with Fleetway (Y/n) for a moment.

(Y/n): Hey Fleetway.

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* What's up?

(Y/n): Did you really mean it, about you turning over a new leaf?

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Yes, I want to turn over a new leaf.

(Y/n): *Smiles* Well, I'll be supporting you, pal.

When (Y/n) arrived at Opzin's office door and opened it seeing the Headmaster drinking his hot coffee in his seat, (Y/n) walked over to Ozpin's desk and was a little nervous if he was there because of the Treadmills.

(Y/n): Professor Ozpin, I'm sorry about breaking the treadmills.

Ozpin: Oh that? Don't worry about it Mr.Lilac, I already found a solution for that.

(Y/n): Really, what is it?

Ozpin: That for the other Professors and I to know and for you not to find out.

(Y/n)'s POV

(Y/n): Ok, so what did you need me for? *Gets excited* Do me and my friends get our first mission?!

Professor Ozpin: *Chuckles* No Mr.Lilac but one day you and your family will, but the reason I called you here was the School got a new student.

(Y/n): *Confused* Ok, Professor you can call me Sonic. But what do you want me to do, to show this new student around or-? *Gets interrupted*

Professor Ozpin: Well, yes and you see, normally we would have new students take the initiation but this one wanted a fight.

(Y/n): So what does that have to do with me? I mean I'll agree to it but I don't even know who this person is.

Professor Ozpin: Yoo see, he knows you and told me that only you would be suitable to fight him.

(Y/n): *Getting annoyed* But who is-. *Gets interrupted*

???: Hmph, hello blue hedgehog.

When I heard that voice, I knew who it was. I turn around to see...

(Y/n): *Surprised* SHADE?!?!


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