Chapter 6 "Team Sonic VS Team CRDL & A New Face"

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3RD POV Team Sonic's Dorm

Tara/Tails/Sally/Yuri: *Shouting with anger* YOU DID WHAAATTT?!?!

(Y/n): *Covering his ears* I'm sorry, but I had to.

Yuri: * A little angry* What gives you the right to get all of us in a fight?

Tails: *Calmed down* Well, he is the team leader so that gives the right...I guess.

(Y/n): Yeah, you can't say my father didn't do the same thing I just did...Although I guess I shouldn't get you guys into this.

Sally: Why did you get in a fight?

(Y/n): *Looks at Sally* You see, what happened was Team CRDL was picking on Velvet *Gets interrupted*

Tara: Wait, the rabbit faunus girl?

(Y/n): Yeah and I couldn't just stay back watching them hurt her, I just felt like doing something.

Tara, Tails, Sally, and Yuri looked at each other and were thinking about what they should do, on one hand, they could teach Team CRDL a lesson about respect but on the other if they don't everyone will think of them as chickens. After a few seconds of thinking they had their answers.

Tara: I guess I'll join, it beats being bored all day.

Tails: I always wanted to test my invention and I think this is a good test run.

Yuri: I'll help as well, I just can't let jerks like them do that to people.

Sally: If it means being with all of you, I'll join because I want to help. *Smiles Confidently*

When (Y/n) heard his girlfriends' and uncle's answers he was filled with confidence and determination.


Yuri: But as your punishment, you will sleep outside and with no video games.

(Y/n): *Shocked* WHAATT!?!? No, please but that...I mean I can handle sleeping outside but *Shouts* DON'T TAKE MY VIDEO GAMES PLEASE!!!

(Y/n) was on his knee begging...Until he heard Yuri and Tails laughing confusing him and (Y/n) looked up at Tara and Sally smiling.

(Y/n): *Confused* Uhhhh, what's so funny Yuri, Uncle Tails? *Looks at Tara and Sally* And why are you two smiling?

Tails: (Y/n), she's kidding about that. *Laughs*

Yuri: Do you really think I would do that to you? *Laughs a little*

(Y/n): Uhhhh...Yes?* Smiles nervously*

Yuri smacked (Y/n) on the forehead causing him to hold it and whine about it.

(Y/n): *Holding his forehead and whining* What was that for Yuri?!?!

Yuri: That was for thinking I would do that to you.

Tara: Dude, we would never do that to you... We're...We're

Sally: We're not like THEM, we care about you and you care about us. *Smiles*

Tails: Come on, we literally grew up together.

(Y/n) smiles at this and thinks about all the times they've been together, their friendship has never been spilt apart or ever been angry with each other for so long. (Y/n) stands up and walks over to his friends to give them a group hug and Sally, Tara, Tails, and Yuri returned it.

Tara: Well, *Throws her hands into the air* we should get to bed. We do have a fight to win after all.

Yuri: Tara's right, if we're going to teach Team CRDL a lesson we need to get some sleep.

Tails: I'll get some sleep later, I need to work on some final touches to my arm cannon.

Sally: *Joyful tone* Yeah, with the five of us together there is nothing that can beat us.

Somewhere in an airship

Summer: *Full of joy* I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MY LITTLE ANGEL!!! *Smiling*

Tai:  Same here Summer, it's been a while since... I have seen his face but the photo Oz sent us is strange.

Qrow: *Dinking* The photo of (Y/n) being a hedgehog? I must say he kinda resembles Sonic The Hedgehog in a way. *Turns to Raven* What do you think Raven?

Qrow saw his sister Raven looking down almost like she was nervous.

Qrow: *Concerned* Raven...What's wrong?

Raven: What if...He doesn't forgive us...For what we did to him all those years ago?

Tai: Don't worry Ray he will. *Mentally* I hope he does.

Summer: Raven...*Smiling* He will forgive us and we'll try to make up for those bad times.

Raven looked at her family smiling at them, they went to their seats ready to call it a night but Summer and Raven were deep in their thoughts

Summer: *Mentally* (Y/n)...Please forgive us... I promise we'll never hurt you again...Just come to my arms. [(A/n): And be reminded of you damaging his biological mother's last name?]

Raven: *Mentally* I hope you're doing well my child...And I hope you've forgiven all of us, please come back...Let's start over.

However Raven and Summer heard a teenage girl who was looking at a book talking about something.

[The Girl]

Lucy: I miss the good moments with Mother and Father but Mother is...Gone. But I like the woman Father is living with and the fact she took care of my big brother when he was in his time of need makes me so happy. Just wait big bro, your little sister is going to attend Beacon with you!

When Raven and Summer heard that, they were confused about so many things one being why is this girl looked similar to (Y/n)'s new body and why is she referring to someone as "big brother".


Timeskip Next day, on the way to Combat Class

(Y/n): And that's how we will win

Sally: Are you sure, I mean what if something happens?

Tara: Sally's right, they could have something planned.

Tails: Well, with my help we could outsmart them.

(Y/n): *Smirks* Tails is right and if they do have something planned, we'll just *Interrupted*

Yuri: If you say "hit them really hard" I swear to god, I'll smack you on the forehead again.

(Y/n) went silent not wanting to be smacked again. When Team Sonic entered Goodwitch's classroom and saw Teams JNPR, CFVY, and...Team RWBY.

Jaune: Sonic, are you sure about this?

(Y/n): *Smirking* Yep.

Ren: (Y/n)...I know what Team CRDL did was wrong but *Interrupted*

Decoy (Y/n): Don't worry Ren, I can tell you that (Y/n) and his family are very skilled in fighting so they got this in the bag.

Weiss: Not to sound rude, but do you really think that Team Sonic is that strong?

Yuri: Didn't (Y/n) and Decoy beat Team CRDL working together?

Blake: She does have a point Decoy and (Y/n) worked together to beat Team CRDL, so if Team Sonic worked together they could win.

Weiss got angry and concerned for a strange reason and started to explain what could go wrong but (Y/n) wasn't paying attention he was thinking about if he should use his super, fire, or ice form. 

(Y/n): *Mentally* Should I transform or do I stay in my base form?

Yes, (Y/n) was thinking about either transforming or staying in his base while knowing Fleetway (Y/n) could take control if he transforms into his super form due to being connected to his semblance and this made him scared because the day he unlocked his semblance he almost killed his family due to how uncontrollable it is. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Ruby and Yang walking towards him making (Y/n) move his hand away from them while having an annoyed expression.

[Your pose and expression]

[(A/n): Pretend the left eye is (E/c).]

Ruby: *Nervous tone* Hey little bro, how...How have you been?

(Y/n): *Annoyed tone* Just get to the point already.

Yang: (Y/n), please come back to us.

Ruby: We promise to change, we won't hurt you just *Interrupted*

(Y/n): *Angry tone* Just what? Go back to that living hell I once called home, to the people who always did nothing but hurt me while damaging my birthmother's last name?!?!

Yang: (Y/n), I know what we did was bad but *Interrupted*

(Y/n): You don't know, you and that red crybaby got whatever you wanted but for me, I got nothing but getting my whole body beaten up!!! And I dare you to strike me Xiao-Long!!!

Ruby had tears coming down her face and Yang was about to hit (Y/n) but stayed calm, that was when the bell rang and both of Ruby and Yang's scrolls buzzed.

Ruby/Yang: *Holding their scrolls* It's a text from Professor Opzin *Reading the text* "Will the two of you come to my office? I have someone who wants to speak with you. 

Both Ruby and Yang looked at each other thinking if they were in trouble and turned to (Y/n) who was smirking cause he knows they have to leave, he walked away from them not evening looking back at Ruby and Yang.

[The way you walked away from Ruby and Yang]

Ruby and Yang walked out to go to Opzin's office while Professor Goodwitch walked into class ready to pick the teams for the fight.

Glynda: Ok, let us begin. *Looks at her clipboard* First up, Team CRDL, *Looks up at them* who do you want to fight.

Cardin: *Smirks* We would love to fight the freaks! *Looks at Team Sonic* I hope you're ready for a world of pain!

(Y/n): *Already pissed* First of all, we're not freaks, and second of all *Smirks* didn't I beat the four of you with Decoy?

(Y/n)'s comment pissed Cardin and his team and they were ready to kick his ass more than ever.

Ruby's POV Inside the elevator to Ozpin's office

I kept thinking about what would Professor Opzin need me and Yang for and not just that, who was here to see us? I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around to see Yang with a questionable face.

Yang: Hey Ruby, do you know why they would call us for?

Ruby: No, I was actually thinking about that as well.

Yang: I wonder who's here to see us.

The elevator stopped and was opening but when it did, I saw it was my...

Ruby: *Joyful tone* MOOMM!!!

I ran up to my mom and gave her a big hug, I know it's only been two days since I have seen her but it feels like it was forever.

Summer: *Smiling* Hello my little cookie, how have you been?

Ruby: I'vebeengoodmom,howhaveyoubeen,didyoumissmemom,didyoudidyou?!?

Summer: Yes I did miss you, *Turns to Yang* and I missed you too Yang.

Yang: Hi mom, *Turns to Raven* and a hello to you mom, how have all of you been? *Smiling*

Raven: We've been well Yang, what about you?

Yang: I've...Been there.

My mom lets go of me and I see Dad and Uncle Qrow talking to Professor Ozpin about something.

Ozpin: *Smiling* Now that everyone is here, we can begin.

I got confused by what he said, I turn to Yang who was confused as well.

Yang: *Confused* Umm, Professor Ozpin what do mean you by "begin"?

Ozpin: Well, you see the reason I called the two of you here was *Interrupted*

Qrow: wait hold on a sec, you said everyone was coming. So where is he?

Ruby/Yang: *Confused* Where is who?

Tai: Where is (Y/n), you said he was here.

Ruby: *Mentally* Wait, did Dad say (Y/n)? Now I get it, they want to see him.

Summer: Ozpin, please tell me he's here.

Ozpin: He is but.

Raven: But what?

Ozpin:: *Walking to his desk* He and his team are in Gylnda's class and I think they're starting their fight.



Summer: *Worried tone*  Ozpin, he's just a baby he can't fight [(A/n): Sonic was a kid but yet he saved his planet more than once.]

Ozpin: I can assure you that Mr.Rose can fight and he's a great fighter too. * Grabs a remote* Just see for yourself.

Professor Opzin clicked a button on the remote he was holding and the room started to turn dark when it did a video played and it seemed it was being recorded right now.

Ozpin: Just sit down and watch the fight.

3RD POV Combat Class

Team Sonic and Team CRDl were now in the ring wearing their combat clothes and their weapons. Cardin's weapon was a large, black mace with ten flat flanges extended outward than a regular mace should and a red crystal placed in the center kept in place with four claws, Russel's weapons were a pair of short, curved daggers with a revolving chamber built into the hilt of each dagger and the chambers seemed to contain dust, Dove's weapon was a sword with a revolver mechanism and a short barrel built into the hilt that allows Dove to fire it one-handed as a gun while still being able to use it as a sword at the same time, and Sky's weapon was long dark-blue halberd with a large inward-curved axehead on one side and a smaller spike on the other side. As for Team Sonic Yuri had her staff which doesn't do much but her semblance it can freeze her opponents and create anything she can think from ice, Tails had his arm cannon that works very well with his semblance and a boxing glove mechanism built into his glove to give his opponents a strong surprise attack, Tara has her spear that she can use for combat but it also stores her two pistols, Sally had her glaive that doesn't use dust instead using her semblance, (Y/n) had nothing but he can summon the weapon he chooses whenever he wants to.

Cardin: *Smirking* This won't take long, I mean look at them. They have nothing but losers written on them.

Team Sonic on the other side of the arena had other thoughts.

Sally: They don't look that strong, I think in just 15 minutes we'll win.

Tara: *Smiling* Yep, all we need to do is to use our semblance and we're done. *Turns to (Y/n)* Right?

Tara noticed (Y/n) wasn't smiling or said anything making the family worried about him.

Tails: *Worried* Hey...Are you okay, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): *Shakes his head* No, I'm not okay.

Sally: What's wrong...Are you getting cold feet?

(Y/n): No, it's just...

Yuri: It's just what?

(Y/n): I'm kinda starving, I forgot to eat anything this morning.

Tara, Sally, and Yuri fell to the floor after hearing what their boyfriend said while Tails just smiled at his nephew.

Yuri: *Annoyed tone* Is that all you can think about?!

(Y/n): *Closes his eyes and starts scratching his ear* No, 'm also thinking we should hold back a tiny bit.

[The way you're scratching your ear]

Tails: *Hands (Y/n) a snack bar* Ok, first of all, eat this and second of all, why should we hold back?

Sally: Tails is right, why should we hold back when they are nothing but Faunus-hating people?

(Y/n): *Opens his eyes* I know but... I don't want to kill them, I just want to break a few of their bones that's all.

Yuri: For once (Y/n) is correct, if we use all of our strength on them we might kill them, and we don't want that now do we?

Tara: You're right. *Sighs* Fine, I'll hold back but I'm breaking their arms ok?

Tails: That's fine by me.

Sally: Ok, I'll hold back...But can we at least use our semblance? *Smiling*

(Y/n): *Starts blushing slightly* Yeah, that's fine but don't overdo it.

Everyone heard Professor Goodwitch speaking ready to announce the rules.

Gylnda: Ok students, before you start here are the rules number one, when you start you are not allowed to kill number two, when your aura drops to zero you're out but if you want to continue you can but it's at your own risk and number three when the fight ends you're not allowed to attack. Any question?


The rest of Team CRDL were laughing making some of the other students who were also faunus haters laugh. This made Sally sad and started to hold her dog ears and some tears were coming out causing (Y/n) to transform into his Semi-Dark form while holding his arm in front of Sally in a way to shield her.

[The way you had your arm out]

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c).]


Everyone stopped laughing and (Y/n) had a dark aura around him and his eyes were dark red meaning he is clearly pissed off.

[Your aura and the pose you're doing]


Everyone got scared to find out what would happen if they hurt one of (Y/n)'s friends, Sally hugged (Y/n) wanting to stop his anger before he does something he'll regret.

Sally: *Worried* (Y/n)...Please calm down... I don't want to see you like this...Please you promised.

At that moment (Y/n) looked around him and saw the horrified faces of the other students, he calmed down and hugged Sally while petting her head.

(Y/n): I'm sorry Sally...I won't let it happen...I won't let my anger get the best of me...Not when I'm around you guys. *Looks at Gylnda* Professor Goodwitch *Starts bowing* I'm sorry for shouting and swearing, I will take any punishment.

Gylnda: It's alright young man, you said something that should be known to everyone. *Smiling* I'm glad that you were the person to have said it. Now let the fight...BEGIN!!!

[Play this song]

Summer's POV Opzin's office

Summer: *Mentally* What was that aura on him? It doesn't matter I just hope he'll be okay.

When the fight began I saw my son charging at Cardin with a face that said "I'll kill you", He tried to punch Cardin but he dodged by ducking down.

Cardin: You missed.

(Y/n): Did I?

I could see the confusion on Cardin's face but that soon faced when (Y/n) kicked him up to the sky away from my son.

[The way you kicked Cardin]

[(A/n): Yeah, I didn't feel like recoloring this so pretend it's you.]

(Y/n) then jumped up to strike Cardin back to the ground with a kick in the face making me proud of him.

Summer: *Full of joy* Yeah, that's my son show them what you're made of!

[The way you kicked Cardin the in the face] 

[(A/n): Call me lazy but you have waited too long for this chapter and I don't want to keep you waiting.]

Qrow's POV

I couldn't believe it, my own nephew was moving so fast and kicked Cardin with full force

Qrow: *Mentally* Damn kid, how much did you learn and how did you get this strong and fast?

I then see one of Cardin's teammates walking up to him and helping him get on his feet.

Sky: Are you ok Cardin?

Cardin: *Holding his face* Yeah, I'm fine. That freak got a lucky shot, that's all.

Sally's POV at the fight

While (Y/n) was fighting Cardin, I was fighting Russel, and I can't lie he's really putting up a fight.

Russel: *Smirking* Oh, what's wrong, did the little bitch find someone who's better than you?

Sally: No, I'm just fine 'cause as long I have my family with me I'll beat anyone who wronged us and get stronger.

I started to use my semblance gathering my energy into my glaive.

Sally: And also I'm not *Pushes Russle's dagger back* A BITCH!

I pushed Russel's daggers and arms back and when I did I ducked down putting my glaive on the ground ready to release my attack.

Sally: Take this *Shouts* PHANTOM FIELD!

This released a big green energy field pushing Russel away and dropping his daggers. I walked up to him and put my foot on his arm preventing him from getting his dagger.

SallyL *Smirks* So, what was that about me being a bitch? Because it looks like the only bitch is under my foot.

Russel: *Smirking* I wouldn't be smirking if I were you.

Sally: *Confused* Why do you say that?

Russel: Look behind you.

I turn around to see Dove holding a container of Lightning Dust.

Sally: *Scared* Uh-oh.

Dove: *Smirking* Oh yeah.

Before I could run, Dove already cracked the container releasing the Lightning Dust on me making me scream in pain.

Tara's POV

Me and Yuri were fighting Sky and even though he's weak, I think he's getting what he deserves. I was about to strike Sky with my spear but I heard...Saly screaming in pain, I turn around to see her getting electrocuted.

Tara: *Shouting with worry* SAALLY!!

Yuri: Tara, what's going why did-. *Looks at Sally* OH MY GOD SALLY!

I start to Sally but I heard and saw a bullet hit the ground near me, I look to see Dove holding his weapon and giving me a smirk. 

Dove: Oh no you don't, if you want to get to her if you have to through me Freak!


I turn to see Yuri and Tails handling Sky, I then see (Y/n) who was almost done with Cardin and decided to get him to help Sally. 

Tara: *Shouts* (Y/N)!

(Y/n): What's wrong Tara?

Tara: You need to help Sally!

(Y/n) turned around and it didn't take a second for him to react.

(Y/n): *Worried* SALLY!!

Cardin: Hey, your fight is with me Freak.

I saw Carin grabbing his mace and strikes (Y/n) hard with the spiked point launching him to the floor while coughing out blood. I wanted to help him and Sally but Dove wasn't making it easy for me.

Dove: Like I said, if you want to help them. *Smirks* You have to get through me Freak!

Tara: *Pissed* I hope you don't as fast as your fucking mouth runs. *Mentally* I hope Fleetway doesn't take over (Y/n), we already have enough on our plate.

Raven's POV

I saw my spartan get hit by that Mace Kid and made him bleed, I just wanted to kill him for hurting my SON. [(A/n): What matter what you try, (Y/n) will NEVER be your son! He is Sonic and Amy's child.]


I wanted to use my semblance but Tai grabbed my hand.

Raven: Let go of my hand RIGHT NOW TAI!!

Tai: I know how you're feeling but going in there and killing that kid will only make you a killer.

Summer: Raven, please calm down. Tai is right you'll just be a killer.

I wanted to go there but they were right if I do that I'll be wanted for killing that kid. I looked back at my son and he was...

Raven: Where did he go?

(Y/n): Over here Cardin!

I looked at Cardin and my son was behind with his arm behind him like he was planning something.

[Your pose]

[(A/n): Pretend the eye is (E/c).]

(Y/n): I hope you're ready because I'm turning up the heat. *Shouts* YURI, THROW ME SOME FIRE DUST NOW!!!

I see the panda faunus named Yuri throw him a container of Fire Dust and (Y/n) caught it and used it on his body.

Raven: *Worried* Is he insane!?! He could burn himself. *Gets interrupted*

[Play this song]

Fire (Y/n): I'm not holding back anymore, I just hope you don't mind the heat. *Shouts* FLAME SPIRAL!!

A spiral of flames erupts from the ground and (Y/n) vanished leaving behind fire and started to attack Cardin with surprise attacks.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was finished with Cardin and ran in front of Dove surprising him.

Dove: *Surprised* Wh-what the hell?

I didn't even bother saying anything to him, I just punched him in the face giving Dove a little burn mark on his cheek, and grabbed him by the hair.

Fire (Y/n): *Coldly* If you ever hurt my family again, I will burn you to ashes.

I let go of Dove's hair making him fall to the ground hard, I turn to Tara and she had a concerned look on her face.

Tara: *Concerned* (Y/n)...Is it still you in control there?

Fire (Y/n): Yeah, it is still me Tara. *Serious tone* Now, let's go help our friends!

Tara took a second to think, she grabbed my arm and I ran back to see Sally getting choked by Russel making me even angrier.


I couldn't take it anymore and I transformed into my Dark Form and ran at Russel.

[Your dark form in case you forgot]


Russel turned around and before he could react I fired a dark energy blast at him making him fly to Dove. Tara and I walked up to Sally, Tara helped her get back on her feet, and I got the medicine of the mountain out of my belt.

Tara: *Worried* Hey Sally, are you okay? Do you need to rest?

Sally: *Breathing hard*Yeah...I'm fine and...No I can still...Fight. *Gets sad* Or maybe I can't...I lost against him because I was too stupid to think I was strong.

I reverted back to my base form and gave Sally a hug.

(Y/n): *Hugging Sally* No you're a great fighter, Sally.  They just don't know how to fight one on one and need to rely on their friends for help, while there's nothing wrong with helping each other they need to learn to fight by themselves.

I could see Sally smiling and that's all I want to see from her, to smile and never look sad. I let go of her and looked at Tara with a smile on my face.

(Y/n): Hey, Tara here. *Throws Tara a seed* Give that to Sally and I'll help Yuri and Tails.

Tara didn't say anything she just nodded her head but before I left I gave Sally a kiss on the cheek and gave one to Tara making the three of us blush.

(Y/n): *Mentally* I hope this works out.

I ran to help Yuri and Tails who were doing great in fighting Sky.

(Y/n): Hey guys, need any help?

Tails: As much I want to say yes...

Yuri: We got this but if the rest of his team comes to help then you can join, deal?

(Y/n): *Smirks* Deal.

Yuri's POV

Yuri: *Mentally* As I would love the help, Tails and I can do this on our own.

Sky tried to strike me with his Halberd but Tails used his Barrier Drone to shield us and I swung my staff to create an ice ring causing Sky to drop his Halberd, while he had no weapon I slammed my staff to create ice spikes around his weapon preventing Sky from getting it.

Tails: Surrender now and we won't hurt you...Badly. 

Sky: As if I would surrender to you freaks.

Yuri: We tried to make this easy for you but it seems we have to do this the hard way.

Tails and I started running at Sky but Cardin appeared oy of nowhere almost hitting me and Tails with his mace, Tails and I backed away from him before he could try to hit us again. 

Yuri/Tails: Damn it.

Cardin: *Smirking* What's wrong, did I ruin your chance to attack my teammate?

I was getting annoyed by the way Cardin was speaking and I could tell Tails was getting annoyed as well. I was ready to charge at him but felt (Y/n) put his hand on my shoulder.

(Y/n): *Smirking* Yuri, as much I would love you to attack him and the same goes for you too, Tails. I think I should be the one to kick his ass.

Cardin: *Smriking* Do you really think you can beat me? I mean, didn't I strike you?

(Y/n): *Cocky* Yeah you did strike me, but *Chuckles* I haven't used my full power yet. *Has his hand in front of him while the other is on his hip*

[Your pose]

[(A/n): Pretend the left eye is (E/c).]

Tai's POV

I was shocked to hear that my son hadn't used his full power yet.

Tai: What is his semblance and how can he be this strong?

Yang: I don't know the only thing Ruby and I know is that he has more moves than the ones he showed.

Team SRQ: *Shocked* WHAAATTT?!?!

I turn to see (Y/n) doing something.

[Play this song]

(Y/n): I hope you're ready for this, cause this is my true power!

I looked closer and saw his quills go up this made me and the family shocked but not my daughters, the whole arena started shaking and (Y/n) had gained a golden aura.

Tai: *Shocked What the...Hell.

Raven: *Shocked* What kind of power is this?

We all looked closer and saw the blue in my son's quills turned yellow and pointing upwards and his eyes were red just like Raven's eyes. I could see the fear in Cardin and his team.

[Your super form in case you forgot]

Super (Y/n): THIS is my full power and if you want to surrender, you'd better do it now or suffer a beating you never had before!

Cardin: *Scared* As i-if I'll g-give u-up.

I turn to see my family they...weren't scared but happy to see this mostly Raven.

Raven: It seems my spartan has gotten stronger.

Summer: Look at him, he has your eyes. *Realizes something* [(A/n): Yeah, no (Y/n) doesn't have Raven's eyes it's only the amount of chaos energy inside of him.]

I saw Summer get a worried expression and I knew why, I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

Tai: Don't worry we'll make this right...I promise.

Summer: No it's not that, it's just...I saw him having two eyes.

That was when it hit me, I turn around to see he did have two eyes but how? I kept thinking that maybe someone helped him or did something, I let go of Summer and went to talk with Ozpin about it.

Tai: Opzin, can I ask you something?

Ozpin: Sure, what is it?

Tai: Who took care of my son? [(A/n): Someone who cared about his wellbeing.]

Ozpin: That I can't say until Mr.Rose comes here, ok?

I just nodded at this.


Super (Y/n): Alright, time to finish this. *Realizes* But how should we?

Tails: Well, we could use your father's team attack he did with me and Knunkcles back on Mobius.

Yuri: Or how about using our Team Attack?

Sally: Yeah, just like we planned.


Tara: So, what are we going to do if they're really strong?

Yuri: Don't worry, they're not. They still have much to learn.

Sally: But didn't you say to never underestimate your opponent?

Tails: She did but...(Y/n) fought all four of them and they lost, so we shouldn't worry too much.

Yuri: Tailss is right, if Team CRDL lost to (Y/n), then they're not as strong as us. *Turns to (Y/n)* Isn't that right?

They all stopped walking after seeing (Y/n) wasn't talking to them but thinking more than usual.

Sally: *Worried* Is everything alright Sonic?

(Y/n): Everything is alright, it's just....We never got to use our Team Attack.

After hearing that Tara, Tails, Sally, and Yuri fell down.

Tara: Is that really bothering you?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Yuri: Ok how about this, when you want to or we need to, we'll use our Team Attack ok?

Flashback over

Super (Y/n): Are you guys ready?

Tails/Sally/Tara/Yuri: Yes.

They didn't waste any time, they started to beat the living shit out of Team CRDL Tails was using his arm cannon to blast them with a strong lightning beam.

Tails: That was for calling me a Freak.

Sally unleashed her Phantom Burst at Russel pushing him back and making him unable to move. 

Sally: *Mentally* That's for calling me bitch.

Tara was using her Lightning Spear to leave some cuts on Dove and electrocuting him all over his body making him unable to move or say anything.

Tara: If you ever hurt my family I will make it even worse.

Yuri was throwing Ice Rings and Ice Spikes all over Sky making him weak and begging for her to stop when she heard that, she jumped at one of her Ice spikes and kicked Sky down at Sky and Russel.

Yuri: That was for what you did to (Y/n).

And finally, it was Super (Y/n) and Cardin, Cardin was throwing punches and kicks but nothing Super (Y/n) was dodging them with a smirk on his face. 

Super (Y/n): *Smirking* What's wrong Cardin? It seems like you lost the energy to hit me. *Mentally* Even if he did hit me it wouldn't do much since I was invincible while in my super form.

Cardin: *Angry tone while throwing more punches* SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LOSE ALREADY!!!

Super (Y/n): Sorry but, *Punches Cardin in the stomach* I will never lose, but I can tell you one thing. *Grabs Cardin but the arm and start spinning around while shouting* I WILL NOT LOSE TO SOMEONE WHO DEOSN'T FIGHT FAIR, HURT OTHER FOR FUN, AND LASTLY.

Super (Y/n ) lets Cardin's arm go making him fall to his team but Super (Y/n) had something else in mind.


Super (Y/n) fired an energy beam at Cardin causing his aura to hit zero, and with all of that done Team CRDl was out cold. Super (Y/n) reverted back to his base form and walked back to his family, they all had the smile and joy of victory on their faces.

Sally: *Full of joy* WE DID IT!!

Everyone was giving a round of applause to Team Sonic for their win and back at Opzin's office, Team STRQ, Ruby, and Yang were cheering for (Y/n).

Tai: *Full of joy*Yeah, that's the way to do it, son.

Summer: *Full of joy* My son is a great fighter, my little angel can fight super fast like his own mother. *Pointing at herself* [(A/n): No, he learned how to fight from his true adopted mother and had help from his biological father.]

Raven: Umm, don't you mean me? He clearly learned all his fighting skills from me. [(A/n): How is that even possible? You weren't near him at all.]

Both Summer and Raven were now arguing about who (Y/n) learned his fighting skills from. Tai and Qrow tried to break them apart but only made it worse.

Qrow: Not to say anything but he learned his fighting skills from this guy. *Points to himself* [(A/n): Screw it, I'm done with these people.]

Summer/Raven: *Shouting* AS IF! [(A/n): Xigbar/Bragi/Luxu moment! If you don't understand what I mean, I suggest playing some kingdom hearts games.]

Tai: Yeah Qrow, it wasn't you...It was from me.

Everyone looked at Tai and started arguing with each other and ack in Gylnda's class after she was finished congratulating Team Sonic.

Gylnda: Congrats to the five of you, you're all excellent fighters.


Teams Sonic, JNPR, CVFY, Weiss, and Blake were all talking about Team Sonic's victory against Team CRDL, they had some laughs until (Y/n) received a text from Ozpin.

Tara: What's wrong (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I just got a text from Professor Opzin, he said *Reads the text* Please come to my office once you get this text.

Tails: What did you do this time?

(Y/n): Nothing I swear...Or maybe because I broke a few treadmills.

Jaune: How do you even break a treadmill?

Blake: Uhh, you do remember who his father is?

(Y/n): It's fine Blake.

Sally: Well, I think you should go out before you get in trouble.

Coco: She's right, you should go find out.

And with that (Y/n) started to walk to the elevator to Opzin's office while Tara was thinking that something could go wrong.

Tara: *Mentally* Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?

???: Ummm, excuse me. Do you know someone who goes by the name (Y/n) Lilac?

Sally: Who are you?

Lucy: I'm Lucy The Hedgehog, (Y/N)'s little sister. Nice to meet all of you. *Smiles*

(Y/n)'s POV inside the elevator

Once I was inside the elevator I kept my eyes closed and was thinking of why Professor Ozpin needed me.

(Y/n): *Mentally* What the heck did I do, did I break too many treadmills, I was sleeping too much in class, or because I was beating the living heck out of Cardin?

While I was thinking I heard the elevator stopped I walked out but kept my eyes closed.

(Y/n): *Eyes closed* Look, whatever I did I'm real *Interrupted*

???: *Joyful tone* (Y/n), is that really you?

(Y/n): *Mentally* Wait, that voice no it can't be. Please god, don't let it be THEM.

I wanted to believe I was wrong so badly but when I opened my eyes I saw it...My worst nightmare was in front of me.

Tai: Son we found you.


[(A/n): I'm so sorry this chapter took so long, I was busy with IRL stuff that I didn't have time to write this chapter but now chapter six is complete. See Yall later!]

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