This is a Crazy Idea....

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6:34 AM THURSDAY                                          1 DAY TILL THE WORLD ENDS

"James!"  I practically yelled jumping up and attacking him with a hug. James looked stunned.

"Hey Chloe," He said generally surprised. Suddenly everybody started talking at once.

"How do you-?" "What is that suppose to mean?" "I'm confused!" "Why didn't you wait?!" "Your the worst brother ever!" "what's with the paper?" "why are we all talking?" "Zach the eggs are burning."

"SHUT UP!" All of us swiveled around to look at the newcomer. She was my age and height with brown hair and brown eyes. Her hands were one her hips and she wore a black shirt with a green lantern symbol on it. A neon color strip of hair fell in front of her face.

"Uh...Who are you?" James asked. 


"Who?" What world is this girl from?

"Sabrina Green. And I'm from this magical place called realality." She said. Did she just read my thoughts?

"Yep. Don't worry Chase i'll get there in a moment." she waved a hand at us and suddenly we were all sitting the table with french taost and waffles on our plates. We all looked at her neverously as she dug into the food. she looked at us impateintly. "It's not poisoned and it will taste a whole lot better than Zach's cooking." 

"HEY!" He pouted.

"How come i can't read your thoughts?" Chase asked ignoring the food.

She threw her head back and laughed. "I'm the author silly!" We exchanges glances which were along the lines of danger-this-girl-is-crazy and author-of-what?. "Of you guys of course!" 

"Listen Things have gotten really confusing so I decided to make a speical apperance and have a breakfast with my favorite characters!" She said in all seriousness. "Now eat! I feel weird with all this food here and no one eating it!"

I picked up the fork and stabbed the french toast. She was right things were really confusing, but she just made even more so.

"Sorry little girl but the world's going to explode in-" James started but she interupted.

"23 hours 4 minutes and 15, 14, 13 seconds?" she asked innocently. "Yeah i know whats happening i also know who stole the good luck, why, and how you and Chloe are going to end up in the middle of an alien invasion without reason."

"What?!" I asked nonplussed. What the heck i don't even know what nonplussed means!

"It means perplexed. And you used it because I deciced you should." she shurgged "Down to business."

she waved her hand and the food and dishes disappeared. "Okay. Where to start?"

"Look! Has anyone told you you're a nutcase and-?" Zach asked

"Yep shut it Spaz and let me talk." She snapped. "That's not nice Sparky!" she glared at James. What is going on?! How did she know about our powers? Stalker?!

"Guys we should let her talk." Ivy said calmly.

"thank you!" She shouted. "You just earned another sketch book for later!"


"NO let me talk or it will be the shortest update ever! I promise!" we gave her a confused look. She sighed.

"Okay here's the point of me showing up." she whistled. "Explanations:

"From the very beginning, Chris found Van and they found out about their powers. Later the two meet Wendy and Chase who found each other. they started the Inn in order to find more mutants. Almost immediately Ivy tried to strangle the guy she had relied on for a drive back to her home state after a vacation when he tried to ditch her. Chase stopped her and they fell in love.

"Then they heard of a superspeed kid at a roller rink. There they found James and Zach who were best friends. They knew something was different about them but when Wendy offered them to hang out at the inn both denied. slowly Zach started to rethink and they got into an argument over it which involved Zach leaving James. Later James found out he could remember everything and the warps didn't effect him. James tried to stay away from the supernatural stuff and it backfired.

"The twins found thier way to the inn (thats a story for later though) and joined the family. Later Zach showed up and was starting to regret his decision to leave James. Zach started writing to his mom for advice-"

Chase snorted and everyone glared at him. "Oh come on guys! Writing to you mom for advice? Your such a mommy's boy!" Zach looked like he wanted to jump across the table and kill Chase but he calmly stood up and looked a the girl.

"Thank you for our five second breakfast but I've got to go before I murder a rather annoying teenage telepath." He said sending daggers at Chase before suantering back to his room.

The girl smiled and nodded. "Ok! Anyway Zach found out that by keeping an important object with you, you can advoid the time warp. I won't tell you what Zach or what James uses becuase someone in this room is going to betray everyone,  but I will say this: Fortune Cookies don't lie."

James sunk down in his seat and the rest of us shard a knowing look. My fortune wasn't exactly the brightest one ever...

"Now for the Van, Chase, Zach, James rivalry!  Zach never really forgave Chase for making that invisible wall for him to run into and Chase's constant put downs only fuel his dislike. James just tries to keep away from everyone.  Van didn't lke the idea that Chase would go around convincing people to give them money and Chase said he was being a baby. After Chase uh died both Zach and Van had different reactions. Van felt guilty when the man stabbed Chase and Zach rejoiced-"

"Stabbed Chase? I was told You were shot!" Ivy exclaimed to a shocked Chase.

"No. See?" He lifted up his shirt and a thin white Scar was just visiable across his chest. "I was jumped on the walk back to the Inn and I bled out. Who told you I was shot?"

"Van. But then Quinn-"

She was cut off by a laugh from Chase.  "Quinn? Quinn's a pathological liar! He makes up crazy stories all the time!"


My mind realed. Was it possible that that whole with Wendy was just a story too?

"So who were the guys chasing me? because I know they weren't MCD." James asked.

"Oh would you look at the time!" GreenNinjagal said looking ather arm and attempting to get up.

"You don't have a watch." I pointed out. "Answer the question."

"Svggdvjiljfdx." She murmmered like saying it out loud would cause the fabric of the universe to tear.

"What?" Everyone asked at the same time.

"Jinx." Ivy muttered.

"Seriously my time is up," The girl said as she started to fade. "The true bad guy isn't who you think... And James?"


"Get over it." With that the girl faded completely.

"Whoa guys look at this!" Ivy said. In her hands was a brand new sketch book and a case of shading pencils.

And that was the only thing to show that the girl had ever been there.

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