Incorrect Quotes

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PAB: Here's a little thought experiment. If you were given a box of everything you lost, what would it have?


Soul Veteran: My sense of purpose would be great to have back.

Soul Captain: I knew I lost my potential somewhere!

Soul Girlfriend: Mental stability, guys! That's where it's at! 

PAB: Can you three lighten up a bit...?


The Plushy Gang playing Monopoly (Travel Edition)

PCD rolls a 5.

SP: Oooh, welcome to Rapa Nui!

PCD: Hah! As if! 

PCD proceeds to land on Rapa Nui. Suddenly, a giant Moai Statue rises from the floor, pushing the house up.

Coral: Hey, guys...? Did... Did either of you two feel something shaking...?


SP and PCD: Nah.

Coral: Probably my imagination, then. Wake me up when it's my turn... zzzzz...


Seb: Okay, but why is it that deliveries on a boat are called cargo, and deliveries on a car are called a shipment? 

Aria: Seb, please, just sleep...


Seb and Garry are messing with a hacky sack, only for Seb to kick it into a tea mug. Selina picks it up, and starts drinking the tea. Upon getting the hacky sack, she actually manages to swallow the thing.

Selina: Ah, now that's tea!

Garry: We are so dead.

Seb: Yep...


Garry: When you said "Magical Night", this wasn't what I expected.

Hari: Is this your card? (Pulls out a 7 of spades)

Garry: HOW?!


Garry walks into the house, battered, beaten, and bruised.

Psy: Holy Sh-t, what happened to you?

Garry: Well...

A flashback depicts Garry subtly flipping a guy off for taking the last can of Crit-a-Cola via doing a trumpet impression. 

Guy: How dare you use jazz against me?!

One beat down later...

Garry: I don't remember.


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