Rhythmic Revolution: Interrogation Absurdity

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A pair of officers are shown outside an interrogation room, one a young man with brown pointy hair, and pretty large eyes, the other being a middle-aged, salt-pepper haired woman. Both had matching undershirts and ties, the man having a brown coat.

The two were looking through a one-way mirror at their subjects.

One was a strange young man that had strange crimson hair and eyes, a strangely pointed mouth, wearing with a red coat with black sleeves...

whereas the other was a very sharp contrast, with green hair in a ponytail, matching eyes, a seemingly more normal mouth, green tracksuit with beige sleeves, and a look of mild agitation.

The woman started giving a game plan breakdown to her buddy. "So, Rookie, the subjects are two of the three felons said to be responsible for that Reactor Meltdown Incident at the main building of that space agency, alongside a third."

"Mhm... Wait, wait, I didn't know M.I.R.A. was having issues, Inspector, nothing came up on the news." The rookie, initially uninterested, perked up.

"What? No, the other one." The Inspector quickly corrected her partner. "It doesn't matter. We just need to get a final confession before we lock em in."

"If we already have the forensic evidence, why are we even talking to em?"

"Protocol. Plus, they might be able to lead us to the third."

"Oh. So... it's like a plea bargain?"

"Yeah. See, you're catching on!" The superior reassured her associate.

"Okay, so how does one interact with these two?"

"Not sure. One was too elusive, the other is new to us. We'll just Good-Bad Cop it."


The rookie opened the door, suddenly wearing a backwards cap, holding a mic, and had discarded his jacket and tie.

"Eyyyy! Crime's gud, let's bust this joint, and get some suhweet spiked soooda!"

The more experienced Inspector, and the ones cuffed to the table, could only stare in shock at her partner's sudden switch in demeanor.

"What the hell are you doing, you- You madman!"

"I'm the BAD Cop, girlie! Bad to the boone-"

"Excuse us for two seconds, you two!"

She dragged her partner out. Before just going deadpan.

"Rookie, when I said "Good-Cop, Bad Cop", I did NOT mean THAT kind of bad! You nearly released them! Just follow my lead, got it?"


"Mitori, what just happened...?" The redhead questioned, a look of mild shock and amusement on his face.

"Buncha looneys..." The green-haired assassin commented. "That's what happened."

The door swung open once more to reveal the Inspector and the Rookie.

"Alright you two! You have some serious explanations to give-" The two officers had spoken in perfect sync. "Stop it! No you! Just- ARGH!"

The red headed amateur assassin glanced to Mitori. "Does this feel familiar somehow?"

"..." The latter paused for a moment, before giving her "buddy" a blunt "No".

After a brief pause, the Inspector slammed a can of "Neutrino Boost" on the table. "Rookie, drink this. It imbues common sense and bolsters your intelligence so you'll be able to be competent for-"

The crimsonette gunman took the soda with a smile.

"Hey, Mitori, whatddya think of that?! We're getting refreshments!" The redhead chugged down that soda like no tomorrow.

"Spit that out, Robert! Last thing we need is you making this worse!"

Mitori took a swing to knock the now-empty can on the floor. Unfortunately, Robert downed the whole thing like it was a box of junior mints, and he'd get 100 Million bucks for it. And he somehow put some glasses on too.

"Thank you for your provisions, officers. I was starting to become rather low on hydration levels, so while it was not designated for me, I still thank you for the initiative." Somehow, Robert's voice sounded slightly deeper, clearer, and coolheaded, a sharp contrast from his normal, medium pitched vocals that always seemed laced with confusion.

"Why would you put it there?!" The rookie complained. "Now he's gonna be smart mouthing us all night."

"Oh, on the contrary, I simply wish to voice my reservations about you holding me and my rather attractive partner here, especially since you never specified charges on arrest, and failed to read us our rights. I believe both of those issues warrant that the arrest be null and void, and we be sent on our way to spread the meaning of life."

Mitori had a somewhat surprised expression. Clearly, that soda was something else.

Meanwhile, the Rookie glared down at Robert.

"Meaning of life, huh?"

"Yes, the meaning of life. You see, it is very much elementa... I apologize, but my stomach appears to be sending signals of disagreement to my cerebellum, and I need to vent out some natural gas related to drinking a carbonated beverage. May I be-"

Robert cut himself off by letting out some strange dubstep noises, coughs, and eventually a sneeze that caused him to hit his head on the table.

Mitori's only comment being "That's just silly." in response to that.

"Uhhh... What happened? I spaced out for a moment there." Robert was back to his normal voice, and normal (but sadly low) IQ, evidenced by the glasses slipping off.

The inspector, in what can only be described as a mix of shock and awe, turned to her partner.

"Rookie, get me another one of the Neutrino Boosts."

"That was the last one in the country. Brand got discontinued because of a school scandal."

"Damn it! Just lock em in, then!!"

"On it!"


Next thing the duo knew, they were shoved into a holding cell in the basement of the station.



To be continued...

Yep, this is what those teasers hinted at. 

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