What If. . .?

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Idea: What if the demigods left something after a new enemy arose and they all died. Like cavemen- but more things like books, directions to (the destroyed) camp, stories, and photographs. What if Macey and her older sister Gwen found these things. What would happen? I don't know, read to find it I guess? Yeah, read. . . Geez I sound so stupid! Anyways- enjoy!

"Come on Gwen!" Macey pleaded- pulling her younger sisters arm toward the cave. "Uh fine!" Gwen said, finally giving in to her older sisters pleas. "Come on then!" Macey yelled, running to the cave. Gwen sighed, the things she did for this girl. Gwen thought before cutting through the field. Long grass tickled her bare legs as she ran- the mildew from the rain that morning made her legs cold and wet. She shivered before catching up with Gwen. "Come on!"

Gwen moaned, pulling both girls into the cave. It was dark, and the atmosphere was cold. She could see the wet rocks from the sunlight that managed to slither through. Rocks crunched under her combat boots, then another thing was found. "Gwen? Gwe- ow!" Macey cried as she stepped on something. Even with shoes she could feel the sharp metal pierce her skin. Gwen was no where to be seen- which scared Macey dearly. She quickly looked at what she had stepped on- kneeling down to inspect it. Problem, she couldn't see in the darkness.

Even the sunlight wasn't enough for her to even make out what it really was. Macey felt the handle of the item, cold and smooth- like rubbed but worn out. Like that feeling you get when the bottom of your shoes are worn out. Her fingers continued up, feeling the butt of the- Macey guessed- blade of some sort. Her fingers wrapped around the handle, feeling the warmth slowly regain in the handle. The butt of the sword was metal- like a ball of metal though- smooth and cold still, almost like it was buried by the feeling of dirt that hooked itself on it. She rubbed the dirt off, but it was to rough to get it off completely. Macey's fingers ached as she gave up on cleaning the item. Her fingers crept upward, revisiting the rubber grip on the handle and feeling it separate at the sides. The separators where wet, and made Macey's fingers plead for warmth. Macey had her knees on the sharp rocked below.

She was barely paying any attention to the rocks that proceed her knees- making them bleed. Her fingers softly crossed the separators, coming to the blade. It wasn't as wet, but the cold feeling and dirt stayed. The metal was strong and the dagger seemed chipped almost. The blade was pretty dull, letting Macey run her fingers on the tip. "Macey!" She heard Gwen yell, snapping her out of her trance. Also making her loose the balance she had gotten on the sharp rocks. She got up quickly, to quickly Macey guessed because she fell. The rocks below her feet fell, letting Macey's body roll like a doll down a steep hill like area. Her arms and legs where scratched, her clothes torn, and she was covered in mud. "Ow!" She yelled, Gwen hurrying to her- but failing to find her sister.

Gwen was still unaware of the fact Macey had just fallen into the biggest mistake of her life. The area where Macey had fallen wasn't dark, in fact it was fairly lit. Torches carved into the caves sides, the wet environment look soon left. Macey slowly got to her feet, the blade still in her hand. She was lucky she didn't stab herself. She groaned as she moved her right ankle, it ached severely. She took a deep breath before she started noticing where she was. Torches where carved in the walls, their fire crackling and making the stone walls seem almost welcoming. The floor was stone bricks- some stone bricks cracked, covered in moss. To add to Macey's observation some stones had carvings in them. Names maybe?

Macey wasn't sure, but they where really old. The bricks looked like puzzle pieces almost, that is if you don't include some of the cracked corners and the chunks missing in some bricks. The stone walls where lighted by the torches, nothing much to Macey. That was until she looked deeper. Macey's finger tips brushed gently against the stone walls, stopping big as she felt a dent. She looked closely, seeing that there was carvings. Getting extremely curious, Macey walked along the stone brick path.

Limping because she had hurt her ankle during the fall but going down the path no less. As she got closer to the end she saw more and more names. She noticed that these names' carvings where filled in with a earthy brown metal. Which looked like the dagger she had still been holding in her left hand. "Maybe there the same metal?" She told herself, she started to make out a few names. 'Percy Jackson' , 'Jason Grace' , 'Nico Di Angelo' , 'Thalia Grace' , and 'Hazel Levesque' was all Macey could make out. she looked at the dagger, the names, and the walls. They all had to connect somehow- but how? A feeling of dread hit her, maybe going into this cave wasn't a good idea. . .

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