What If. . .? ~Part 2~

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Part 2 of the second chapter in this book- enjoy!!!



Macey cautiously took a step toward the darker part of the passage way- where the torches weren't as common. Only 1 per 4 feet she guessed. That was the first decision that was a terrible choice really. Macey froze, and looked behind her. A noise was heard in the quiet, and abandoned, passage way. It was like a tumbling pebble, like you'd hear in the movies- but this was much more. The ground and walls started to shake Macey violently, sending her to the floor. She heard gears turning, they sounded rusty and out of use from the creaks that followed. The shaking still occurred, and Macey stayed glued to the floor- afraid to get up.

After a few minutes the shaking stopped, and she cautiously looked around. The walls had more cracks, some pieces of stone even fell. That ruined any chance of Macey ever finding out what the carvings on the walls really where. She guessed more names but she wasn't positive. "Oh well, I am still alive here." Macey said, but then some thing caught her attention. She gasped, seeing the stone bricks on the floor started to glow. "What the-" Macey said, but never finished. She never finished because she was absorbed in light that suddenly (Without warning) shot up and swallowed Macey's injured body. (Curtsy of the Hecate Cabin.)

Macey coughed, smoke replaced the beams of light within a few seconds. The air grew cold, like she was trapped in a frozen lake. She looked around, seeing she wasn't in the cave anymore. Fog was in the air, limiting Macey's sight. "Hello?" She screamed, silence filled the air. Macey quickly grew nervous- the lot was abandoned, at least Macey thinks.

Her bare legs quickly where tickled by tall, wet, grass that covered the area Macey had fallen. "Okay. Mace just find out where you are. You probably just got knocked out or something. Right?" Macey told herself, laughing nervously at herself. She started to shakily stand up, only to have lights turn on as she stood. An arrow zoomed past her face, nearly getting her nose, and making her scream. She fell back, and the fog was clearing.

She saw trees surrounding her, an arrow with a silver tail and wooden base was stuck in a maple tree. Macey inched toward it, crawling slowly. She was afraid if she stood up again she would be hit with an arrow instead of nearly missing her. She got the arrow out of the bark, it wasn't in there deep or out of reach so Macey never did have to actually get up yet. The arrows tip was the same looking metal as the dagger,and had a note tied on it. She carefully removed the note that was tied on. 'Wait, where is the dagger anyways?' She thought, finally noticing that the dagger wasn't in her possession.

The tip of the arrow that had been stabbing the note in the tree, it was . . . interesting- Macey guessed, not really sure if it was a threat. She carefully unrolled the note, and saw that the handwriting wasn't in English. It was in some other language, but even though she knew what it said.

'Αγαπητοί Συνάδελφοι Halfblood,

Αν έχετε βρει αυτό (Πιθανώς destryoed) οΑΜΡ είστε σε κίνδυνο. Καλά, τόσο πολύ τον κίνδυνο, όπως μπορείτε να πάρετε πραγματικά, αν μπορείτε να βρείτε. Anyways, αυτό το στρατόπεδο είναι ένα από τα πολλά στρατόπεδα για ανθρώπους σαν εσάς-Καλούμε αυτό το στρατόπεδο έδαφος στρατόπεδο Ολύμπου. Έτσι, είσαι ένας από εμάς, ένας halfblood ή ημίθεος αν θα κάνατε. Ας ξεκαθαρίσουμε κάτι, ελληνικά, ρωμαϊκά, Σκανδιναβική, και υπάρχουν αιγυπτιακών θεών! Ναι, το ξέρω Shoker αλλά χρειαζόμαστε τη βοήθειά σας. Έτσι, βασικά, ένα κακό πρόσωπο από την Ελληνική Μυθολογία τριαντάφυλλο (και πάλι, έχουμε ήδη ηττηθεί Γαίας και του Κρόνου.) Και σκότωσαν τους περισσότερους από εμάς. Οι θεοί μας έστειλε να κρυφτεί, εσωτερικώς πρόβλημα που μας βρήκε. Μας επιτίθενται με τέρατα κάθε μέρα και χάνουμε τα μισά-αίματα πάνω του. Μέχρι τη στιγμή που μπορείτε να βρείτε αυτό, που κατά πάσα πιθανότητα θα είναι όλοι προθεσμίες γι 'αυτό παρακαλώ. Βρείτε ημίθεους με αυτό το μαγικό χάρτη που βρέθηκαν στην καμπίνα της Εκάτης (Cabin # 20), καλή τύχη ημίθεος.Υπεγράφη,Ανναμπεθ Chaseκαιpersues Τζάκσον'

(Translation: Dear Fellow Halfblood,

If you have found this (Probably destryoed) camp- you're at risk. Well, as much risk as you can actually get if they find you. Anyways, this camp is one of many camps for people like you- we call this camp ground Camp Olympus. So, you are one of us, a halfblood or demigod if you would. Let's get something straight, Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian gods exist! Yeah, I know shoker but we need your help. So basically, an evil person from Greek Mythology rose (Again, we have already defeated Gaea and Kronos.) and killed most of us. The gods sent us into hiding, inly problem they found us. They attack us with monsters each day and we are losing half-bloods over it. By the time you find this, we'll probably all be dead- so please. Find demigods with this magical map found in the Hecate cabin (Cabin #20), good luck demigod.


Annabeth Chase


Persues Jackson'

This was created by Google Translate.)

'What?!' Macey thought, a thousand different thoughts raced through her mind. They where mainly about gods and things like that- but there were also the occasionally thought- 'Oh my god. . .s that is awesome!'

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