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It was the end of class and Chan was relieved to have his quiz finished. He surprisingly did well on it which thankfully he did. He packed his things up before he walked put of the room while he tried texting his sister, Dahyun, to ask if she'll be going home with him. His papa told him to always watch his sister but why would he? He's also a student.

But if Donghyuck will hear him say that, Chan will surely get a whole-day lecture from him.

Chan walked out of the room and was about to send the message but he suddenly got pulled by his wrist. It wasn't that rough but he was enough to get closer to the man who pulled him out of nowhere. He wanted to shout at the man but he stopped to see Jiro holding his wrist.


Jiro looked like he wasn't in a good mood. He has a straight annoyed face. Chan just stood there with innocent doe eyes looking straight at the man. Honestly, his heart was beating fast and was going crazy just the thought of Jiro holding his wrist.

"Any problems, Ji?" Chan asked. He thought the man would be in a good mood just because he got to talk to Yanna. He shouldn't be frowning like this.

Jiro lets go of Chan's wrist and puts his hands into his pockets. He sighed, "You shouldn't have left me there. I thought you'll stay to help me."

The boy was taken aback but he just gave him a small smile and a chuckle. He scratched the back of his neck and looked away. Well, he got to put an act. He didn't want to tell Jiro that he got jealous and couldn't stand how happy he is with someone else other than him.

"I told you, I needed to go to class--"

"I know your schedule, Chan," Jiro uttered.

Chan sighed, "Oh, come on, can't I just go early to class?"

The man doesn't seem to be convinced. He didn't never wanted Chan to lie to him. They're best friends and he isn't hiding something from the boy. He tells everything so he's expecting Chan to tell him his problems if ever he has. Jiro didn't want to be pushy but it's just upsetting that maybe Chan was being comfortable to someone else.

"Ah! Hey, Chan!"

Chan pinched both of Jiro's cheeks and stretched them a bit. The boy hummed and laughed at his best friend. He would always do this if Jiro's frowning. It isn't attractive if someone's frowning. But you know Jiro, he's attractive whatever mood he is in.

The boy then stopped and rubbed his palms against Jiro's cheeks. Jiro lets the boy does that, it was kinda warm to have Chan's small hands against his cheeks. He seemingly felt his heart thumped at the cute expression the boy had.

"Why are you here? You should be in a basketball practice or something," Chan asked after he retrieved his hands when he was being clingy again.

Jiro raised an eyebrow, "You're going to my house, right?"

"Oh, right! Let me tell pa and dad--Hey, Jiro! Wait!"

Chan was being pulled by Jiro again by his wrist. He wasn't holding too tight and the boy wasn't complaining. The boy tried catching up because he has shorter legs than the man.

"I already told them you'll have dinner with us. Dahyun will also go home with her friends so no need to worry about anything. I also promised your parents that I'll drive you home," Jiro uttered.

Chan didn't get to reply back. Jiro must really want to have a date with Yanna. The boy thought that his best friend did change a bit but it's not like he didn't like it. He's happy that Jiro got to find an inspiration. But not gonna lie, Chan did dreamt of Jiro driving him home after a dinner with his family. It's like Jiro's courting him and letting his family know about it.

But too bad, it isn't like that.

They just walked down the sidewalk, still with Jiro holding onto Chan's wrist. The man didn't bother driving to school just because it was a few streets away. Also, it's a nice way to spend more time with someone. Jiro didn't like to say his feelings so he just do it instead. Chan knows that and surely, he'll be with Yanna sooner or later.

Soon, they arrived at Jiro's house. Chan knew the house even with his eyes closed. They would always have sleepovers or hang out even summer in their houses. Their parents knows so they just let them do whatever they want. Chan walked into the house and was surprised to see a smaller version of Jiro by the couch.


Chan immediately went over and hugged the boy, "Baby Jie! Did you miss me?"

Jie nodded and hugged back at his hyung, "Yes, yes! I missed your cookies. Do you have some for Jie?"

"Oh, next time. I'll bring you cookies next time, okay? Or if you want, I'll bake them here? We can bake them together."

"Okay! I'll help hyung to bake them then!"

"Hey, he's here for me first," Jiro suddenly butts in who didn't like Chan being too clingy with his brother whenever he brings the boy into their house.

Chan groaned at the man, "Don't be mean, Jiro."

The man pouted, "I'll be at the room then."

The boy watched the man walked up the stairs and heard him going into his bedroom. Chan hummed before he looked back at Jie.

"I'll just go and pacify your big brother," Chan uttered.

Jie nodded, "Okay, hyung. I'll see you later."

Chan stood up and ruffled the boy's head before he skipped his way up and to Jiro's bedroom. He knocked on the door before he twisted the knob and saw Jiro by his bed with his phone. The boy walked stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"I'm here," Chan uttered.

Jiro didn't say anything and just kept his attention on his phone. Chan placed his bag down on the study table and walked towards the man with his hands on his waist.

"Hey, I'm here, Ji. Let's talk about the plans," he said again.

The man just curled and turned his back to the boy. Chan rolled his eyes and immediately tackled Jiro on the bed. Then he started tickling the man.

"H-Hey!Chan! Chan!"

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