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"Honestly, I don't know why we're doing this."

Jeffrey was happy to see Chan after the boy stayed in home. He was bored in home but Donghyuck, his papa, told him to stay and take his rest so he could monitor if Chan would feel anything in discomfort. Though Chan felt lonely, he always gets messages from his friends including Jeffrey. The man was like a big brother to him so he appreciated it.

Jiro, on the other hand, visited him after school so he could see him and also give him the homeworks. He was staying until dinner so Chan couldn't get away from his family's teasing. Little did Chan know, Jiro couldn't get himself to enjoy the week without him. He even couldn't spend time with Yanna just because he kept thinking about Chan. As a result, he kept on texting Chan even in the middle of the lesson.

But it was weekend and Chan was better. Donghyuck wanted him to stay home but the boy pleaded so badly and his husband butts in to let their son go. So now, Chan was in the mall with Jeffrey Wong.

Why you ask? Of course, Chan wouldn't leave Jiro alone. Jeffrey agreed just because he'll be meeting Twenty later after the boy's dance practice. He understands that he needs to keep an eye on his sister but he knows that Yanna knows what to do. Also, he already told Yanna about Jiro so he knows things will go smoothly. But Chan has to bring him along to spy on the two.

"Look, I know I told you guys that I'll move on but you can't change the fact that I'm stil--"

"In love. Yeah, I get it, Chan. It's hard to throw the feelings away," Jeffrey uttered while sipping on his beverage they bought a while ago.

The boy pouted, "Am I stupid?"

Chan's a smart boy but Jeffrey knows he's too stupid in love. As a friend, he'd want to tell the truth but he wasn't in the mood to be honest.

"Nope. Not at all."

The boy rolled his eyes at him before they went back at watching Jiro and Yanna by the table from afar. Seemed like Yanna was buying some stuff for the foundation day. Jiro was there to help, and maybe be more with Yanna. Chan thought they seemed to close but in reality, they're just starting to become friends.

Hopefully, they're just friends but Chan doubted it.

Jeffrey sighed, "Well, Jiro's stupid."

"Hm, why did you say that?"

"I just know, Chan."

Then they saw Jiro and Yanna stood up to go ahead which made both of them to look away. When the two went ahead, Chan and Jeffrey went to walk behind them. Hopefully, they aren't too suspicious. They even had to wear masks so they wouldn't get caught. It would be impossible, except something would happen unexpectedly.

"If we get caught, I'll pass the blame on you, Chan," Jeffrey uttered, trying to save himself away from the mess. If Jiro caught them, surely he'll be kicked out of existence. Also, Yanna would tell their papa about this, and then he'll get grounded. Then he wouldn't be able to be with Twenty the following weekends.

Just thinking about it, he felt his body going lifeless.

Chan nodded, "Sure. Whatever pleases your life."

They went on to the decoration store where the two went in. They couldn't really see them since there were shelves and people inside. Chan pouted as the waiting game begun again. Jeffrey threw his cup in the right trashbin before he goes back to where Chan is.

"Aren't you going to buy something for the student council too?" Jeffrey asked.

"Oh, yeah! You think we won't get caught?"

Jeffrey grabbed his hand and pushed the boy into the store, "As long as we have our eyes on them, we won't."

Chan just shrugged and went in cautiously. He doesn't even know where the two are but he knows Jeffrey could see them. He's tall enough to see Jiro's head. They walked around the aisle and tried to find the things the council needed. He also needed some paper to print the flyers on.

"Hey, you guys ready for the games? I heard there would be a basketball game between year levels," Chan asked.

Jeffrey hummed, "I think we'll be fine. The best players are on the third years."

"You're cheeky as always. I don't know why Twenty likes you," the boy teased while he picks things on the shelves.

"Hey, bringing up my boyfriend is a foul, dude."

Chan chuckled, "You wouldn't get him if it wasn't for me so I can say anything I want."

Jeffrey rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Are you saying I owe you something?"

The boy shook his head, "I'm not saying anything."

"I can help you with Jiro."

"Heck, no. He's trying to get your sister so I don't want to but in," the boy said and walked up backwards with things in hand.

"C'mon, Yanna doesn't even--"

Before Jeffrey could even continue what he's saying, Chan bumped into something which made them to stop. The boy looked back then his eyes were like saucers. Jeffrey just stood there and acted normal but he could see that Chan stiffened upon bumping Jiro. He's currently hoping and praying that Jiro won't recognize him.

Chan looked down and apologized. He was about to go but he felt a hand held his wrist, pulling his back. Chan looked back at him and saw Jiro wincing his eyes at him.

Jiro definitely recognized those eyes. His hand went up and pulled the mask down. He knew it was Chan. He didn't mind the other guy he was with. Jiro just apologized to Yanna and told her that he needed to bring Chan home.

Chan sighed.

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