Friends | I

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"Jisoo where are you let's go!"

"Alright, I'm gonna head down now!" I hurriedly grabbed my bag on my bed before rushing downstairs. "Bye, mom!"

"Hold on a second young lady. You think I'd let you go just yet?" My mother wiped her hands with the use of her apron and does a 360-degree view on me. "Why do you have minimal make- up on?"

"Mom I'm just going to introduce myself not debut already."

"But you have to make an impression!"

"Don't worry mom I'm sure she will make an impression later as she stutters or even trips on her own footing."

"Asshole!" I give him a solid punch in the arm but he just laughed it off. "No wonder why you're single."

"Yah! Mother your pet is speaking the foul language again."

"Mother your adopted kid is spitting nonsense again!"

"Stop it both of you! Jung Hun I know you're gonna miss your sister but don't bully her."

"Miss her? Now that's a joke."

"Says the boy who wrote me a letter during enlistment-"

"It was a mistake! Instead of appreciating my work you ridiculed my grammar!"

"Because it was achingly irritating! Seriously!"

"Alright hush now both of you two." Mother scolded us one more time until the three of us heard the honking of the car again.

"Jisoo let's go! You're going to be late!"

I rolled my eyes and let my mother hug and kiss me goodbye. "Now, remember always be polite at them and just be you okay? Don't forget your manners and of course to take care of yourself."

"Mom don't worry I will be fine." I smile at her and turned to my brother. "You, take care of mom and dad or work on your grammar." Smirking at him I give a light tap on his shoulder. "Maybe by then, you can get yourself a woman."

"Yah Kim Jisoo!!!"

I went out to our driveway and got in the car. Shooting my dad a smile, we started driving from my neighborhood that I would probably miss too much for my liking. It was a good neighborhood though; I had lots of friends and abused my family's monthly payment dues by playing at the park and using the public pool despite the pool hours restriction.

Now moving on the main road when I heard my phone ring. It was my group of friends, asking me if I could video call. Grinning to myself I didn't think twice and accepted it right immediately.


"JISOO YA!!!!"


I rolled my eyes at their dumbness. "Where are you?"

"We're at the karaoke!" Yujin screams through the screen. "We're celebrating your first day!"

"Really? You guys are throwing me a party but I am not even invited? Talk about being rude!"

"You weren't allowed to be out late remember?" Soojin, a trainee from another company interrupts. "Plus, you're going to introduce yourself tonight!"

"So we're actually doing a parting party for you and doing a prayer circle too!!!!"

Jisoo squints her eyes as she leans closer to the screen. "Is Soojoo drunk or something?"

"Or something." Yujin butts in again. "Listen! We just called to tell you to break a leg today!"

"Yujin! You do not tell that to people!"

"It's an idiom, you idiots!"

"You could've just said bring home the bacon!"

"She cannot bring home the bacon if she's going to be stuck in the dorms!"


"Guys." The three of the dumb dorks looked at me with their slightly drunken faces. "You three look so stupid right now."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about..." I bit my lower lip, trying to stop myself from smiling. "I'm gonna miss insulting you dorks."

"Don't worry babes we're going to your first fan meeting and we're going to act like your sasaengs!"

"We're going to spread panic to you and your staff!!"

"And we can't wait to see your surprised face!" And all three of them sang to our go-to Baddest Female, screaming their hearts out as they sang out the iconic line. "Wish you the best of luck Sooyaaa!!!!"

I wave them farewell before ending the call and turn to my dad. "You told them didn't you?"

My father answers with a shrug. "I know you don't want your girlfriends to know but going through something so new for you might some booster."

"Booster? Dad, do I look like some kind of RPG Player to you?"

"Don't blame me if that's what I hear from you and your brother first thing in the morning."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he's going to hog the Play Station right now."

"I highly doubt that." He chuckles. "Your brother might show that he hates you but you know how protective he can be of you."

"You mean-" My phone rings once again and the name 'Ji-Yoon' flashes making me smile. "Well, well, well... hello, there old hag."

"No wonder you belong to that company." Her old sister greets to her. "You're on your way there?"

"More or less 5 minutes away."

"Did mom helped you with everything?"

"She did."

"And did she double checked?"

"She did."

"So did that scumbag annoy you?"

"I think he'll annoy me 'til my last dying breath."

"Good, because that means he's going to annoy you through texts and stop bugging me or my son for that matter."

"He's been seeing you?"

"He's been a whining mess since he found out you've been accepted." I could hear her annoyed sigh from the other line. "Don't tell him that I said that."

"Sister's promise." Suddenly the car comes to a stop and looked outside only to find out that we have arrived. "Okay, seems like it's show time for me."

"Well, goodbye then." Just as I was about to end the call Jiyoon unnie calls out for me again. "You'll do good Soo. I know you can."

"Stop being cheesy. I need my meanie sister back." I chuckle to ease out her emotions. "I'll call you soon okay?"

"Okay, rascal." Now I could hear her chuckling over the phone. "I'll see you soon. Don't die there; I need a babysitter for free."

I let our conversation die there as I unbuckle my seatbelt. "Alright dad, I this is-" Suddenly dad leans close and puts his arms around me totally catching me off guard so I released a little and brief laugh, hoping it would lighten the atmosphere around us as I hugged him back. "You're not crying are you?"

"What?" My dad's shaky voice croaks. "We talked about this already- no crying. I didn't raise you three to be weak. Care-free but never weak."

I laughed at his claim and laughed some more when I saw his red eyes. "Alright, dad, whatever you say."

"Okay, you head there now and I'll be seeing the dorm you'll be staying in." Hearing that made me give him a knowing look. "What? I'm your father and I love protecting you."

"My dorm is literally ten minutes away by foot dad and I'm walking with my new found roommate so please relax." I sigh. "Alright, I'm gonna head inside now okay?"

I give him one last kiss on the cheek before rushing out my father's SUV and inside the nine-story building and stopped as soon as I reached the entrance. Lifting my head up I wondering what kind of adventures I will be making on this building. Turning around to look at my dad, he was all smiles and gave me a fist pump to cheer me on. It made me smile and appreciated that he chose to be strong for me because I really needed that from him. Giving him a reassuring smile, I turned around and started making my way to the entrance.

Wow, talk about being grand.

Everything about this place is already mind-blowing. They had chandeliers, dark wood walls, marble tile flooring and every piece of furniture screamed luxury. The succulents were perfectly maintained and looked-after but by the gods, it was the indoor fountain that really caught my eye.

"Excuse me how may I help you?" The lady asks me, who I assumed to be a staff or their concierge. "Do you have an appointment or something?"

"Yes, I'm here to meet with-"

"Jaechu! There you are!" I looked at the woman who seemed like she was in her mid-20's appears wearing her corporate ID. "Wow, they weren't joking that you like to be early."

"I just didn't want to leave a bad first impression on you guys." Rubbing the back of my neck I suddenly felt nervous after saying that. "Not that I am planning to do so but-"

"Keep that attitude and thinking up you might just be in the place where you deserve to be." She smiles. "I'm Park Ae-sook but you can call me Ae unnie from now on."

"Nice to meet you Ae unnie, I'm Kim Jisoo. Please take care of me while I'm here."

"Don't worry; Ae unnie got your back on this okay?" She smiles as she reassuringly grips on my shoulder. "Now, shall we head up to the training room to meet some new people?" I nodded my head like I was some kind of a kid scout. "Alrighty, onward we go Jisu!"

"It's actually Jisoo."

"Oh. Of course, I knew that."We got inside the elevator and I try to calm down while Ae unnie presses the 4th floor. "Nervous?" I rubbed the back of my neck as I gave out a small series of nods. "Well, you all have the right to be. It can be pretty nerve-racking when it's your first day. Especially when you came after the monthly evaluation."

"Monthly evaluation?"

Ae unnie nods her head as we stepped out of the elevator. "We do two evaluations here: the weekly and the monthly. In weekly evaluations, you'd categorize into groups and you'd do a dance cover or sing. In monthly though it's quite different. Everything is going to be solo. You have to sing, dance and show your special talent."

"Wow, so the monthly evaluation takes longer then?"

"Hmm, it used to be, but we've done some downsizing."

I gave her a questioning look, asking her to explain further when she said she had gone through some 'downsizing'. "Well they used to be around a thousand girls on the first month but we're down to 300."

"A-and how long have this training program have been going on?"

"6 months, but don't worry the downsizing doesn't stop there." She answers casually. "Come this way Jishoo."

As I try to follow her hurried footsteps I try to do the math with what she just said. I honestly couldn't comprehend the number of crushed dreams and crying girls exit the building. It made me shiver- the thought of being just one of the girls who will—

"Alright, here we are Jaesu." Ae unnie says as we stopped by the huge double doors. "Apparently it's time to learn a new dance routine but some are doing their monthly evaluation so you won't be able to meet everyone." She turns to me and I could easily tell that it was a forced one, like she has smiled this way to a lot of girls before me. "Making friends is okay around here, but remember at the end of the day, all of you have the same dream."

"O-of course."

"Great! Now, stay here for a moment while I interrupt their small session."

As she disappears from the crowd, I now swallow the lump on my throat that I've held onto for so long. It felt like my brain had gone into turmoil with all the information Ae unnie has given me. Man, she does talk fast and she definitely wasn't joking about the downsizing when I heard a girl crying from the other end.

I looked as she was comforted by a group of girls as they circled around the crying girl, surrounding her in a tight hug. Soon enough she breaks free, grabbed her bag and disappeared behind the elevator doors. Her so-called 'friends' looked at one another- nervousness was evident on their faces. I read their lips and saw how they were cheering one another and somehow watching then made me relieved because even though Ae unnie said we're all here because we have a dream, having someone to walk with you makes the journey worth while.

Until I saw her.

Amidst the crowd, I saw her sitting down on one of the free spots. It seems to me like she was waiting for her turn to have her evaluation and from the looks of it, she wanted to wait in peace as she had her headphones up in her ear, bobbing her head to the rhythm of the song and, her mouth moving in swift motion like she was spitting bars of a rap song.

She wore all black outfit and the highlights from her hair down to the multiple ear piercings along with the boots made her look like she was in no mood to play games and that honestly terrified me.

It terrified me, because I know I should be intimidated and avoid her just because she gives off a very 'bitchy' vibe and yet I could feel something inside me moving. Like there was something brewing inside my stomach and my heart feels like I've joined a triathlon.

It terrified me- because the moment she opened her eyes, I knew.

I knew that she just wasn't going to be another trainee.

"Jichae!" Ae unnie calls me out again. "Come inside they're all waiting for you."


Well, here goes nothing.


"Nido!" A sudden voice interrupts me from my trance. "Hello! Earth to Nido!" I blinked and turned to look at Ae unnie who looked at me weirdly. "Where did your mind go?"

"Uh... nothing I just-" I looked at the clock and it says 2 o'clock in the morning. "I must've slept."

"Sleeping with your eyes open?" She clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "You're truly different Jaechu."

"Unnie, it's Jisoo. We've been through this for almost 4 years now."

"I said Jisoo though." I was about to argue when Sun unnie calls my name. "Well go on now, you know they don't wait for no one."

"Thanks, unnie."

"Fighting Jishu!"

Well, here goes nothing.


"Why are you my clarity..."

The instrumental comes to an end and I tried my best to keep my composure and catch up my ragged breathing. I looked at the panel, which consisted of my trainers, some members of the board and none other than Mr. Yang himself. Seeing him in his business mode almost made me want to shit in my pants because of his serious eyes.

I stood there awkwardly biting my lower lip and placed both of my hand in front of me in a very polite manner. I didn't even dare to look at them in the eyes because I would probably, literally shit myself if I try to take a look.

"Jisoo." Mr. Yang called my name. "First off, can you relax? You did well today."

I swallowed the lump on my throat. "O-of course Sajangnim."

"Now, shall we go to the verdict?" He takes a look at his notes before staring back at me once again. "Overall Jisoo you are the package. You've got the voice, the talent and most especially you've got the look. Debuting you in one of the girl group or even just a solo act would do wonders not just for you but for the company as well, however- there are still things that we need to consider."

"I feel like we still have to work on your dancing. Despite your possible position of being a lead vocal that doesn't mean that your dance has to be just 'okay'. If you're gonna have to debut in a girl group then your dance skills should be able to keep up with others. Remember you'd want to stand out in a good way."

"Also we need for you to have more stage presence. I feel like you're still holding back and that causes for your performance to hold back too and as an idol- stage presence is a must. A necessity if you'd like to put it in a different perspective."

"Finally Jisoo I need for you to have more eye contact with the crowd. You'd have to maintain eye contact before, during and even after your performance and it has to be in that same intensity. If you're going to be fierce from the very beginning, then it's gotta have to be fierce through the very last minute of your stage. No breaking into a smile- no unfocused eyes and no faltering of confidence."

After the panel has spoken, I turn to Mr. Yang himself and watch him as he looks at me with mediocracy. "Jisoo, you can be the ace of this company, only if you allow all these statements inside and actually listen to us. We have been commenting this about you over three times already but I don't see you doing your end of the bargain." He says. "You can be the overall package just- just work on yourself more... a little bit more."

Eventually, the evaluation comes to an end and they thanked me for doing my best today. I bowed formally before walking out of the room and leaning against one of the doors as I expressed my frustration my banging my head against the concrete wall and releasing a sigh.

A little more huh.

"God Chu just get your head in the zone for just once." I leaned my head against the wall and close my eyes. "Stupid, stupid, stu-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop banging your head, pity the wall for a moment."

Even with closed eyes, I can know who was behind that voice. I know it so well that I can even know the owner despite the change in the modulation, the raggedy or even if it was covered with flu or food.

"Aha, I see we're still on the ignoring game."

I bit the inside of my cheek to restrain myself from responding. "The game ended three hours ago and we both know who won."

"Well then open your eyes and look at me."

The moment I opened my eyes, her beautiful, piercing brown eyes were the first that came to my view. From those feline-like orbs broke a very chubby and gummy grin that changed her persona 180 degrees.

Remember that girl I narrated not a little long ago? The one who I saw when I first arrived? The girl who was bobbing her head to the hip-hop beats and spitting rap bars while waiting for her turn to be evaluated?

Well, she's the girl who is standing a few feet away from me.

"See? You could've lost the game if I just used my voice with you." I scoffed at her arrogant ass as I shake my head with disbelief. "What? We both know that you can't resist my husky and sultry voice."

"Sultry? More like a voice full of phlegm."


"The only thing I cannot resist is your whiny ass which- you forgot to display earlier."

"I was about to but then the clock ran out."

"Say all you want but at the end of the day your baby ass lost." I stuck my tongue out at her to which she whined of course- but just a few seconds before turning into someone serious once again. "What?"

She looked like she was about to say something but immediately waves the thought off. "Hey..."


"Wanna hit the jjimjjimbang with me?"


"Aaahhh... now, this is what I'm talking about."

I turned to glance at her as she fully indulges herself in the relaxation the public warm bathtub gives. She closed her eyes for a moment and probably will take a moment to let her sore muscle ease up from all those advance dance lessons she decides to take.

This specific scene reminds me of the first moment I caught a look of her eyes and wondered how in the world did she decide to look at my way.

It happened years ago, just a few weeks after my official start as a trainee. We haven't been into same classes because I was training to earn a lead or main vocal while she was training to be a rapper and while I know she can bust some moves, I for one barely know how to sway my hips without looking like an awkward worm.

So you can tell how much of shocked awkward worm I was when I found out that we were in the same dance class once. Turns out she was only visiting and I've realized things way too late for my liking because, by the time my performance ended, it was only until then I saw her way behind the back talking casually with one of the instructors. I was just there standing, barely hearing what my mentor has to say because all I could focus on was the girl who had cat eyes.

To my surprise though she looked at my way and though I expected a lot of arrogant remarks to come from her, a genuine smile was definitely not one of them. When our class was done she approached me and asked if I was available to accompany her in the public bath and I found myself nodding without even thinking things about it.

And just I thought she just wants to sweat it off what she ordered for us was also one of the things I would never do with meeting someone for the first time. I mean— who gets naked in front of the person who they just met!?

I was terrified beyond belief and a million thoughts flashed through my mind about the billion possibilities that could happen. We were on the changing room then and I found myself getting shaky as I start to remove my clothing and wrap myself with a towel. By the time I arrived, you were already there closing your eyes and in the same exact position, she is right now.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She says as soon as I was done reminiscing our first meeting. "Chu?"

She looks at me with immediate worry and so I smiled at her. "Just remembering our first time here that's all."

Aaaand cue in her signature smirk. "I see that you're still in the midst of getting over my naked body Kim." She looks at me. "Should I be more cautious around you now?"

"I think I have seen your naked body way too much for my liking. If there anyone here that should be cautious, I think that person would have to be me don't you think?"

"A little defensive now are we?" She playfully winks at me. "But don't worry, you're secret's safe with me."

Out of my annoyance for her cockiness, I splashed bits of the warm water on her face. "God, I wonder how long I've managed to keep up with your boastful ass."

"Do you think I'm boastful Chu?" The sudden shift in her voice causes me to look at her. "Do you think I brag too much?"

"Where is this coming from?" I furrowed my eyebrows as she decides to avoid my gaze. "Are the bathroom girls opening their mouths again?" When she didn't answer that confirmed my suspicion. "I'm gonna tell Ae unnie."

"What? No- no don't tell her." She looks down and played with her fingers. "It's just-"

"Unacceptable and unethical. Those girls were paid to work not to gossip." I rolled my eyes. "Don't mind them okay? Whatever you had managed to gain that is because you earned it, you worked hard for it and that is because you deserve it. Don't take shit from anyone else and don't give a damn because, at the end of the day, you're the one who's getting on that stage with Jiyong oppa and not them."

"I'm just mad because it doesn't matter if I do something good or not, they always seem to have something to say about me behind my back."

"And that's where they belong." I smiled at her. "Behind your back." She seems to be a little bit more comfortable now as she leans her head on my shoulder. "Ey, who told you-you can lean on me huh?"

"Shut up, it's not like you haven't lean on me some times."

"That's because I really haven't done it." Then I heard some incoherent mumbles coming from her. "Care to speak louder?"

"Never mind." She says in her Kiwi accent. "Anyways, how did it go with the evaluation?"

"Well... there were only minimal errors now compared to the previous ones so I guess that's good."

"But why do I feel like there's something wrong?"

"No, no... of course there's nothing wrong with it." I smile. "I actually think that-"

"Chu." She cuts me off as she placed her hand on top of mine. "I don't know if you have noticed but, you can lie to everyone else but me." She says. "Now, please tell me what's bothering you so I can cheer you up?"

"Just having you here is enough for me." I added a chuckle just so it won't make awkward between us but then I turn to look at you and saw you looking down and your ears were getting flustered it was an adorable sight that I felt my heart combust. "Awe, am I witnessing the coldest YG trainee blushing?"

"Hajima." She whines in her embarrassed voice as she scoots closer to me, hiding her face on the crook of my neck making me laugh at her cuteness. "Stop teasing me!"

Then she starts pinching my sides making me squirm in the water. "Yah, yah, yah stop pinching me it tickles!" I push myself off of her without notice so she ends up falling underneath the warm water face first.

Seconds later she was able to resurface after exhaling all the water that has gone through her nose. By the time that she had opened her eyes, they were no longer the adorable kind but the threatening run-for-your-life kind of glare. "Did you just seriously let me fall face flat on the water?"

"Uh..." I nervously chuckle. "I... guess?"

"Oh... you guess?" She nods her head. "Well, then Kim Jisoo can you guess what's about to happen next?"

"Not sure..." I slowly backed myself away as I see her slowly approaching me. "Does it includes my death?"

She was moving to me just like how a Tiger would tip-toe to reach its prey. "Oh, death is just one of the things you'd have to worry once I have you."

"Wait... hold on maybe we can- AHHHH! NO!!"

"Come here!!!"


"Damn why is it so cold in Seoul."

After the warm bath, we would always take the longer route on my our way back so we could walk through the streets of Hongdae just to spend some of our free time. It was somehow kind of our hobby to take a detour on this street way ever since we met. We'd look through the stores buy a thing or two but the reason why we always roam around was because of the food. Apparently, studies show that you become three times hungrier after getting a warm bath.

It was the first thing she said to me when she asked if we could take a stop by Hongdae. I remember that day very specific as I couldn't forget that I've received the first scolding ever since I entered the company. You see after going through the entire street we head home and had her mom pick her up there. Just as when I was about to sleep, she calls me and we started to talk about anything we could possibly talk about, which caused my phone to die and do not have an alarm thus making me late during our first class on the next day.

Ever since then late night walks in Hongdae have been kind of 'our thing' or so she says. But I didn't mind though, I always seem to enjoy every time I get to spend with her.

"You think we can still do this?"

"Do what?"

"Walking freely in these streets." She says as she kept her hands inside her pockets. "After we debut."

"Hmmm... I think we still can you know. We can wear caps, face masks or even coats that are bigger than our bodies." I start to imagine the idea of walking around the same streets in a different version of us. "Why? Do you think we can no longer do that anymore?"

"I guess... the lifestyle that we're about to have comes with a heavy price you know. It's not like we can still be normal citizens once the management gives us the go signal to debut." She says as we passed by our favorite stalls. "Whenever I think about it, I kind of waver the thought of being an idol. I mean, now all I can think about is just to debut and you know to make music and perform but- I think there will come a time for me that I wish I'd just be... me you know."

"Does it make you scared?"

"A little." Her tone was so soft and vulnerable. "But don't mind me maybe it's just the cold weather I mean I kind regret wearing a barely thick jack-" I didn't know what has gotten into me but I grabbed her hand, intertwined it with mine and placed inside my coat pocket. "Chu..."

I turn to her and let out my doofus grin, hoping that it would cheer her up. "There, still scared?"

And then there was this look again. The look that could make me feel things, think things and even wonder things... That look that could make the turmoil inside my stomach again- and the look that holds a lot of untold words. "Not anymore."

She brings out her gummy smile once again, telling me that she was okay so we resumed to our walking when I saw something that made me internally squeal. "LOOK!" I say in my giddy voice and dragged her towards the window where the item was displayed. "THIS IS THE ONE!"

"The one?" Furrowing her eyebrows she wondered what I was saying until she saw the thing. "Oh, this one..."

"It's on sale!!!!" I gasped. "It's on sale because it's the last item left!!!!"

"Jisoo can you stop squirming? You're going to break my arm!"

"But it's the last item and it's on sale!"

"I know, I think I can read Korean thank you."

"Buy this for me please..."

"What? No."

Immediately I turn to face her and let out a pout. "Please...."


Okay, the pout is not working. Let's make it super pout. "Pretty please."

"Hell no."

Time for the final blow! Puppy dog eyes!!! "Pretty pretty please?" She gives me a quick look and I could already feel that she's about to give in at any moment now. "I promise I wouldn't ask anything from you for my birthday if you'd get me this one."

"Jisoo, for the last time. No." She rolls her eyes. "I am not going to waste money on useless items okay?"

"But this isn't useless, you know I've been eyeing this one for a very long time." I try to reason out. "You don't even have to buy it for me I can just borrow from you and I'll pay you tomorrow." Sheesh, why did I even forgot to bring with me my allowance out of all the times!

"Kim Jisoo, I am not going to buy this for you and that's final." She raises her eyebrow and lets go of our intertwined hands. "I'm gonna give you some cash though, but that's for our waffles. Now, go- shoo. I'll buy the drinks and I'll meet you there."

"Are you really not going to buy it for me?" I gave it one last shot but then she already crossed her arms and she was starting to glare at me. "Fine, fine, fine geez I was just trying my luck." I turned around and got a little grumpy. "If she wants something for me to buy for next time I will never allow it too! Two can play a game Kim!"

While Jisoo was busy stomping her grumpiness away, the person who she was with made sure that she was no longer in sight before entering the store and immediately approached the store owner.

"Well hello there young lady how may I help you?"

"Uhm... that night light- is that still available?"

"Yes, it still is! It's one of our highlight items! The last one left!"

"Do you take cards?"

"That we do." He smiles showing off his perfect teeth.

"Okay, I'll take that one." She says with much happiness.

"Perfect! Would it be for personal use or a gift?"


"Gift bag or-"

"Gift bag and..." The girl looks outside to see any signs of co-trainee. "I was wondering if you do delivery as well... like express delivery."

"Well express usually costs more but it arrives tomorrow so-"

"I'll pay triple." She says quickly handing her platinum credit card. "Just make sure to deliver it tonight."


She's pretty weird.

First, she took so long in meeting me in the waffle store and she was even startled when I tapped her on the shoulder but not only she did that- she was effin' mad at me for no absolute reason! It wasn't my fault that she was just so jumpy and now she blames me because she was startled. It's not the only thing she blamed me for though, but she also placed the blame on me when she forgot to buy the drinks! I mean- who forgets buying the drinks when it was clearly on the right side of the street 5th stall. How was it so hard to find?

Second, she was looking at her handphone like she was waiting for a text message. She was tapping her foot like a maniac and whenever I try to talk to her, maybe ease her irritation she would snap at me and tell me not to mind her. So I didn't and just resumed to eating my waffles and for payback- I ate her waffles too. Hah!

Lastly, when we were about to walk back towards my dorm where her mom was probably waiting for her she told that she would be waiting for her mom right there in Hongdae. I furrowed my eyebrows and was about to ask her why but something in her stance tells me that I shouldn't dare so I give a quick goodbye, to which she didn't respond back anyways, and took a bus home.

"There you are unnie, welcome home!" Miyeon my roommate for two years, for now, greets me. "Sorry unnie, I will get back to you in a minute I just have to finish this round- AH! DON'T HIT ME WITH A FLASHBANG IDIOT I'M YOUR TEAMMATE!"

"It's okay Miyeon, I'm gonna hit the sack now. I'll cook breakfast tomorrow!"

"Okay!" I was about to head to our shared room when she calls for me once again. "Oh unnie I forgot to tell you, there's a package delivered to you! It's on the kitchen counter!"

A delivery package? Weird... I don't remember ordering something online.

When I walked back to the kitchen I saw a medium-sized box wrapped beautifully like it was a gift. Connecting my eyebrows I try to remember to see maybe if I've forgotten something but nothing really comes to my mind.

Maybe it's just the girls pranking me.

Oh yeah, I forgot to attend Soojin's birthday party.

Remembering how much of a badass pranksters my friends are, half of my heart wanted to throw away the box, knowing it'll probably be just some shitty kinds of stuff that they had come up altogether but then the other half of my heart told me that I should be a good friend and not let their efforts go to waste.

Picking up the box, I walked to the bedroom where I sat on the floor and placed the thing in front of me. I lean in a little closer, hoping that my sense of smell would allow me to guess something inside and when it didn't- I tried to shake the box thoroughly- but then I remembered that this could still be a prank so I stopped with the shaking thing and just sighed out loud.

"Okay Jisoo, remember when your mother told you that out of every three kids, there's really the odd one? The one who gets easily scared and is a coward? Well, that is definitely not you but your dumb brother so might as well just go..." I continue to give myself a pep talk as I continue to unravel the content. "... with it and just be casual and open-minded whatever is in the- AHHHHH!"

I quickly covered myself with the blanket once I opened the box. It only took seconds for Miyeon to come over. "Unnie!? Is everything alright?"

"Miyeon! What's in the box?"

"What box?"

"The box that is in front of me kid what else!" I say while I continue to cover myself with the thick blanket. "What's inside?"

"Oh, I think it's just- UNNIE!!!!"

"What?!" I looked at as she widens her eyes and covered her mouth. I was curious why she had to act that way and when I finally gave the thing she was looking at a look- I could tell that she and I have the same facial expression right now. "Heol." I couldn't believe it. It's really here... The night light that I was mentioning earlier is now in front of me.

"Look, there's a small note," Miyeon says as she hands me the small piece of paper. "Well now that I know it's a harmless gift, I think I should get back to my game right now."

"Okay, sorry for scaring you by the way." I smile shyly at her.

"No worries!" As soon as she closes the door, I looked at the paper and slowly unfolded to see the message inside it.

Since I wasn't able to cheer you up earlier, I hope this one does the trick. I'm no God but trust me when I say better days are coming.

Better days are coming Chu... trust me.

Lots of love,


And since that night, I believed that better days were coming. I started to train hard, even worked on extra hours and arrived an hour earlier for our class just so my mentors can do a quick review of what I have practiced and even had become thick-faced and asked some of the recruitment staff for some advice as well. It didn't end there though because I even bothered Miyeon to do some late night training in our cramped up dorm room.

I know I was getting annoyed by the minute but I just didn't want to rely solely on Jennie's words that better days are coming. I want to assure myself that better days are indeed coming because I worked hard for it, better days are coming because I earned it and most of all better days are coming because I deserve it.

"Alright is everyone here today?" Ae unnie looked at every girl inside of the room, and behind her were two staff members of the company. "As you all know, the company is very thankful for your efforts-" She sighs. "I can't do this shit."

"Pft." I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing which earned a light slap from the girl to my right- Jennie Kim. "What?"

"Quit playing around she's gonna announce something important."

"How'd you know she's gonna announce something important?"

"Because she doesn't gather everyone and makes that pissed off face if it wasn't that important." She says. "Now be quiet Kim."

"You do know you're a Kim too-" I immediately stopped when I saw her glare once again. "Alright, alright sheesh..."

"The top management has finally decided that a new girl group will debut and four girls will consist of it." Rumors and quick gossips caused quite a chaos inside the training room. "But don't lose hope just yet, you guys are still all for training and will have your time soon but now- these girls will be your role models and we hope that you will follow the same way that they have showed their dedication and showcased their talent."

"First girl to join the group will be... Jennie Kim." I turned to Jennie who was honestly surprised to hear the news while the rest of us- including me wasn't any longer. There were already rumors that Sajangnim has been holding back too long and felt that this era would be the perfect time to unleash to the world a girl named Jennie Kim. "Next up, Lalisa Manoban."

A tall slender, boyish type of girl emerges from the crowd and I could tell that she knew Jennie well by the secret handshake they did together as soon as this 'Lisa' stood beside her. Ae unnie looks at the crowd before looking down on the piece of paper. "Cho Miyeon."

"Oh my gosh!" Miyeon, who was sitting on my left side still couldn't believe it. "Unnie! I got it!"

I immediately give her a smile. "Of course Miyeon, you've trained hard as well." Miyeon immediately rushes and greets the two girls who congratulated her as well.

I immediately looked down and just stared at the wooden floor. Somehow, I wanted to still hope that Ae unnie is still going to mention my name. The deep down, I hope that the management has seen my efforts of trying to be good enough for their eyes. But who was I kidding? Compared to the three girls out there, if I get to join them I'll probably be the black sheep.

"Don't get your hopes up Soo you're just-"

"Last but not least- Kim Jisoo!" I widened my eyes and snapped my head towards Ae unnie who was looking at me weirdly. "Jaechoo what are you waiting for? Do you not want to join them?" My mind was in a totally blank state but somehow, looking at Jennie's eyes abled me to move and stood beside them. "Can we give these lovely ladies a hand of applause to cheer them on?" The other trainees clapped their hands for us. "Now, on with your training and you four come with me for a while."

We walked outside of the training room and waited for further instructions coming from Ae unnie. "Girls, tomorrow morning Mr. Yang would like to meet you inside his office so don't be late okay? 8 in the morning."

"Yes, unnie."

"In the meantime, I think you four deserve a celebration so take the rest of the day off and go enjoy your youth while it lasts." She chuckles as she hands us some spare cash. "If you don't you'd end up like them..." She points at the other two staff causing us to laugh. "Go now, before I change my mind."

"Let's go!!!" Miyeon was already skipping away with the cash and the rest of us just followed.

"Hey, Jasu." Ae unnie called.

"Yes, unnie?" I say as I stopped in my tracks. "Did I forget something?"

"Nothing kid, I just want to congratulate you." She smiles. "You did a good job."

Hearing that immediately made me smile. "Thanks, unnie."

She chuckles and then goes back to her serious mode. "Now scram."

I immediately rushed towards the elevator where the three of them were still arguing where to go. I placed my hands in my pocket, still taking everything in that has happened a while ago. I couldn't wait to tell my parents, my siblings, and of course my friends. They're probably going to be all stoked and my dad's going to overreact and throw me a party but I guess-

The rambling on my head seems to die down when I felt a hand sneak in and intertwined with mine. I turn to look at Jennie who was still busy arguing with the two girls on where should be the proper venue of the celebration. Even though she wasn't looking at me, I could feel it once again, the turmoil inside my stomach and even though I barely ate anything tonight I might end up throwing up which is totally disgusting by the way, and I don't plan on doing that since they're practically the girls I am going to be with until we debut.

"Okay, so how about we just settle for karaoke," I suggested which seemed to have stopped the commotion just in time for us to exit the lobby. "We can sing our hearts out and enjoy each other's company don't you think so?"

"Well, karaoke sounds fun." The foreigner of the group which was Lisa smiled. "I like doing karaoke."

"Cool! We can sing duets and practice our harmonization immediately!" Miyeon beams.

We now all turn to Jennie who just shrugged. "Sure, karaoke sounds fun."

"Then it's settled." I finish our talk. "We're all going to karaoke."

The four of us were already walking out of the building when my phone buzzed on my bag. Pulling it out it was a message from Seulgi, one dear friend of mine who is also training in a different company.

From: Seulgi

10:34 PM

Hey Soo, can we meet up for like 30 minutes? I just need to talk to you about something.


"Jisoo! Over here!" I looked over to the farthest corner of the coffee shop where I saw a dumb bear waving at me. "Here!"

"You know I can perfectly see you asshole." I chuckle as I hugged her tight. "It's been months since the last time we talked!"

"I know, I've just been busy with my career."

"So I've heard." I smirked. "So, how is the training in that pink company?"

"It's pretty nice actually, most of the people that I looked up to works there so it just motivates me more to be just like that someday." She smiles. "And how is your Sajangnim treating you so far?"

"He had chosen me Seul... I am about to make my debut." Seulgi gasps and cheers for me, clapping her hands like a seal. "But it's still in the books. I would like to tell you more about it but I tend to lean on the belief that your company has sent you to get details from me."

"Pfft, oh please I bet by now my agency knows that your company is planning a girl group to debut." She chuckles.

"So tell me, what is this important thing that you would talk to me about?"


"SM wants you to train for them."

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