Friends | II

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"Good morning ladies." Mr. Yang greets at the four young girls sitting in front of him. "Did Ae already tell you what are you doing here today?"

"Yes Sajangnim."

"Then shall we start?"

And while the three of them were attentive listening on what their boss has to say, one girl looked from the view of her current spot, her mind wandering about the talk that she had with an old friend.

"SM wants you to train for them."

"Wh-what?" She furrows her eyebrows as if her brain had stopped functioning. "I- I don't understand what you're saying."

"Jisoo, it's not Algebra it's basic sentence." Her friend says. "My company wants you."

"But why? I don't understand I mean they haven't seen me to begin with."

"They might have..." The monolid girl in front of her shyly confesses. "I was showing off to my fellow members about my friends on my phone when one agent spotted us talking about your picture."

"And what picture are we talking about?"

"Uh... the middle school picture." Hearing the answer made the YG trainee groan in annoyance. "I'm sorry it was an accident!"

"So what happened next?"

"The head of the recruitment called for me and asked about you. I gave them the general details, told them you were already in training for YG about 4 years now and then-"

"They used you to get to talk to me in hopes I switch sides is that it?"

"Well, that's the bad interpretation of the situation Jis."

"Yeah? And what is the good interpretation?"

"That you're undeniably beautiful?" Her attempt of getting out of Jisoo's bad side was incredibly a failure as the latter rolls a tissue paper and threw it at her forehead. "Okay so I may not know what the good interpretation is yet but look at the bright side Jis, SM wants you! Not everyone can get to say that."

"And not everyone can sign a deal with YG too Seul you and I both know that."

"I'm very well aware of that and I am not telling you to drop the deal with your current agency. All I ask is for your consideration." She says. "Look why don't we settle this in a very open manner?"

"And that is?"

"Meet with my company's agent two days from now. Hear on what he has to say, the offers and then think about it. If you don't want to accept, it's fine I will perfectly understand but I can't allow you to just say no immediately without even hearing the other side of the story."


"Huh?" I blinked my eyes and saw my boss' serious face as well as the other girls looking at me. "S-s-sorry I was just... taking everything in."

"I understand it's a lot but that's why we're here today for the four of you to understand the grounds of your contract amongst the other rules that my debuting talents have to take in before going through a more rigid type of training."

"I know, I know..." I force a smile towards him and then I look at Jennie as her eyes were asking me if something was wrong. I give her a reassuring look, trying to tell her that everything is fine before turning towards my boss. "Sorry, Sajangnim."

"It's okay Jisoo." He smiles back and I involuntarily flinched. "So shall we continue?"


"Twist, and three- pum, pum, pum!"

"And then four, five, six- body roll..."

"We go from here to there and then we..."

"Alright! Let's take a ten-minute break!"

As soon as our instructor said those words, I immediately slump my body on the wooden floor as I try to catch my breath. I looked at my colleagues who were breathing the same as mine, well except for Lisa who- after a minute of ragged breathing she somehow manage to look like the dance routine practice didn't seem to affect her at all.

"How do you manage to look so calm and composed?"

"It's a dance." She answers me casually.

I rolled my eyes as I still catch up on my breath. "Of course, dance." I sigh out loud.

"Excuse me for a moment." Jennie says all of a sudden and leaves the practice room.

And while we were just trying to relax our sore muscles, Ae unnie enters. "Well hello, there beautiful ladies. How are you this lovely morning?"


"Well, of course, it's already 1 in the morning." She greets us. "I think that's enough training for today as the girls still need some sleep. Good job today Kino." After the instructor leaves the room, she turns to us. "Now you three come along with me."

"Where are we going unnie?"

Ae unnie smiles and claps her hands. "You three are moving into your new dorm."

We didn't waste time packing our bags and we were even squealing as we talked about the things we would see in our new dorm. According to Ae unnie it was just around the neighborhood, a few blocks away from the company and it was bigger than our previous accommodation.

The company's van dropped us off at a five-story building just around the neighborhood now of Hongdae. Truthfully enough I'm kind of happy that we are now moving into this spot since Jennie and I really like to stroll around here during the late night plus it had a park too so that's definitely a bonus for us.

Reaching the fourth floor, Ae unnie opened the door for us and the three of us were holding our breaths as we couldn't believe that this would be the new place we were going to stay at. I mean, it was pretty average but it's a pretty nice damn glow up from what we had been staying in for years. It had a decent kitchen, average-sized living room, two bedrooms with actual beds now and not just heated foams and bed covers. Of course, last but definitely not the least, finally a bathroom with a hot shower.

As I take in a 360-degree view of the place I couldn't help but be happy inside, knowing that this is finally happening, staying in this pretty average apartment made me one more step closer to my dreams.

"What do you say Jicho?" I hear Ae unnie's voice beside me. "It's a pretty nice upgrade from where you used to stay right?"

"Yeah..." I smile while my roommates hover around anything they can touch. "It's definitely a pretty nice upgrade."

Ae unnie was kind enough to buy us some late snacks which consisted of Black Bean Noodles, Chicken and some soda. We pretty much started unpacking and placed some of our personal touches in the apartment in the general areas and we just let Lisa play her playlist with the use of the speakers. While eating, I took this time to know more about the two since I barely got the time to process anything they said while the four of us were inside the karaoke last night since all I could ever think about was what Seulgi had told me.

"So unnie, what's your story." Lisa calls out for me and I gave her a questioning look. "I mean, what's your reason why you're here right now, what motivated you into auditioning?"

"Uh... well- When I used to be younger I really liked singing in front of my family and of course of my friends. I was in elementary when I decided that I'd really like to perform so with the help of my mom and dad I somehow got myself a slot in the auditions for YG and here I am today." I smiled at them.

"And Jennie unnie?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean how did she get in?" Miyeon asks as she munches on the wing part of the chicken. "I've heard rumors about her entering YG, the word goes around that her mother was pretty damn influential around the media industry and when Jennie told her parents she wanted to become an idol, her mother practically just made a single call and then she was immediately accepted and started to train."

"Really? I thought it was her dad who's influential." Lisa argues. "I heard that all she had to do was to pick an agency." All of their speculations made me laugh so I just shake my head. Unknowingly to me, Lisa noticed my actions. "How did Jennie unnie got in unnie?"

"Well, she definitely did not get inside from your theories I'll tell you that." I chuckle as I lick my fingers clean. "Jendeuk was about to continue her international studies in the States when she felt that there was a calling for her to pursue music as it was her first love. She told her mom about it and though she was against the idea first, Jennie somehow managed to convince her. When they got back, she didn't waste any time and tried auditioning for YG and the rest is history."

"Is that why she's not allowed to stay at dorms? Because her mom is still against the idea?"

"Not really, Mrs. Kim is pretty supportive of Jennie nowadays. She's just really protective because Jennie has a lot of health issues."

"Ooh... that makes sense." Miyeon says as she nods her head. "Man, it must be pretty nice to have a luxury lifestyle."

"How can you say so?"

"I saw her mom fetching her at my previous dorm with Jisoo unnie. I know a class car when I see one and the car that Jennie got inside was super duper classy. I mean have you seen the brands that she wears during training and the shoes? Her bag can even buy a studio unit in Gangnam. In Gangnam."

"I was strolling around one night and I saw her coming out of a five-star restaurant laughing along with her friends who's clothing screamed luxury too." Lisa says as she finishes her bowl of noodles. "Man, she must be pretty rich huh."

All this talk about Jennie suddenly made me feel uncomfortable, made me feel like I am talking behind her back which was totally un-cool. "Guys can we like- switch topics now? Jennie is a member of our group so can we talk about something else like- I don't know room assignments maybe?"

"Jisoo unnie I have a question to ask you by the way."

"Go ahead." I say almost too quickly because I was dreading to change the course of the conversation. "Ask right away."

"Unnie, how did you first meet Jennie unnie?"

"What?" Really? And here I thought we were going to change the topic now. "First time meeting Jennie?"

"I only heard Jennie unnie's side of the story so now I want to hear yours."

"Oh, can you tell me your version? I only know Jisoo unnie's side too." Miyeon says as she slurps the entire scooped noodle in one go. "I'm kind of curious."

"Hello, I'm still here you guys!" I decided to interrupt their talk since they totally forgot about my existence or something. "What happened to changing topics?"

"We are moving topics unnie, it's just that instead of just talking about Jennie unnie, we've decided to include you as well."


"Because it's kinda amazing how you two instantly became friends- best friends even after three days of meetings."

"Guys, there's always that person in your life that you'd end up clicking up right away. Don't make a big deal about it."

"We're not making a big deal about it we're just curious."

"Okay, but can we not talk about that right now?"

Lisa suddenly turns to me. "So you really don't want to know when was the first time Jennie unnie saw you?"

"I know that story already. I told you she visited my dance class once and approached me asking me if I could accompany her to the public bathhouse."

"Jennie unnie told me a different story though." Hearing that made Miyeon and I look at her. "Sure you don't want to find out?"

I thought about it for a moment before I shook my head in disagreement. "I'm going to clean this mess and then take a bath. You two better sleep and take it easy with the gossiping."

I already went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. While I was on the final plate, Lisa's last question really got me thinking. Jennie told me that she did first saw me during my dance class, I'm sure of it. I even remember every description she said to me, her hand gestures, movement of her lips and how her chest heaved up and down as she tries to take short breaks in between and even down to the way her eyes would get smaller than usual whenever she'd let out a giggle to something she remembered.

Lisa and Miyeon still haven't moved from the living room as I could still hear them talking about probably the same topic once more. I know that I should just ignore what she said earlier and take a very long, nice and relaxing bath to end this tiring day but it would be a complete lie to myself if I just keep on insisting that I wasn't interested in the real story.

And so with careful steps, I managed to hide behind the partition wall where I could hear them talking.

"Ah come on Lisa, you have to tell me the real story."

"Jisoo unnie said we should drop it."

"No, Jisoo unnie said to take it easy with the gossiping so this is us taking it easy."

"Fine, I'll tell you the story but you have to promise me that it's going to be our secret okay? I've done enough damage because my slip of the tongue and I'm glad Jisoo unnie wasn't interested or else Jennie unnie is coming for my throat."

"You talk too much just get talking already."

"Are you sure she's inside the bathroom now?"

"Yes, yes- she always meditates before taking a dump." I widened my eyes as soon as Miyeon said that. "Weird, I know but get back to the story already."

"Okay fine." Lisa sighed out loud that I could hear her sigh from where I was standing. "So Jennie unnie didn't saw her during Jisoo unnie's dance class but she saw her when she passed by her table."


"Jennie unnie was eating with me at that time when Jisoo unnie passed by. I think it was the time when she was just a week in the company and I remember that I had to kick her foot because she was oddly staring at Jisoo unnie. Don't worry, I regretted doing that though."

"So after the meal, we lounged at one of the practice rooms since our rap class doesn't start in an hour. She then started asking me questions about Jisoo unnie."

"What question are we exactly talking about?"

"Like how Jisoo unnie got in, when did she started training and if she was training as an actress or as an idol. I try to answer all of her queries to the best of my knowledge." She shares. "One day I asked her why she was so curious about the new girl and then she told me that she was wondering what was a pretty face doing inside YG and thought if she will be able to survive the entire training process."

"Ooh..." I could imagine Miyeon nodding as soon as she said that. "Maybe that's why Jennie unnie is so protective of Jisoo unnie."

"Pfft, trust me- protective is an understatement."

Furrowing my eyebrows I wonder what Lisa did mean by that but then the doorbell rang catching the three of us- especially me off guard. Out of panic, I rushed towards the bathroom and accidentally hit my toe finger against the wooden table. It fucking hurt like hell but I held it in and groaned in silence inside the bathroom.

During my thinking shower time all I could ever think about was how Lisa shared the real deal of the time that Jennie saw me and why didn't she tell me the truth. Did she worried that I might find her weird because she was looking- staring at me or was she thinking that I might be offended of what she just had said.

But why would she wonder if I could make it through the training process? Do I really look like a weakling or too innocent perhaps?

Hold on, if Lisa's time-traveling skills are correct and Jennie saw me when I was still a week-old trainee, inside the cafeteria together with the other trainees then that means...

"Heol." I finally caught up what was happening. "I couldn't be that can't it?"

"Pfft, trust me- protective is an understatement."


I leaned my head forward and let the shower washed the remaining shampoo and soap off of my body and disrupt my vision. I couldn't believe that out of all the days that she could've seen me inside the building or even outside the building- it just had to be that day out of all the days possible. The day that I accidentally ignored the 'WATCH OUT IT'S SLIPPERY SIGN' which had caused me to fall flat on my face, wounded my lips and my forehead got swelled up.

I remember the other trainees gasped and the staffs immediately rushed towards me, checking if I was alright. I looked at them with a smile and shrugged everything off but deep down I wanted to scoff right there and say no shit Sherlock you think I'm okay with all that has happened to me?

Sighing to myself, I could feel my cheeks heating up because of the embarrassment. I could just have miscalculated and maybe Jennie didn't saw me that day on the cafeteria. Maybe she has seen me on other days when my hair was looking good and I had makeup on or those days where I was wearing a cute outfit...

Oh my God... maybe that's why Jennie was staring at me. She might've mistaken me as someone who was a clumsy girl and maybe that's why she said those words... Is that why she is protective of me? But- Jennie is protective with her friends that, I know for sure... Kim Jisoo, out of all the days that you can be clumsy it just had to be the day where Jennie first saw you. You're an idiot Kim!!! Now, what will Jennie think of you?!

"UNNIE!" Miyeon calls out as she slams her fist on the bathroom door. "Come out you have a package!"

"Just sign it!" I say with eyes closed. Why does she have to ruin my thinking shower time?!

"You sign it!"

"You're disrupting my thinking shower time!!! You cannot interrupt when I am in the thinking shower Miyeon! We already talked about this!"

"The delivery man said you have to personally sign it!"

I let out a groan. "Fine! I'll be out in a second!" I screamed back. "What kind of delivery is it that Miyeon can't sign herself?! Is it really that important- OH MY GOD! That could be my game controller!"

Just imagining holding my new baby in my arms made me feel excited. I quickly got changed and rushed out of the bathroom without even drying hair off. I was singing a happy melody inside my brain, skipping as I make my way towards the living room. I cannot wait to hold my new game controller!!!

But of course, what is life without a little comedy?

As soon as I was out of the kitchen towards the living room, my body decided not to synchronize with my mind and guess what?


Due to my extreme endorphins, I ended up not noticing that minuscule box which contained all of my snowball collection. My idiotic feet stepped on them, causing me to lose my balance and land on the wooden floor with a very- extremely and loudly thud. And if you think that's the most embarrassing thing I have ever done in front of my members then you're wrong.

Because as it turns out- there was no delivery man waiting for me on our front door, which means I am still not getting my latest controller and I fell on the floor for absolutely nothing. In fact, there wasn't a delivery nor a person waiting because instead of a delivery man, someone else was standing in between Miyeon and Lisa.



"Careful, careful."

"Unnie stay still."

"I wish I could but you're pressing too hard!"

I winced once more as Miyeon tries to pot cold pad on my back. You see, right after the humiliating fall of Chubabylon, everything became silent for a while until Jennie's phone went off and she had to take the call since it was her mother calling for her. While she was on that, Miyeon and Lisa decided to help me up and assisted me towards my bedroom where now- my dumb ex-roommate is applying so ice bag on the sore spot.

"Seriously what were you thinking unnie? Who would skip their way like that?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Miyeon it's just because I thought that I was getting my new controller today because SOMEONE said that a delivery man was looking for me!"

"You really bought that act? Damn unnie you do realize that we just moved right? Who would've known our address right away?" She states. "And besides, you decided that you'd just pick up your controller right?" I was silent for a while because I suddenly realized that she was right. "Tch, stop blaming me for your stupidity."


"Shhh be quiet. Now I am going to unclasp your bra to apply on the upper area okay?"


"Chu?" Jennie calls out my name as she enters my room but stopped midway when she saw our position. "What are you guys doing?"

"I was just applying a cold pack to her back unnie, just in case she feels some pain on the upper part."

Jennie remains silent for a while before looking at Miyeon again. "I'll take it from here. You get some rest."

The second to the youngest nods and hands her the ice bag before leaving the room. Now with me and Jennie all alone, I suddenly feel really embarrassed but I decided not to speak any longer to prevent further embarrassment on my side. Jennie closes the door and sat behind me. The silence was still evident in our place and with every second pass, I could feel myself getting worried because this is Jennie Kim we're talking about and silence with her is usually never a good thing.

But eventually, though she gives in as she sighs. "I'm going to unclasp your bra now." I nodded as she started applying the ice bag onto my back. "Why would you even sleep with a bra on? Haven't you heard that wearing a bra to sleep can cause to breast cancer risk?"

"There is no scientific evidence that proves your statement can be true."

"You've been wearing an underwire bra for the entire day and you're going to sleep with them on. You know this can cause compression in the chest area right?"

"But that doesn't support your theory."

"It is because wearing such lingerie as this prevents your lymph system from clearing all the unwanted substances."

"Gene mutation may lead to cells sometimes divide suddenly and rapidly but it still doesn't show the correlation with the lymph system."

"Still I beg to differ that you shouldn't wear a bra to sleep for safety reasons Kim Jisoo."

"Men don't wear bras yet they can still have breast cancer so shut it, Jennie Kim. Besides breast cancer started around the 1600s and bras weren't even there yet."

"Corset exists during that time."

"Yes but not without the tight support structure though." Both of us remained silent until she ends it by chuckling lightly. "Have you accepted your defeat?"

"No, I just can't believe we are talking about breast cancer all of a sudden when I should tend to your wound."

"It's fine." I shake my head and face her. "Anyways, what brings you here at this time of the day?"

"Well, of course, I should be here this is my home now."

"Excuse me but you're what now?"

"My home," Jennie states again. "Starting today I am going to stay here."

"Really? Your mother allowed you to stay here?"

"Shocking I know." She chuckles. "But I managed to convince her for me to stay."


"It wasn't easy though I'll tell you that." She scoffs. "But after a few paragraphs thrown at each other and not talking with mom for three days, she finally agreed. Dad backed me up anyways, he promised her that if I feel slightly uncomfortable with living in the dorms he'd be the first to pick me up and be my mom's slave for a lifetime."

"Isn't he one though?" Jennie laughs at my comment. "It's nice to have you here. I mean there's going to be some adjustments but I'm pretty sure you're going to do well." She smiles and looks around the cramped up bedroom. "Sorry, I haven't unpacked neatly because I thought I'd have this room all by myself."

"Do you still use that?"

I looked over the night light Jennie had bought for me. "Of course, every night." I smiled.

"But you don't have any plans on using it now?"

"Jen, you can't sleep with the light on right?"

"But you're my roommate and besides, you told me that there's going to be some changes so might as well be accustomed to it now right?" Standing up, she grabbed one shirt and shorts from my luggage. My eyes immediately widened when she was starting to undress in front of me.

"Yah! Why are you suddenly changing in front of me?"

"It's not like you haven't seen this before."

I scoffed and just shook my head with disbelief. "Kim Jennie you're really something." I say before turning on the night light and then switching off the rest of the light.

"So I've been told." She cockily remarks.

As I was about to go up to take the top bunker, I felt Jennie's hand on my wrist. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to sleep now?" I say as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Don't state the obvious Chu, I know you're going to sleep but I'm asking you why are you going to sleep there?"


Even through dimmed light, I could see her rolling her eyes. "Idiot, I know you're the top bunker type but with your back, I doubt you're going to have a comfortable sleep."

"Are you going to take the top part?"

"No, I'm going to share my bed with you. Come on."

Before I could process everything, Jennie was already draping the blanket on top of our bodies and snuggles closer to me just like our usual routine when I am sleeping over at their house or whenever she stays in my dorm when Miyeon's not around. The first time it happened when Jennie was having a bad dream. It woke me up during the wee hours and I try to wake her up but then she wraps her arms around me and snuggled closer to me.

I thought it was going to worsen the situation but then a few seconds later Jennie was already calming down and her breathing was already even. I was kind of curious on why she was having bad dreams but I know Jennie's the type of person who doesn't like personal questions that much and besides, it was just normal for two girls to snuggle in bed. That's what friends do.

"Chu?" Jennie spoke softly. "Are you happy?"

"Happy because I slipped earlier?"

"No silly..." She trails off. "Are... are you happy now that I am here?"

"Well, of course, I'm happy Jen, I honestly wanted you to stay here beforehand."

"Really?" I nodded my head. "Why?"

"Because I like your company." I answered truthfully. "Don't get me wrong I also like hanging out with Lisa or Miyeon and even the both of them but they're so full of energy I can barely keep up." I chuckled. "With you around, I can have an excuse to stay at home or even in this room."

"So you're just using me as an excuse."

"Yah, don't twist my words." I flickered her forehead and she immediately whines. "I like your company and I really like having you around." I said. "I like being with you and doing things with you."

"You want to know how I made my mother talk to me?"


"I told her that you're going to be my roommate."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Really? And she agreed just like that?"

"Not right away though... She was finishing her apple pie before talking to me." She giggles. "She told me that she's only going to allow me to stay in the dorms because she believes that you are going to take good care of me and look after me."

"Well, she's right about that."

"Chu?" She calls out again and I just hummed in response. "Don't go anywhere okay?" Hearing that made me turn to the side and face her. "I like being with you and doing things with you too."


There are three things that Jennie Kim doesn't want to happen mornings on our free day.

She doesn't like the sound of alarms. I've probably had given her a dozen in this friendship of ours and every single one of them gets thrown away, destroyed or she'd call for Kai, her dog, to take it away. Second, she doesn't like having a cold spot on the bed. Who or whatever was beside her must remain beside her until she wakes up. Third? She doesn't like waking up early at all. You do either one of this and she'll be in a very bad mood for the rest of the day. You do all three of them and- well- you just earned yourself a gate pass to hell.

Luckily for me though, she happened to be asleep when Seulgi's text messages and missed calls woke me up. I turned to her and was still sleeping comfortably in my arms. I slowly removed myself from her, and replaced myself with a huge pillow, hoping that it'd be enough before I got out and took a bath. I was mentally cursing myself for letting this meeting slip off my mind as I was just talking with her all morning long. If I hadn't heard her snoring, I would've still continued on my misfortunate adventures when I was a kid.

The dorm was still quiet when I got out of the bathroom. I was debating whether I'd do my make up inside the bedroom and risk the chance of getting caught or just do it outside like here on the living room. Thinking the latter would be a better choice, I tip-toed my way back to the bedroom where I saw Jendeuk sleeping soundly, a view that never fails to make me smile.

I grabbed all the things needed and was about to head out when my cell phone started ringing again making me curse. I was rushing to grab it from my bag, causing for all my makeup fall on the floor, creating quite a nuisance. I utter a silent curse before readying myself to snap at the caller.

"Kang Seulgi!" I hissed. "What the hell?"

"What the hell? I should be the one cursing at you! You're thirty minutes late and counting!"

I sighed inwardly and rolled my eyes. "As far as I'm concerned you were the one who wanted my audience so, between you and me, you're the one who needs to adjust!"

"But my reputation is on the line!"

"Fine, fine, fine. I'll be there fifteen minutes tops. I'm hanging up!" Shoving the phone back to my bag I took a step on my way out when-

"Kim Jisoo do you want to die?" Ah, fucking shit! "Yah."

I took time turning my back on her. "Y-yes?"

"Where are you going?" Hearing her hoarse voice already brought enough chills to my spine and that icy glare isn't helping me too either. "Well? Are you going to talk or do I have to force it out on you?"

I rubbed the back on my neck. "My mom called." I blurted all of a sudden. "She called and asked for my help with... moving things."

Hearing the word 'mom' seems to do the trick because her orbs relaxed and her facial expression softened. "She called?"

"Yeah, it was super early so I didn't want to bother you." I chuckled nervously.

"You should've told me." Jennie instantly pouts. "Had I known you were doing something early today, I wouldn't have kept you up all night... Now you're making me feel guilty all of a sudden."

Knowing just what to do with a very sulky Jennie Kim in the morning I went back to the bed and face her. "Hey, it's alright. It's my fault for forgetting I had something to do today."

"I can make it up to your mom you know, I can come with you." My eyes widened as soon as she said it.


Jennie furrows her eyebrows. "No?"

"Uh- yeah. No, because my brother-in-law is already helping today and my idiotic brother has finally some purpose in the family so don't worry about helping. Plus, you know how bossy and organized my mother can be so it might take a while."

"Hmm, true. I wouldn't be much of help anyways."

"Not to be that bitch but, you're right." While I was trying to hide my relief with a scoff, Jennie wraps her arms around one of mine and leaned on my chest. "Aigoo, Jendeukie is already awake." I teased, which earned a pinch in the stomach. "I was just kidding." I laughed.

"What time will you be back?"

"Hmm, I don't know depends, why?"

"I just want to know what time to get up from this bed."

"Ey, that's so greasy."

Jennie stayed in my arms for a while before detaching herself and lying back on the bed. "Go, auntie will be even more pissed if you stay longer."

"Don't worry I'll just use the Jendeukie card on her and she'll let me off the hook just like always."

"You're lucky you have me."

I decided not to respond and bid her farewell. As I make my way out of the dorm, I hadn't realized that I had been biting my tongue, controlling my best to say something like-

You have no idea how lucky Jennie Kim.


"There you are!" Seulgi beams as soon as she sees me walking towards their table. "Jisoo, this is Miss Choi, the president of the talent agency in SM. Miss Choi, this is Jisoo, the girl you've asked about."

"And here I thought the pictures in Seulgi's phone bring justice to you." That compliment definitely caught me off guard. "Hi Jisoo, take a seat."

"Well, now that my job's here is done, I'm off." Seulgi stands up. "Jisoo, let's catch up sometime okay?"

As soon as Seulgi leaves the two of us, their ordered foods have arrived. "Seulgi told me you love Iced Americano."

"Yes." I nodded my head and smiled. "Thank you."

"How is it?"

"It tastes nice. Even better than the ones I've tasted before."

"This shop is like five minutes away from SM." She states. "Just a little heads up."

"Oh... Well, lucky SM trainees eh?" I chuckled.

"Miss Kim, how long have you been training in YG?"

"A few years," I answered vaguely.

"But you've been accepted in the agency as an actress right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at her. "How'd you know that?"

"Of course we have to know Miss Kim. We need to do some competitive check right?"

"Oh..." I nodded my head. "I didn't know that."

"Well, that's not very surprising. Knowing your company's grounds- this is just one of the things they've been keeping from you." Miss Choi chuckles. "But anyway, I'm not gonna spend my time with you talking about YG. Let's get serious now shall we?" She repositions herself, and I could tell that there's a sudden change in our atmosphere. "Miss Kim, I think that Seulgi has already told you the long story short type of story correct?"


"Then good, it means I wouldn't beat around the bush any longer." She looks at me in the eye, and the playful aura earlier instantly disappeared. "We want you to sign with SM."

"But why?" I asked confusingly. "Why me?"

"What's there not to like about you? You're charismatic, talented, and unique. I won't state the obvious though because I'm pretty sure, you're totally aware of the fact that you are beautiful." She says. "And what you have Miss Kim, are the qualities of an SM trainee."

"With the talent you have and the training we're able to give you, you are going to excel in whatever field you want. If you sign with us, I'll handle you personally and even let you choose on what field you want to pursue. Not just that, a private apartment just for you and a whole staff from managers to make up down to the stylist and publicist you can get."

"I... don't understand."

"You're good to be an idol Jisoo; I'm not going to deny the fact. Sure you might be rough around the edges but I can't lie to myself- the edges that you have are doable. My company can deal with that. If I post a picture with you right here, right now and post this on my SNS, this picture will probably have the most likes in all of my SNS posts." She says. "The number of fans that are going to go after you and all endorsements you'd be able to bag? Endless. I could go all day talking about your future as an idol- but I hope you keep in mind that I see you more than that."

"If you're going to do an amazing job as an idol, imagine how great you're going to be when you become an actress. I can't even begin to explain all of the possibilities." She shakes her head. "I can't wait to see it- but it will only happen and it can only happen if you sign with SM Entertainment."

"I just don't understand..." I trailed off. "Why is the President of SM's talent scouting department is here having a meeting with me when you could've just sent one of your people."

Miss Choi smirks and places her cup of coffee down. "Because that's how much I want you in my team Jisoo. I want you to be on my side so bad that I can't allow one of my staffs mess this up. Because I know people like you- first impressions last and I would like to give you the best first impression any company has ever given you."

Okay, it'd be a total lie if I would tell myself that she wasn't convincing. Of course, she was convincing, tempting even. But that's what she is- a talent scout. She tells people what they want to hear and try to get them on their side. Then again, she's just not any talent agent- she's the president of the scouting department for Pete's sake.

SM isn't a bad option for me too. I'd have to admit almost all of my idols have signed there and to be there in the same agency- breathing the same purified air made me want to sign the contract immediately. I get to have my own apartment, own team and I get to choose my career. My mind has been screaming at me to take the goddamn offer and leave that company like- where's the contract let me sign!

But as just as I was about to give in- I hear her voice.



Oh my God. Jennie.

How would Jennie think of me if I leave? How would she treat me if I decided to push through this agreement?

"Don't go anywhere okay?"

Of course Jisoo you idiot, if you sign with SM, Jennie wouldn't speak to me, lock me out of the room even though it's my room too. Jennie would feel betrayed, and she would probably hate me for the rest of my existing days.

"I like being with you and doing things with you too."

"I know that look." Miss Choi interrupts my train of thoughts. "Look Jisoo, if my gut feeling is true, then I don't want to hear your answer."

"Look, Miss Choi, I appreciate the effort. I promise, it's very tempting but I also keep my word."

"I understand but, as I said, I'd rather not to hear your answer." She pulls out a pink card and hands it to me. "I am not giving up on you Jisoo."

After the talk with Miss Choi, I just didn't feel like going home so I thought kicking pebble on while walking around the streets of Gangnam just to clear my head out. I'd probably look like a zombie and Jennie would've probably caught up with what's going on with me. I kind of hate the fact that I've been friends with her for too long that she can read me like the back of my hand and I hate the fact that I am hiding this from her. I could've just told her this morning so that maybe I could get advice from her. Knowing Jennie, she probably would've known what to do.

While I was just minding my own business, a sudden car horn made my soul flew through the skies. I immediately turn around and saw a very familiar red Mercedes-Benz just right behind me. I was trying to look underneath the thick tinted glass just to see the owner of the vehicle but it was hardly visible.

Thankfully though, the driver's door opened and the driver has finally shown its face. A face- that is all too familiar with me.

The drive removes their sunglasses and shows off that trademark smirk. "Well, well, well... I thought you were a Hongdae girl."I try to look pissed at the driver but as soon as our eyes meet, I find my ass off laughing. "Wassup Soo?"

"It's been a long time too..."


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