Friends | III

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"God Soojoo, you're such an asshole!"

After the little prank she decided to pull on me, Soojoo treated me for some early dinner at our favorite restaurant. She said it was a reward for me, for putting on a good facial reaction because this stupid human decided to record everything on her phone and that is what she is showing me as of the moment.

"Think the girls will like it?" I rolled my eyes and just focused on my untouched food. "I think if I send this to your agency they might probably give you an acting gig."

"Ha ha ha, funny." I mocked.

Even though I wasn't looking, I know Soojoo was eyeing me. "Why aren't you touching your food?"

"Are you blind or something?"

"Don't bullshit me Jisoo; you're not eating your favorite dish in our favorite restaurant. Clearly, there is something bothering you and don't you even try to hide it with you playing the food so tell me what's up or I am going to send the video to the girls and you know how Soojin is when she sees you suffering." She challenges. "Come on Soo, I'm your friend. You can tell me everything."

"I'm okay."

"No, you're not okay, you're Kim Jisoo."

I huffed out of annoyance. "You know perfectly well what I am talking about."

Soojoo still decides to be a bitch about this entire situation. "Fine, guess you're going to have to endure Soojin's mocking until that woman forgets that this video happened."

"Hong Soojoo don't you fucking dare..."

"Oh! There's Soojin's number. I'll just have to- HEY!" She snaps as I took her phone away. "Give my phone back."

"Give my phone back." I clicked my tongue out at her.

"Fine." She crossed her arms. "I'll let you have my phone only- if you tell me what's been bothering you. Seriously Soo, you're not like this."

The sincere concern in her voice has got me guilty. "It's just... there's something in my mind these days..."

"Well, you can tell me about it."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me." She challenges and that just shake my head in disbelief.

"Joo, have you ever been torn between-"

"Two lovers?"

"No idiot." I rolled my eyes. "Like have you found yourself stuck between two choices."

"Always." Soojoo takes a bite of her steak. "In the morning I would always find myself thinking whether I'd go for an Americano or an Iced latte. Other days I'd be torn whether if it's green tea or raspberry tea. Then when I'm attending a show- would I choose the one with color or the little black dress?" She says. "It's a constant struggle."

"And how do you pick one despite their similarities?"

"Of course, I'd pick the one that would make me happy." I look at Soojoo as she takes a good scoop of the truffle pasta. "You know, just like what they say- go for the things that would make you happy."

"But what if you haven't tried the other one yet?" I asked, making her totally intrigued right now. "What if you were to pick something that you're so used to versus something you haven't tried before? What would you choose?"

That's when Soojoo finds out that there was something wrong with me. "Okay, first of all- can we stop with the cryptic shit? Seriously, I flew straight from Japan and I haven't got any ounce sleep because the stupid dude two rows behind me keep on screaming while playing on his mobile game and the goddamn staff wouldn't do something about it because he's a politician's son." Soojoo sighs out loud. "So, please Jisoo- spare me with the crap and just tell me what's up."

Putting my fork down, I sat up straight and looked at her. "It's about SM."

"The pink company?" I nodded my head. "What about it?"

"They... they want to sign me in."

Soojoo accidentally chokes on her drinks. "Really? Well, shit-" I glared at her. Seriously this woman's life hasn't seen a day without her cussing. "Sorry, forgot I was with a religious monk here." She remarks with an eye roll. "Did you meet with their agent?"

"Just today."

"Oh, so that's why you were like that earlier." I nodded and resumed to play with my food. "How did the talk go?"

"Their offer was totally tempting Joo... they're planning to let me choose to be an actress or an idol. A dorm all for myself and even my personal staff and even the head of their scouting department talked to me. Not one of their agents, not the second hand but the head herself..."

"Wow, I've never heard an offer like that."

"I know."

"I'm assuming you rejected the offer?"

"I was planning to, but Miss Choi said she doesn't want to hear it and said she doesn't want to give up on me."

"She must've seen something in you," Soojoo said to which I just shrugged. "So why didn't you accept the offer?"

"I have my word of honor Soojoo, I can't just drop everything just because someone offered me better."

"If you have your word of honor then you shouldn't be thinking about the offer and rejected it the moment Seulgi had offered it to you." She argues. "So tell me really- what's the real reason why you couldn't leave YG just yet?"

"I... I can't." I trail off. "I just can't."

Soojoo eyes me for a while and I know she was trying to make me look at her for her to figure out what's going on with my head. Out of all of my friends outside YG, this woman right here probably knows me the best and that is why I am ducking my head low, avoiding her gaze because I know one look from Hong Soojoo and I would end up blurting out the thing that's been bothering me.

And honestly, I am still not ready to tell that the only reason that I decided to stay with YG because I couldn't leave Jennie.

I don't think Soojoo will understand. I don't think anyone will understand.

"Eyy, stop looking like a lost puppy, here." Soojoo takes the fork away from me and takes a serving from my pasta. "Come here."

"What are you-" She interrupts my question as she feeds me the food. Furrowing my eyebrows I waited for her to turn to me before asking away again. "What's that?"

Tilting her head to the side she retorts back innocently. "What's what?"

"Why are you feeding me?"

"I'm feeding you because it seems like you have no plans eating the food... yourself." Soojoo mercilessly shove a quarter of the entire serving. "You're lucky if you think that I am going to let you waste my hard-earned money."

"Asdsfsda." I mumbled incoherently. Her thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion so I try to chew a few parts first. "I think I can do it on my own thanks."

My best friend smiles warmly at me. "Then stop acting like you can't you dumb bitch."

Widening eyes in surprise- I decided to snap back. "Yah did you just-" this bitch shoves another big portion down my throat muffling my scream of annoyance. "HNG SJ!!!!"

Jisoo suddenly stops for a moment as soon as she feels the chills in her spine. She touches the back portion of her neck, rubbing it to place some heat and wondered what made her feel this way. The heart-shaped lips girl looks around the area but there were only a few people inside the restaurant at that time. Shrugging the thought away and concluded that it might've been the temperature, Jisoo resumed her bickering with Soojoo.

While the two returned to their quality time together, a red SUV was parked outside the restaurant and guess who was sitting right at the passenger seat, glaring through the glass window where Jisoo and Soojoo were sitting?

"Here's the Milk Tea you ordered." A girl right around late teenage years sits on the driver's seat. "Hey, Jen? Everything alright in there?"

"Yeah." She answers as her eyes were still focused on the two girls laughing their hearts out as Soojoo tries to kiss Jisoo on the lips as a playful act. "Everything's perfectly okay."

After the meal with Jisoo, Soojoo decides to take a stroll to go shopping, meet with the girls and have the karaoke that they have been always postponing since everyone was busy with their own schedule. Jisoo along with her friends, danced, sang and screamed their hearts out having some of their foods and drinks spilled on the floor.

The night ends for Jisoo with a grin plastered on her face and the problem was totally out of her mind even if it was short-lived.

"You're still up?"

Lisa removes still focused her eyes on the screen. "Shh."

I furrowed my eyebrows and decided"What are you even-" now seeing that she was watching Frozen again, I instantly rolled my eyes. "Seriously Lisa you have to stop-"

"Shut up you don't know how it feels." She wipes her tears away. "Disney movies are touching."

"Obviously," I state the obvious. "Where's Miyeon?"

"She went out with friends. Apparently, Disney movies are not her mood because that's for kids! I was offended by that!" She says with her utmost offended tone. "You can never be too old for Disney!"

"You don't say."

Lisa wipes her wet nose with the edge of her shirt. "Someday I am gonna meet the one who I can watch Disney movies with. We're going to have a marathon whole day and we'd just order take-out. We'll cry when the scenes are sad and we'll cry when the scenes are funny."

"And when you find that person you're talking about you're never going to let them go?"

"I'm saying that when I find that person then I can be happy."

"Is that your way of telling me your ideal person?"

The youngest immediately blushes and looks away. "Amongst other things." It was an adorable sight so I couldn't help but pinch her cheek which causes her to whine. "Unnie it hurts!!!"

Where's Jennie?"

"Oh, Jennie unnie got home in the late afternoon." Lisa answers. "She seems to be in a bad mood."

"In a bad mood?" She nods her head. "How can you say she's in a bad mood?"

"Well I invited her to watch some Disney and dinner but she looked at me before going inside your room. She hasn't left since."

I bid my fellow member farewell and walks towards my room when I noticed that the door was locked. "What the-" I try to turn the knob in a different direction but still the door hasn't opened. "Lisa?"

"Yes, unnie?"

"When Jennie entered the room earlier did you hear her locking it?"

Lisa turns to me as she tries to recall the memory. "Umm, I think so?"

"Fuck." I sighed out. "If she locked the room where the hell am I supposed to sleep?"


"This is so not cool."

I groaned in annoyance as I turn to Lisa, who was shamelessly snoring out loud. Miyeon's incoherent dream talking wasn't helping me getting my sleep either. We have a call time at six, and it was literally one o'clock in the morning. I turn to Lisa again with her mouth wide open and obnoxious and unnecessary snoring I've come to think if she'll shut up or should I just slam a pair of socks deep down her throat.

Removing her arm draped around my body, I grabbed my pillow, went to the living room and settled myself lying down on the couch. As soon as I lay down, I let out a huge sigh of relief. Finally some peace...

Obviously, the couch is not a nice option and for sure I'm going to have some sore neck tomorrow but what can I do? My roommate has locked me out of my room and I don't want to return to Lisa and Miyeon's. Seriously though did Jennie forget that I was coming home? Did she think I'd sleep at my house?

I was getting grumpier with each passing moment that I didn't get to spend inside my cold and comfortable bed and by the time I was slowly drifting off to sleep- the door from the left side of the apartment opens, signaling that Jennie was awake.

Shooting my whole body up I was rushing towards the room when I saw Jendeuk rummaging through the fridge, looking for something to eat. There were various snacks inside the thing so what was she looking for?

"Hey." She stops looking through the kinds of stuff and turns to face me. "What are you looking for? Something to munch?" She nods her head. "Well, we have lots inside and on the cabinet what do you want?"

"Nyam nyam nyam." She mumbles.

Smiling to myself I walked towards the cabinet pulling the third drawer. "Here" I got her the chewy snack. "You're lucky that's the last one." Instead of a bright smile, Jennie shots me a dull look before walking back to the bedroom. "Hey!" She even had the nerve to close the door! "What the hell?"

Jennie gives me the cold glare before going back to her side of the bottom part of the bed and turns her back on me. Okay, now I am totally confused. What did I do for her to give me the cold shoulder?

"Hey, is there something bothering you?" No answer. "Jennie?"


"You'd really think I'd believe that?"


"What's all with the one-word answers hmm?" I sat on the edge of the bed, leaning closer to see a glimpse of her face. "Jendeuk?"

Jennie looks away. "Go away Jisoo."

I decided to pout even if she couldn't see me clearly. "Okay bye..." I said in the same manner as that Disney Movie before grinning at her. "How was it? Did I sound like Anna?"

"Just sleep, we're still early for tomorrow."

"Okay, seriously what's up?" I ask. "First you locked me out of my room, second you're acting weird right now even though I gave you the snack you've been looking for and thirdly I just don't get it why don't why you're giving me the cold shoulder right now."

"You're asking non-sense questions."

I pull myself away from her, knowing that whenever she's in this mode I know that she would rather be left alone. But I have one more trick left on my sleeve. "Okay, I'm going to take rest now. Goodnight Jennie."

Just as I was about to go and take the top bunk, Jennie grabs me by the wrist. "Really? You're going to leave just like that?"

See? Reverse psychology on Jennie Kim never fails me. "Well, you told me to leave right?"

I felt that chill at the back of my neck again. "And here I thought you know me better than anyone else."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I can always read your mind. Sometimes, it would be easier to me if you would just say it." I went back to my previous position having Jennie sit right in front of me. "So tell me, what's bothering you that you gave me the cold shoulder all of a sudden?"

Jennie doesn't answer right away. "You lied to me."


"You told me you were going to stay at your parents' but-" Another pause. "But I saw you, hanging out with Soojoo earlier." I knew it... the chills I felt right there wasn't a coincidence.

"About that-"

"Don't worry about it I mean, who am I to demand something from you right?" She chuckles dryly. "I'm just being unreasonable or my time of the month is fast approaching."

"Look, Jen-"

"It's okay Jisoo." Jennie cuts me off. "Let's go to sleep."

And for some unknown reason, the way she pushes me off of her tightened the space inside my ribs like I was experiencing some kind of chest pain. "I was on my way home when I met Soojoo. She just came home from Japan and wanted to treat me some meal."

"She just came home from a flight but she goes straight to meeting you sheesh."

"What did you say?"

"I said she must've treated you into a feast since you went home late."

"She did, but after that, the girls got reunited again and we went to karaoke the whole gang was there and I was happy." I decided to lean my chin on her bare shoulder. "Are you not happy for me?"

"Of course I am happy for you idiot. I-" Jennie sighs out loud. "I just wished you told me you were going to stay out late or you were going to meet Soojoo and your friends. What if Ae unnie visits us all of a sudden and asks us about you?" She says. "Plus there's been something that I'd really like for you to know first."

"And what is it?"

"I got the spot." My roommate softly whispers. "I got the role of Jiyoung oppa's music video."

"Congratulations Jendeukie!" I clapped my hands. "You totally deserve it!"

"I really wanted you to be the first person who will know Chu, I waited for you but then Chaehee called and wanted to hang out."

"I'm sorry Jendeukie." I intently pouted for her to just bring me back to her good graces already. "I promise you- I will update you all the time so that when Ae unnie asks you, you know just what to say. Okay?" She remains silent, a sign that she was still going firm with the cold shoulder thing. "What do I have to do for you to forgive me?"

"I can offer you my service and I am practically good at everything; I'm a good cook, a masseuse and I can be your-"

"Kiss me."

My mind suddenly stopped operating. She wanted me to what her now?! "W-w-what?"

Jennie looks at me. "Kiss me Jisoo."

"B-b-but why?"

"The director said there might be a kissing scene with the man I'm supposed to act with." She confesses. "And I don't want to disappoint the male model."

"Disappoint him with what?"

"I'm 18 years old the Chu and I haven't got my first kiss! That's too embarrassing!"

"I'm 19 does it look like I'm complaining?" I retort back. "Seriously? A kissing scene?"

"It's just a kiss Chu."

I look at her dumbfounded. "For you to be too worked up for that kiss, it's kinda hard to believe your carefree attitude about this."

"It's going to be just a kiss with him if you'll kiss me first."

"Why me?"

"I couldn't trust anyone else but you," Jennie says in her soft and small voice. "You promised me, you'd do anything for my forgiveness, right? And you said you're practically good at everything."

"For Pete's sake Jennie when I say I am practically good at everything I didn't literally mean everything. I don't have any kissing experience!"

"Are you saying that because you don't want me to be your first kiss?"

"NO!" Jisoo widens her eyes as soon as those words left her mouth. "I mean YES! I mean-"

"You mean that you don't trust me enough to give your first kiss to me- Jennie Kim, your friend. Am I right?"

"Stop twisting my words, Jesus." I exhaled out loud. "I trust you okay? More than anything in this world Jennie you know that."

"Touché Kim." She replies. "So? What is it going to be?"

I looked at Jennie who was already staring back at me. Despite the lack of brightness inside our room, I was able to identify her features and the proximity of our bodies. It wasn't that far- but it wasn't too close as well but- who the hell am I kidding? This is Kim Jennie, there's a reason why I named her Jendeukie in the first place.

And there's literally nothing wrong with it right? This is a good deal between Jennie and me. She gets to practice for her kiss and I get to save myself from the embarrassment of having the reputation of being a bad kisser. Plus— Jennie's my friend. I mean-

Friends kiss friends right?

"Hello? Earth to Jisoo Kim."

"Shut up I was contemplating."

"And what did your contemplation bring you?"

I rolled my eyes and shake my head. "FINE! I'LL KISS YOU."

"Really!? Thanks, Chu!" Jennie pulls me in her arms. "So, shall we?"

"Wait, hold up a minute." I interrupt. "Can... can we turn on the night light?"

"Turn on the night light? Why?"

"It helps me relax... I mean it's not like every day I can kiss my best friend right?"

"Okay, I'll turn it on." As Jennie walks away from the bed I was trying my very best to be calm and composed, a task that is not a very easy thing to do. my mind was screaming 'you're gonna kiss Jennie Kim' over and over again that it made her heartbeat be rampant. "Jisoo for the love of Chicken, calm the fuck down!"

"Chu?" The night light was turned on and Jennie hops right in front of me. "Ready?"

I huff out probably the biggest exhale I ever had in my life. "Okay, ready."



Jennie chuckles as she leans in close to me- so close that I can feel her breath hitting past against my own pair of lips. "Okay."

And before I could close my eyes, Jennie presses her lips on mine.

My brain literally stopped functioning. Like literally. If you ask me right now what's the answer to the equation of the square root of 144? I'd answer strawberry. Why?

Because that's what Jennie tastes like. A fresh, fully ripe strawberry that I really wouldn't mind to taste again and again because it's even sweeter than the tanghulu. If only I could get my goddamn lips to get moving!!!

But then just as I was about to lean forward, Jennie pulls away and giggles adorably. "Why are you laughing?"

"It's because this is so funny." She rolls herself back and falls on the bed. "I feel like I'm kissing a log."

A fucking log? Oh no she did not. "You surprised me, idiot, of course, what am I supposed to do? Shove my tongue down your throat?" But still, Jennie kept her laughing her ass off that it came to a point it offended me. "Let's try again."

"Why?" Jennie asks as she sits up again. "Quite confident that you're not going to freeze this time?"

I smirked at her. "Why don't you come closer and see for yourself?"

Jennie eyes me for a while before scooting closer to me. "Okay, so what now?"

"Play something." I motioned to her phone.

"Setting up the mood are we?" She shakes her head and tapped a random song. Rihanna's Kiss It Better plays on her speakers. "How does that?"

"Better." I smiled. "Ready?"

"Ready if you are."



I leaned closer to her, so close that I could already feel the tip of her upper lip against mine. "Okay."

In my nineteen years of living, I probably have read lots of books already. It started when my mother gave me a nursery book. It was a good story so I thought of asking my mom to buy me another one. One book after the other, I hadn't realized that my library was already growing.

So reading kissing scenes were no longer a surprise for me and throughout my journey as a book lover, I have read multiple, repetitive and even unique types of description of kissing of the characters for the very first time. Some narrated it as an accomplishment, some sensations of a new beginning, and some- describe their first kiss as a blurred memory from their drunken night at a frat party.

As I try to move my lips in a soft pace, I felt that feeling you know?

The same feeling of the adrenaline rush, feeling you're on the edge of a cliff and you don't have any choice but to jump down below and take the fucking leap of faith. The rush of not knowing what's going to happen when you hit the surface- the rush of falling from a high spot.

My body heats up, hands are numbed and the last living brain cell I ever had is totally gone AWOL. I could easily tell that my ears are probably on fire right now like I just got my ears pierced or got my first tattoo not that I was able to experience it but! THE POINT IS! Reading kissing scenes might be good for me, but kissing Jennie Kim is a whole other story.

It's so amazing that I wouldn't mind taking the leap of faith over and over again if it meant kissing her every night here in our bed.

We pulled apart from one another after the need for oxygen intake. All we could hear was our ragged breathing. Jennie looks at me, pupils dilated as she licked her lips while I am there, sitting in front of her, looking like a dumb non-athletic girl who felt like she needed to intake all the air inside the world.

"That... that was good right?" Jennie breaks the silence between us.


"I... I like it." She mumbles. "I like the way your lips feel. They're soft, like gummy bears."

That made me smile. "I like the way you taste," I answer. "You taste like strawberry."

"Must be the strawberry balm." I hummed. "Well... think that'll be enough practice?"

"Depends on you Jen, you tell me."

She remains silent for a while before answering softly once more. "I... I think I need more practice."



I nodded and already leaned halfway. "Okay."

And from that night- everything about the dynamics of my friendship with Jennie Kim started to change.

Jenniefixes my hair, putting them at the back of my ear before leaning in for thethird time that night. "Okay."

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