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Jennie's assumption was right after they left the maze with intertwined hands, they didn't separate ever since. Even when they were walking around towards their different destinations or just window shopping from time to time, a part of Jennie would somehow find their way to be placed on Jisoo's. Whether it's her hand on Jisoo's hand or her arm around Jisoo's shoulder, they seem to be completely attached to the bone, so much that even an A4 size paper couldn't pass through.

After the tree museum, Jennie took Jisoo to one of the hidden libraries found in the skirts and old alley of Barcelona where they both enjoyed skimming through the books and taking tons and tons of pictures, and videos, one of which Jennie dancing to a popular song.

"I still cannot believe you can goof around like that."

"That song was my jam, it was impossible for me not to dance. It's like a disgrace or something."

"Good thing I recorded it. I might need a good laugh once in a while."

"Who knows who have good humor inside that Pink company."

"Seulgi has some good sense of humor."

"Really." Jennie looks at her with the are-you-really-serious look. "Seulgi."

"Well, she needs some work but her text jokes are funny to me."

"Only because she looks like an awkward bear standing in front of a human when she's telling it."

"It's almost night time." Jisoo looks up at the stars. "Should we head back to the cruise?"

"The ship is going to be there until tomorrow morning. Besides, we haven't done one of our bucket list in Barcelona just yet."

Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Come with me."


"No way."

"Yes, way."

"No way."

"I'm telling you, yes way."

"Jendeuk, there's absolutely no way-"

"Jisoo, I am telling you, yes way."


"Stop asking questions Jisoo and let's just enjoy! We only have three hours."

Jisoo couldn't believe it.

She was about to make one of her Barcelona dreams come true.

Jisoo was about to enter one of her favorite aquariums in the world.

"I still cannot believe you managed to pull this one-off... I mean, I was searching on the web but all the tickets were sold out." She turns to look at Jennie who was calm about the entire situation. "What did you do?"


"Don't play dumb with me, how did you pull this off."

"You make it sound like this is an evil scheme or something."

"Of course it was an evil scheme, you knew how much I wanted to visit this place once we land here."

"Were you planning to visit it all by yourself?"

"Duh captain obvious? I was planning to visit it with you."

"Even when I messed up?"

"... maybe."

Jennie grinned. "You were planning to forgive me weren't you?"

"No, I was just planning to take you because I need an alarm clock. Who knows how long I might get stuck here looking at all these animals." She tries to convince herself with the lie she created meanwhile Jennie was already showing off her smirk. "You still haven't told me how did you manage to pull this one-off."

Instead of answering, Jennie just shrugged and hold onto her hand. "Where's the fun in telling you?"

Jisoo lets herself be dragged inside the venue where she was immediately amazed by the interior of the entire facility. She, alongside Jennie, took their time in exploring from the creatures that could be found in the pet shop tanks to the ones whose teeth were sharp enough for Jisoo to just watch them from afar. She also enjoyed watching the jellyfish as they float around gracefully in their tanks. But, what Jisoo was excited of was-

"Penguins!" Jisoo rushes towards their tank where some were taking a nap and some were still energetic as ever. "Jendeuk! Come and see!"

"They look so adorable."

"Look! There's a small tunnel where we could watch them up close. Let's go!"

Jennie watched in awe as she witnessed Jisoo's child soul come to life. "I still cannot believe you fangirl over penguins."

"I fangirl over the most unique things." She says. "For example, turturl."

Jennie furrows her eyebrows. "Say what?"



"It's Squirtle from the pokemon!"

"Oh! Turtle."

"That's what I said, turtur."

Jennie immediately shakes her head. "Tur-tle."








"Ninja turtle."

"Ninja turturl."

Jennie sighs. "I give up."

Jisoo doesn't answer and looks at the penguins swimming around. "Hey, Jen?"


"I realize what I wanted to be if this idol thing doesn't work out."

"What is it?"

"I want to be a turtle rabbit." She says with her serious face and tone that Jennie was caught off guard with what her best friend said. "Call me Jisoo turtle rabbit Kim."

"Oh boy..."

"Look at all these fishes..." Jisoo says with such amusement. "They're pretty amazing."

Jennie decides to join her friend and both of them sat on what looked like a submarine window as the fishes continue to pass them by. "Unnie, what's your favorite fish?"

"Why'd you ask?"

"Just curious... since you suddenly like them so much."

Jisoo looks back at the school of fishes. "I like French Angelfish."

"French Angelfish?"

The latter nods her head. "I like their color and their scales look like glow in the dark and they're pretty amusing to watch."

"Is that why you like them?"

"French Angelfishes are known to be loyal because they only mate once in their life." She answers. "They're very protective and territorial of their partners so I like it about them."

"Hmm... Just like how we are to one another?" Jisoo could've sworn that her eyes looked like they were about to pop out when she heard Jennie said that. "Why? Did I say something wrong?"

"Uh- of- of course not... I- I was just quite surprised." She plays it cool but chuckling and looking away.

"So?" Jennie looks at her. "Can you say we're also like the French Angelfish?"

In the end, Jisoo finds herself chuckling and shaking her head to the question. "Sure Jendeuk." She turns to look at Jennie's eyes as well. "Just like how we treat one another."

It seems like three hours wasn't enough for Jisoo to fully immerse herself in the place and even when they had received three warnings from one of the caretakers of the facility, Jisoo remains unfazed and kept her ground as she continues to marvel around the turtles despite their lack of speed. If Jennie didn't come between Jisoo's stubbornness and the caretaker's impatient attitude, she would've heard an earful scolding from her father which she really wouldn't want to happen as she would like to end things on a good note.

"I'm going to sue your behavior!"

"Jisoo shh!"

"This is inhumane!"

"Jisoo, stop being so stubborn already," Jennie says as they leave the aquarium. "And stop making a scene."

"He was being unreasonable. All I want is to watch more of how turtles behave in such an environment."

"Jisoo you cannot be a turtle and a person at the same time."

"I know that I was simply practicing for my next life."


"I'm going to do whatever it takes for me to be a turtle on my next reincarnation."

Jennie just sighed out loud. "I cannot believe that I'm having this kind of conversation with you."

"Anyway, enough about the turtle rabbit agenda, I need to know something." Jisoo looks at her. "How did you manage to pull this kind of stunt off?"

"The original plan was to buy tickets since I know how much you dreamed of visiting." She says. "But then, just like you, the tickets ran out so... I consulted one of the people close to me who have tons of connections."

"Who is..?"

"My father." Jisoo was surprised by Jennie's answer. "He was weirded out because he knows I have everything prepared for this trip, especially Barcelona since I couldn't stop yapping about it to him when we were you know, having a small quarrel..." She trails off. "So when I told him that I messed up again he-"

"Wait, he wasn't pissed at you wasn't he?"

"You did what now?" Jennie lowers her head knowing that she's in for some big trouble now. "Jennie Kim, look at me."


"Days ago, I couldn't stop you from telling me the things you miss about Jisoo and how much it would've been better if you would end the Holidays by going on a trip. I also heard you telling me from the very first night that you would make the most out of this and that you would make her the happiest in the trip but now what do you do?"

"You should've seen it for yourself, I swear he was totally onto something."

"And so what if he was really onto something? Do you have a say on it?"

"I'm your best friend."

"So play your part... you said you want her to be the happiest then why not make it happen?"

"Why do you think she's going to find happiness with some boy?"

"What makes you think she's going to find happiness with you?" Jennie was suddenly silenced with the retort. "She has given you way too many chances but here you are messing every single of them... you know Jennie, it wouldn't be much of a shocker when Jisoo will say that she'll be fed up with you."

"T-that-that's not true..."

"Of course it's not true, for now at least... but when she will realize things, she will just conclude just how stupid she was for spending too much time with you when she could've spent it somewhere or even on someone else." He says. "If you keep Jisoo being wrapped up to you, you're going to end up making your greatest fear come true and that is losing her. And this time Jennie? You don't get to blame the boy who tries something with Jisoo, or Jisoo's lack of determination to persevere... you're only left to blame no one but yourself and that's the truth."

"Jennie?" Jisoo holds onto her wrists. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" She blinks fast, trying to find a reason for her zoning out. "Y-yeah, I'm okay."

"Your dad was mad at you wasn't he?"

"Of course not, he just gave me a small lecture."

"Now I feel bad about ignoring you..." She says in a defeated tone. "I'm the older one between us, I should've been the bigger person and understood that you were only looking out for me."

"Chu, it's okay... don't worry about it."

"You don't usually walk that slow." Jennie says as she walks side by side with Jisoo.

The latter nods her head before looking down at her footing. "I just want to walk side by side with you."


Jisoo wants to tell her that she remembered she wanted someone to match her own walking pace but shuts it down deep inside her throat. "Because who knows when I'll get the opportunity to do this again."

Jennie decides to be silent, unsure of how she was going to reply to what Jisoo had said or how to even uplift the mood. While she was busy thinking of some option or way, the latter continued to enjoy the view that they were passing by, taking at least one or two shots to place it in her photographic memory. Unknown to the two of them, they make a turn to an open plaza where lots of street performers do their acts to entertain people for spare change. Amidst everything, the band in the middle of the crowd catches their attention. They just finished a song and announced that they will be playing their final song for tonight.

They both stayed there watched at how the guitar echoed through the small neighborhood with a few people located by the plaza center and two coffee shops and a convenience store. It was a piece of beautiful music and Jisoo thought of this scene from one of the movies she just watched how these two people danced in front of a square without any care in the world. It was pretty cliché and cringe-worthy for Jisoo to do and yet, she was sure it was something Jennie wouldn't mind doing.

Besides, it's not like every day they get to experience things like this.

In the end, Jisoo decides to say fuck it before turning to Jennie who was busy admiring the view. "May I have this dance?"


"Dance with me."

Jennie looked at her extended hand. "Why?"

"I have to practice for my friend's wedding after all."

"Jisoo dancing in public is not my thing." She lies which Jisoo can see perfectly through.

"But you will when you debut you know; might as well make it your thing starting here."

Jennie looks at her and removes her stare with an eye roll before releasing an annoyed groan. "Fine."

Jennie takes her and ever so slowly Jisoo pulls her close as they started moving in a slow pace, their footsteps instantly matching to the beat of the song as they circled around the plaza with their waltz dance. It was pretty embarrassing to do in the first place, especially the initial reaction they got were a few stares and an eerie smile coming from the vocalist. Jisoo was blushing every second pass but when she looked at Jennie, the latter looked like she was a tomato's relative.

"See? You're not so bad after all." Jisoo decides to distract her.

Jennie lets her eyes roll up again. "I am just doing this because of you."

The older one ends up snickering. "You always do a lot for me."

"That's because we're friends Jisoo. Best friends even."

Jisoo suddenly feels the bitter words inside her tongue and tries hard to control her face to make a reaction. "Yeah, we're... we're best friends."

After a moment of silence, Jennie decides to speak up again. "We're best friends and yet here you are leaving me."

"Jen you made it inside before me. Just because I am going away doesn't mean we're gonna fall apart." Jisoo explains. "We'll only fall apart if we would allow it."

Jennie sighs. "Can't you just- decline?"


"Alright, alright. I'll stop." Jennie says. "I... I just don't know if I can do it Chu."

"You're Jennie Kim. Of course, you can do it. You are the most hard-working, kind-hearted and the most amazing person that will step foot in the industry. You're the kind of person that I bet even after all the fame and fortune, you'd still be that same girl I met in the hallway listening to bass boosted hip-hop songs."

"Never doubt yourself for a second. You're the best of both worlds and honestly, you will do nothing but wonders in your entire career and I can't wait for it to all happen." She smiles as she pats her mandeuk's head before pinching her cheek. "And I will be there with you. In front of the VVIP or by backstage, I will be there Jennie. I'll always will."

Jennie was already sniffing and teary-eyed when she was looking at Jisoo. "Promise me you won't find someone else?" That made Jisoo laugh, making Jennie pout and punch her lightly in the stomach.

"I don't think I will ever find someone like you Jendeuk. Your quick and savage comebacks are probably one of the things I will miss."

"The last word you said will be the first thing I will feel about you on Monday when I get back to training." Jennie looks at Jisoo.

The latter doesn't say anything else but instead pulls Jennie into her arms as they slowly swayed to the fading music. "It'll be the first thing I'll feel about you too when I step foot inside the pink company."

"Thank you for bringing me here Chu. It'll be the most memorable memory I will have with me."

"Not one of the most memorable?"

"Nope, the most." She smiles and her chubby cheeks were revealed alongside her gummy smile. "My European honeymoon with my best friend."

Jisoo wanted to cry at that moment as she feels her heartbreaking over the term. In the end, Jisoo pulls Jennie even closer into a tight embrace as the song ends, letting a few tears escape her eyes. She wasn't okay that night, and it was probably wasn't the best way to end the day and who knows if she's going to be okay for the days to follow but she was Jisoo, and being the Kim Jisoo that she is and being the Kim Jisoo that everyone was fond of, she will be okay.

 Maybe not now, but she will be eventually.

 Because she's Jisoo.

"Yeah," Jisoo answers with a smile. "Best friend."

They decided to grab some ice cream before head back to the cruise. As soon as they arrived inside their room, neither Jennie or Jisoo said a thing and just changed into their sleepwear and allowed themselves to have all these unsaid words stuck on their throats. Both of them also didn't exert any effort in creating a conversation the morning after and even when they were picked up by their driver as they head to the airport. The breakfast was so quiet and irking that even Jisoo's brother couldn't even break the unsaid tension lurking inside the air.

The silence continued throughout the 13-hour flight and even when they landed at the airport. Their families thought that it was unusual, knowing how loud these two can get whenever they were together. They, of course, wanted to ask the reason why but in the respect that they have for the two, not a single soul could even utter a word.

It was only until when Jisoo's family car finally shows up and then it was time to bid their goodbyes. While the rest of Jisoo's family didn't have a hard time bidding goodbye to Jennie's, everyone felt that the two youngsters needed privacy so when Jisoo's dad told her that they were going to wait for her by the car and when Jennie's mom said that they would escort the rest of her friend's family outside, they both just nodded as a response and just continued to stare at one another for a few more minutes, until Jisoo decides to say something.

"I hope you had fun during the trip."

"I did." She accompanies her answer with a nod. "I hope you did too."

"I'm sorry." Jisoo chuckles and scratches her head. "I don't how to end this on a good note."

"Separating ways rarely ends on a good note right?"

"Jen..." She looks at the latter in the eyes.

"We won't drift apart right?" This time Jennie's voice was soft and filled with worry. "Right?"

"Of course we won't, what makes you think of that?"

"It's just that we always fight and we're already in the same building. How much more when you move into a different neighborhood and company?"

"Come here." Jisoo pulls her in for a hug and Jennie doesn't deny the offer.

"I'm scared Chu..."

"We will only drift apart if we both let it happen. As long as we both want this to work, it will; trust me."

"I do want this to work."

"And I feel the same." Jisoo pulls away and removes the tears coming from Jennie's eyes. "Now that the elephant is out of the room, I guess we should head back to our families."

The two head out to meet their families with their hands intertwined. "FINALLY! Peace has been granted all over the Earth!" Jung Hun said dramatically which Jennie chuckled and Jisoo just rolled her eyes at his dramatic behavior. "I'm so happy for both of you, when's the wedding?"

"Stop teasing them." Ji-Yoon says with the nudge by the stomach. "We should get going, we all need some proper rest and much appreciation of the land."

"Fine, sheesh."

While everyone was busying themselves with getting their things on their respective cars, Jennie and Jisoo had another staring contest. "Message me when you get home?"

Jisoo nods. "I will."



"Nothing will ever change between us right?"


"We're going to be okay?"

"Yes Jenduk, we're going to be okay."


"And... we're here."

Jisoo looks over the huge building with the 'SM Entertainment' by the entrance. "Thank you for dropping me off."

"No problem."

"Dad, I know that face."

"What face?" He feigned ignorance.

"Dad..." He shoots her father a knowing look.

"I know, I know... I'm being too worried."

"You're my dad, you're allowed to be too worried about me."

Mr. Kim sighs out loud. "I thought you would be able to make it to YG..."

"I thought the same thing."

"Jisoo-ya, always remember, when things get rough, please do remember that we have raised you well and that you can overcome anything... I know you're not planning to call us, so I'm just going to stay just hold onto this for as long as you can because I know that this path will make you happy and as your father, I'm allowed to wish for your happiness right?"

Jisoo ends up hugging her father despite the tight position they were both in. "Never took you for a cheeseball." Pulling away, she gives him a reassuring smile. "I'm your daughter dad, of course, I'm going to overcome anything."

"That's my girl." He smiles back, thanking his daughter for lightening up the mood. "Alright, show 'em what you got princess."

Jisoo smiles and kisses her father farewell. Right before entering the building she turns around and did a 'fighting' sign, which Mr. Kim returned enthusiastically. As soon as she enters the building she felt as if her stomach did a thousand summersaults and she was so close in passing out. Nevertheless, Jisoo lets out a long breath and enters the automated doors.

"Hello, good afternoon."

The receptionist gives Jisoo a hospitable smile. "Hi, how may I help you?"

"I'm supposed to meet Miss Choi today. I'm Kim Jisoo."

"Oh! Hi Jisoo, Miss Choi told me that you were coming today." She replies. "She's currently in a meeting but it would end in five minutes or so."

"Where should I wait for her?"

"I'll call her secretary and ask if you could wait at the office. Please stand by."

Jisoo looked around the entrance covered in white paint making it beautifully contrast along with the marble front desk with all these indoor plants surrounding the area. It pretty much gave the feeling of having this open and wide space in narrow places like this. While Jisoo was busy admiring the interior, the doors opened once more, and out of all the people that she wishes that she would come across inside the building, never in her life would she imagined meeting someone like her for the very first time.

"Hello Taeyeon, good morning."

The blonde artist just smiled briefly at her. "Where's my manager?"

"All the managers are having a brief meeting with Miss Choi."

Taeyeon just nods her head and then notices Jisoo standing there like a log so she tries to make a conversation towards the latter despite her lack of social skills. "M-M-M-Miss Kim!" Jisoo says in her high tone, surprising both the receptionist and the artist. "I-I-I'm Jisoo, Kim Jisoo."

"Hello, Jisoo." She replies with a curt nod. "Are you visiting someone?"

"N-n-" Coughing out her nervousness, she stands straight and tries to be casual. "I-I'm a new trainee."

"Ah..." She nods in understanding. "Trainee for a singer?"

"Actress actually."

Taeyeon eyes her from head to toe which was quite intimidating for someone like her. "Welcome to SM."

"T-t-thank you s-sunbaenim. I've always been a fan."

This time Taeyeon was the one who got flustered and waved the compliment off. "But thank you for listening to my voice."

"Your songs comfort me in troubled times."

"Well, your choice of path isn't a walk in the park." She smiles. "Word of advice, once you step foot on the stage, there's no turning back. So always remember the sole reason why you're doing this and when things get hard and there are times where you would want to quit, remember that reason."

Jisoo's heart warmed and will keep that advice close to her heart. "Thank you so much sunbaenim, I will remember that." She says as she repeatedly bows towards her senior.

"Calm down or else your blood will go up to your brain." She laughs and Jisoo couldn't help but feel accomplished for making her senior laugh. "You're gonna need it if you're going to meet Miss Choi later."

"I will." She grins back.

"Hey Tae, you ready?" Taeyeon's manager comes in and shoots Jisoo a glance before returning it to his artist. "We need to head out now for your flight."

Taeyeon nods and looks at Jisoo once more. "I'll be going now."

"Take care sunbae."

"I'll keep an eye on you Jisoo." And after giving Jisoo one more smile, Taeyeon heads in for the elevator and bids her farewell.

"Miss Kim?" The front desk employee taps Jisoo.


"Miss Choi is waiting for you."

She also heads inside the elevator and follows the given instructions to her from the front desk. She stops by the sixth floor, and then pass through the hallway with all these square-type of desks and curious eyes before heading out to Miss Choi's office with her name plated with probably 24k-Gold and her sassy assistant who probably spends more time checking out the gossips inside the office rather than doing her actual task.

The sassy assistant throws her a brief glare; before pressing in her intercom telephone the digit '1' and talked with her boss. With a scoff, she lets her inside the office where Miss Choi was enjoying her cup of tea while looking at the latest news found on paper. Jisoo stood there like a log, wondering when the latter would finally pay attention to her and so she spends by letting her eyes wander around the office where all these beautiful succulents, marble and natural surrounding the office. Her office smells wonderful too, as Jisoo loved the aroma of freshly brewed coffee paired with fresh from the oven-baked bread with the hint of books that were stacked behind her. It was already a wonderful experience for Jisoo.

"I also like the smell of coffee in the morning." The latter's voice interrupts Jisoo's wandering mind. "Well it's clearly the afternoon but yeah, I like it whenever I get to smell coffee."

"Coffee is actually beneficial for our senses."

"So I've heard." She smiles. "Come and sit down." Jisoo responds to her new boss' requests and sits on the lavish accent seat. "So, what's your first impression?"

"It's very different from my previous company."

"Is it a good kind of different or a bad kind of different?"

"A good kind."

"You really do know how to brighten someone else's mood huh." Miss Choi smiles at her. "Are you excited to start your day already?"

"Yeah, kind of nervous but kind of excited too."

"Well, that's the perfect combination when you're about to start your actual career." She says. "Come with me, you'll be meeting your staff right now."

She leaves her office (much to her dismay) and walked down to the rubrics cube or so would like Jisoo to call it and went inside those small meeting rooms, where she meets four individuals. Apparently Jisoo had two managers, one make-up artist and one stylist which, a lot of upcoming actresses don't have that kind of opportunity. She also had Miss Choi give her the official tour which, not everyone was used to and so Jisoo had this conclusion in her mind that Miss Choi is the woman whom you don't want to mess with, giving her some kind of boost and pressure at the same time.

Miss Choi had her visit the different rooms which she would be most frequent in and met some other aspiring actress trainees and upcoming idols too. The introduction was brief and repetitive as Jisoo kept bowing down her head in a different class as she was finally welcomed as one of the trainees and with all these little notes that she wants Jisoo to remember made Jisoo see little stars hanging above her head.

"Have you gotten all inside your head?"

"Most of them."

"Don't be afraid to ask any of your staff if you'd forgotten something, they're more than welcome to help you."

"Thank you, Miss Choi."

"Right, one more thing, come with me." Miss Choi beckon for her to come inside the door she just opened. "After you."

"Wow..." Jisoo's head felt like going into loops as she looks around the beautiful room. "Is this-"

"So here's the library." Her manager says to her. "I know it's not much, but it's not like everyone trains here to read novels you know?"

"Who comes here often?"

"Directors, producers, trainees who want to escape and cry..." He looks at her. "I highly doubt you could visit here though, with the plan that I have for you, you'd be begging for me to put you here just so you could get a breather." Jisoo just smiles at her. "But don't worry, since you're my favorite, I'm going to try and be a little lenient with you. Just a little though." She chuckles. "Alright, that finally concludes the end of our tour, which means it's the part you're finally waiting for since the beginning of this day."

Jisoo furrows her eyebrows in confusion. What does she mean by this is the moment that she had been waiting for? "I'm not sure I follow."

Instead of answering, Jisoo only receives a tap from her shoulder. "Go to basement parking C, there you'll find your manager."

"Wh-where are we going?"

Miss Choi continues on with that eerie smile of hers. "You'll see."



It was the first-word Jisoo uttered since she entered the SUV right after her tour with the SM building. She lifts her head up and wondered what in the world would she be doing in one of the famous buildings in the entire Seoul area. Jisoo wondered who would she be meeting there at this late, and thought about their position in the newfound agency for her to drive right at their footsteps.

"Well, this is your home sweet home."

Jisoo swore she went deaf the moment her manager spoke to her. "E-excuse me? D-did you just say home sweet home?"

"Yeah, didn't Miss Choi orient you?" He asks. "This is where you'll be living from now on."

She finds herself widening her eyes as she hears it for the second time. "A-are you serious?"

"I don't think Miss Choi would spend millions of won just to prank you." He chuckles. "Your unit is on the fifth floor, the farthest door on the right. The password is your dog's birthday." He states and Jisoo shoots him a weird look. "Miss Choi asked your brother."

The latter ends up sighing as soon as she hears that her brother was involved in the narrative. "No that's no shocker."

"I'll let you sleep now, good night Jisoo, it's nice to finally meet you."

Jisoo sends him off with a formal bow before looking back at the building with this disbelief feeling for being able to stay at this apartment building even if she was still in the training process. It made her think about what does Miss Choi sees in her that she was given this upper hand as soon as she enters the agency.

Is it because she realized I need some leverage?

Is it because I'm special?

Or is it because I am an experimental project?

Her mind wants to opt for option three as she realized that everyone was just acting 'too good to be true' every time they interact with her and the fact that she still remembers all those lingering looks those people from the rubric's cube were giving her, she was already leaning to that conclusion. However, she dismisses the thought as she finally arrives on the farthest door on the right or more like she would like to call- her 'new home'. She looks at the Aluminum door and then looks at the security door as she presses the digits consisting of the birthday of her favorite dog in the entire world.

The door makes a short 'beep' and she enters her new space. Right after taking off her shoes, she lets out a long sigh before heading to the control panel where she turns on the lights, only to find-


"Oh my gosh!" Jisoo screams and looked at all the people with wide eyes and heaving chest. "What are you doing here?!"

"What do you think we're doing here stupid? We're throwing you a house party!" Yujin greets her with happy eyes. "Oh, and we're also throwing you a late birthday party since you went out feeling European."

"Now that the host's here, why don't we get this party started by letting Jisoo blow the candle!" Soojin extends the naked minimalist-decorated cake in front of her. "Make a wish already."


"Think later, blow first."

"Gee, what great advice Yujin." Soojin rolls her eyes and then looks at her. "Come on! My hands were made to receive awards and not extend a cake to your stupid face."

Jisoo closes her eyes for a solid ten seconds before blowing the cake, having all her 'uninvited guests' cheer. "Now let's get this party started!"

Right before joining them, Jisoo's phone rang and she saw Miss Choi's name flashing on the top of the screen. "Good evening Miss Choi."

"I assume by now you understand what I was telling you earlier."

"Oh! Wow, this is what you were pertaining to earlier?"

"What do you think of the house so far?"

"It's very spacious and very my style if I was being honest."

"I'm glad and I'm sure your family would like to hear that too. After all, they designed the home by themselves."

"Th-they did?"

"I called them earlier asking for a small help of preparing your new house. They were more likely to help, especially your brother."

"That explains the passcode."

"Don't worry though, you can change it anytime just call the owner of the building."

"Thank you really, Miss Choi, I mean- all this space is-"

"Overwhelming especially when you're used to getting the bare minimum?" She asks and Jisoo didn't know how to answer. "I'm kidding, I'm sure YG treated you the best that they could do, but don't worry if you still feel like you're in debt to me at some kind, just give your best tomorrow."


"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, you're going to have a photoshoot for a new commercial bag. They've seen your face and immediately wanted you to be their model. So I need you to be sober by three o'clock. Can you do that?"

"W-w-h-how- I have a schedule already?"

"Keep talking like that and I might make you answer my question earlier." She lightly threatens. "Now go, I just want to see how you're holding up and now I know you're good to go, please enjoy the rest of the night."

"T-t-thank you, Miss Choi."

"And please tell Seulgi no more than five glasses. She has an early schedule."

Jisoo lets Miss Choi hang up on the phone, still feeling elated with the news she just received. With how good her evening is going, she wonders what kind of good things would still come her way.

After a few games, gift-giving, some food and three bottles of wine, Jisoo slumps herself onto the L-shaped, cotton type of couch as she feels a little light-headed after everything. As she chuckles along with the obviously failed attempt of Yujin and Soojin of a trot song with Soojoo videotaping everything, she feels the space beside her sinks and looks at Seulgi who practically has no eyes at this point.

"Oh my God Seulgi, are you okay?"

The latter just sends her an 'okay' sign. "Man, I didn't know your friends were really this kind of hyper."

"I told you, you should've trusted me when I told you I was the sanest one in my circle."

Seulgi chuckles at that. "Yeri wanted to come but Irene placed a curfew on her. Until she turns twenty, no alcohol or staying up late when it isn't schedule-related."

"I guess there's some fun being twenty-four after all huh Kang Seulgi."

"Shut up..." She gives Jisoo a lame attempt at a shove but ends up leaning onto Jisoo's shoulder. "Oh man, I'm so wasted."

"I was quite surprised you chugging down that wine bottle."

"I lost at a dare though, I had to." She leans in further, almost going in for Jisoo's neck as she snuggles closer to her friend who doesn't mind the lack of space that they have.

"Still, even though you're 24 now you still have to be responsible."

"Man, I didn't know my mom owned this house." She looks up and meets Jisoo in the eyes. "Now that I do, am I allowed to gate-crash here anytime?"

"Well, I think-"

Jisoo's reply was interrupted when the doorbell rang and it caught everyone's attention. Yujin, being the nearest at the door walked her way towards the hallway. All of them could hear Yujin's muffled voice and how it suddenly turned serious and somewhat nervous at the same time, judging by the way she dryly chuckles. Seconds in, they hear two pair of feet approaching and just as when Jisoo thought that her night of surprises ended with this party, Yujin comes back to the living room with-


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