Friends | VI

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"W-w-what do you mean I'm not going to debut as an idol?" Jisoo could feel her world crumbling down. "But Sajangnim-"

"I'm planning to debut you as I originally planned you to be." He says. "I'm going to debut you as an actress."

"As an actress?"

"If we're going to wait for another girl to come in, it's going to take a while for me to form a girl group. I know, you might be thinking that I'm some kind of stupid individual since I have tons of trainee girls but I have to find the girl, you know?" He takes a short pause before continuing on with his explanation. "The board is already expecting me to debut someone so I need to find the girl who is worth it. Between you and me, we both know that Jennie deserves to get to that spot."

"Look, having gone through the idol training program will be an advantage to you. You only need to take acting classes and then we wait for someone to contact our agency. Don't worry Jisoo, when the acting mentors give us the go signal, we would debut you right away and give you lots of projects that you're going to beg for a short break because all eyes will be on you when you debut."

Jisoo hardens her jaw in hopes that it would keep her face still and not give him any hints just how she was displeased with the situation. She counts one to ten in her head, breathes in and out as she tries to calm down the rapid beating of her heart. Yet the moment she thinks that she does, all it took was for him to look at his face and she could feel the rage returning just in a snap of a finger.

"I know this is hard for you and believe me Jisoo, this is hard for me as well. But you have to understand, my hands are tied too. You have to understand me."

And with a heavy heart, Jisoo swallows the lump in her throat and responds. "Of course Mr. Yang, I understand."

After the talk with the CEO himself, Jisoo walks out from his office, desperately in need of venting out. Her steps were getting heavier by the minute and all she wants to do is to leave the place and grab a scoop at her favorite ice cream shop or walk aimlessly around the streets of Seoul or maybe someone who is willing to listen to her problems. Pulling out her hanphone she scrolls through her contacts, looking for someone that she could talk to because what's more comforting than a scoop of mint chocolate is a shoulder to lean on.

And as much as she wants it to be Jennie, she knew the latter prefers other people's company now so might as well look for someone else too.

"Jisoo!" The heart-shaped lips girl stops in her tracks as she hears the voice all of a sudden but the moment she had recomposed herself, she immediately starts walking again and might including with a bit of a jog. "Jisoo wait!" But Jisoo decides not to listen and even quickens the pace of her walk. Unfortunately for her, the latter seems to be determined to have a conversation with her since she was already gripping on her arm. Yes, not hold or grasp but grip. "Are you deaf?"


"I called you twice."

"Sorry." Jisoo continues with acting innocent and stupid at the same time. "I didn't quite hear you."

Jennie looked like she wanted to argue decided that there were more important matters that needed to be discussed. "I heard what happened."

"Ahh..." Jisoo adds a little nod to her response.

"Ahh?" The latter looks at her with slight disbelief painted on her face. "Did you even hear the news properly?"

"Of course I have."

"Then why is that your only reaction?"

"Is there any reaction you would like for me to make?"

"Oh, I don't know Jis how about getting fucking livid because of what happened?!" Jennie raises her voice all of a sudden that it lightly echoed throughout the entire room. "Miyeon got us delayed again!" She says. "I can't believe that out of all the times that she gets to choose to be selfish, it just had to be this time!"


"Not only did she get involved with someone else while training which is a great violation but she just had to involve herself with a YG Employee and much worse, she's messing around with our supposed to be manager!"

"Calm down, getting mad won't do any good and it wouldn't even help with my situation." She was already stressed out with the news and Jennie ranting out to her wasn't really doing her good. "I get that your disappointed, but it's okay-"

"No, it's not! It's not okay do you understand?! You've given them everything they've wanted, you delivered through their demands and practically kissed their asses but still, they can't appreciate your worth!"

"They are just waiting for the right time-"

"This is the right time!" Jennie spats back at Jisoo. "I can't believe that they're giving you the shit treatment and here you are still defending them!"

"I am not defending them, Jen, I just don't want to deal with it right now."

"Oh, so what are you going to do about it? You're going to deal about it later when it's too late?" Jennie asks and then remembered something before all this talk happened. "Or maybe you're just going to deal with it when you've heard what Chaeyoung has to say?"

Now Jisoo was confused at the latter for the sudden bring up. "Why is Chaeyoung suddenly in our conversation?"

"Because I can." Jennie weakly claps back. "You think I don't notice how you guys are always close nowadays? How all of a sudden you prefer her company over ours?"

"I don't prefer her company-" Jisoo closes her eyes and thinks about how it was pointless to deal with her friend right now when both of them are on the peak of their emotions. With a sigh, she opens her eyes once again and looks at Jennie who clearly was waiting for her reply. "I'm tired Jendeuk."

"Then go back to the dorm and sleep." Jennie crossed her arms. "Or better yet just go to Rosie, I bet she already prepared some milk and cookies for you."

Jisoo wanted to say more. She wanted to explain her side and elaborate on how she really feels at the moment. But as she knows that Jennie's mind right now is closed for some explanation just by the look in her eyes. It would be a complete waste of time for someone who's not willing to spare her just some small understanding so why would she exert effort in explaining?

With a long and heavy sigh, she turns around and makes her way towards the exit, completely surprising Jennie. "Where do you think you're going?! Jisoo!" When Jisoo was completely out of sight, out of her annoyance- Jennie kicks the trash can, throwing off some of its content as her mind was focused on one question and one question only.

What was so special about Park Chaeyoung?


"It's okay, let it all out unnie."

"She thinks she's all high and mighty... just because we grew up together doesn't mean that she knows me more than myself! I know myself!"

"I think she was just worried about you because to me you sounded like you were pretty nonchalant about things."

"Nonchalant? I am that normally silent! And why would she be worried? It's not like her career is at stake here!"

"Unnie, she's still your friend."

"Precisely, she's my friend! She shouldn't tell me that I am nonchalant or just neutral about the situation! Do you know what I wanted to do back there? I wanted to scream at his face!" Chaeyoung was surprised just how fuming Jisoo sounds right now. "I want to tell him that out of all the people that should sacrifice- why does it have to be me? Why do I have to be the bigger person every fucking time and why do I always get the bad end of the deal!?" She heaves out. "Is it because I am not pretty enough? Not strong enough? Not enough charisma?"

"No, of course not... Jisoo unnie please stop thinking that way. You're good okay? Really good I might add."

Jisoo hangs her head low and feels the exhaustion waving at her all at once. "Then why do I feel like I am not enough."

Chaeyoung watches as her friend surrenders to the thoughts that she had ever since the news came out. Over the days that she had met the latter, she knows for a fact that Jisoo was a strong woman with a great determination and drive, practically why she admires her and wants to be like her someday. Jisoo was optimistic and may seem careless, but she has never seen any other woman work so hard the way Jisoo did. So for her to see Jisoo in this state made her sad too because she knows, Jisoo doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.

She doesn't really at all.

"Unnie..." Chaeyoung softly says to her as she takes a seat beside the latter. "I don't know how you feel right now and I'm sorry that you have to go through this... I wish I know to comfort you at times like this."

Jisoo looks at Chaeyoung who looked like she was about to cry. "Hey, are you going to cry?"

"I- I just-" She tries to hold it in but failed miserably when a tear escapes her eyes and then followed by another. "I'm sorry unnie; I really want to comfort you." She sobs. "I wish I can be Jennie unnie sometimes so I'd know how to cheer you up."

At the mention of the brunette's name, Jisoo could feel a low and light tug in her heart. She knows things between them weren't really good or okay but she would much appreciate it if Jennie was able to set the quarrel aside because she really needs her this time. She wanted for Jennie to not say anything and just hug her there, or maybe invite her to go back to the dorm where she could cry her heart out while leaning onto her shoulder for support. Jisoo wanted Jennie's fingers locked on her hair as she softly hums her favorite lullaby but instead, Jennie rants out how she was supposed to react towards the situation and even blame Chaeyoung for the lack of her response.

At the back of her mind, she wanted to be mad at Jennie for not choosing to understand her situation. She wants to burst out to her and tell her how heavy she really feels. Jisoo wanted to contest and wanted to argue her side of the story but with Jennie's heated head, she knows that she would just blame it all one her so arguing really wouldn't matter.

In the end, Chaeyoung's attempt to stop herself from crying seems to do the trick as Jisoo lets out a chuckle and pats the latter's crown head softly. "Don't worry Chaeyoung, having you here is enough."

"B-b-but unnie, what will you do now? How will you break the news to your parents?"

"I already called them on my way here and I just told them that I wanted to see one of my adorable friends before I go." That compliment made Chaeyoung pout. "Stop pouting already, it's not like I'm going to a faraway place." Jisoo smiles at her. "Stop worrying too much."

"Jisoo unnie?" Chaeyoung calls out to her, and Jisoo replies with a hum. "Everything will be alright, right?"

Though she was unsure of what was about to happen, Jisoo finds herself smiling at the younger trainee. "Of course, everything will be alright."

Coming back home to the dorm, Jisoo sees her parents down at the main entrance with her father soothing down her mother's arm as she seeks comforts in his arms. She stops and stares at the couple for a moment before heading towards them. Sneaking up behind her parents, she waits for the right moment before stunning the two of them to complete her surprise. Jisoo got the reaction she wanted though, especially when she practically saw her mom's soul quickly separated from her body.

"Kim Jisoo!" Mrs. Kim reprimands her but Jisoo was so busy laughing and it was a contagious laugh that Mr. Kim couldn't even help himself but join in as well. "Honey stop laughing! You are tolerating this rascal."

"Sorry, I just can't help it." He chuckles.

"Don't be mad mom, I was just doing it to lighten up the mood." She hugs Mrs. Kim sideways. "You look so serious which is so unlike you."

Mrs. Kim looks at her daughter who was looking at her softly. "Were you able to tell the news to your adorable friend?"

Jisoo nods in response. "She cried for a bit but I was able to cool her down."

"She sounds like a really nice kid."

"Chaeyoung's a pure soul."

"We should invite her for a meal at the house sometime." Their daughter nods her head. "One of the staff let us inside the dorm and we took the liberty in bringing your pieces of stuff down."

She looks at the back portion of their SUV and saw some of her things already. "Thank you." Jisoo smiles at them.

"I think we should head home, it's getting dark already."

Right on cue, a van stops just right behind them with Lisa hurrying her way out of the vehicle. "Jisoo unnie! Jisoo unnie!"

Jisoo couldn't help but smile at the latter's overdramatic reaction. She was about to welcome her in her arms when Lisa jumps at her, engulfing her into a tight hug. "You're really going to leave just like that?"

"I really don't have much choice. We all know what needs to be done whenever they made their decisions."

"We can do something about it unnie, we can try to convince them that we can still make it as a trio or maybe, have Chaeyoung join the group! We can let them call us whatever they want to like some silly shit pink punk and we can have our song Oppa-yah or something." Jisoo tilts her head to the side and feels flattered seeing Lisa so sad about her departure. Looking to the side Jisoo tries to take a sneak peek inside the vehicle to see if there's a grumpy dumpling sulking. "Sorry unnie, Yang wanted to talk things with her so she stayed behind."

"No it's okay, I understand." She smiles. "When she arrives later tonight, can you tell her that I'm already off?"

Lisa could immediately tell that the two of them still haven't patched things up. "Unnie..."

"It's okay Lisa, it's Jennie. I'm pretty sure she'll come around."

"But- what if she won't?"

Once again Jisoo can't seem to find the answer to the question and so, in the same manner, that she comforted Chaeyoung earlier Jisoo smiles at her and says- "Don't worry, she will."

The car ride home was dead silent. Neither Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, and even Jisoo made an effort to lighten up the mood between them and it carried out until they reached home, where all her parents got from her was a simple request that she would like to be left alone for the night. Mrs. Kim gives her daughter a quick kiss before releasing her and shots her husband a look to which Mr. Kim just gives her a nod, telling her to understand what her daughter is going through as of the moment. Jisoo's mother sighs and proceeds to the kitchen and start to make a late-night dinner for her.

The third door on the left upstairs makes a sound as it slowly opened its space for Jisoo. She slowly closes the door and sits on the edge of the bed while letting her eyes roam around the room that had been her sanctuary ever since. From the farthest corner, she saw her old working desk that still kept its pure Walnut shade along with a couple of academic kinds of stuff she had with her before going into training. Next to her desk was a customized chair that doubled as a bookshelf and right above it was some of her favorite pictures she had with her throughout the years.

Everything in her room remained the same. The closet arrangement, her bed, the covers and even all those cringy decorations she had in her room. Jisoo closed her eyes and try not to let everything inside this room overwhelm her.

Breathe Jisoo. Breathe.

The sound of her bedroom door makes a sound again and through closed eyes, she could easily tell who the person was walking towards her. She feels her bed sink a tad deeper than when she sat. Just like the old times, Jisoo counts to thirty seconds until she could feel a cough coming from the latter making her lightly smile for a bit. "So... I just heard the news."


"So... should I grab gasoline and a lighter so we can burn that company?" Hearing that immature suggestion coming from the person beside her made Jisoo snicker. "You think I'm laughing but watch me as I take a selfie of myself and that building burning down to flames."

"That would really sound like you Jung Hun."

Jung Hun chuckles. "Yeah, that would really sound like me right?" Jisoo nods her head. "But this silence? This silence doesn't sound like you at all..."

She tears away from her stare at him and remains silent for a minute or so. "I..." Jisoo bites her lower lip. "I don't think I can make a sound right now Jung..." She trails off. "Everything- everything is just so heavy like- like I'm walking on thin ice yet I have no choice but to move forward."

"All my work the past years, from swallowing their harsh criticisms to keeping silent despite the lack of attention I think I deserve to have, while I watch other trainees getting praises and applauds all I get is 'do a little more' or 'practice more Jisoo, you need to excel this'... Chaeyoung- Chaeyoung is just months in from the training program but I could hear staff talking about she'd be the next solo artist of the company." She lightly pats her chest, in hopes that it would help him understand just how heavy and how hard things are for her right now. "I watch everyone get the praise that they deserve while I try my best to meet the slightest of their expectations."

"I watch as Jennie gets praises and all the adoration inside the company, I watch Lisa gets compliments from other trainees and I watch Chaeyoung getting set-up for debut but I didn't mind, I didn't pay attention to what my mind was trying to tell me because I was this close-" She puts her index and thumb finger close to one another. "This close to debuting... I kept telling myself that it's going to be okay, that once we debut, I'm going to make sure I'd make everyone fall for my charms and have lots and lots of fans so I don't get left behind but in a snap everything-" Using her hands, she matches the sound she made like a mini-explosion to explain what she was feeling. "Gone..." Jisoo looks at Jung Hun. "Everything is gone, Jung... everything that I've worked so hard for is gone, just like that."

Not being able to control further her emotions, Jisoo finally makes a sound and for her older brother, it was probably one of the most heart-breaking sounds he has ever heard. Their family was known for being the carefree and optimist type group of people inside their circle of friends and even throughout the neighborhood. Whenever there was a problem in their household, they would just laugh it off and cheer up one another for her father believed that a home should be a source of comfort and strength not a source of stress.

The door opens and this time, Mr. and Mrs. Kim head inside the room of their youngest and hug Jisoo, securely wrapping her up in their arms. Jisoo continues to pour out all those bottled up emotions inside of her. As she does, a thought suddenly begins to linger inside Jisoo's mind.

If this home should be a source of comfort and strength, then why does being inside this room remind her all of her could have been?



Jennie exhales out loud as soon as she arrives at the dorm. She puts off her coat and walks towards the living room where she was totally surprised when Lisa was there sitting there on the couch without even turning the television on. She immediately jumps a tad bit when she sees Lisa right there and she was even about to scold the latter when she notices a slight difference in her friend's aura. Tiptoeing towards the Thai native trainee, she sets herself sitting on one of the accent chairs on the right side of the couch.

"Hey." She unsurely tries to call the attention of the latter. "Lisa?"

"You heard the news right?"

"Haven't we all."

"I heard you quarreling down the hallway earlier."

"We weren't arguing Lisa, more like I was ranting out to her and she was just there listening to me." She sighs.

"You shouldn't have done that."

Jennie turns to her with a disapproving look. "Excuse me?"

"Jisoo unnie was probably having a hard time already when she received the news and there you are, scolding her for not reacting too much."

"I did it because it was the right thing to do Lisa."

"If it was right, don't you think Jisoo unnie would've done it herself?"

"She doesn't know how to fight back sometimes."

"Yet I'm pretty sure she knows her worth as an individual and I know that she wouldn't let anybody step on her like that." Lisa counters. "Jisoo unnie didn't need a scolding from you unnie, she wanted a friend."

"Why should I be her friend? Has she been mine these past days? All she ever does is hang-out with Chaeyoung."

"Seriously Jen?" Jennie turns to her, and she knows shit was real whenever honorifics were discarded. "You did that to her, all because she's been hanging out with Chaeyoung?"

"So what if I did it because of that? What are you going to do about it huh?" She tries to keep up the strong persona.

"You basically hang-out with Hanbin or Bobby all the time so what difference does it make? Do you expect her to wait for you by the doorstep and still keep her attention to you when all you ever do is give it to some other people? What are you five?"

"Did you just say I'm immature?"

"Pretty damn immature I might add." Lisa spats. "She's allowed to be friends with other people. If she's happy with Chaeyoung, then so be it. You don't own her Jennie, Jisoo doesn't belong to you." Standing up, she was about to head to her own bedroom but then stops when she realizes that she had one more news to tell. "By the way, her parents came in earlier and took all of her stuff. When I apologized on your behalf, Jisoo smiled at me and told me that it was okay, that you were going to come around but hearing what you just said- made me lose hope about you."

It has been days ever since the news dropped on Jisoo and the twenty-year-old trainee could feel; slowly being left out from the rest of the trainees inside the company. While the rest, much like Chaeyoung who put hours and hours of training, improving their weaknesses and strengthening their assets, Jisoo sits on her tracksuit inside her living room with seaweed tape as she watches a Korean Drama that she barely has any idea. She does have training, but not as much as active as she was before.

While she spends her time playing games on her phone, all she could think about was how Lisa would whine and be jealous of her because they don't even get to catch a break to take a sneak peek of their cellular devices. While she roams the streets of her neighborhood freely, she remembers Jennie's struggles to push through the crowd who were trying to get her autograph.

And while she sits in front of her family over for lunch, she plays with her food, thinking that even if they were having a hard time, it made them happy. And she wanted that.

She wanted to be happy.

"Honey, your phone's buzzing." Mrs. Kim stops her from her reverie.

"Oh, s-sorry." Picking up her phone, she notices that it was a text message from Lisa.

"Who is it, honey?"

"It's Lisa." She smiles. "They're having a general assembly for all the trainees. I think there's going to be some big announcement."

"Well, that's good news right?" Mr. Kim smiles at Jisoo who looks bright and happy now. "What are you waiting for dork? Go and get change already! Who knows this must be the news that you have been waiting for right?"

So Jisoo decides to have a long and nice shower while she starts a happy song in her mind. She comes out of the shower, totally refreshed and filled with positivity that she even skipped through her bedroom and started picking out the clothes she would wear. Jisoo thought about looking very presentable today because just like what her father said, this might be the day where she gets to receive the news that she had been waiting for all along.

After feeling confident with the flower Sunday dress that she has, she commuted her way towards the YG with her 'feel good' playlist was played and Jisoo lightly taps her fingers against her lap, while bobbing her head to the upbeat music her playlist had given her. Arriving at the building, she greets the security before heading to the elevator and pushing her index finger on the tenth floor, where mostly all general gatherings were held. She sends a quick text to Lisa, telling her that she was already on her way to the assembly hall.

Coming out of the said floor, Jisoo stops just a few feet away from the lift after receiving too many buzzes from her bag. Fishing out from her phone, she saw several replies coming from Lisa. Furrowing her eyebrows, she was about to press the button when-


"Hi, Ae unnie." She smiles at the latter.

"What are you doing here?"

"I've been told that there's a general assembly for all the trainees here."

"Who told you?"

"Lisa." Jisoo hears her sigh. "Why unnie? Is there something wrong?"

The older woman closes her eyes and quickly rubs her temples. "Jisoo, this is a general assembly but it's a general assembly for idol trainees."


"I'm sorry, the staff may have left out the details-"

"It's okay unnie." Jisoo swallows the lump in her throat and then smiles at her. "I didn't even receive a message in the first place."

And then there's the look in her unnie's eyes that makes her even worse. Ae unnie approaches her with a light tap on the shoulder. "Don't worry Jisoo, just hang in there okay? Your time will come I promise you."

She bid Jisoo farewell before she started running towards the hall where she does her job instructing everyone to follow her orders. Jisoo takes a look at the two wooden doors before it completely disappears from her eyes. When she was completely alone inside the elevator, she lets out a sigh she never thought that she had kept inside her lungs for so long.

Shaking her head, Jisoo decides to stop by the comfort room and to take a quick visit since it's a long ride home from there. Locking herself inside the stall, she takes her sweet time and once she was finished with her business, she reaches for the lock button when all of a sudden a loud noise of someone entering the comfort room catches her attention and stops her from exiting the place.

"Mom..." Jisoo hears the voice of the girl who was obviously in the midst of her crying. "Mom, I want to quit." She widens her eyes. "I don't know if I can make it here."

"But mom, you should have seen the girls in this company... they're so hungry and determined! I thought they were going to eat me alive earlier!"

"Of course I want to become an idol! But that doesn't mean I have to sacrifice my own happiness! Who knows it might take me ten years before I step on this stage, and God knows if you'd still be there!" The girl continues to cry. "Mom, we need it for your medication. So I don't mind if it's a small company. If I can start immediately, then better."

"I'm no longer happy here mom..." The girl trails off softly, and Jisoo couldn't help but empathize with her. "I need to leave so I can be happy."

After giving it another five minutes, Jisoo guessed that the girl was just freshening up her face before going out to the public. When she was assured that she was all alone in the bathroom already, she ticks the lock and leaves her stall. Placing her mini bag onto the countertop, Jisoo sighs again and looked at herself in the mirror. Jisoo couldn't understand why but somehow it was just by chance that she was here and then all of a sudden a trainee comes in and tells her mother about her frustrations. She looks up and takes a good look at her reflection by the mirror.

"Who knows this must be the news that you have been waiting for right?"

"Don't worry Jisoo, just hang in there okay? Your time will come I promise you."

Has she been waiting for a different news all along?


"Finally I got the chance to meet you! It's been ages since the last time we talked!"

"I should be the one apologizing. I know you came from tour yet here I am asking if you were available."

"Ah, it's okay. If you wouldn't have invited me God knows what kind of mess I would have to clean inside the dorm."

"Thank you Nabong."

Nayeon smiles at Jisoo. "Anything for you Jis."

The two of them have met each other way back and even before Nayeon started debuting. She and she would usually hang around, grab dinner or a coffee or sometimes head at each other's homes just to relax and live normal for a while. Jisoo would've never imagined herself having friends outside of the company other than her own set of friends already but guess Nayeon was really friendly and nice during that day that Jisoo was comfortable enough to write down her phone number and gave it to her.

She likes talking to her because unknown to the majority of the people, Nayeon is a very serious person. It may not show through the public's eyes but those people who really knew her to understand what kind of a person she is. The center of one of the hottest girl group was really thorough with her decision-making and Jisoo felt that she needed an advice from her friend right in front of her. Because right now, she's lost in her troubled thoughts and the last thing she wants to make is a bad decision.

"So, you didn't sound like the Kim Jisoo I know inside the text message." Nayeon starts their conversation. "What's up with you?"

"I don't know if you heard the news but, Miyeon got kicked out of the group." Her friend nods, affirming that word does travel fast within the entertainment industry. "And because of this Yang had to regroup us once again- well, they had to regroup the other girls again."

"The other girls?" She asks with connected eyebrows. "What do you mean the other girls, what about you?"

"Yang made me move back to the actress training program." She answers. "Lisa is back in training while Jennie is about to debut as a solo artist."

"What?" The girl was obviously pissed. "That's just fucking unfair."

"I know."

"And what did Jennie do about it? Did she get mad at the management?"

"She did."

"Hold up, why do I get the feeling that the two of you fought again?"

"Wai- how did you know?"

"I didn't, I was just bluffing with you and you let yourself fall into my trap." Nayeon smiles triumphantly as she gets comfortable in her chair. "What is it that you guys are fighting about?"

"N-nothing big."

"Well that must be pretty immature coming from Jennie if she lets you go through this all alone." The brunette takes a sip of her iced beverage. "I won't bother on that too much since I think I know now why did you ask to see me." She meets Jisoo in the eyes. "You wanna know what I think about your situation."

"I just think that you're one of the people that can understand what I am going through right now. You trained there for five years."

"Do you want me to beat around the bush or do you want to just drop the bomb right ahead?"

"Just drop the-"

"Leave." Jisoo was surprised at how quick Nayeon dropped the news on her. "You need to leave Jisoo."

"B-b-b-" She was having a hard time forming a proper sentence or an argument towards her friend. "Nabong, I can't just possibly drop it just like that... right?"

"Why not? They dropped you off just like that too so why can't you do the same?"

"But what if they're just testing me?"

"They're not Jesus Jisoo, only God can test you and well, probably those who are in the medical field but other than those two, nobody can test you."

"I don't think I can come up with a decision that-"

"They're practically giving all the reasons to leave so why can't you do what they want?"

"What about you? You stayed in the company for five years even though you had some doubts yourself."

"I stayed in the company because they believed in me. It was only I who didn't have the confidence to believe in myself... I stayed there for five years because I knew they had plans for me, solid and physical plans. They made me feel that I was about to be a part of something very beautiful and I wasn't wrong because I have eight wonderful beings now I can call my sisters."

"Sometimes, we tend to believe that hardships come in our life to test us just how hard are we willing to endure for us to achieve our dreams. We believe that this is just a phase, there's a rainbow after the rain or better days are coming but maybe this isn't a test about how much are we willing to sacrifice for our dream. Maybe this is fate's efforts in catching our attention to remind us this isn't the path that we should take."

"But I can't just leave Nabong..." Jisoo says as she plays with her beverage.

"This isn't about you is it?" Nayeon asks. "It's about Jennie."

The heart-shaped lips girl lets out a sigh. "We promise that we will achieve each other's dreams together and one of them is to be able to debut together."

"Jisoo, no one is asking you to give up your dream. Whether you're a singer or as an actress I think you're going to do great because that's what happens when you do something you love... What I'm asking for you to do is to ask yourself, is achieving the dream together with Jennie much more valuable than the opportunities there out in the world?"

"I know this isn't easy for you Jisoo, but you have to look at the people around in your life. Look at your family, your siblings, your friends... Take a look at Lisa, Chaeyoung , me and take a good look at Jennie." Jisoo looks up and meets Nayeon's eyes. "Everyone is moving forward but you. And trust me, it's bad..." She trails off. "Sometimes Jisoo you have to know that not having enough reason to go is a good reason not to stay."


"Ah, practice is sure as hell."

"Jin-Hwan probably broke my back."

"That's what you get for bickering with him June."

"Hey Jennie! Lisa!" Donghyuk calls their attention. "Come sit here with us."

Lisa and Jennie smiled at the boys who made space for them at their table inside the company's cafeteria. "Hello ladies."

"Hi, you guys." Jennie greets them while Lisa just nods at the boy group in front of them. "How was practice?"

"It's been good! We're totally set for another fire comeback!" Hanbin says. "You'd cheer for us right?"

"As if! Yang wouldn't probably let us be in the same room when these two make their debut." Bobby comments. "Speaking of the debut, I heard Jennie's going to debut in month's time." He smirks. "Are you thrilled just by how many haters would come at you the moment you step up there?"

"Hey, that's not nice." Hanbin reprimands his member and then turns back his attention to Jennie. "Don't pay him no mind."

"Pfft, whipped," Chanwoo comments before resuming to his food.

"What about you Lisa?"

"Uh, no solid plans but I think I'm about to debut with another girl and then we're going to be a duo."

"Oh if that's a duo then maybe you're being partnered up with-"

Suddenly a loud screech echoes throughout the cafeteria that caught everybody's attention. Jennie looks at the source of the sound which was so near their table and it surprised her when she sees Chaeyoung standing up and her face was nothing like the sweet and calm girl she was usually known for inside the company. Her face was blank and it looked like the news that came through her handphone seems to be pretty serious because she wastes no time in leaving the place.

Jennie didn't want to assume, but it looked like Chaeyoung was out to meet Jisoo again.

It has been a week since that quarrel Jennie had with Jisoo and not once did she try to contact the girl. Jennie knows she was being a bad friend towards the latter but she couldn't help it, especially when every time she would see Chaeyoung, all she could see was the Australian hastily typing on her phone or placing it near her ear. She wanted to hate the girl really. Chaeyoung was approachable, charming in her own sweet way and a social butterfly that it didn't matter if she was only months in this company, everybody practically knew her.

And it wasn't the type of bad term of everybody knows her.

There were days where Jennie would find herself staring at her phone with her and Jisoo in the background. It was taken back when Jisoo invited her over to have a short trip to Jeju where she remembered feeling food coma at the amount of food Mrs. Kim would put in her mouth. Seeing that picture alone would make her sad since it reminded her of the good days before she fucked everything up.

She wanted to call Jisoo. God, she really did.

But what would she say to her? What could Jennie possibly say just to justify her actions?

"Stop thinking and just call her." Lisa cut her thoughts off. "Or are you really going to spend another day staring at that wallpaper of yours."

It was already end of the day, and thankfully both of them didn't have classes already so decided to head home and have chicken dinner together. "I'm not staring at it every day okay? I was just checking my social media."

"You mean your private social media which barely has any notification?" Lisa scoffs. "Come on unnie."

"It's not that easy."

"What's so hard about picking up the phone call and locate Jisoo's name? Look I know you messed up big time but it doesn't mean you can't make it up to her." Jennie remains silent so Lisa decides to use the final card. "Remember when I told you that Jisoo unnie told me that you would come around? I think she was referring to this time."

"Lisa... I don't know if she can forgive me."

"It's Jisoo unnie we're talking about. She will always forgive you."

Jennie seems to have found courage through Lisa's simple words so she unlocks her phone and scrolls through her contact list and finds Jisoo's number on the letter M having her name listed as My Partner Jichu. She looks sideways where she meets Lisa's teasing stare making her completely blush. The younger girl between the two laughs it off and then leaves her be before resuming her focus to the Disney movie in front of her.

Just as she was about to press the green button though, Jennie's phone starts to buzz. She drags down the notification button and realizes that it was a text message from the person that she had been dying to talk for these days.

Hey Jen, can we meet up at the dorm's rooftop?

She doesn't waste time and picks up her nearest hoodie before rushing outside. She didn't even bother to answer Lisa's endless queries while rushing towards the rooftop that she reached the place in record-breaking time. As soon as she opens the door, Jisoo was already there standing a few feet away from her who probably knew her presence but doesn't turn around and remained her eyes at the view of Seoul in front of her. Jennie uses this time to recompose herself and maybe fix a few loose strands of her hair away from her face.

Right after making sure that she is presentable enough for Jisoo's eyes, Jennie slowly makes her way beside her friend, if she was still allowed to call her that. She was suddenly feeling a lot of things as of the moment. Jennie didn't expect a response right away let alone a text message from Jisoo, when she was about to make her own call. Lisa was right, maybe this is the sign that she should apologize for what she had done to Jisoo.

And this time, she was going to make sure that she will make it up to her no matter what it takes.



Jennie looks at her. "You first."

"No, no..." The latter says. "You first."

"You sure you don't want to go first?"

Jisoo smiles at her. "I'm sure."

"Well... if you insist." Jennie coughs her nervousness away. "Jisoo, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for a lot of things. I'm sorry for spending too much time with other people, I'm sorry for ignoring your efforts in trying to patch things up with me, and of course for being a rude bitch to you on one of the hardest days of your life." Jennie confesses. "I wish there was a better way to apologize to you, because if there was I really would choose that option rather than a simple apology but I hope you understand that I was only acting that way because I was jealous."

"I was jealous of how you spend your free time with Chaeyoung, jealous of the way you smile to her, and the way your face glows up whenever you see her by the hallway or on some other days." Jennie hangs her head low. "I'm sorry Chu, and I'm gonna do whatever it takes, whatever you want just so you could forgive me."

Jennie's apology was answered with silence for a while until it was Jisoo's turn to speak. "If there is someone who needs to ask for an apology, it's not you."

That made the latter lift her head up and looks directly at Jisoo's eyes. "What do you mean?" She asks. "A-a-re you forgiving me already?"

"I'm sorry." Jisoo says in her soft voice and avoids her stare. "I'm so sorry."

"Chu... you're scaring me." Jennie could feel her heartbeat moving in an irregular manner. "Tell me, why are you apologizing?" Still Jisoo doesn't respond so Jennie forces the latter to look at her once again. "Tell me Chu."


"I terminated my contract with YG."

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