Friends | VII

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"W-what?" Jennie couldn't believe what she just heard. "The fuck did you just say?"

"I terminated my contract with YG." Jisoo repeats.

"Y-you're leaving?" Looking at Jisoo, she waits for her to the reply to her question. "Jisoo I'm asking you!" Her patience wasn't at its best today. "What do you mean you're leaving? What do you mean you terminated your contract with YG? I thought... I thought you were willing to wait?"

"I thought the same thing too." Jisoo says in her soft voice. "I'm sorry."

"Bullshit." Jennie hisses. "That's just bullshit, this is a joke... It's SM isn't it?" Jennie asks while trying her best to sort out her feelings. "SM forced you to leave YG right?"

"It's not them."

"Then why isn't there any announcement?! Ae unnie would've told us!"

"Jendeuk wait-"

"I knew it!" She says as she paces back and forth. "That sly company... No wonder I didn't even have the liking to try and audition there."

"You're not in the trainee group anymore." She responds. "Look I know this is hard but-"

"You think this is hard?" She emphasizes her question. "Are you fucking stupid? Or did you just happen to forget the fact that you left me in the dark?"

"I am not leaving you in the dark, you're one of the people I felt that I had to talk with first."

"For fuck's sake Jisoo I'm your best friend! I'm supposed to know about these things before you actually act on these things!"


"Jisoo, you don't have to do this okay? I'll... I'll figure something out. I'm gonna call mom and ask her if maybe she can pull a few some strings or maybe even dad, I'm sure he'd offer some help knowing it's you who's on the line."

"You don't have to do that."

"What do you mean I don't have to do anything? Jisoo, they're forcing you to leave YG and you expect me to let them have their way with you? Are you out of your fucking mind?"

"Language Kim."

"And you have the time to reprimand me? Jisoo, they're taking you away from me! I can't let that happen!"

"They're not taking me away from you Jen." Jisoo rebuts. "I'm leaving YG on my own accord."

"W-what?" Jennie felt like Jisoo's told her a blurred sentence. "What did you say?"

"I left YG-"

"And why would you do that?"

"Come on Jen, anyone in my position would do that."

"I don't know Jisoo, did you see me leave when I got cut back several times? Did you see Moon Sua, a trainee that's been here since diapers worrying about her future in the company? Have you seen Hannah stopped trying after being doubted by a lot of people?" Jennie started her reasons. "Just because you have it hard now doesn't give you a reason to quit. Just because you've been here for long without any break doesn't mean they don't have a direction and just because you're doubting yourself doesn't mean you need seek for other people or in your case, other company for some validation of your talent!" She scolds. "Or was everything you had in here is too easy for you to throw away?"

Jisoo widens her eyes. "Of course not Jen you know that! I don't want to leave this company if I had, I would've accepted their offer from the very beginning!"

"Then why can't you stay here?! Why can't you be with me?!"

"Because they don't have a plan for me! All they have for me is vague promises!"

"No, Jisoo they have plans for you and you're just too impatient to see it unfold." She glares. "And here I thought we were going to achieve our dreams together. Here I was, thinking that you were going to be by my side through everything."

"Jennie please, you have to understand what I'm going through right now. It's not easy for me..."

"Of course it was easy for you! Everything has always been easy for Kim Jisoo!" She spats. "Whether it's entering the company, having other company's attention- having anybody's attention, meeting friends, impressing other people and capturing their hearts everything is done by you with just one smile and I guess you can add ditching your friends into your 'easy' list." Jennie crosses her arms and smirks. "Wonder what kind of easiness SM would give you..." Jennie's words broke Jisoo and she wanted to cry right there at the very moment. "Oh don't cry Jisoo, don't waste your tears on someone you've already abandoned-" She walks towards the latter and gives her a whisper. "It ain't worth it."

So Jisoo doesn't give Jennie the benefit to see her shed a tear. She decides to walk away, intentionally bumping her hard on the shoulder before making a run for the exit. Now that she was left all alone, Jennie looks at the view and realizes that the stars in the sky don't look that appealing to her anymore. She finds herself scoffing loud when her vision starts to blur and now the city lights were pixilated... Jennie wondered why and so she closes her eyes when tears freely dropped to her cheeks.

Meanwhile Jisoo immediately called the cab that passed by the building. She tells the driver her address and while the cab speeds off towards the main road, Jisoo bites her lower lip, trying her best not to cover her face with tears but her mind replayed Jennie's words over and over again that she clutches onto her heart, as if she was trying to stop it from breaking completely.

Her mind was giving her signs to give up on Jennie and to let things be. Her mind was trying to warn her that Jennie wasn't going to listen to her and that she was only going to listen on what she had concluded. However, Jisoo's heart was saying the other way around and even when she was convinced that her mind was just trying to protect her, something inside of her tells her-

One more try. Just one more...

So Jisoo tries again.

She contacts Jennie the next day, hoping that the latter have spent hours on her own thinking and contemplated on the way she acted last night and then maybe wanted to meet up and reconcile. But when Jennie placed her on voicemail for on the fifth call, Jisoo decided that maybe Jennie wasn't done with reflecting on herself.

Jisoo tries the next day, she called and when it went on the same result yesterday, maybe Jennie wasn't up for talking over the phone but through text. So she sends a text once, telling her that she was sorry for the way she acted the last time that they talked and wondered if Jennie was up to meet at their favorite coffee shop after her training schedule but after sending a couple more later that were all left ignored, she came to a conclusion that Jennie needs more time.

So she waited for Jennie to come around without shoving her apologies to Jennie's face. The next day, she texted Lisa and told her to prepare Jennie some milk before she heads off to sleep and then has to her eat porridge with dumplings the morning after. On the next day, she sent a message to Chaehee to take Jennie out for the weekends to clear her mind and she did the same to her other friends. She gave them one last reminder to never mention her name to Jennie too nor mention the fact that she was preparing to enter SM. Because if there's one thing that Jisoo would like to happen-

Is that Jennie will come to her because she wants to.

Not because she was forced to do it.

"Unnie!!!" Chaeyoung squeezes her into a tight hug as soon as they met inside the department store. "It's been so long since the last time we spoke."

"Chae, we always talk over the phone."

"But unnie- that's over the phone." She differentiates. "This is like real-life, personal conversation."

"Well I'm not the one who's busy."

Chaeyoung pouts and hugs her again. "I'm so sorry unnie, I didn't mean to..."

"Stupid, I'm only messing with you!" She chuckles. "So, shall we go ahead and spend your valuable free time?"

The taller girl grins and links her arms with her. "Let's go!"

Jisoo decided to meet up with Chaeyoung and hang-out with her while searching for the perfect apology gift for Jennie. She roamed around the store, from jewelries to home appliances, trying to find the one that would suit her best friend but it felt like nothing was enough. Whenever she felt like she found the perfect gift, there would be a lingering thought- would this be enough?

"Unnie..." Chaeyoung tiredly calls over to Jisoo who's energy seemed unfazed after all those window shopping they just did. "Have you finished choosing what to get for Jennie unnie?"

"Hmm... I don't know if she would like the one I'm going to pick."

"We both know that if it's from you then she will certainly like it."

"I can't pick." She answers with a pout.

"Everything suits her doesn't it?" Jisoo answers with a nod. "Well, what do you think she needs?"

"She's usually a cuddly person and likes to have a lot of pillows surrounding her."

Chaeyoung claps her hands. "Perfect! We'll get her a pillow then."

"Do you think she will like it?" She looks at the taller woman with such uncertainties. "You think she's going to talk to me after this?"

"You don't need to worry about it okay? I'm going to give it to Lisa and I'm pretty sure Lisa would be willing to do to convince her to talk to you... and if not, I might have something up in my sleeves to fully convince her."

"Really and what's that?" Chaeyoung slowly leans in and whispers to her ear. "You... you think it'll work?"

"Don't worry, it's not only Lisa who can be pretty convincing when she wants to."

Knowing the amount of truth in her words, it gave her hope that this plan might work. "Thanks, Chae, what would I do without you?"

"Hmmm... sulk and dissolved into ashes?" She giggles. "Come on unnie, you still have to treat me onto a buffet after this!"

Jisoo smiles at her. "Alright, alright... I'll treat you to someplace nice."

Somehow, Chaeyoung's words gave Jisoo hope that maybe Jennie would give her a shot. Who could resist the annoying yet adorable charms of Lisa Manoban and the angelic charm of a girl named Park Chaeyoung?


"Throw it away."


Jennie slumps herself on the couch and turned on the television. "Throw it away."

"But... why?"

"What do you mean why?" Jennie looked over at the pillow and back at the screen. "I have lots of pillows already I don't need that."

"Unnie, she's already reaching out to you." Lisa sits beside her. "She even sprayed her scent all over this pillow."

Jennie looks at the item and for a second, Lisa was sure she saw a bit of softness from the older girl's eyes. "I don't care if she reaches out to me, I don't care if she reaches out to anyone." She says. "I don't care about what she does in her life anymore."

"I know you're just saying that because you're mad, but you have to understand- no matter what you're feeling, they are still your words... Imagine how Jisoo-unnie would feel if she hears those straight from your mouth."

"That's the point, Lisa, Jisoo is not here and she will never return anymore. Wanna know why? It's because she let other people decide for her... she allowed that pink company to take over her thoughts and she gave them the opportunity to make her choose a side!"

"Look, I know you feel betrayed right now, but you have to understand where she is coming from. It's not easy on her part."

"Whatever you're going to say won't change my mind. I don't need her anymore."

Lisa looks at her with sadness. "But she really took a lot of effort into choosing this..."

"And who said this to you?" Jennie looks at her. "Was it Chaeyoung?" When Lisa wasn't able to answer, she lets out a scoff. "I knew it."

"She was just trying to- hey! What are you doing unnie?!"

Lisa follows Jennie who grabbed the pillow who left their unit. Lisa was trying to stall Jennie's movements by repeatedly calling out for her but the shorter woman seems determined and unfazed as she heads towards the main exit of the building. Once Jennie saw the recycling area, she doesn't wastes any moment and opens the 'For Donation' bin and nearly throws the pillow when a tight hold on her wrist forbids her from doing so.

"And look who finally came here to save the day." Jennie snickers and removes her hand from the latter's hold. "Oh I know- did you come here to collect the garbage today?" From throwing it into the bin and roughly pushes it onto Chaeyoung's chest. "I know there's a lot of item inside that container but it looks like you have eyes this one." She smirks. "I didn't know it was your hobby to pick up other people's trash..."

"And I didn't know one of your hobbies include throwing friendships that easily." Chaeyoung rebuts. "It makes me a little relieved that we're not friends at all."

"Don't worry, I won't spend a second glance at you." She says with Chaeyoung responding with a chuckle and a shake of the head. "Think this is funny?"

"I'm sorry..." She responds as she fans herself. "It's just that it's funny because you actually thought that I would really like to be your friend!" She continues with her laughter alongside with her clapping of hands. "Why would I want to be your friend when I already have Jisoo unnie?"

"Chaeng." Lisa calls out, but the taller woman ignores her and steps closer towards Jennie.

"Unlike you, Jisoo-unnie is more approachable. It doesn't take long for people to warm-up to her and open up. She doesn't care whether you're a newcomer or a ten-year-old trainee, whether you're cold as ice or have a heart made out of stone, when you need her- she's always there for you. Unlike you, she makes other people feel happy and appreciated. She doesn't mind going for such great extents just to make you lighter and she gives advice that you can really learn for. Jisoo-unnie is always there when you need a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold unlike you who lets go of people when you don't get what you want."

"And unlike you Jennie-sunbaenim, Jisoo knows how to value other people's existence in her life and she was willing to do whatever it takes just to make sure those people get to stay in her life, even when they don't deserve that spot."

"So is that why you stole her from me?" Jennie says with gritted teeth. "Is that why you're doing these things just to get her attention?"

"I didn't steal her away from you because she was never yours, to begin with..." Chaeyoung trails off. "And I didn't steal her away from you because you're the one who pushed her away."

"She made her choice and that choice was to leave me."

"And you made yours tonight." The latter hisses at her... "Maybe moving away from you is the best decision she hasn't seen yet. What kind of friend doesn't want to see their friend be happy? Be appreciated? The way that you are playing the victim right now just makes me so angry! How could you even do that? Jisoo-unnie was just looking for a company who can appreciate the talent that she has and yet here you are getting angry because you don't get to be roommates anymore? The hell's that!?" She rants out loud and heavy that her chest was moving in an irregular pace. "You know what angers me the most? It's not what you've been doing to her; it's what she's been repeatedly doing for you!"

"She keeps on sending text messages to you every single day even though she knows every bit of them will never get a reply. She continues to call you even when all she hears is the sound of your voicemail. She continuously worries and searches for ways to apologize to you even when all you do is throw her efforts away and she!-" Chaeyoung was bursting with such anger that Jennie was even moved and surprised to know that this 'angel' can blow off. "She keeps on holding onto you when you clearly want to let go."

"You don't get to say those words to me because you were not there from the beginning."

"And I wish I was... maybe then I would've saved her from the pain that you keep on giving her..." Chaeyoung looks down at Jennie's knuckles that were shaking from the control that she has been doing. "You want to hit me?"

"Chaeng stop."

"Go ahead." She steps closer and leans her cheek near Jennie's face and even taps her cheek. "Just hit me once, right here."

"Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa holds her by the arm. "Stop this."

The latter backs away and even had the audacity to smile at her. "Afraid I'd tell it to Jisoo-unnie? Are you scared that she'd get mad at you and spit out words you're not prepared to hear?" She says. "Before you act like a betrayed lover why don't you go back to your room and not think about what Jisoo-unnie has done to you rather, what you have constantly been doing to her."

Jennie doesn't give her a reply instead, she turns around and heads back to the building. Lisa, who was still shocked by what just happen turned to Chaeyoung whose features already softened. "Are you fucking- Chae!" She says as she holds the latter in her arms. "Are you okay?"


"Oh my God, you're shaking..." Lisa says. "What the hell were you thinking?! You know you could've gotten yourself bruised up badly with the way you have been provoking her."

"I had to do it... I made a promise with Jisoo-unnie that this will work."

"Is her recklessness rubbing off of you?"

"I think it's also her stubbornness." She breathily chuckles. "Thank you for catching me Lisa."

Lisa, who imagined that there, was some underlying meaning to what Chaeyoung had just said to her smiled. "I promised you that I'll be there for you too and I plan to keep that."

Over the past days, Jennie's mind kept going back to her night of confrontation with Park Chaeyoung. I guess the rumors around the new blood trainee was true, that you shouldn't be fooled by her looks and the way she speaks because apparently, this girl also knows how to bite back. It would be a complete lie if she wasn't offended or triggered with Chaeyoung's choice of words that night and she would be an idiot to not admit that her words pierced through her heart and had been haunting her for days.

She sometimes looks at the mirror and wonders if Jisoo still sees her as the person who approached her first on her first week here in the company or was she already someone who is cold as ice, much similar to other people's thinking? Was she still the same Jennie Kim that Jisoo fond to be with or is she the Jennie Kim that Jisoo would get awkward with whenever they're in the same room? Most importantly- was she still the same Jennie Kim in her eyes, her best friend or is she just another Kim in her life?

"Here you go unnie."

"Thank you for this."

"You're welcome." She smiles at her. Lisa takes a seat beside her and opens her bottled water. "Ah, this is so refreshing."

Jennie answers with a nod. "How's your training?"

"We've got a lot of dance routine so I'm having a lot of fun."

"It's your forte, so I'm sure you're rocking it." Lisa agrees with her. "Don't be too smooth though, I'm not sure that girl can keep up with you."

"Unnie, that girl has a name and it's Chaeyoung. It's not too hard to say it."

"After what she did to me? You think I can be casual with you?"

"Why? What did she do to you?"

"Are you kidding me? Lisa, you were there! She provoked and insulted me!"

"Did she? Or did she make you feel guilty?"

Jennie sighs. "Not you too..."

"I'm just saying, it's been like two weeks already. How long do you think you can act like everything in your life is okay?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Why are you so stubborn unnie? You're being too immature on this."

"What? I'm immature about this situation?" Jennie scoffs. "Lisa, I was-"

"I get it, you're hurt over what she did but don't you think you're being too much? What do you want Jisoo unnie to do? Kneel in front of you and beg for your forgiveness?"

"Of course not."

"So why are you wasting your time?" Lisa questions again that silenced Jennie. "Instead of moping over your 'betrayed' feelings, why don't you stand up and talk to Jisoo unnie? I mean have you ever listened to what she has to say? Before you let her walk away that night, did you get to hear the real reason why she has come to such a decision?"


Jennie bites her lower lip. She was about to answer when she notices Chaeyoung and Sua laughing over Sua's phone. Right there she immediately noticed the change in Lisa's demeanor, and she couldn't help but relate to the latter because that's what she felt too when she and Jisoo were having a quarrel. It reminded her of what she was feeling when she sees Jisoo was hanging out with all other people than herself.

"Looks like they're really close."

"Tell me about it, whenever I felt like Chaeyoung and I finally have some alone time after practice and maybe get to know one another, she shows up. If this was a class, Sua would've had a perfect attendance that it's already irritating me to the bones."

"Lisa I think it would be better if-" She was confused when Lisa was hurrying up to fix her things. "Where are you going?"

"I'm coming over to them."

Jennie widens her eyes. "Are you seriously just going to walk in their conversation?"

"I don't see what's wrong with that, they're just friends."

"Lisa, just let her okay? As you said, she's allowed to have other friends."

"But I don't want to be just friends with her unnie, you know that." She says. "I don't want to end up like you?"

"End up like me? What are you talking about?"

Lisa sighs. "I don't want to sit there and just keep wondering all what if's inside my head. I don't want to be like you, who already know what she should do, but ends up backing out for some crappy reason." She says. "I don't want to just keep wondering like you Jen, because I can't keep hiding my feelings as you do."


"Okay, I got it! How about I send her flowers? Maybe it'll annoy her enough and talk to me?"

"Unnie I thought you were going to apologize to her and not annoy her?"

"She's not trying to be cooperative like I expected her to be so maybe I should try and look for some other way."

"Jisoo-unnie I'm sorry... I know I promised you that we would convince her, but both Lisa and I failed you."

"Stop self-pitying yourself, you did what you could do, Jendeuk's just too stubborn and keeps on resisting my charms..."

"Maybe it's about time that you should stop."

Jisoo doesn't answer right away. "What do you think of making her a big stuffed bunny? You think she'd like that?"

She could hear Chaeyoung's loud sigh from the other end. "You and Jennie unnie are really destined for each other. Look at how stubborn you both are."

"I'm sorry Chaeng..." Jisoo smiles sadly. "I can't give up on her like that."

"I guess it's true when they say you can't give up on the people you love."

"It's that Jisoo unnie? Tell her I said hi."

"Lisa says hi."

"I see you guys are together."

"Well it was supposed to be me and Sua going out but Lisa kept on whining if she could join us. In the end, Sua said she had prior commitments and had to leave so it's just the two of us now."

"Hmm, and I'm pretty sure that you like it don't you?"

"Ha, I'm not like you unnie... To me, Lisa is just my friend; she's like a sister to me even, like- she's my Anna."

"Your Anna huh... a bit possessive aren't we?"

"Where are you? It sounds a bit chilly there."

"I took a short walk by the park near our home... The silence might help me with some brainstorming."

"If you want, Lisa and I could come over and the three of us could brainstorm."

"It's fine, you two enjoy your date."

"I told you, we're not in a date we're-"

"Friends." Jisoo says with a bit of heaviness knowing how Lisa really felt towards the latter. "You guys are just friends."

"See, that wasn't so hard- LISA!" She hears Chaeyoung gasp. "Unnie I have to go, somehow this idiot managed to hurt herself while getting our drinks. I'll call you later okay?"

The call ends and Jisoo looks over her phone. "How can she treat you the way you see her when you're like that to her Chaeyoung-ah..."

Shaking her head, she puts the phone back in her pocket and warms herself by wrapping her coat towards her even closer. She lightly shivers at the harsh wind that passed by their neighborhood and immediately fixed her hair. Jisoo also came to a conclusion that having an instant noodle and watching some documentary might just do the trick of cooling herself down.

Jisoo suddenly remembers Jennie and how the latter wasn't really a fan of the cold weather since she easily gets cold. She also remembers loving this season because it was the season when Jennie would cuddle to her most of the time... It didn't matter to the latter when it was a public scene or whether they were just all snuggled up in bed Jisoo always finds a part of her body attached to the clinging dumpling.

An idea suddenly pops up to her mind and realized that if Lisa was still out with Chaeyoung, then that must mean Jennie is all alone inside their dormitory. Worry immediately flashes on her eyes, wondering how the latter is keeping up with the cold. Pulling up her phone, she sees on her cellular clock that it was ten o'clock in the evening which meant Jennie was just done with her shower and could really use something- or someone warm.

So she decides to make a run towards the bus station which was near their house but she immediately stops in her tracks when she sees Jennie sitting outside their gate and hugging herself pretty close.

As soon as Jisoo stops in her tracks, Jennie lifts up her head and sees Jisoo on the end of the street. At first, she thought she was just hallucinating because of the cold but when she sees small foggy breaths coming out from Jisoo's mouth, she was quickly up to her feet, quite embarrassed that she was put in such a situation. But then the embarrassment was swiftly turned to being nervous, especially when she saw her friend coming towards her.


"Are you okay?" Jisoo cuts her off and holds her hands. "Oh no, you're freezing..."

Jennie watched as Jisoo rubbed her hands in between hers, making an effort to warm her hands up. She watched as the latter's eyebrows furrowed in concentration and how her eyes were filled with worry towards her. She then thought about what Chaeyoung had said to her nights ago, about how lucky she was to have Jisoo by her side... how Chaeyoung's words managed to make her feel like a complete idiot for continuously pushing her away, for ignoring all her efforts and above all- she was a complete idiot for thinking that she could go on this life without a Kim Jisoo.

"Hold on, let's get inside. I'm sure mom still had-" Jisoo wasn't unable to finish her sentence because Jennie's arms trapped her all of a sudden, making them fall a few steps backward.

"Don't go." Jennie says in a whisper. "Don't leave me."

"Jen..." Jisoo's heart broke hearing how soft her voice was.

Jennie, on the other hand, hugs her eve closer. "If you want to go to SM it's okay. If you're not happy with YG anymore then leave just- don't leave me."

Jisoo pulls away and cups Jennie's face. "What are you talking about?"

"It's just that..." Jennie bites her lower lip. "With the way that I have been acting lately, how immature and stubborn I am-"

"Shh, shh..." Jisoo says as she cups Jennie's cheeks. "Jen, it's okay."

"It's not okay- I've been pushing you away so many times and-"

"And yet here I am still right?" Jisoo wipes away her tears... "You can push me continents away but I would still come back to you. I won't leave you Jendeuk... I'm always going to be here for you."

"I'm sorry Chu..."

Jisoo smiles back. "You're forgiven."As she leans in to give Jennie's forehead a quick kiss, Jisoo's tongue has been dying to say-

I don't think I can ever leave you.

After a few minutes more outside of Jisoo's house just giggling and making up for lost time, she and Jennie have come to a mutual decision that Jennie can stay and spend the night- or the weekends in their case. Hand in hand, they still share silent giggles with the to-do list they have for the weekend as they head up for Jisoo's bedroom when all of a sudden, the two of them were caught by not just Jisoo's family but also-

"Dad?" Jennie asks. "Mom?"

All of their family members were looking at them. Jennie and Jisoo looked at them with confusion until they followed their gazes which landed on their intertwined hands. The two immediately pulled away with hints of pink cheeks and ears that made all the adults laugh, much to their confusion- again.

"Looks like they've already made up." Mrs. Kim said to Jennie's mother who also chuckles in agreement.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were both in Milan."

"We were, but your father here was worried about you."

"Worried?" Jennie asks with connected eyebrows. "Why would you be worried about me?"

"He was worried because Jisoo's dad told him what happened between the two of you."

Now it was Jisoo's turn to be embarrassed. "Dad! Why would you tell him that?"

"Because I was also worried about you so I asked for his advice, I didn't know he was going to be worried too!" Her father says in his defense.

"So you book an early flight home, just because I wasn't in good terms with Jisoo is that it?" Mr. Kim nods.

"They called in as soon as they landed and thought that as parents we would talk things of what's happening between the two of you."

"So what are they doing here?" Jisoo points out to her siblings.

"We were invited to come and have dinner." Her sister answers.

"Hey, Kim Jisoo this is my home too you know!"

"Now that we know you two have already reconciled in your own terms like what other adults do-"

"Mom, we never asked for your help please stop making things up." Jisoo sighs.

"I still think that we should give this a go sign though." Jennie's mom says.

"Oh! I do agree too! Instead of making this as a way of them making up, why don't we use this opportunity to celebrate?"

"That's a pretty nice idea." Jisoo's dad turns to Jennie's. "What do you think? Should we pursue the plan and have a mini-celebration?" Mr. Kim nods again and turns back to his meal. "Well, then I guess it's decided."

"Yes!" Jisoo's older brother stands up in his seat and does his goofy victory dance.

"What are you talking about?" Jisoo turns to her older sister. "Can you please explain to me what is going on? Because it seems like you're the only sane person here in our family that I can talk with."

"We, my dear sis we are going on a European cruise trip together with Jennie and her family."



"And here we are ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Belladona, your cruise and your second home for the following two weeks as we sail across all of Europe."

Jennie and Jisoo held hands as they walked behind their families and amongst the other guests of the cruise ship who were in London today and went all aboard inside the ship. "I still cannot believe that your father proposed this kind of trip just so we can be friends."

"I cannot believe that your dad called my dad and expressed his worries over our friendship."

"Hallo mooie dames." Jisoo's brother gets in between the two of them and wrapped each of her arms on both of them.

"What does that even mean?"

"It means hello beautiful ladies in Dutch." He smiles. "Think I can bag a Dutch girl to marry?"

"First of all, why don't you change it to hello beautiful lady rather making it plural stupid..." Jisoo removes her brother's hold off of them. "And go bother unnie or something."

"Sheesh, you two were literally together throughout the entire weekend and now you two will be stuck for two weeks? Aren't you tired of seeing each other's faces?"

Jisoo was about to answer but Jennie beats her to it. "Why would I get tired of seeing Jisoo's face oppa?" Jennie turns to her. "It's Jisoo we're talking about."

Jung-Hun nods in agreement. "I know right! If this ugly janitor fish can find someone who doesn't get tired of looking at her, then it won't take long for me to find my own muse right?"

"Of course oppa, I'm pretty sure that someone will come your way." Jennie playfully winks.

"Right, so I am beginning this search on this magnificent ship." Jung-Hun turns to his own sister. "Be like Jennie sometimes Sooya, it won't hurt if you support your brother who practically has the same face like yours."

"I don't have a face like a pufferfish so get out."

"Jung-Hun oppa sure is something."

"I know right? I pity the girl she gets to end up with." Jisoo shakes her head. "Come on, let's head out to our room."

After minutes of using the ship's navigation map and a whole lot of questioning added with a bit of side-tracking, Jennie and Jisoo managed to reach their room which is located on the third deck sixteenth room. The room was quite spacious, much to Jisoo's surprise. It even had a small couch with a big rectangular view of the ocean.

"Finally! Bed!" Jennie says as she jumps on the said furniture and sighed out loud. "Ugh, this bed is so soft, I'm never gonna leave this bed."

"So while we were inside the plane I took the liberty of checking out the activities we can do inside the cruise." Jisoo says and sits on the edge of the bed. "Maybe right after dinner we can take a cocktail drink and book a spa massage?"

"You just want to recreate that sauna scene do you?" Jennie teases, making Jisoo blush and slap her thigh. "I don't know if you were deaf or something but I clearly told you that I am never going to leave this bed."

"Well, it's your loss. I'm going to book myself a very relaxing-" Jennie snatches the pamphlet away from her hold.

"Kim Jisoo you can be really annoying sometimes you know?"

Jisoo in return just smiles back at her. "We'll book later after dinner then." She finally settles herself and lay down on the bed as well. "This is going to be our home for the next ten days huh."

"I know."

"Will you be alright?" She asks, knowing the latter's motion sickness.

"I have you, I'll be alright." Jennie answers through closed eyes. "Jisoo, we should make this trip memorable."

"We still have three other countries to visit. I'm sure we're going to enjoy a lot of time together and create beautiful memories."

"That's cute but I want more than just- beautiful memories..." Jennie trails off and Jisoo just waits for her to continue. "I wanna do something very memorable, like a remembrance for the both of us."

"We can take tons of Polaroid?"

"Aha! I know!" Jennie sits up. "We can make a song!"

Jisoo furrows her eyebrows. "A song?"

"Yes! I can play the guitar and I brought it with me, you're a very good singer and the love you have for words can certainly make out a song!"


"It would be a very brilliant idea! I work with the melody and then you work with the lyrics! We're going to make a beautiful team!"

"I cannot make a song!"

"Oh come on, we're going to do it!" Jennie grins out and runs towards their closet where she pulls out her guitar. "See? I am all set!"

"You clearly planned this from the very beginning."

"Shhh! Just act along will you?" She lightly glares at her. "Please Chu? It can be like our secret song... No one has to know."

"You just trying to point out that our song is going to be so bad that people don't have to know about it."

"No, I am being selfish. I don't want other people to know because this is our song. Just between you and me...'

Jisoo could feel her heart flutter and almost wants to scold Jennie for being so careless with her words and for her own mind to stop putting underlying meanings with from the latter's words. "We only have ten days to make this song... Do you think we can finish?"

"I have trust in our relationship Chu, I know we can." She holds onto Jisoo's hand. "Let's give it a try okay? Let's make this our most memorable trip yet."

"Okay." Jisoo says half-daydreaming because of Jennie's hold. "Let's make a song. Together."

"Yes!" Jennie lets down her guitar on rolls on top of Jisoo. "Thanks, Chu!"

"Stop rolling on top of me you're so heavy Jendeuk!" Jisoo coughs.

"Why? Do you want to be on top of me?" Jennie playfully winks at Jisoo who easily becomes a blushing mess. "Someone's blushing..."

"S-s-shut up!"

Jennie quickly steals a kiss from Jisoo's cheeks and rolls beside her and hugging her tight. "Let's sleep, I'm a little tired."

Jisoo wondered if she could even rest at all.

After a few hours, Jennie and Jisoo heard a knock from the door coming from Jisoo's older sister asking them to dress nicely and join them inside the cruise's restaurant and join the rest of them as they engage in a formal dinner to celebrate good times between two families. Both Jennie and Jisoo seemed to be the center of the topic since everyone was just happy to see them finally reconcile and the two parents gladly talked about all the past memories that these two have shared. Jisoo's siblings and brother-in-law also joined in as the entire group ganged up on the two youngest members of the table leaving them blushing and whining due to embarrassment.

"I'm serious though, Jisoo looks like a lost puppy whenever she quarrels with Jennie." Jung-Hun adds. "Like I am always torn between teasing her or pitying her because she seldom looks adorable."

"Shut up loser or I am going to punch your balls later." She threatens.

"Jennie looks like an abandoned grumpy cat too whenever Jisoo makes a mistake or doesn't get to talk with Jisoo for a few days."

"Mom! Enough with the exposure. I'm pretty sure that Jisoo and I are both naked right now with all the exposés that you have told everyone." Jennie grabs her fork and was about to return to enjoy her food but then she realizes her choice of words. She snaps her head upwards and looked at everyone's surprised expressions. "Ah- no! I don't mean it like that!" Still her explanation was greeted with silence. "Seriously! I was just speaking hypothetically." She widens her eyes. "I mean-"

"I am going to get us some cocktail drinks, who wants some?" Mr. Kim offers and everyone in the table agreed to have one. "Darling? Would you like to have one?" Jennie blushes as she gives her father a nod. "If you'll excuse me..."

"Mr. Kim I'll go with you." Jisoo stands up. "It'll be a lot of drinks to hold onto so I'm sure you're going to need some help."

"Alright, come with me Jisoo."

As soon as Jisoo and Jennie's dad were no longer in the view Jung-Hun breaks the awkwardness in their table. "So... Oysters anyone?"

Meanwhile, Jisoo and Jennie's dad have finally arrived inside the bar where Mr. Kim took the menu and ordered all alcoholic light drinks for them to continue to enjoy the night with the view of the Ocean in front of them. While waiting for their orders, Jisoo suddenly regrets coming here without any back-up plan. Truth to be told all she wanted was to leave their table for a moment because the awkwardness and the embarrassment were too much to handle for her. She really didn't think that Jennie would blurt out words like that all of a sudden.

More importantly, she really didn't think that she just volunteered to come here without such consideration, knowing that Jennie's father was always too secretive with his thoughts and a man with few words. Literally.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow?" Mr. Kim breaks the ice between them which completely catches Jisoo off guard.


"When we arrive for Amsterdam tomorrow, do you already have an itinerary?"

"I haven't thought much about it, I really thought we really need to tag along with you guys."

"You don't have to do that." He says. "I'm pretty sure that Jennie would end up whining for doing too adult kinds of stuff or say things that aren't really necessary to say in front with a lot of people."

Jisoo blushes. "W-w-well... I did look up some places in Amsterdam and I know how she really likes walking around to see the place so I was planning to take her to Museum Van Loon. The place has a beautiful museum about the country and a wonderful secret garden. But I'm pretty sure we're going to end up looking for the big cat that's lurking around the area." She chuckles. "After that maybe we can head for Van Stapele for some sweets. We're both a sucker for them or attend a short chocolate tour."

"You can bring her to the Van Gogh museum." Mr. Kim suggests. "If you want, you guys can ride the pedal boat and explore Amsterdam in a different view."

"Thank you, sir, I will really consider that."

"But bringing her to a jazz session is one of her favorite things to do. She grew up listening to Jazz music because it was her mother's preference. Bring her to Bimhuis, it's a place that my wife and I really like to go to whenever we get to visit Amsterdam."

Jisoo looks at him with a smile. "Thank you, I'll make sure that we will visit that place." She bows.

"No, I'm the one who needs to say thank you to you Jisoo."

"Pardon? Me?"

Mr. Kim looks at the view. "I should be thanking you."

"But... why would you do that?"

"You may not notice it but, Jennie was always used to being alone and moving from one place to another." He shares. "We moved her to New Zealand thinking that it was a better environment to her and then have her to nearly move to Florida and maybe start a career in Law or something that she would really be fond of."

"I wasn't really one with the idea of her entering the entertainment industry because I've seen my wife deal with the stress. It wasn't easy what the people who were already years inside the realm were dealing with. I've seen them shed tears, heard their fears and watched as a lot of them come and go after a few years. I didn't want that to happen to my daughter, because like her father, all I want is for her to be stable, to have a job that can help her for the rest of her life and not just in a span of ten to twenty years..."

"Her mother and I have repeatedly fought over and over again because I saw my nightmare coming to life because it had been years since she trained and yet the company was still not letting her debut despite the projects that were lined up for her..." He trails. "I was getting impatient to see the results, and truth to be told- the moment you came inside the company was also the day that I decided on my own and wanted to pull her out of the training program."

Jisoo couldn't believe what she was hearing right now. "B-but why didn't you?"

"Because three days after I saw her coming out of the building with you and she was pretty talkative about you two hitting the public bath. Three days after as well, she calls me over the phone and tells me that she found a new friend." He turns to her. "That her name was Kim Jisoo and she told me that she was sure that this Kim Jisoo would be her best friend..."

"Now I realized why fate decided not to debut her yet despite the public's anticipation for her. I realized why she was released to debut with other groups and accepted the fact that she was held back for so long for a reason."

"... And what reason do you think was that?"

"It was because she was destined to meet you." Mr. Kim turns to her. "I was so focused on seeing the results of her 'teenage rebellion' towards me that I forgot one important thing- and that was to make sure that someone would be there for her no matter what." He answers. "That is the world is hard, the entertainment industry is a day-to-day world war and the most important thing other than fully equipping yourself is the fact that you need someone to lean on during sad and hard times, a hand to hold to when things were getting low, and a smile to share with during the small joys of life..." He slowly nods his head like he was confirming all of his thinking. "Jennie needs someone like you Jisoo. She might not say it, but she really likes to be around you for a really long time."

"That's why I am grateful for your existence Jisoo, because of you- I get to see my daughter smiling and facing the problems at ease. Because of you, I am relaxed and confident that she is going to be the artist that she is meant to be, not only for the reason that she has been trained well enough to face the industry and the public, but because she has an extremely great support system, that goes by the name of Jisoo Kim."

"Mr. Kim..." Jisoo's heart was bursting not just because of happiness, but at the amount of effort, he exerted just to open up to her. "Thank you so much for the trust and for being grateful."

Mr. Kim taps her and gives her a smile. "As I said, I should be the one who needs to be thankful."

"Here are your drinks sir."

"Can you have them delivered in table 29?"

"Right away Mr. Kim."

"Thanks." He turns his attention back to Jisoo. "Jisoo? Can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course sir. Anything."

"First, can you call me uncle or papa? Anything that is related to a father-figure... I don't like it when you treat me so foreign."

Jisoo widens her eyes when she briefly sees Jennie's dad pouting. "O-O-of course! D-d-dad?"

Mr. Kim grins. "See? Much better!" She nervously and reluctantly chuckles. Is he drunk already? "Right my other request."

"What would that be d-dad?"

"Jisoo, can you promise me one thing?" He asks. "Can you promise me to never leave Jennie?"


"Maybe we can start with C, G, A, F combinations and then mix it up later on. But don't underestimate me, okay I know a few minor chords already and I've enrolled myself into some self-learning plucking technique class."

"Sounds great."

"Now that I think about it our song will sound too basic if I stick with pure major chords. Me personally I'd like to prefer if we can add some barrel keys just to add a little different flavor to the song... What do you— are you even listening to me?"

"Of course I am."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"You're not even looking at me."

"I don't need to look at you to actually listen to you."

"Yah Kim Jisoo."

Jisoo sighs and looks up from writing to meet Jennie's upset face. "Yes, Kim Jennie?"

"You should listen to me when I'm suggesting. We're making a song together, this is like bigger than figuring out if the sun will rise tomorrow after the sunset."

"Speaking of sunsets..." Jisoo looks at the view of the sunset from their shared bedroom window. Jennie picks up the pillow from her back and throws it at her but of course, she fails to hit Jisoo square-faced. "Awe is Jendeukie upset already?"

"Yes and that's because of an idiot named Kim Jisoo."

Instead of being offended, Jisoo just laughs at her. "Oh come on, I was just fooling around."

"I need you to be cooperative on this one, we need to finish a song by the end of the week!"

"Correction we're going to be here for ten days and we've just about to start. We haven't step foot in Amsterdam...." Jisoo chuckles. "Relax okay?"

"Easy for you to say, you're going to be writing the lyrics."

"Hey, I'm gonna help with the chords too and you're going to do the same to me. It takes two to make this work remember that."

"So when you're procrastinating I shouldn't be reprimanding you, hence I should join you instead is that it?"

"I'm not procrastinating, I'm reading." Jisoo says in a matter-of-fact tone. "I doubt you're in the mood to read since it triggers your motion sickness so..." Jennie huffs in defeat, and it absolutely looked adorable in Jisoo's eyes. "Alright tell you what, how about after dinner we can get to the songwriting is that okay with you?"

"Are we gonna pull an all-nighter?"

"Depends on how clingy and whiny you get later on but with your determination right now, I'm pretty sure we're going to have an all-nighter."

Jennie throws her second pillow, which once again, Jisoo dodges easily. "Shut up I'm not clingy."

"You're constantly rolling on top of me is a proof of your clingy ass."

"I'm just used to big bed space."

"So you clinging onto my arm and sometimes putting your foot on top of my lap isn't also a sign of you being clingy?"

"Of course not, my old room has tons of pillows. I'm still on the transition stage."

"Hmm, I wonder what kind of excuse you can come up with when I comment about you whining to me early in the morning when I get up from the bed, asking for me to come back."

"I'm not fond of the cold."

Jisoo chuckles in the end. "Alright, it looks like you won't be giving in any time soon. Don't worry our next argument on this I'll have pictures as proofs."

Jennie wondered when will be the next argument but she pushes the thought at the back of her head and smiled at her friend. "Since you're going to procrastinate by reading, I'm gonna enhance my guitar skills."

The latter doesn't give her a response as she shifts her focus back to the book that she was reading but offers her a smile. "Whatever floats your boat Jendeuk-ah."

As Jisoo goes back to reading, Jennie settles herself on the other end of the couch, making herself comfortable with her back leaning onto the arm's rest. She tunes in her guitar, making sure that nothing was going to sound off, later on, knowing just how observant Jisoo could be.

When she was confident with her tuning, she gives it a few good strums for the intro before singing the first part of the song.

You don't know babe, when you hold me and kiss me slowly it's the sweetest thing

And it don't change if I had it my way, you would know that you are...

As Jennie continues to sing, Jisoo's mind brings her back to the memories of their training room. Jennie managed to drag her into a music shop as the latter was finding a new instrument to learn while waiting for their turn to hit the stage. She wasn't really fond of going out because at a young age Jisoo found the unexplainable comfort of just being home but since she really can't say no to Jennie, she finds herself inside the music store and ends up buying a Beginner's Book for Piano Lessons too.

Ever since then Jisoo had this habit of turning her focus onto Jennie practicing guitar rather than paying attention to her own craft. She found that with all the sides of Jennie she had been privileged to witness, seeing the latter being passionate about something is one of the sides of Jennie Jisoo really liked. Maybe that's probably why she was looking at the girl in front of her rather than onto the book that was on her lap.

Where you'll go I'll follow no matter how far. If life is a movie

You're the best part

Jisoo then remembered what Chaeyoung said to her before the big trip. She quotes—

Rather than fighting the feeling, I think it would benefit you if you don't restrict yourself. If you feel like being clingy to her then do it, if you would like to act cutely to her then I'm sure she would be delighted. Even if you want to look at her more than the "best friend" look then feel free to do so.

Pour out every feeling you can get before it better to accept rejection rather than drowning yourself in regrets.

And so Jisoo looks at her.

Jisoo looks at Jennie and how her porcelain skin welcomed the sunset's red, orange and pink colors and how she looked even better now. Jisoo looks at her and begins to think about how God took His time sculpting and perfecting this person in front of her.

She looks at her and how she preferred her singing voice more rather than her asset which was rapping. Sure she knows that the other woman looked very charismatic and very unique when it was her turn to rap. She also knew that the public would go crazy for her when she goes solo but there was something about the softness of her voice sounds that made her see a bit of the true Jennie Kim that she really likes. Jisoo looks at Jennie and wondered how many were willing out there to love her for by being her rather than how the company tries to portray her to be...

She looks at her with such attention, such depth and such tenderness that if Jennie decides to look up and spare her a glance, she would have a glimpse at how much she feels towards the latter. It was only a glimpse, but it was enough to make Jennie feel and see what was inside her heart. Jisoo takes a look at Jennie and made every woman in the world jealous.

Because Jisoo looks at Jennie how every woman deserves to be looked at.

The more she looks at her, the more overwhelmed she was starting to get. All these in denial feelings, the overpowering feeling of getting scared of not being able to say the words when they were needed to be spoken of and all of the unending fragments alongside the unfinished sentences that she hopes she could utter. Jisoo's heart was rapidly beating against her chest as if it had its own hands and begged for her to just spit it out. It wasn't just her heart. Somehow her mind was stomping its feet on her skull, asking for her to get on with it.

As if fate was playing its tricks on her, Jennie decides to look up at her as she sings the last part repeatedly.

If you love me won't you say something

If you love me won't you say something

"I love you." Jisoo says out in the open and into the wild unknown. "I love you Jendeuk."

"I love you too Chu." Jennie shows off her dumpling-like cheeks and gummy smile.

"You're my best friend after all."

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