Friends | VIII

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"Kim Jisoo!!!"

The owner of the name looks up from her book and faces the grumpy face of her 'best friend'. "What is it now?"

"You're not paying attention."

"I am."

"What you're giving me is divided attention."

"Do you deserve my full attention?"

Jennie shows off her offended expression. "You're such an ass!" She throws the latter a pillow which she dodges off smoothly. "Jisoo, we're almost done with the song, just cooperate pleaseee..." She drags.

Jisoo closes off her book and sighs. "Alright, I'm listening."

"Give me the part to the chorus."


"Why not?"

"I told you, it's for the last night."

Jennie couldn't help but roll her eyes at her. "What's with the last night huh? What kind of difference would it make if I find it out today- as in, right now?" Jisoo ignores her, making Jennie sigh this time. "Fine I won't argue anymore but I need your help."

"With what?"

"For the pre-chorus, I was thinking maybe we could just go like this..." Jennie plays off a few keys. "What do you think?"

"Hmm... no."

"Okay, how about we go like this?"

"That's too low."

"Maybe like this?"

"Hmm... it needs more flavor."

"Oh, you're looking for flavor? Okay, I think I can give you flavor."

The girl gasps as soon as the other one smudged her face with cheese powder. "Jennie! What the hell!" Jisoo looks up and sees Jennie holding onto her stomach while trying her best not to fall. "Ugh! Disgusting!"

"You said you wanted more flavor and now you're getting pissed?"

"I don't mean this kind of flavor."

"Alright, alright I'm going to act as if you're really the neatest person in this entire ship." Jennie leans in and wipes off the cheese smudge off of Jisoo's cheek. "Happy now?"

Jisoo, on the other hand, couldn't help but blush because of the sudden change of their distance. She immediately looks away, worried that Jennie might tease her for having that pink stain on her cheeks this time. It looks like luck was on her side this time around because her phone which was located by the table of the music room started buzzing, giving her an excuse to the latter that she needs to take the call.

"Oh my God, thank you for calling." Jisoo breathes out. "Wow, you're a total lifesaver."

"Kim Jisoo, I've been your lifesaver ever since what are you talking about?"

The heart-shaped lips girl smiled at that fact. "True."

"Were you in a life or death situation?"

Jisoo looks back at the music room where Jennie was busily plucking the strums. "No, not really, I just wanted ample room for a breather."

"So tell me, how's the cruise so far?"

"It's pretty amazing- it's like living in a small town with urban amenities."

"And how's your motion sickness?"

"It's bearable. Gladly the room we're in was in the middle so I don't feel much. Jennie on the other hand..."

"How are things between you guys?"

"We're pretty good so far. I'm actually thankful for this cruise trip."

"I'm happy to hear from you. Usually whenever I call it's always bad timing."

"I'm quite thankful because you give me a time-out and gather my thoughts. Jennie can really be hot-headed when she's pissed off."

"Yeah, you guys fight like girlfriends it's annoying."

"No, we don't."

"I was there the entire duration of the quarrel Jisoo." She argues back and referred to the time where Jennie and Jisoo had a misunderstanding and heard everything because Jisoo accidentally wasn't able to tell Soojoo to end the call and uttered- 'wait'. "Are all of your fights that intense?"

"We barely talked that night."

"The silence was really disturbing. I mean, you guys are miles away from where I am right now but damn- I got chills just be hearing the dead silence."

"It doesn't matter Soojoo, the fight was like-"

"Two days ago."

"Why are you calling again?"

"I was just checking up on you."

"I'm fine Soojoo thank you for the concern."

"Are you enjoying the whole trip?"

"So far, so good... We're heading for Berlin tomorrow so I'm pretty excited."

"I'm just making sure that you two aren't in the love quarrel mode still."

"There's no love, we just quarrel."


"Yes really!" She defends. "We're friends."


Jisoo's phone started buzzing again and saw Chaeyoung was trying to get in touch with her. "Hey, Joo, I'm going to hang-up now, Chaeyoung's calling."

"Be careful and don't let your wife catch you red-handed with your mistress."

She completely ignores the tease and ends the call before tapping the green button. "Hi Chae!"

"Hi, unnie!" Jisoo couldn't help but smile just hearing Chaeyoung's energetic voice. "How's marine life?"

"Chae, you make it sound like she's an employee of the ship."

"Oh hush Lisa and focus on the task at hand!"

"You should focus on the task at hand, you were the one who dragged me onto this."

"Now if I remember correctly, you were the one who insisted on coming."

"And if I remember correctly, you-"

"Uh, guys?" Jisoo cuts them off. "Yeah, I still exist."

"Lisa can you just go and search for something that suits me? You know my taste so well. I'll be back in a minute."


"She's such a baby sometimes."

"She's only acting like one because you're giving her the permission to be one."

"Lisa can be cute when she's in that state but sometimes I just wanna bang her head straight to the wall for being so spoiled."

"You like spoiling her though."

"Well, true but don't tell her that." The two of them share a laugh after the confession. "Anyway as I was asking, how's life at sea?"

"It's still the same since the last time we talked." She says as she remembered receiving a call from the latter three days ago. "I just finished attending craft class with Jendeuk."

"Really that's great! So what did you guys make?"

"Jendeuk wanted to make some bracelets and rings so we made them."

"Ooh! Ooh! Are those the type of class where you get to choose your charm in the bracelet and you get to have personalized engraving?"

"Yeah, that type of class."


"So what?"

"Come on unnie, what did you guys engrave on your rings?"

And while Chaeyoung endlessly went on about how cute and adorable it was for them to do such activity, Jisoo's mind drifts off to the particular memory she had yesterday that had her blushing like a mad man.

"Congratulations Kim Jisoo!"Jennie walks up to Jisoo who just finished making her own bracelet.

"Wait, you were already done?" She asks the latter and she gets a nod as a form of response. "Hold on, why didn't I notice?"

"You were so focused on closing those fancy charms of yours so I didn't bother just yet." She then lifts off her left hand, showing a simple crafted silver necklace. "See?"

"Tch, no wonder you were done so fast."

"It's not my fault you have a thing for shining things." Jennie lets her tongue out as she says her tease to the latter. "Anyway, are you ready?"

"For what?"

"We're going to make rings now!" She places two short and thin metal bars on their working table.

"You teased me earlier for liking fancy things but look at you getting two rings for yourself."

"Silly! It's not just for me, one for you and then one for me." She grins.

"Are you sure this is would fit my finger?"

"I know your body better than anyone else, give me a little credit will you?" Jennie didn't notice Jisoo's blushing cheeks. "Shall we?"

The heart-shaped lips girl shakes her head. "This feels like forever to do, so I'm just gonna sit here and act pretty while you do all the work."

"Fine, be ready to be amazed."

Jisoo watched as Jennie works her way with the metal bars smoothly while she just sat there and wait for her best friend to finish. Moments like this are probably one of Jisoo's favorite pass time with the latter because she gets to pretend that she's looking at what Jennie's doing where in fact she was looking directly at the brunette with gummy cheeks. Whenever they're just hanging out like this, she gets to admire and adore all the little things that could be seen physically from the smaller girl starting from her gorgeous hairstyle to her skillful hands.

It makes Jisoo wonder just how skillful those hands are.

"Oh no!"

"Oh shit!" Jisoo curses along. "What the hell Jennie you surprised me."

"I crooked it!"

"Crooked what?"

"This!" She lifts up the metal and then pouts. "Oh no, I've totally messed up."

"Don't worry, I'm sure the teacher can help you out."

"You're right, I'm just going to call her attention." Jennie was about to head towards the teacher's table when she turns around and then glares at Jisoo. "No monkey business Jisoo."

Jisoo raises both of her hands up. "The last thing I want to experience is your wrath, Jennie Kim."

While Jennie was away and waiting for her turn from the quite long query line from the teacher's table, Jisoo observed the bars and resisted the urge to do things on her own. She basically placed a mantra inside her head that she really didn't want Jennie to lash out on her from messing this up, but then at the back of her mind, she also wanted to help make the design. Jisoo closes her eyes and tries to control herself but then she thought that maybe she can design her ring and Jennie could do hers.

She looks up and when she saw Jennie conversing with the others that willingly took this class, Jisoo decided that there's completely no harm in designing her own ring.

The latter picks up the hammer and started working around the bar, carefully striking in hopes that she wouldn't break it apart. As she focused more on correcting the line, she sticks her tongue a little bit out, a habit that she displays whenever she's focused on the task at hand. When she had successfully finished straightening her ring she picks up her chosen letters and starts to carve out the initials on her brand new accessory.

"What are you doing?" Jisoo jumps at the sudden intrusion of Jennie's voice. "Amazing! You fixed it!"

"Yeah, I did." She smiles.

"How did you do it?"

"Well, I just started out slowly and then poof!"

"You did pretty well!" Jennie says as she inspects the item once more. "JJ 4EVA?"

"Um, yeah..."

"With a heart?"

"I thought it added a nice touch."

"Does this mean Jisoo and Jennie forever?"

Jisoo rubs the back of her neck nervously as she nods her head. "If you're going to feel awkward I can change it, I mean it's my ring-"

"I like it." She smiles and then hands Jisoo the other unformed ring. "Do the same for this."

She looks at the latter with confused eyes. "But don't you want to make it your own design?"

"As far as I can remember, a couple of rings were meant to have the same design."

"Wh-what? C-c-c-ouple rings?"

Jennie nods her head. "I was thinking of as besties ring but I think you are trying to say something here and this JJ thing just proves it." She lets out a laugh when she saw Jisoo blushing so she tries to ease the embarrassment. "But thank you for saving me all the explanation."

"W-what are you talking about?" She asks with confusion. "What explanation?"

Jennie, on the other hand, decided not to talk about it any further. "Less talk, we are still in class at Miss Kim."

"Hello, is Kim Jisoo still on the other line?"

"Uh, yeah- yeah I'm still here."

"Good, I thought you already jumped on the sea because you saw a turtle."

"I'm not that stupid." She argues with an eye roll.

"Well, apparently you can be really stupid on another thing, like still not admitting your feelings for Jennie."

"I'm not in love with my best friend."

"Yeah, and I really hate hanging out with Lisa because she's basically annoying."

"What? You think I'm annoying!?"

"I don't mean it like that!"

"You literally just said that a couple of seconds ago!"

"Well, Jisoo and I were playing saying something impossible so-"

"I don't remember playing something like that Lisa!" Jisoo screams so that the latter can hear her. "I guess Chaeyoung decided to lay out her feelings!"

"See!? I can't believe that you could be so mean!"

"Lisa wait, hold on!" Desperation was evident in Chaeyoung's voice. "Unnie you're not helping!"

"You two would actually make a good couple."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but Lisa and I are in a very, super-duper platonic relationship where honesty and trust including undeniable care for one another are evident."

"Yikes, your defense is higher than the Great Wall but okay, go off I guess."

"Ugh! You're the one who's annoying... are you this happy than Jennie actually didn't screw up this vacation?"

"Of course I'm happy Chae, this vacation is by far, the greatest vacation and I'm sure that Jennie will not do anything to mess this one up."


"I messed up."

"You messed up what?"

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"No, Jennie I don't have any idea what you are talking about."

"Come on Lisa, don't make me say it!"

"Actually I am because I have absolutely no clue what in the world's name you are talking about!"

"I am not going to say it!"

"May I just remind you that we have an eight-hour difference and it's two in the morning here in Seoul Jennie Kim." There was a long pause coming from the other line. "Well? Are you going to start to explain things or am I dropping the call?"

"Okay, okay! I'm gonna talk."

"Go ahead, why don't we start with explaining to me how did you fuck things up?"

"Okay, so it all started when Jisoo went out for a little reading by the pool."

"Let's start from there."

"So I woke up around seven-thirty in the morning and I didn't see any sign of Jisoo inside our room, bathroom included. Then, I decided to see if she was inside the music room or the library which she wasn't."

"And where did you see her?"

"She was by the pool reading by the book."

"Okay so Jisoo looks breath-taking morning but that's not enough for you to wake me up in the morning Jennie!"

"If you would let me talk then maybe you would've understood!"

"Fine, talk."

"So, as I was saying... she was reading by the pool and of course, I was relieved that I saw her right there because this cruise is freaking huge and let's face it, she has a low sense of direction. Anyway, I was about to approach her when suddenly there's this guy with huge arms looking like some big-ass crab or Johnny Bravo and offered her a drink."

"An alcohol drink?"

"No, it was seven-thirty in the morning Lisa, he offered her a hot chocolate with a warm smile that looked like marshmallow topping."

"Okay, so Jisoo made a new friend what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing's wrong with making friends."

"It's only wrong if Jisoo does it then?"

"She's allowed to have some other friends."

"I'm not so sure since several possible casualties might have happened during Park Chaeyoung's appearance."

"Are you ever going to shut up or are you just going to comment on every possible thing you can? Because I'm sure as hell with your tight schedule, you don't have much time to rest Manoban."

"Okay alright unnie, just go on and tell me the full details."

"Again, I repeat- there is clearly nothing wrong with making friends, it's just that the person that Jisoo met wasn't all for making friends because he-" Jennie sighs. "He was hitting on her."

"What made you say that?"

"It was my gut feeling."

"Please tell me you didn't do anything."

"You have to listen carefully because I am about to share to you the part where I fucked up." Jennie purses her lips together before continuing what she was telling her friend. "I... might have scared him off with endless threat."

"Well fuck me dead."

"How and where did you learn to curse in Aussie language?"

"That's not the point here Jennie, this call isn't about me is it?"

She could hear Lisa sigh from the other line. "What? Did I do something wrong?"

"Duh captain obvious?"

"Look- in my defense, I was just looking out for Jisoo."

"So much for there's nothing wrong with making friends."

"He was hitting on her!"

"And you based it from what? Scientific research? Statistics?"

"What do I do now? She's mad at me and won't even spare me a glance. Our families even noticed it already and I don't want this trip to end on a bad note."

"How long since she barely spared you a glance?"

"Exact? 36 hours and fifteen minutes."

"Okay damn, I didn't mean to be that specific but- when does this cruise end?"

"Two days from now."

"That's good, that's a lot of time or hours and minutes if you want to be specific about time measurement."

"Long time for what exactly Lisa?"

"For your peace offering of course! You wanted Jisoo to notice you but you aren't making any move, you tried talking but didn't work and if you don't think of a solution now, you might be spending your last day on the cruise without Jisoo's arms wrapped around your petite body."

"No asked for your attacking today Manoban, it's too early for that."

"On my side on the Earth. You, on the other hand, are just about to have dinner so no, not too early for me."

"Can you just please help me with this? I can't take it if Jisoo's angry with me."

"I thought you can get Jisoo to be not mad at you if you're getting mad at her too. Then, she'll be on your knees and begging for forgiveness."

"This is different this time around okay? Please Lis, I really don't want to mess this one."

"Why do people keep on calling me Lis, my name has only four letters in it and then you have to omit one more. Like, how hard is for you guys to call me Lisa?"

"This call is not about you Manoban so we'll tackle on that another time." Jennie exhales out. "Now, give me your best suggestion on how to give Chu the best peace offering ever."

"Your last city is Barcelona right?"


"And you get to stay there for an entire day, correct?"

"Right you are."

"Well, there you have it unnie, tomorrow on your free day in Barcelona you take her out. Just the two of you. No parents, no siblings, no whatsoever distractions but just the two of you."

"Would she like it? I mean, I'm a tourist too I don't have any idea where to go."

"There's a million reasons why the internet exists right now. They can help you ruin someone else's life or- they can help you search for the tourist spots where maybe you can give your girlfriend the most amazing peace offering ever."

"Jisoo is not my girlfriend."

"Then stop acting like one." She says. "Anyway, it's Barcelona- it's one of the places she really likes to visit so I guess that's already been done by God's work and now the rest is up to you."

"Lisa you were supposed to help me."

"Hello idiot I just did and that's all I can offer. We both know that the only person Jisoo can freely express herself is to you and you know her better she knows herself."

Jennie ends up sighing out loud while looking at Jisoo getting more desserts from the bar. "You really think Jisoo is going to forgive me for this?"

"It's Jisoo Jennie, she's always going to forgive you." Lisa comforts her friend. "By the way, if things go smoothly with Jisoo, can you tell her that Chaeyoung said that she had lost the debate and that she owns Chaeyoung a grand feast."

"Why are you even with-"

"Good day unnie."

Jennie sighed as she tried to think of ways on how to be back in Kim Jisoo's good graces. There were a lot of things that could be done within the city making Jennie really nervous about what to choose from the tons of options to choose, she really couldn't make a final list on where to choose. She only had 24 hours to make this the best day ever for Jisoo and with the clock winding down before their arrival at the dock, her anxiousness was already taller than her.

In the end, Jennie decided to use a lifeline and called a friend- her ultimate best friend, no other than-

"Chaehee!" Jennie's relief couldn't be more desperate. "I'm glad you picked up."

"Jen? Is this you?"

"Of course it's me, do you have any other Jennie in your life?"

"Of course I don't have, I was just surprised to hear Spanish songs as your background music. Are you preparing for your final city tour?"

"I'm trying to pull out my inner Spanish blood."

"You're pure Korean what on Kimchi are you talking about."

"I studied Spanish therefore the knowledge is in my blood making me somewhat Spanish."

"Your tits could be considered as Spanish I'll tell you that."

"Chae! I'm being serious here."

"How can you be serious when I don't know what you're talking about?" The latter asks. "By the way, what's up with calling me? It's nearly midnight there."

"You see I kind of messed up things with Jisoo because of my lack of judgment now, I have nearly eight hours to make amends with her before this entire cruise ends."

"When you mean lack of judgment do you mean your jealousy getting way out of line?"

"That's not the issue here."

"I'm pretty sure it is." She argues back. "Nevermind, your stubbornness would defend your end until your last breath... what do you need me for?"

"I told Lisa my problem earlier and she told me that maybe I should be Jisoo's guide and show her around the place. The problem is, Barcelona is a big city and there are a lot of options to choose from. It could really go from Las Ramblas to Barcelona City History Museum."

"Have you checked the internet?"

"Yes I have but every time I try to convince myself that I finally found the list that would be the one for the tour, I end up second-guessing everything. It was perfect for me, but I wondered if it would be the perfect tour for Jisoo as well."

"Well is this tour about you or about Jisoo?"

"Of course it's for Chu."

"Then you have to think like Jisoo." She suggests. "I know it's a bit hard since she has very random thinking most of the time but Jennie, you're the only girl that can understand her most of the time. Remember when I witnessed your weird telepathy message when we first met? I still have chills thinking about it, it was such an amazing sight."

"Think about what she likes, what interests her and if she were to choose the itinerary for a day, which route would she take? Does she like to crush out her tourist to-do list like everyone else or would she rather ditch the map and just wander around? If you put it in that angle, maybe you might be able to give her the best Barcelona trip ever."

"Now that makes much more sense than Lisa's rambling or Nayeon's endless scolding earlier."

"And here I thought I was the ultimate best friend."

"Awe Chae, of course, you are my ultimate best friend. I knew you had a schedule earlier so I chose this time earlier because I know you're about to hit the sack."

"I'll let you off the hook this time but the next you chose the others over me we're breaking up okay Ruby?"

Jennie couldn't help but smile at that. "I understand."

"Oh one more suggestion, if you want to make it up to her then maybe look up romantic things to do in Barcelona."

Heat immediately rises up to Jennie's cheeks as soon as Chaehee mentioned it. "What?! I wouldn't do that!"

"Why not?"

"I do not have romantic feelings for Jisoo."

"I'm not saying that you have, all I'm saying is if you want to make her heart flutter then you can search it up or..."

"Or what?"

"You can just wing it... like I said, you know Jisoo more than anyone else. Well, other than Soojoo."

"Chaehee I'm going to skin you-"

"Bye love!"

The other line goes to a long beep and only Jennie could do was to close her eyes for a moment to keep her feelings at bay before resuming with her research. She focuses on the screen and tries to look for places that they could probably see tomorrow but all Jennie could think of was Chaehee's last recommendation before ending the call. She tried ignoring the temptation to search but sooner she gives in to that so-called suggestion and ends up searching for her friend's suggestion. The first link was a video and have no energy to read, Jennie taps on the first option and it only took minutes for the video to load.

"Welcome! Here are the most romantic spots in-"

"Shit!" Jennie's soul nearly soared through the ceiling when Jisoo came inside their room all of sudden. She immediately shuts the laptop, earning a weird look coming from the latter. "H-hi?"

She was eyed by the heart-shaped lips girl for a while before she goes to the cabinet and grabs her coat. "I'm going to hang out with my sister for a bit."

"O-okay. Will you be sleeping here still?"

"I don't know, just don't wait up."

"Hey, wait up." Jennie immediately jumps out of their bed and chases after the girl. "I-uh, I want to tell you something." Jisoo doesn't say anything and Jennie took this as a sign to say her offer. "When we land in Barcelona, I was thinking maybe we could explore the city together."

"We always explore the cities together."

"I mean, just the two of us." She clarifies. "I talked with our parents and they gave me the go signal."

"And what makes you think that I am going to say yes to you?"

"Um, well..." Jennie bites her lower lip due to nervousness. "I want to make it up to you."

"This is your first time in Barcelona too."

"That's why I'm doing my search." She says and points to the laptop. "Don't worry, you won't be missing out. In fact, I guarantee you that my tour is better than this ship offered."

"Really..." Jisoo trails off and was quite unsure of what Jennie said. "Fine, I'll come with you but you only have two hours to convince me if your tour is better."

"Deal. I promise you Chu I'll-"

"Go back to researching, you still have a lot to prove."

Jisoo closes the door behind her and Jennie made sure that the sound of the footsteps was fading when she lets out a huge exhale out of relief. She didn't waste any time and heads back to bed before tapping the play button. Like what Jisoo said, she still has a lot to prove and she was going to make sure that it'll take less than two hours to show Jisoo that her tour is the best tour Jisoo gets to experience.

By the time it was nearly sunrise, Jennie slumps to sleep with a smile on her face, quite confident that she would be able to win Jisoo back in no time.

Or so she hopes.


"You don't look so good."

"What are you talking about?"

Jisoo eyes Jennie's drowsy form. "What time did you sleep last night?"

"It wasn't late."

"How late are we talking about?"

"Not too much I promise and don't worry, I'm still capable of touring you today."

"You're sleepy. It's fine, you can take some rest and join us later. I'll just-"

Jisoo was halted when Jennie took a firm hold on her wrist. "You said you would give me two hours to convince you to come with me. My time hasn't even started and yet you're already bailing out?"

The latter knew that you can argue with a drunk Jennie or a moody Jennie but nobody wins against a grumpy Jennie so she lets it slide and just nods her head. "Okay fine, where are you planning to take me?"

The brunette immediately smiles upon hearing her friend's answer. "Mom, dad!" She calls to their parents. "We won't be joining you for today's tour okay?"

Jennie's mom eyed them before nodding his head, much to Jisoo's surprise. "Well, you two be careful and call us if you're lost or anything."

"Turn on your GPS too Chu so that we can keep track of you guys." Her brother adds.

"I will."

"Remember you have the entire day. We'll probably end up late too but if you plan on extending please tell us in advance okay?"

Jisoo nods her head. "I'm gonna buy for water. Wait here."

While the latter was away, the rest of their families changed their calm expressions. "Jennie fighting!"

"Don't worry Jen Jen, the dumb-dumb will come around."

"As long as you try hard enough child, I'm sure she's gonna see your efforts." Jisoo's mom says with a hug.

"Please makeup already, I'm tired of hearing her out and she's seriously ruining my beauty sleep."

Jennie feels a whole lot better especially when she heard their words of encouragement. "I will not fail you guys, I promise."

"Alright, the water's here." Jisoo looks at the rest of the group. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Immediately their feigned innocence and shrugged her curious look. "Okay then." Turning to Jennie, she waits for the latter to speak up.

The silence was broken by Jennie's father. "Jennie."

"Yes, dad?"

"Take care of Jisoo." He says in his monotone and authoritative voice. "That's an order."

Right after separating from their families, Jennie calmly leads the way with Jisoo following behind as they went far away from the group. One of the things that Jisoo noticed is that as they move further South, there were lesser people she has come across with. The first reaction was for her to start to doubt thinking that Jennie's map might've fooled them and sent them away from the crowd and her worry starts to heighten up imaging they'd end up in a place where none of the locals spoke English.

In spite of her worries, she still decides to put her trust to her friend whom she was very disappointed with days earlier and she had all the right to do so. First of all, she saw no harm coming from the guy who approached her. He was nice and quite knowledgeable with books and literature which was very rare for her nowadays. To her, it was all harmless talk and he was just trying to make friends on this trip pretty similar to what Jennie has been continuously doing for the past days with boys and girls.

This is the part where Jisoo is pretty annoyed with because when it comes to Jennie, she can pretty much do whatever she wants during this entire trip but when it comes to her wants, either Jennie has to be there with her or there was this long list to follow or else she wouldn't really be able to leave making it partly the reason why she decided to sneak out that very morning, to get a breather.

Jisoo admires the effort that Jennie has been making she wouldn't deny that from the latter but whenever she's being this overprotective of her annoys her for two reasons. One, Jennie is just being overdramatic or overprotective which leads to overanalyzing other things and two, whenever Jennie do these things it makes her heart flutter, confusing Jennie's real intentions with her fantasies.

"We're here." Jennie says as they stop in front of what looked like an old Military base. "Are you okay with stairs?"

Jisoo couldn't help but smirk. "I'm okay with my endurance, I don't know about you."

"Don't worry, I've been working on my endurance so I know I would last." She lets out a smirk, and the heart-shaped lips girl couldn't help but place another different meaning to what Jennie just said. "Come, I only have two hours right?"

Taking Jennie's extended hands, together they work their way upstairs towards the top of what looked like old military bunkers but what took Jisoo's breath away was the view it was giving her, which is the most part of Barcelona. It was such a perfect time to visit because there were few tourists and locals altogether. Jennie smiles, knowing that she got what she had been expecting a reaction from Jisoo and so she took this time to drag her towards the balcony so that she could have a better view in front of her.

"Here, take this," Jennie says offering the latter the mini binoculars. "If you would look at your right it's the famous La Sagrada Familia and moves a bit to the north and from there you can see the famous tree-lined pedestrian street connecting most of Barcelona's tourist spots. You can also see the oldest part of the city and to the west, you can see the very famous square in all of Barcelona."

Jisoo took her time looking at the sights. "Wow, they are truly beautiful."

"I know right?"

"How did you find about this place?"

"I meant it when I said I was doing my research well."

"Why did you bring me here? I mean, you practically showed me what we could've seen with our families, I don't get it."

"I took you here with me so that we wouldn't have to spend an entire day from moving one tourist attraction to another. Think of it as an all-in-one Barcelona 101 with a bird's eye view."

"But we're pretty much afar from these places."

"Just because we're here doesn't mean we can't appreciate its beauty right?" Jennie says while looking at Jisoo in the eyes. "No matter how much we want to be close to beautiful things, sometimes appreciating them from afar can be enough." She smiles. "Plus, now that we've seen most of the covered tour, we can spare time to look for other places."

"Other places?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Miss Kim Jisoo, I can show you much more than the cruise's brochure. If you would be glad to accept, I can show you Jennie Kim's Barcelona Secret tour."


Jennie nods her head. "Instead of visiting the common tourist spots which are probably crowded now and end up with low-quality pictures, I can show you to the city's hidden gems that maybe some locals might not even know of." She says. "That is if you would let me of course."

"Just so you know Jennie I'm still not convinced. This place is nice and breath-taking sure but this still doesn't make the cut."

"My two hours is not up and I'm confident that the next spot will be the seal dealer for you."

"Confident are w"I know you better than I know myself Jisoo, of course, I would have some confidence."

"Okay then, take pretty pictures of me here and then we can move to the next destination."

"Nice!" She lifts her fist up in the air. "Alright pose properly and say Kimchi!" 

Though against her will, Jisoo posed prettily and said- "Kimchi!"

A dozen pictures were taken and a few blocks walk later, Jisoo finds herself in probably one of the most beautiful places she has ever witnessed. Jennie took her to the forest museum, which was located in one of the bigger houses within Barcelona where Jisoo saw different types of trees and samples of the barks from around the world. She really tried her best not to be completely mesmerized and give Jennie the satisfaction of knowing that she has done a good job.

Minutes later, Jennie decided to walk Jisoo outside of the manor and saw a beautifully landscaped garden and head towards the center of the yard which was a small labyrinth.

"Remember this?"

"Are you referring to you getting lost on the maze or your pouty cheeks when you realize that you lost?"

"In my difference, I was still on a haze."

"Mm, sure Jan." Jisoo teases. "So, why are you bringing me here? Is this a way of your challenging me?"

"Maybe." Jennie trails off. "You still remember the rules don't you?"

"I do, although I don't see the need why are we doing this."

"I'm trying to see something." She smiles. "Are you ready?"

"I guess."

"Okay, in 3, 2, 1- go!"

It may not seem to be, but Jisoo was quite good with her directions. She pulls up her leaflet and tries to work her way through the maze but unlike the maze that she was comfortable with, Jisoo was totally not familiar at how this maze was built. Of course, she wanted to curse Jennie for not telling her in advance so she was totally unprepared for this event and her brain was on vacation mode. She got lost for the most part, which consisted of several switches of lanes and multiple dead ends making her frustrated.

She was about to call Jennie and tell her that she was done playing, but somehow, Jisoo was reminded back when she tried this maze the first time and it was when she asked Jennie to tag along to their family trip in Jeju wherein she met her family for the very first time.

"Thank you for letting me tag along this family trip."

"I told you Jendeuk it's fine..." Jisoo assures the latter as soon as they entered their hotel room. "My parents were kind of excited to know that I made friends three days after being a trainee."

"Just friends?" Jisoo looks away, trying to hide her blush from Jennie who was smiling already. "I'm kidding Chu, of course, we're friends, best friends even."

"Of course." She smiles back and then jumps on the bed, completely surprising Jennie. "Hehe..." She chuckles after hearing Jennie squeal.

"You're such a goofball."

"How did you like our first day so far?"

"I really like everything about it, it's quite sad that I couldn't be in the hot air balloon with you guys."

"But you totally crushed me in the maze."

"How was your ego after that?"

"Obviously a beginner's luck." She answers with an eye roll. "Or maybe I just gave you some kind of advantage."

Jennie shakes her head. "Whatever you say Chu..." She trails off. "Hey, I was thinking of something while I was on the maze a while ago."

"What was it?"

"Life is an endless maze." She says. "Just as when we thought that we were nearing the solution to our problem, another one occurs making it a very complicated and long process."

"Hmm, that sounds applicable."

"Where we are right now, is a very big and complicated maze." Jennie says. "We're in the maze of figuring out what do we really want to do with our life."

"Didn't you want to become an idol?"

That's when Jennie let out a sigh. "Do I?"

Jisoo looks at her. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"I barely even debut and there are already a lot of speculations and gossips about me."

"Do you not want to become an idol anymore?"

"I'm just scared that all the effort and time I will be putting out to this path wouldn't turn out as I ought it would be..."

"You're great at what you do now Jen, some of the trainees- including me, look up to you as our senior... The mentors have complimented you countless times and I even hear other employees talking about how they're anticipating your debut as an official idol. A lot of people believe that you can make it."

"Do you believe I can do it?"

Jisoo nods her head. "You're made for this industry."

"What if I won't find my way?" Jennie turns to her and looking at her in the eyes. "What if I end up not being in this industry?"

"Then, I will wait for you." Jisoo answers. "When you stop being encouraged or when you're feeling unsure anymore, then remember that I will wait for you at the end of the maze."

"Why won't you come for me?"

"We all have different paths Jendeuk. Your path may differ from mine, but that doesn't mean that I can't wait for you at the end..." She reaches out for Jennie's hand underneath their sheets and held on it tightly. "I will wait for you so that we can start a new maze await us in the future. This time, it wouldn't be as scary, because you have my hand in yours and I have yours in mine..."

Jennie didn't say anything first and just hugged Jisoo tightly that night. "If you're going to wait for me, then I will wait for you too..." She trails off. "Even if we get separated on the next maze, I will wait for you, and I will not stop waiting for you, until we get to walk on the same path, on the same maze."

Just like a spark plug, Jisoo was suddenly energized after remembering the talk she had with the brunette. She flips the brochure and focused on the map, and even though it was pretty hard for her to understand English, she tried and when she got the hang of it, Jisoo started walking towards the exit. There were still mistakes that she has made along the way but they were manageable and Jisoo was no longer focused on getting there fast because all she could focus now is who was waiting for her at the end of the maze.

It seemed impossible at first, but when Jisoo finally saw a lot of people walking with her, she starts to get pumped up and started running towards the exit. Finally, after making a left turn, Jisoo finally sees the exit. She closes her eyes for a minute, just to compose herself from all of these overwhelming emotions, but when she felt a warm hand touched hers, she immediately gets emotional all over again.

"I'm glad you made it through." The voice said. "It was quite a maze."

"It was... but something kept me going."

"Really? What was it?"

Jisoo smiles and looks at her. "That's like revealing my secret weapon."

"Well, you used your secret weapon a bit too late."

"Why? Did you use yours from the very beginning?"

"I told you, I was trying to see something."

"And did you see what you were trying to see?"

"I did." Jennie smiles with her fluffy cheeks pushing up, showing her adorable gummy smile. "You're here with me now aren't you?" Jisoo looks down at their intertwined hands and couldn't help the urge to smile back. 

"Yeah, I'm here with you now."

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