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Upon seeing Jennie on the entrance of her new-found home, Jisoo quickly removes herself from Seulgi's hold which forced her face to come in contact with her couch. While Seulgi was wincing from the sudden loss of support. Jisoo swallows the lump on her throat as she continues to look at Jennie who was on the other end of the hall, looking like a girlfriend caught in the midst of a cheating act.

Soojoo couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sudden dismissal of the positive mood and the mere fact that her friend couldn't be more transparent than water. With an internal sigh, she nudges one of their friends to cut the awkward situation surrounding the entire household.

"Jennie! Hi!" Jennie awkwardly smiles at Yujin who doesn't seem to mind at all. "You brought something with you!"

"Y-yeah, it's nothing big. I would've brought more if only I had the time but I came cramming here."

"Hi there Jennie!" Seulgi greets her with a grin while holding onto her cheek. "I was wondering if you read my message. Good thing you did." Still with that innocent smile of hers her eyes averted onto the box that she holds onto. "Yay to more cakes!"

Another knock on the door catch everyone's attention. Soojin, who was nearby offered to open the door and when she screamed out of sheer happiness, the rest were curious who was the new guest. Seconds later, Soojin appears with a huge grin (Seulgi still has the biggest grin) as her arms were filled with wine bottles.

"Guys, our savior just arrived."

Yeri walks in with a smug look on her face as the rest of the girls process her presence inside the room. "Time to party bitch."

The on-going party was fun.

They wore the mandatory birthday caps Yujin had bought for them and all together they sang happy birthday and held their phones up when it was Jisoo's turn to blow the candles. Dinner was surprisingly well, thanks to Yujin and Yeri's antics. After a few bottles of wine, they all gathered to the living room where Soojin breaks the ice and starts their small version of karaoke night. Courtesy of Soojin's birthday/housewarming gift for the newly signed SM artist.

Jisoo was having the time of her life as she dances, laughs and sings along to every song that was cued to the machine. It was only when she took a breather that she noticed that Soojoo wasn't around and so she excuses herself for a moment and heads to the kitchen where she finds her friend cleaning up the plates.

"Are you really that old?" She starts with a tease, making Soojoo look at her.

Soojoo shakes her head. "You know sometimes I wonder how I've managed to withstand the kind of noise pollution they bring."

She joins the latter by the counter. "What are you doing here?"

"Someone has to clean and do the dishes." She responds as she continues to wipe the counters. "And besides, if I see Yujin's drunk face one more time I'm going to reconsider our friendship."

Jisoo laughs, knowing the latter's comment wasn't really meant to be taken seriously. "Come on, it's Yujin."

"Yeah, it's Yujin until she throws up in your car and wipe it off of you." Jisoo couldn't help but make a face and Soojoo scoffed off of it. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about."

"Step aside bitches!" Yujin barges in their conversation and slamming the bathroom door shut.

Soojoo and Jisoo make an eye contact before her model friend says- "This is going to be the last place that I'm going to clean."

"Hey, can I ask you something? Are you still mad at Jennie?" Jisoo asks right away, turning their atmosphere at 180-degrees.

"I'm not mad at her." She finds an excuse. "In fact, I don't care about her, we're not close and for sure she doesn't care about what I think about her and honestly that's cool because she's on the last place of my concerns." Soojoo takes a short breather. "But I am worried about you."

"Why would you be concerned for me?"

"You're doing it again." Jisoo knows that tone on her friend's voice. "You're falling again."

"I'm not okay?" She says, too defensive for her own liking. "You're seeing things."

"Then tell me right now that the cruise trip with Jennie isn't the best thing that has ever happened to you so far." When Jisoo couldn't even bother to spill or justify her short moment of silence, Soojoo decides to fire away. "Look, I understand okay? It must've been amazing to have all Jennie's attention to be poured on you but do you really think that she wouldn't mess this up again?" She puts emphasis on the last word, knowing how well Jennie messed up multiple times.

"She only said those things because she was angry." Pertaining to the last fight they had right after Jennie found out about her transferring agencies. "But it's okay, I understand. Whenever she's angry, she says things, but she doesn't mean all of them."

"Then why say them in the first place?" She argues. "You don't need to say the things you don't mean Chu, that's pretty much the main idea of having good communication."

Jisoo couldn't help but sigh and feel stressed all of a sudden. "Can we have this talk some other time? I came here to ask you that maybe if you could, you can be a little bit less harsh on her and make an effort to get to know Jennie. That's all I ask, make it a birthday gift if you may."

Soojoo looked at her like she wanted to say something more but right on cue, Jennie comes in and the surroundings got even more awkward. "S-s-orry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, Soojoo and I were just arguing about Yujin."

"Actually, we were talking about you." Soojoo spills, widening the eyes of Jisoo.

Jennie turns her head back and forth from her and then to Jisoo. "What were you talking about me?"

"Jisoo here told me you're a champion at beer pong inside the arcade." Soojoo and Jennie makes a long eye contact. "Jisoo here spilled that you were a beer pong champion."

"It was just luck, Jisoo here was just fooling you."

"Yeah, until you crushed my competitive spirit."

"Well why don't we try your lucky streak? After cleaning up my friends' shits I'm feeling quite lucky too." Soojoo smiles at her. "Besides, one more song from Soojin and I am disowning her."

Jisoo was thankful for the effort that her best friend was extending and finally listened to her request of letting her judgment towards her former bandmate aside and really tried to get to know Jennie who was an important person in her life. She also was thankful for Jennie's efforts that didn't go to waste as they went on and on that it became the highlight of the night with everyone screaming at the top of their lungs for their bets.

A few more rounds and everyone jammed to every song that Soojin fails to nail every single time or bust their asses off while Yeri was holding onto Yujin's Bluetooth speaker that somehow, she always keeps in her bag. You can never know when you need one the latter says. Finally, the party stops at three o'clock in the morning after several knocks from neighboring units and the fear of having Jisoo's toilet break because of the constant puking-peeing scenario.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay behind? I can help you with the cleaning." Soojoo suggests as Jisoo sees them out.

"It's okay, I got it all covered."

"Chu, you and I both know you don't."

"Trust me." She waves the latter off. "Jennie's going to stay for a while so I have help."

"Ooh, Jennie's going to stay?" Yujin meddles in their conversation with that drunk accent of hers and wobbled steps. "That's... spicy."

"Remove yourself from me you animal before I change my mind and not give you a ride home."

"Who's going to stay home?" Soojin, who was more drunk than Yujin appears and leans her entire weight to the latter.


"Jennie will what now?" Yeri appears as she struggles to assist Seulgi in her weight. "Oh, come on Seulgi God gave you two feet now use them!"

"I'm going to stay for a few minutes." Jennie finally appears and answers their repetitive question. "Just going to help Chu with the cleaning."

"That's good! Friends help friends after all." Seulgi says before completely passing out.

Suddenly everyone turned silent and the mood got back from the very beginning. Awkward. "I am going to tell Joohyun everything."

"'Mkay guys, time to pack up." Soojoo says and everyone followed suit, starting with her shoving Yujin and Soojin's weight off of her.

"Happy birthday again Sooya!!"

"Happy birthday Jisoo! Let's get together again and play like this."

Yeri then stops and smiles. "Happy birthday unnie, let's play computer games on our breaks."

"Sure, let's do that in your dorm and I doubt Irene's going to let you off the hook this easy."

"I'll get going too." Soojoo was the last one to say.

"Okay busy driver you take care." Jisoo jokes before pulling Soojoo into a warm hug. "Thanks, Joo, it means a lot to me." She whispers in her friend's ear.

"No problem." She smiles and then turns to Jennie. "Don't forget, we ended with a tie."

Jennie nods her head understandingly. "Let's settle it one day."

When all of them gone, Jisoo links her arms with Jennie as they head back to the living space where the celebrant latches off of Jennie and jumps on the couch, with her sigh surrounding the area. Jennie looks at her for a moment before chuckling to herself. While Jisoo was still stuck in her happy and content bubble, Jennie on the other hand started cleaning.

"I'm going to help you out."

Jennie scoffs. "Of course."

"Just give me a few minutes."

"No problem."

"I am going to help you." Jisoo says with conviction.

"I'm going to sue you if you don't wake up still."



"Jisoo wake up."

"Hey, wake up."

"It's your turn to wash the dishes."

"Hmmm?" Jisoo wakes up groggily and then looks at Jennie who seemed like invading her personal space. "What's going on?" She spares a glance at the place where everything was sparkling clean if this was an animated scene. "Did you end up cleaning everything?"

"Sort of."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I woke you up tons of times but it seems like you're fast asleep." She says. "Now wake up, I'm going to sue you."

"Ugh, talk to my attorney then."

Jennie chuckles, amazed by the fact how the latter could still utter out a reasonable rebuttal despite the fact that only half of her brain is functioning. "Do you think you can manage upstairs to your bedroom?" Jisoo nods her head. "Okay, I'll see you in a few minutes. I'm going to clean the bathroom.

Jennie finally wipes off the last stain on the toilet, with a great reminder not to let Yujin drink tons of alcohol if they ever end up hanging out like this. She sprays everything with an air freshener and hoped that it would also cleanse her mind after a very mortifying cleaning scenario. She looks around and sighs, giving herself a good tap on the shoulder for doing a job well done. After shutting the lights down, she heads up to the loft area where she saw Jisoo all wrapped up with red cheeks and snuggling to her pillows. Jennie holds her laugh and shakes her head before doing her final chore for the night.

She takes off Jisoo's heels and wipes off the make-up on the latter's face before dapping a little bit of lip balm to keep her friend's lips hydrated. Jennie stares her friend for a moment with a ton of thoughts running through her mind.

It doesn't take long for Jisoo to notice that someone was looking at her, being the light-headed sleeper that she is. She lets her eyes adjust to the light brought by the lamp before looking at Jennie's features.

"What's bothering you?" Jisoo says half-asleep.

"I really can't hide anything from you, can I?" Jennie says with a chuckle.

She sits up, eyes filled with concern. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"I'm just happy for you." She admits. "I mean, if you were stuck in YG with me, you would never get this kind of treatment."

"That's why you should learn to trust me sometimes. Not all Capricorns make irrational decisions."
Jisoo laughs, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I do trust you, that's why I decided to let you go right?"

She looks at the latter who seems like to be in her world still. "Hey." She tries to catch Jennie's attention by holding her hand. "You know you can tell me anything right?"

"I..." The brunette swallows the lump on her throat. "I'm scared." Jisoo waits for her to continue. "I know deep down that transferring into a different company was the best decision for your career. I mean, you probably belonged here from the very beginning..."

"I'm just scared that now you found where you belong, you wouldn't have any reasons to look back anymore." Jennie adds. "That everything's okay right now, but when you and I have different schedules everything will just fall apart. All those moments we shared will become nothing but distant memories... that I will be just nothing but a distant memory to you."

"Jen, you know that's not true."

"Do you know what's true?"

"Yes." Jisoo says with such conviction. "The truth is that I-"

That I will never let you slip away.

That I will do whatever it takes so your fears wouldn't turn into reality.

That I will do all those things, because you're my Jendeuk.

"The truth is that I will always be here for you because-" Jisoo swallows hard, like there was something inside her throat that she was trying to push away. "Because that's what friends do." Jennie shifts her eyes towards hers. "I'm your best friend Jendeuk."

Jisoo was stunned when Jennie pulls her close and wraps her arms around her tightly. "I'm going to do my part too... I don't think I can watch you walk away from me permanently." She says through her muffled voice. "I'm always here for you too Chu." She pulls away and now Jisoo could see that the worries that filled her eyes earlier were fading away. "Because I'm your best friend too."

After the heart-full conversation that they had, they were cuddled up all night with Jennie just watching Jisoo sleep most of the time. When the sun was up against Jisoo's face, she was greeted by headache and a note.

I'm sorry, I had to leave. Manager said the top management wants to meet me.

I cooked a quick hangover soup too before I left and there's some medicine too by the island.

Text me when you get up okay?


Jisoo sends a quick message to her friend before getting ready for today. She heads down the kitchen and grabs a serving of Jennie's home-made cooking when her phone starts to buzz, and it was no other than-

"How are you feeling?" Jennie says from the other line.

"Still groggy, but I think I can manage." Jisoo looks at the view from her bedroom loft. "What time did you leave?"

"Around 2 in the morning."

"You barely got any sleep."

"It's okay, I'm used to quick naps now."

"What's your schedule for today?"

"I'm doing meetings and recordings. You?"

"Probably another meeting with Miss Choi from then on we'll see."

"Alright. Mind if I swing by when you're at home?"

"No, I don't mind."

"Okay, I'll update you later."

For some unknown reason, Jisoo worried that she was starting to expect that she would really see her later. "Okay, later."

Jennie did swing by around 11 in the evening and Jisoo couldn't be happier.


"Hey." Jisoo greets Jennie days later after their late-night get together. "Why are you all wrapped up?"

"It was cold outside."

Jisoo looks through the smart home monitor, seeing it was just 23 degrees. "What do you mean, it's not that cold." She chuckles but she saw that Jennie's features are weak and tired. "What's wrong?"

"I... I think I'm going to be sick."

As soon as the word came out of the latter's mouth, Jisoo stood up and starts to check up on the latter. "You are kind of heating up." She says. "Can you walk your way upstairs?" Jennie nods her head weakly, too sick to even utter a word of response. "Okay, you can take a short nap and I'll cook something for you okay?"

Jennie couldn't even argue anymore and just nod like a little kid before making her way upstairs. Jisoo then proceeds with cooking some warm soup for her friend, not even forgetting to warm some milk before heading upstairs minutes later where she sees the latter all covered up in her bed. Placing the food by the table, she sits beside Jennie who was slowly stirring up from her touch.

"You're still burning up." Jisoo says as soon as Jennie was fully awake. "You think you can eat all by yourself?" Jennie shakes her head. "Figures." Grabbing a spoonful of her cooking, she slowly feeds it to Jennie. "How is it?"

"Definitely tastes better than Lisa's so-called porridge."

"Cut the girl some slack, she's still in the process learning how to not burn the kitchen."

"Yeah, but with all the help she's been getting from Chaeyoung, I don't see the reason why she hasn't figured everything out yet."

That's because she spends time looking at the girl rather than looking at the cooking process. Jisoo just smiles and shrugs. "Give it more time..."

"Not to make your head big but I do miss your cooking."

Jisoo smiles at that. "Jen, you know you can tell me anything right?" She looks at Jennie who looked like she was in deep thought. Jisoo wondered if her question brought up something that the latter wasn't ready to talk about that made the entire mood awkward. "If you're not ready to talk about it-"

"Remember when I told you that I was being featured again in another Jiyong oppa's song?" She nods her head. "Well, they told me earlier that not only do I get to be featured in his song, but I also have the opportunity to sing in his live stages."

"That's good news!" Jisoo beams but notices that Jennie wasn't feeling the same way. "You're worried, aren't you?"

"You really can't blame me, can you?" Jennie dryly chuckles.

"Look, you have been waiting for this moment all your life. You finally get to step on that stage Jen, and as for someone who has yet to make a debut- that says how much the company believes in your talent." Jisoo holds onto Jennie's hand and took a firm grip on it. "Trust me, you will do great there."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I'm Kim Jisoo, the one who has been with Kim Jennie since the beginning." She says with a smile.

For the following days, Jisoo and Jennie did try to meet halfway. Whether it was Jisoo staying up late for a few minutes to wait for Jennie or the other way around, they always manage to meet twice or three times a week They would meet in Jisoo's home, sometimes just a few blocks from their old apartment and they were present in each other's family affairs too. Like when Jisoo's brother celebrated because someone had finally saw his existence in this world and decided that he was worth a relationship or right when Jennie's dad had a weekend brunch together with some of his business friends.

Jennie was also there when SM has decided to give her some hype before introducing her under their management.

Jennie looks through her low-dimmed room and found the wall clock. "Why are you up?"

Jisoo didn't say anything at first and let the silence linger between their conversation. "Jen."

"Wait for me." She says as she removes herself from the bed and grabs the nearest jacket she could find. "I'm going there."


"Well that's good news, right?" Jennie says while looking at Jisoo who was still hugging her knees. "I mean, isn't this what you wanted?"

"I wanted some gigs not attention."

"Well... you need some attention on you to get some gigs."

"But this much of an attention?"

"I think they're heading in the right direction with you. I mean, you were even on the top search news. It means a lot."

"I'm nervous..." Jisoo hugs her knees tighter. "What if I mess up? What if they judge me for being a company hopper or what if-"

"Hey." Jennie calls out her attention by holding her hand. "Whatever you do, someone is going to judge you."

"You're really not helping here."

"I'm just being realistic. We're going to have the long years of our life in the eyes of the public, of course there's going to be some judging involved."

"What am I going to do now Jendeuk? I'm going to be a complete failure and maybe hide myself for another hundred years,"

The brunette couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Jisoo, stop it you're being a Capricorn again."

Now Jisoo was the one to scoff. "Don't you think it's ironic to hear you say that when you're a Capricorn too?"

"But I'm not being a Capricorn right now." Jennie rolls her eyes. "What I am trying to say is, someone will hate you for existing even when you didn't do anything wrong. Some people will dislike you even when you try to appeal to them. Even when you're at your A-game someone will tell you that you're not giving your all."

"Which is why I tell you, focus on your craft. Focus on yourself and the goals you've set. Don't mind what others will say because those who will not like you will not help you be where you are. Focus on those people who support you, who know you and yourself. When you give less attention on what the others say and mind your own business, good opportunities come." She says. "And I know that this is just the beginning, you're going to be good and you're going places because you, Kim Jisoo are talented, smart and one of the kindest people I've ever encounter.

"Thanks for the advice sunbae." Jennie immediately waves off the sarcastic compliment. "But you're right."

"About my advice or me saying you were being a Capricorn."

Jisoo chuckles and shakes her head. "Both."

"Come here." Jennie wraps her arms around Jisoo's curbed figure and soothes her by brushing her hair. "You're going to do well Chu."

"You have big faith in me."

"Why wouldn't I? I've seen you mature after all." Jisoo pulls away and looks at Jennie's eyes. "You're going to do well because I believe in you."

And Jisoo did end up doing well.

After the slight teaser the company has endorsed, a lot of speculations about her surfaced around online and just like what Jennie had predicted, they were all positive. Jisoo couldn't be happier and just like what her friend said, she was going places.

From that teaser alone, Jisoo had tons of offers already from hair care ads, make-up promotions and got her first sportswear advertisement. To top it all off, she had received probably the biggest news of her career.

"I'm going to what?"

Miss Choi smiles and looks at the apple of her eye. "You're going to be a support cast for a drama."

Jisoo blinks hard, trying to digest the information. "I-I'm starring? I-In a drama?"

"Well, not really being a star of the show but more like a support cast." Miss Choi clarifies. "You will have a few scenes here and there but not everyone gets screen time so I don't want you to expect too much, but it's a support scene nonetheless."

"Thank you!" Jisoo declares her gratitude with her high-tone and multiple bows to her new boss. "I'm honored and I won't let you down."

"But before you do your thing behind the camera, let's get you for some workshops first okay?" Jisoo nods eagerly, too excited to care as of the moment. "First class is in ten in the morning. I'll be monitoring your progress so don't disappoint me."

"I promise!"

"Congratulations." Miss Choi smiles. "You can go now."

Jisoo finally bids farewell and stumbles with Mr. Yoo, one of Miss Choi's staff. "Good afternoon sir." She politely bows down.

Mr. Yoo completely ignores Jisoo who, again, was too excited to care about his bitterness. "Why is that woman happy? She looked like she won the lottery."

"Maybe because she did."

He looked at his superior with wide eyes. "Miss Choi, don't tell me you gave her the role."

"I did." He didn't even bother to show his disappointment all to himself as he throws his hands in defeat. "Is there something wrong with my decision?"

"With all due respect ma'am but why did you give it to her? We have other trainees and the board decided that Jisoo isn't prepared to take on that role."

"I talked with the heads, they've backed me and agreed to support me in my decision."

"But Jisoo is not fitting-" Mr. Yoo cuts himself off by biting his tongue as soon as he felt Miss Choi's stern look on him.

"If you don't like the way I run things around here then maybe you have to kiss our directors' asses a bit more for you to have my position. Until then, I call the shots around the company and my decision will be always final Mr. Yoo. Don't you dare question me every again." She says in her low-register tone making him swallow the lump on his throat.

"I- I'm sorry Miss Choi."


"Chu!" Jennie grins and jumps into Jisoo's arms as soon as Jisoo got out of the bus. "You came!"

"What do you mean? Of course, I would. I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Jisoo smiles while Jennie's grin just keeps on getting wider. "Let's get inside."

As soon as Jisoo leaves Miss Choi's office, she receives a text from Jennie saying that she should drop by the record studio that the two of them used to head to when Jisoo was still back at her old entertainment company. The home studio was owned by Jennie's family friend and this is just one of the places they like to hang out away from all the stress of their trainee life.

"So? What's the good news?" Jisoo smiles. "Are you finally going to debut?"

"Even better." The heart-shaped lips girl furrowed her eyebrows and wondered what was better to Jennie than debuting. "They've collaborated me with Lee Hi sunbaenim and you know what Chu?"


"I get to write my own lyrics!" Jennie says in a higher tone of hers. "Which is why I brought you here today Chu. Your task, is to determine whether my lines are perfect for unnie's song."

"Um, shouldn't you ask Lee Hi for that?"

"She gave it a go-signal, but I want your approval."

"How does my approval seem to be bigger than the artist you're actually doing a collab with?"

"Like you said, you know me better than anyone else."

Jisoo ignores the fluttering feelings she was feeling inside her stomach. "Okay, let me hear these so-called self-written lyrics then." She smiles. "Be mindful, I can be a very gruesome critic."

"Your honesty is one of the things that I like about you." Jennie puts the headphones on Jisoo. "Ready to hear this masterpiece?"

"I'll be the judge of that." She says sassily, making Jennie laugh.

"Before we start mind you this is a sad song okay? It's about finding someone special in your life but somehow all the times you spent with them were bad ones. Again, this is a sad song."


"Alright, here it goes." Jennie plays the green button and hoped that Jisoo actually like the lyrics.

I guess this is goodbye

I guess this is lingering attachment

It's a worse sickness than love or obsession

It seemed like you would spread like a bruise

And completely disappear

But you're with me forever

A deep wound that will grow along

If you are breathing in my tears

I won't let them dry

If you're still squirming in my scar

I won't let it heal

Even if it hurts, it's okay if it's you

Even if they are sad memories, it's okay if they're mine

Jennie taps the pause button and studies Jisoo's facial expression. Her grin slowly narrows into a straight line as soon as she sees Jisoo wearing that blank facial expression of hers. "You don't like it do you?"

Jisoo slowly removes the listening device off from her head. "It's not that I don't like it."

"Well then why are you giving me the blank canvas face?"

"It's not my blank face."

"It is." Jennie slumps on the empty swivel chair right beside Jisoo's. "Is it really that bad?"

"It's not bad..." The latter says. "It's-"

"Worse than bad?"

"Sad." Jisoo answers. "Are you going through something Jendeuk?" She looks at the latter worriedly. "Tell me, I'll listen carefully."

Somehow hearing that relieved Jennie. "Chu."

"Well go on, start telling me what happened. I want to know everything from the very beginning."

"Hey, listen."

"Don't miss out the minor details too. Those are the ones that matter to me the most."

"Chu." Jennie holds on both Jisoo's shoulders. "I'm not sad."

"So how did you create this kind of lyrics? I know you- when you're happy it reflects on your work when you're sad it's also the same..."

"Trust me, I'm not sad Chu." Jennie tries to assure her. "But I was sad when I wrote the lyrics."

"Tell me what happened."

"I wrote these lyrics when you decided to leave me." Jennie averts herself from Jisoo's stare. "When you told me that you were leaving, I was about to tell you the news that I was casted for Lee Hi's album but you dropped the bomb and the rest is history..." She trails off. "I wrote this one when I was trying my best to avoid you and when they gave me the go-signal that I could write my own lyrics this time around- I kind of drew inspiration from our last fight."

"... I made you that much sad?" Jisoo sounded disappointed to herself.

"You did, but that doesn't mean I didn't do the same thing to you."

"Still I shouldn't make you sad."

"Friends make each other sad sometimes Chu, it's completely normal."

There it goes again. Jisoo says to herself as she felt her chest tighten when Jennie said the word 'friend'. "R-right... Completely normal."

"But you don't make me sad anymore Chu, you make me happy and feel good." She smiles and held their hands together. "But even if you make me sad all the time, that's okay too."

"You know I would never do that to you right?"

"I know, but just in case you'd forget- remember that I would always choose to have sad memories with you rather having happy memories with someone else."

"W-w-hy would you do that?"

"Because you're special Jisoo..." Jennie smiles and tightens her hold of Jisoo's hand. "You're my special and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it! She mentally scolds herself as she feels the rapid beating of her heart. "Well you don't have to worry about being sad with me because I will make sure to laugh a lot with you."

Jennie had to leave minutes later because apparently, she just dashed her way out of the company to meet with Jisoo. Being the understanding individual, Jisoo lets Jennie go after playfully threatening that she'll be forced to sleep with bugs and cockroaches they used to have back in their old dorm. They separated at the building's entrance as Jennie hails a cab back while Jisoo waits for the bus stop. She was looking onto her feet moving back and forth against the pavement as she remembers what Jennie just told her seconds ago.

. "But even if you make me sad all the time, that's okay too."

"You know I would never do that to you right?"

"I know, but just in case you'd forget- remember that I would always choose to have sad memories with you rather having happy memories with someone else."

"W-w-hy would you do that?"

"Because you're special Jisoo..." Jennie smiles and tightens her hold of Jisoo's hand. "You're my special and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You're overthinking things again Jisoo..." She sighs to herself. "Stop setting yourself up for disappointment."

While Jisoo was busy minding her own thoughts, a big van stops in front of her without even her knowing it. "Jisoo-sshi."

She looks up at the owner of thew voice and then widens her eyes when she realized who it was. "T-T-Taeyeon sunbaenim!" She immediately bows her head down, not being cautious enough of the minimal distance that she had with her head and Taeyeon's window.



"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good thank you." Taeyeon looks at her with an ice bag over her forehead. "Th-thank you for giving me this sun-sunbae. I-I will repay you with a nice meal someday."

"Don't worry, it's not like everyday I get to encounter situations like that." Taeyeon smiles and continues to look at Jisoo. "Though I would appreciate it if you would stop being nervous around me."

"S-sorry I just can't help it, I mean- you're the Kim Taeyeon after all." She chuckles dryly.

"At the end of the day I'm just Kim Taeyeon. I cry, I smile and laugh and be sad like the rest of you." She says. "But it's great to know that you have utter respect for me."

"You and your group defined a generation. You deserve every respect that you can get."

"What are you doing around the neighborhood? It's very far from where you live."

"I um- I was just meeting with a friend."

"Oh, so you're seeing someone."

"No, no, no- God no..." Jisoo shakes her head. "It's nothing like that. She's a girl and we're just friends."

"She must be pretty special for you to go around here especially at this time of the day."

"She is." Jisoo smiles, just thinking of Jennie makes her feel things already.

"Judging from your smile it looks like you're telling the truth." Taeyeon responds. "A little advice, whoever makes you smile like that shouldn't leave your life anytime sooner." She says. "As much as we hate it, we chose a different path than other. More public if you would like to put it that way. There are times where we're forced to display other emotions rather than showing what we really feel inside. We have to smile, because there are other people who rely on our smiles. They gain strength from our smile and so as someone they look up to, we cannot fail them."

"But there are times Jisoo, times where the curtains are down and the spotlight are no longer on us. No people following us wherever we go, cameras flashing up right to our faces and see our nostrils..." Jisoo laughs at her comment. "During those times we look ourselves in the mirror and see that smile we try so hard to put on for the public. Sometimes we drown ourselves in the thinking that we should always smile, regardless of how we feel. We smile so much that we forget what being happy really feels..." Taeyeon looks at her. "So, whatever you do, no matter how famous you will be, remember what real happiness feels like. Having someone to remind you of that feeling is one way to recall it..." She trails off. "Judging from your smile looks like she made you laugh a lot."

"Hold on for a second, my stomach hurts."

"That's what you get when you laugh too much!"

"Seriously though can we like hold up for ten seconds I just need a break." Jisoo placed my hands on her hips, trying to get a grip of her upset stomach. "I feel like I did so many core workouts."

"Geez, why did you even laugh a lot in the first place? I mean things earlier weren't even funny but you laughed like it's the best thing that's ever happened. You're lucky you weren't called a lunatic."

She turns to her friend who was waiting for her answer. "She had a rough day at training today. I thought that maybe I could do something even just a little so she could cheer up."

Her friend didn't even have to know who in God's work I am talking about for her to roll her eyes. "For Pete's sake, you're really going to suffer for her?"

"A little upset tummy is nothing if it meant making her happy."

"But why? Why did you have to do that?"

"Because she told me that she likes my laugh so I laugh a lot for her."

"You laugh a lot for her?"

Jisoo smiled a little as they continued to walk back. "I laugh a lot for her."

"Don't worry sunbae, I also laugh a lot for her too."

Jisoo's debut announcement and the release of Jennie collaboration trended the minute it was declared around the public. People- mostly who have been fans of the two ever since began speculating on who's gig would be bigger. Multiple forums were created, debating on who would make it to the top search. It changed multiple times over the day and this online heat translated to rise of stocks between two companies. But Jennie and Jisoo couldn't give even any bit of their attention to how the public was starting to portray them.

What mattered is who they really are when they're together.

"And cut!" The director uses his megaphone. "Alright let's take an hour of break!"

"Good work today everyone."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Jisoo-sshi." Hearing the director's voice, Jisoo turns around to greet him in a formal bow. "You did good today."

Jisoo couldn't help but smile widely. "Thank you, director! I will continue to work hard!"

"Save your energy, your major scene will come after the break."

Jisoo's day couldn't get any better.

First, she woke up pretty early and decided to be productive and use this time to prepare for her scene today. She called up her staff and told her that she was ready to head to the set, where she was the very first to arrive, even earlier than the crew. With her Iced Americano in her cup holder, she pulls out the papers and started reviewing her scenes and practically begged her manager to rehearse the scene with her.

Then when the Director arrived, she greeted him politely with was returned with a compliment for being early. When it was her scene to shoot, she miraculously remembered all the lines and pointers her acting teacher had thought her over a week and delivered a great performance and once again- Jisoo receives a compliment not just from the director, but some from the staff as well.

And third?

The voice who's about to call Jisoo right now.

"Psst! Sae Na-Rae-sshi!" Jisoo turns around and sees none other than Jennie Kim in her perfectly disguised clothes.

"Hey!" She jogs up to Jennie, greeting her with a smile on her face. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"Where's the fun if I told you I was coming?"

"You could've told me. I would've reserved a seat for you."

"Really, and you think our companies would allow that? With the image they're trying to portray us?"

"I was a mess earlier."

"A beautiful mess that's what you are. You did great there."

"Pfft, all I did was to stand in the middle say a few lines and I was out. I was too tensed; I care too much about what other people think and I know that's what the people are going to see and the people are-"

"The Kim Jisoo in the middle is the Kim Jisoo in my eyes."

She furrows her eyebrows wondering what her phrase meant. "What are you talking about?"

"Remember when I told you that I've always envied you as someone who's free-spirited and someone who just don't take a shit from nobody and just do whatever you want in life? I asked you how do you do that and you tell me that just you... that's how you always have been and ever since then I've always viewed you as that."


"Well I want you to remember that Chu. Remember that whenever you start to doubt yourself. Whenever you start to question your validity as an actress, remember how I always viewed you. Remember how my eyes have always looked at you."

Butterflies. Awakening butterflies. "I thought you were recording." Jisoo tries to distract herself from her own feelings.

"I was and the studio I was practicing was near your area so I decide to make a quick run."


"What do you mean why? Because I wanted to come and see you stupid." Jennie couldn't help but giggle. "By the way, I had given something to your manager, it's your favorite snacks and some energy-boosting drink. I heard you guys are going to pull up an all-nighter."

"We need to finish a lot of things but he's a perfectionist." Jisoo says. "What time do you finish your recording?"

"Probably early hours in the morning."

"I'll probably end at the same time too. Have a sleepover at my place."

Jennie smiles. "It's playdate then." Jisoo smiles as well when Jennie's phone rings. "Okay, I have to go back."

"Okay, I'll see you later." Jisoo watches Jennie walk until she was out of her sight before returning to her shared RV with the other supporting actors when she heard someone else's voice.

"I wish I had a friendship like that."

Jisoo jumps in surprise only to find the lead actress of the drama- Krystal Jung. "S-sunbae."

Krystal closes her book and turns to Jisoo. "Was that Kim Jennie?"

"She is."

"You two seem to be close." She says. "I thought you guys were like the media was portraying you to be."

"We don't really care about what the media says."

The veteran actress couldn't help but scoff. "Let me give you a little advice, consider it as a heads-up." She says. "When you're in this industry, other people's opinion will matter. Not to you maybe, but to the people who are running your career, their views is what matters most. If they see you as someone sweet- they'll make you wear more feminine dresses. If they think you're cool, you're given leather jacket and sunglasses. If they think you're a cold hearted, ice queen person- you get to wear all black clothes. It's that simple."

"What we want to become doesn't matter anymore. You should've known that when you signed your contract." Krystal removes dust and other whatnots from her outfit and gives Jisoo her resting bitch blank face. "Don't get too attach to people as well. She makes you laugh and happy now, but don't forget- the people who makes us sad are the same people who used to make us happy as well."


"Miss Choi." One of the board members greeted the head of the talent team. "Nice for you to join us this afternoon."

"Thank you for inviting me as well." She takes the vacant seat. "My staff said you called for me."

"We did, we just want to congratulate you for doing a good job at raising our stocks. You were right, announcing Jisoo's participation alongside between Jennie's released collaboration with one of her senior artists also had some good effects for the company."

Miss Choi smiles. "I'm just trying to help the company either way I can."

"With that being said, I think it's time to give Miss Kim bigger slots. The more we try to utilize the attention the people has on her, the more that the company would benefit from it."

"Don't worry Mr. Park, I am working on it."

"Still we feel something is lacking from that rookie actress of yours Miss Choi." Mr. Koo, one of the bluntest shareholders and member of the board the company ever. "I appreciate all this hype you're trying to cover her with but we have to remember more attention leads to more expectations. More expectations- higher demand of performing well." He said. "I can still say your talent is somewhat distracted Miss Choi."

"Mr. Koo, I assure you that Miss Kim is far from being distracted. Trust me, I've been handling her personally."

"Then there is something lacking from Jisoo." He smirks. "But if you insist that she's still not distracted, then we might as well assume that you're not as sharp as you used to be."

Miss Choi exits the meeting hall with a pissed off face and she made sure everyone in her department knew what she was feeling. Right after entering her department's area, she was scolding every mess and every employee she sees. Mr. Yoo was quick to his footing and tried to catch up to his boss who nearly slammed a door and probably damaged his nose.

"M-M-Miss Choi-"

"What's Jisoo's schedule."

"Um... I- I think she has some filming need to be done and then that's it for today."

"Is she still keeping in contact with that YG artist?"

"I'm afraid she still is. She just visited her recently on her shoot."

"And is she attending the fashion week?"

"From my sources, I believe that she will be one of the chosen individuals of their company."

"Good, book one more slot for Jisoo."

Mr. Yoo snaps his head towards her. "E-excuse me?"

She turns to him, wearing that icy glare in her eyes. "You want to play dumb right now Mr. Yoo?"

Seeing that she wasn't totally in the mood for his dumb questions so he shakes his head in fear. "Don't worry, I'll book Miss Kim and her staff a position for the Paris Fashion Week."

"I sure hope that Jisoo had buckle up this time." She says as she takes a drink from her cooler. She opens the bottle of her sparkling water, opening the cap then takes a brief sip. "Because she's in for one of the biggest drops in her roller-coaster life."

News spread like wildfire when once again, the two companies announced that both Jennie and Jisoo would be attending the fashion week in Paris. A lot of people then speculated that it would be a wonderful show between the two, to see who has a more sense in fashion and could be the next big thing in terms of fashion when it comes to Asian individuals attending these events. But once again- Jennie and Jisoo couldn't care less. Seeing each other in an event only meant one thing for them and that was the fact that they could spend more time together.

"Finally! A day away from the paparazzi!" Jennie laughs at Jisoo's comment as they walked around one of the local places in the city on their last day here. "I seriously cannot believe that I managed to survive all those cameras flashing on me!"

"You mean we managed to survive."

"No, just me." Jisoo says as she looks at the scenery. "You looked like you belong there."

"Fashion shows are fun Jisoo. You get to see the collection first-hand and even try it on when you want to."


"That means you're one of the people who will see the start of a new trend. You're one step ahead of the game."

"They can be ahead of me for all they want. I would gladly step aside."

Jennie couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You should be thankful you know? A lot of people want to see those collections."

"You're right, I should be thankful that I saw those collection. I'm so dumb, what was I thinking?" Jisoo also stops in her tracks when Jennie shoots her a deadly look. "What?"

"You're not really sorry, are you?"

"Guilty." She chuckles. "Sorry, I just don't get it why Miss Choi signed me up for this. She probably knows from the very beginning that I prefer comfy clothes over pretty ones."

"Well maybe that's because she listens to your fans' requests."

"If they see you as someone sweet- they'll make you wear more feminine dresses. If they think you're cool, you're given leather jacket and sunglasses. If they think you're a cold hearted, ice queen person- you get to wear all black clothes. It's that simple."

"What we want to become doesn't matter anymore. You should've known that when you signed your contract."

"Yeah... maybe she listens to them well." Jisoo says to herself.

"The flowers are so beautiful!!!" Jennie says as she skipped and hopped through the walkway of the park. "Different kinds, different colors and different scents." Taking a deep breath and try to take everything in. "This is beautiful don't you think so?"

"Yeah." Jisoo answers and took a seat on the free bench. Jennie looks at her with worry so she turns to give the latter an asking look. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sorry, I shouldn't have pulled you out of bed so early."

"No need to be sorry, it's not like every day you get super energetic right?" Jisoo says while smiling. "Besides, we're on a vacation. We're supposed to be outside."

"But still..."

"Hey." She grabs your hand hoping it'll grab her attention as well. "If you were to have a massive garden yet you can only plant one kind of flower what will it be?"

"Hmm... that is kind of hard." She continuously bites her lips while taking a view of the canal in front of them. "Only one flower?"

Jisoo nods her head in response. "Only one flower."

"Then it would have to be Daisies."

"Daisies?" She repeats, quite surprised with her choice.

"Why do you look so surprised?"

"I mean I was expecting between the lines Roses or Tulips."

She laughs as soon as Jisoo mentioned Tulips. "Tulips from Amsterdam."

"Still not over that greeting card I see." I say. "But seriously though, Daises?"

"What's not to like about Daises?"

"They're not that attractive."

"Yeah but doesn't mean they're not useful." She states. "Did you know that Daises help people with their appetite and metabolism?"


"Did you know that it also heals colds, coughs, menstrual complaints or swollen feet?"


"Because you focus on the beauty of things Chu not on what they could give you." She states in a matter of fact tone. "Beauty is nice and all but I'd rather have a garden filled with useful flowers rather than just plain, old, flower." She says. "Plus, Daisies also means courage so I need them to remind me to be courageous. You know, in the industry that we're both about to enter, courage is a pretty big thing."

"You're right."

"But what about you? What flower are you going to plant if you ever have a massive garden?"

"Me?" Jisoo thought about it for a while before turning at her with a smile on her face. "I'm going to plant Jendeukie's Daisies."

"A cheeseball I see." Jennie rolls her eyes playfully while locking their arms together and leaning onto Jisoo's head for support. "I'm kind of scared Chu."


"You and I... our careers are growing."

"It kind of is."

"This will probably the last time we get to enjoy a day off together..." Jennie mumbles. "My manager was talking endlessly to me about my upcoming schedule. Seems like the company doesn't have anytime to allow me to get a breather."

"You should be thankful, not everyone gets to do this."

Jennie snickers at the familiarity of the line. "Chu?"

"Hmm?" Jisoo waits for Jennie to respond. "Jendeuk?"

"... We won't drift apart again right?" Her voice sounded as if it was coated with doubt. "Despite being busy individually... We will find to make things work right?"

"Of course..." Jisoo trails off. "We're going to make this one last for a really long time."

"Good." Jennie decides to get a little bit more comfortable and scoots even closer to Jisoo. "I don't want to lose you every again."

Jisoo couldn't help but smile. Somehow hearing Jennie was scared of messing this one up made her feel quite assured that everything is going to be okay.

Everything will be okay.


"Miss Kim!" Jisoo smiles awkwardly at Miss Choi's grinning face and bright atmosphere. "Bonjour!"

"Good afternoon Miss Choi."

"Take a seat." She says lively. "So tell me, did you enjoy the week? Which show did you favor most? Marine Serre? Loewe? Atlein? Or the ever-classic Christian Dior? Ugh I love the dresses. Very classic! It would suit you the most I would say."

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity Miss Choi."

"No Jisoo, thanks to you showing off your feminine side the media is in love with you! I have tons of offers from jewelries to long dresses- my line is going crazy, wanting to book you!"

"R-r-eally? I-is that true?"

"Of course it's true! Look outside Jisoo, all those commotion outside is because of you." Miss Choi approaches Jisoo and turns her head to look outside where majority of the employees where holding onto their telephones and talking non-stop.

"W-wow..." She scoffs. "I...did that?"

"I haven't seen this chaos since Krystal." Miss Choi says. "Now, do you see what your potential can be when you're given the right amount of attention?"

"Thank you, Miss Choi, I promise I will keep working hard in the future."

"I trust that you will." Miss Choi smiles. "But enough about work, how was Paris?"

"It was beautiful..."

"So tell me, which version of Paris is prettier- the one you just spend your time in or the short vacation you shared with Jennie?" Jisoo looks at her talent scout with a surprise expression. "Oh come on Jisoo, you of all people should know by now that I know everything about my talents..."

"O-of course Miss Choi. I knew that."

"Good, because it was dumb for me to ask which Paris was prettier because Jennie was there with you on both versions." Jisoo felt like she was walking on eggshells at the sudden shift of Miss Choi's demeanor. "But do tell me Jisoo, which Paris did you like better?"

"Um... both of them were pretty in my own opinion Miss Choi. It's hard to choose between the two of them. I've been twice to the city and both of those memories are memorable."

Miss Choi nods in understanding. "You know Jisoo, that's one of the things I like about you. You know what loyalty means. You value the relationships you have and you treat each of them special... Not everyone does that anymore in this time you know." She sighs. "But I don't blame you, you know? After Jennie and her family has done for you- even I would do the same."

Jisoo watched in confusion as Miss Choi chuckles and shakes her head. "I'm not sure I follow..."

"You know what I'm talking about..." She spoke in a tone like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Come on Jisoo, you don't need to be shy to me. I've been in this industry for too long. Doing favors for friends is like a common knowledge."

"I believe I don't have any clue what you're trying to tell me."

Miss Choi then wipes away the smile on her face. "Oh dear, please don't tell me that up until now you're still left clueless." She says in her worried tone. "I'm going to shut up now."

"Miss Choi."

"Sorry Jisoo, I think that I am not in that position to tell you. If you remain clueless until now, then it's better that way."

Jisoo was starting to get pissed with all the beating around the bush the latter has been doing. "I would appreciate it if you would just tell me Miss Choi."

"Did you ever wonder why I was so desperate for you to be on our company? Do you remember when you asked me back then why did I come to meet you myself personally?" Jisoo nods her head. "Did it ever occur to you why?" Jisoo shakes her head. "It's because of your CFs and music video cameos..." Miss Choi trails off. "And do you want to know how you bagged those gigs?"


The older woman approaches Jisoo and stood behind her. Hands both on Jisoo's shoulders, she slowly bends over and allows her lips to be in level with the latter's ear. "You were able to do all those things..."

"Because Jennie asked her parents to do you a favor."

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