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There are moments in a person's life where everything just slowed down.

Whether it was getting the biggest news in their lives, a promotion or seconds away from being death, everything just- freeze.

You don't hear anything, like somehow everything is just one big blur and all the other sounds are muffled. Suddenly you have this weight forcefully placed on your chest, constricting your ribcage and making it hard for you to breathe. Cold sweat starts to form and drip away from your forehead, then you start to uncontrollably shake. It's probably one of the most painful things a human could experience.

And this- this was Jisoo's moment to go through it.

"W-what?" Jisoo croaks, trying to remember what Miss Choi just said.

Miss Choi shakes her head. "Jisoo, I don't think I shouldn't repeat it." She sighs. "But yes, Jennie asked her parents to do you a favor."

"No... no." The rising-star immediately shakes her head. "Jen- she wouldn't-"

"I know I shouldn't have told you this."

"Jennie would never-"

"I will never lie to you Jisoo."

"Jennie will never lie to me too." She says through a whisper. "She- she promised that she would tell everything to me. The good and the bad..."

"Look, I know it's hard to believe as of now and I wish I could tell you that everything is okay." She approaches the latter and held both of her shoulders but Jisoo immediately removes herself away from her hold.

"Y-y-you don't understand... Jennie- Jennie would never betray me... She- she believes in me alright? She knows that I belong here. That I have a place in this industry." She says. "You've probably heard it the wrong way or misinterpreted it."

"I know what-"

"NO! You don't!" Jisoo immediately gasps and covers her mouth. She couldn't believe that she just let her emotions get the best of her in this conversation and it wasn't just any conversation- Jisoo practically just screamed at the woman who shaped her talent. "Miss Choi I-"

"It's okay Jisoo, I understand... I know it's hard for you to believe, especially when you hear it from someone else. It's painful and everything just sucks..." She says. "Which is why I want you to talk it out with Jennie. Ask her directly about this. If you find out that I am lying or even just misinterpreted what I heard, I will leave my position immediately."

Jisoo widens her eyes when she heard the challenge. "Miss Choi you don't have to-"

"All I want is for you to be with the best team Miss Kim. You can't actually call it best if you have someone receiving all these wrong kinds of information." Miss Choi explains. "I don't want to hurt you in any kind of way and I hate myself right now for being the bearer of bad news, but just know that I am doing all of these to protect you. I am doing this because I am just looking out for you..." She trails off. "Your heart is way too pure and too early to be devoured by this kind of world we live in."

Jisoo was dismissed after their talk and on the way back, she could feel herself similar to a wandering ghost; just lingering without any sense of thought nor feeling. She was basically dragging her feet through the corridors, trying to recall what happened back at her boss' office.

Then her mind started to play games with her as her brain repeatedly said those four sentences over and over again. Jisoo then closes her eyes shut, swallowing the lump on her throat multiple times and she was struggling to breathe. Her heart was rapidly increasing in beat and her emotions was clouding her vision.

Until eventually, she gives in and everything was just pitch black afterwards.

Jisoo then wakes up to the sound of the air purifier disrupting her thoughts. She slowly blinks her eyes open as she tries to figure out what happened.

"Did you ever wonder why I was so desperate for you to be on our company?"

"It's because of your CFs and music video cameos."

"And do you want to know how you bagged those gigs?"

"Because Jennie asked her parents to do you a favor."

Oh right

That happened.

"We should stop meeting like this." Jisoo turns to see Taeyeon leaning her weight on the door post. "For hurting a face like yours would be an absolute crime."


"So? How are you feeling?" She approaches Jisoo who was slowly sitting up. "That was quite something else out there..." Taeyeon refers to what just happened to Jisoo a while ago. "Was it bad news?"

Jisoo immediately looks away from her senior's stare. "It kind of was."

Taeyeon on the other says nothing more, sensing that Jisoo wasn't up for talking. "You know, we all had those days..."

"You do?" The latter nods her head. "Well, I'm not sure if everyone can relate to my kind of news."

"We all have that news." Taeyeon says. "It doesn't have to be the same bearing, either way when we receive that kind of news everything-"

"Just sucks." They say in unison.

Taeyeon offers her a smile. "See what I mean now?"

"Can... can I ask you a question?" Taeyeon shoots her a look to go on. "How did you deal with it? With you and that kind of news."

"Hmm... I'm not sure." She responds. "I've received way too many news." She chuckles.

"Whatever you feel like sharing."

"When she left." Taeyeon answers in a tone that Jisoo was foreign to. "When I received that news everything just... faded." She adds. "It was like I knew I was hurting but it wasn't just one part of me. When I got the news every bit of me ached, even minimal movements pained me. Well of course, not in the physical sense but emotionally and mentally? It just sucked."

"So how did you move on?" Jisoo furrows her eyebrows, trying to find the proper follow-up question. "Were you even able to move on from it?"

"Surprisingly, I did."

"You did?" Jisoo asks with such astonishment.

"I had to let go, because there was nothing else more that I could do." She answers. "I had to stop blaming myself because it was no longer in my control. I- We-" Taeyeon pauses for a few seconds just to recollect her thoughts. "The signs were there, as big as the metro billboards, we wanted her to stay..."

"Yet she still left?" Taeyeon nods her head. "I bet that hurt a lot."

"It did, especially when we promised that we would accomplish everything together. The pain and the betrayal... was something else." She says. "But you know what I realized Jisoo?"


"That growing up is an individual process. It didn't make any sense when she said those words to us but looking back, it was only just a few months that I realized what she meant. As much as I wanted to resent her, I couldn't... not anymore. Because I understood what she was trying to say to us back then." She says and then looks at Jisoo with a smile. "That at some point- we all need to separate; because every single one of us face a different kind of battle."

"Is that how you moved on?"

"You could say that..." She trails off. "But I was able to move-on because even though we're on our different paths right now, we're still in each other's memories... the good ones of course." She smiles. "Besides, it was her who said it to us too."

"What was it?"

"We are always one."

Taeyeon's words lingered around Jisoo's mind all weekend long. It got her thinking not just about her personal battles but her relationship with Jennie in general. Sure, they made it to an agreement that their difference and tight schedules won't come between their friendship but with Jisoo's recent discovery, she starts to question everything that Jennie did for her. Did she only do those things out of guilt? Was she trying to distract Jisoo from finding out the truth? Or did she really mean those words?

For some reason, Jisoo couldn't bring herself to confront Jennie. She knows deep down that it was for the best if she just got on with it and I'm sure that's would be the first thing anyone would do if they were on her shoes. However, there's a lingering thought in her mind. A bad and fearful thought that she tries to shut out. A thought that she was so scared to become a reality that even just thinking about how possible it could be- would really break Jisoo.

"Jennie wouldn't do it right? I mean... this is Jennie." Jisoo says to herself as she takes in the view of her apartment. "Jennie... she believes in me."

She suddenly hears her phone vibrates on the wooden coffee table. Jisoo lifts her head to see who was the mysterious caller at this time of the day. As soon as she read the word 'Jendeukie' she suddenly feels uneasy. There was a bigger part of her that wanted to believe everything she was repeatedly saying to herself.

There was this sudden urge within her to just be done with it. And so Jisoo decides to use this sudden confidence within her to remove herself from this dilemma and get on with it. She grabs the phone and presses the green button right with a mindset that she will just blurt it out and accept whatever are the consequences.

"Wow, that's some heavy breathing. Are you doing home workouts right now or just cleaning?" Jennie greets her. "I'm guessing that it's the latter. We both know you won't lift a muscle to work out."

Just ask her.

Go on, ask her.

Ask her and set yourself free.

"Chu? You there?"

"Y-yeah, I'm here..."

"Why do you sound like that? Did something bad happened today?"

"You can say that..."

"What is it? Come on, talk to me."

You can do it Jisoo.

Just spit it out.

It's on the tip of your tongue already.

"Chu?" Jennie interrupts her thoughts once again. "Was it really that bad?"


"I'm here Chu, you can tell me everything." The latter encourages. "You can trust me."

And for some reason, when she heard it from Jennie, she couldn't believe it as easy as she used to.

"I..." Jisoo bites her lower lips hard. "It was a bad day at shoot today."

"Did the director scold at you? What did he do?"

"It was me being me... the usual."

"Oh come on, we've gone through this. You belong here Jisoo. Everything that you have done in the past, every recognition and attention is because of your hard work. You alone made all of this work. So don't you ever doubt yourself."

"And do you want to know how you bagged those gigs?"

"Because Jennie asked her parents to do you a favor."

"I did everything on my own." Jisoo says with her closed eyes. "All of this is because of my determination and perseverance."

"Yes! That's one-hundred percent facts."

Jisoo decided that this conversation was too much for her to handle as of the moment. "Jen, can I ask you a favor?"

"Anything that would help you."

"I just want to focus on this project for a while..." She says. "This is after-all my first big break as an actress."

"So what are you trying to say? That we shouldn't see each other for a while?"

"Just for a few days... Besides, you're preparing for your debut album. Everyone's got their eyes on you too... I'm sure that they would also favor if you'd focus on your own gigs as well... knowing the higher ups, they would probably have Ae unnie say it."

"Chu, we already talked about this."

"I know, I know... but see that's why we don't have to worry about anything. It's because we already talked about this. Whatever happens, we'll make-" Jisoo suddenly stops as she struggles to continue whilst feeling the small bead stuck on her throat. "We're going to make this work..."

"I don't know Chu..."

"If we abide by their rules right now that'll give us more go signals to spend time together. Now we don't have to worry about sneaking in and late-night park or convenience store meet-ups."

"Well, if you put it that way, then I guess it could work." She says, however Jisoo could hear Jennie's uncertainty coating her voice. "You're probably right, maybe it's wise if we could spend more time on our crafts. It's just for the mean time anyway."

Hearing Jennie agree felt like there weight was lifted off of her shoulder. "Yes just for the mean time."

"I guess that could work, I don't think I can handle one more scolding from Teddy."

"You know him."

"But- we would still text each other from time to time right?" Jennie asks. "Nothing will change between us?"

"Nothing at all."

"Okay, actually I just want to check up on you but I guess now I know why you're busy."

"I'll try to make it up to you soon."

"Hey Chu before we end this call, I just want to know you one thing."

"W-w-hat is it?"

"You're a strong woman Chu, don't let anyone make you doubt that."

Funny. Jisoo thinks to herself. "I won't, thanks Jen."

The call ends and Jisoo lets her phone lay to her side. She brings up her feet and pulled them close to her as her chin rests on her knees. Jisoo closes her eyes and gets lost in time, wishing that all of this is just one crazy dream. That it all never happened, that Jennie would never- ever do anything to hurt her even betray her trust.

"No." Jisoo grasps onto her knees tighter and she shut her eyes firmly. "Jennie will never betray me." Silence surrounds her for a moment until she slowly opened her eyes. "...Right?"


"Jisoo!" The actress stops in her tracks as soon as she hears Miss Choi's voice in the hallway. "You just finished shooting?" The latter nods her head. "Well, what are you doing here? You should head home."

"I told my acting teacher I wanted some last-minute lesson. Tomorrow's filming is going to be heavy."

Now it was Miss Choi's turn to nod. "I admire your hard work but I've noticed that you've been surrounding yourself with a lot of things lately."

Jisoo shuts her mouth. "I just want to perfect my craft."

"I know I am in no position but- did you already talk things with Jennie?" She notices Jisoo stiffen at the question, making Miss Choi internally smile. "I'm sorry to ask, I just need to know if I can still keep my job or not."

"We did." Jisoo responds with a lump on her throat.

"Oh really? Well that's good! I assume that you two have sorted your differences out?"

"O-of course." She responds half-heartedly. "I realized that instead of feeling betrayed, I should just be thankful. If it weren't for her... I wouldn't be here."

"I wish everyone is mature enough to think like you Miss Kim. I mean, I may be above my young years but if I was in your shoes, I would've been livid! Betrayed even!" She smiles as she continues to stare at Jisoo's stiff posture. "But it seems like your friendship with Jennie Kim can really move mountains huh."

For the nth time, Jisoo finds herself swallowing the invincible lump on her throat. As if denying the truth to herself wasn't bad enough, she had the courage to lie to someone who is as observant as her. Thankfully, she manages to give her boss a tight-lip smile, just to end the conversation. "I'll be going now Miss Choi."

"Okay, take care."

"Miss Choi." Mr. Yoo appears again. "I may have some terrible news."

"Go ahead, I dare you destroy my brightened mood."

"The board has decided." He says. "If Miss Kim Jisoo is still unable to prove that she's an asset to the company, we're... we're going to have to terminate her contract."

Surprisingly, Mr. Yoo finds her superior smirking. "Tell them to give me a week and I'll prove them all wrong."

"A-a week?" He couldn't believe what he just had heard. "But- Miss Choi-" Right away he closes his mouth after receiving a stern look from her. "A week it is."

Miss Choi then averts her eyes from him to Jisoo who just disappeared on the other end of the hallway. "Let's see how strong Jisoo really is."

Jisoo actually lied.

She actually didn't have any classes that night. She just wanted to be away from home after she rejects Jennie's offer to hang out by her house today. Afraid that Jennie would eventually catch onto her, she decides to leave and just roam around the company for a while to clear her thoughts. Apparently, that just wasn't the case anymore.

It's not just the constant avoiding Jennie was her problem. The fact that everyone that's close to her noticed that she wasn't hanging out as much with the artist. It all started on a family dinner where her older brother joked about them breaking-up since Jennie wasn't here, unlike for most family dinners they have. She got curious stares from her sister and from her parents as well which she brushed off saying that the latter had prior commitments so she couldn't come.

Her friends pretty much followed afterwards. Soojin was asking how come Jennie wasn't there to pick her up whenever their small gathering was finished or just hanging out. It would've been okay however when Soojoo approached her on one of the gathering she knows that she must've slipped up. The pressure of explaining things and just to even entertain the possibility of everything being true was too much for her to handle so she decides to spend some time alone and do some thinking in a peaceful place with no human contact.

Then Jisoo remembered the library that was just nearby and after realizing that she'll probably be all alone inside the vicinity, it was the perfect place for her to pass time.

Opening the two oak-wood paneled doors, Jisoo closes her eyes for a moment and enjoyed the smell of old books. Just as when she starts to find a peaceful mindset, her mind decides to bring back voices that she didn't want to hear.

"Because Jennie asked her parents to do you a favor."

"You're a strong woman Chu, don't let anyone make you doubt that."

"Seems like your friendship with Jennie Kim can really move mountains."

Shouting was never really an option for Jisoo.

She thought of it as a very tiring task to relieve her frustrations and she was worried back then to damage her vocal cords just to relieve some stress. Shouting takes a lot of energy to execute and for someone like Jisoo, shouting was probably the last on her list.

However, the repeated voices in her head and the physical silence was too much for her to bear as of the moment. Her chest starts to move in irregular movement and her hands were starting to shake. Fearing for the worse, she immediately runs to grab a pillow by the sofa, pressed her face against it and screamed at the top of her lungs.

It wasn't as loud as she had hoped it would be, but it was probably the longest scream that Jisoo had let out in all of her life. A part of her was relieved for having the courage to do it yet a part of her, a bigger one, thought that screaming was still nothing but a huge waste of energy. Sighing to herself, she throws the pillow back and covered her face with her hands, grimacing at the frustration she's feeling right now.

"That was some scream." Jisoo jumps at the sudden intrusion of the familiar voice. When she turns to the source of it, she was surprised to see Krystal by the corner, casually reading a book by the loveseat. "Were you practicing for your scene or did you just found out that you'll be having a tongue-tied kissing scene with your leading man?"

Now Jisoo was just beyond embarrassed. "S-s-sorry, I didn't know that this room was occupied."

"Me too, well unfortunately not now considering the fact that you are here." She says as she flips the page of her held book. Seeing that she wasn't going to develop any positive relationship with the company's 'IT' girl, she turns around to leave and go to a place where she's actually alone. She bows her head down as a form of respect for her senior. "A piece of advice." Krystal says, stopping Jisoo from taking any step further. "Trust yourself."

That got Jisoo confused. "What are you talking about?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"You know what I am talking about, you just can't admit it to yourself just yet."

"I'm leaving."

"See? You walking away from confrontation only goes to show how much of an in-denial you are." Jisoo turns around and sees the scoff Krystal imprinted on her face. As if she wasn't done pissing her off, she shakes her head, showing her complete disdain towards the latter. "I guess some people are still naïve." Jisoo was already shaking as she closes her hands and turned them into fists. "But who am I to blame you? You're just living the dream after all."

Alright, that's it. "You know what? I'm done." She snaps. "I'm done being nice and polite to you. I've done it multiple times but somehow you just like to see me annoyed. I don't get why you do that, I don't even know what I did to you for you to have such great distaste towards me. We didn't even see each other until I moved here!" Jisoo knew that raising her voice was wrong, but when she saw how unbothered and blank Krystal's face was, her anger just soared through above and beyond. "You don't know a thing about me, about my struggles, my worries and how I feel so please, just shut up."

"You're the one who should shut up." Jisoo was stunned hearing that.

"D-d-did you just say-"

"I don't need to know anything about you to know what you're going through. I don't give a damn about you and all the things you carry on your shoulders. Heads up princess, everyone deals with what you're dealing right now. And if you don't know what that is, let me fill the word for you- it's called betrayal."


"Cut the act, I know you understood me from the very beginning." Krystal also snaps in her cold-icy tone.

"You don't know how I'm feeling-"

"Oh, don't worry, I think I do."

"Stop cutting my words off!"

"Then start listening to me." She argues back. "Listen, I don't know what kind of garbage of positivity you had planned with your so-called friend but everything is a lie and you need to accept that."

"My friendship with Jennie is completely out of your business."

"That's true but you're my business." Krystal gives her the infamous and well-talked about glare. "The role that you're playing right now should be mine."

Hearing the sudden confession made Jisoo widen her eyes. "Y-This?"

"Everything was already agreed... I had the contract and everything was set. Then all of a sudden Miss Choi calls me and says straight to my face that I have to reject the role and recommend you instead."

"B-b-but- Miss Choi, she told me..."

"It doesn't matter what she told you." She says. "What matters is now and I hate to break it to you but your acting skills need some work. I'm saying this because I don't want to stain my persuasion and look like a clown for recommending someone who isn't prepared for this kind of role." Jisoo's head was spinning with all these new-found explanations. "You want me to shut up? Then prove that you earn this spot."

"Show to everyone that you're made for this, let all the people see your development and your room for growth. Don't back down nor waver at the small step-backs. In our world, everyone is expected to be at their top game, even when their personal life is a hell of a mess. In our world, go big or go home. There's nothing in between. In our world, betrayal is a day-to-day crisis we have to endure. No matter how big it is and no matter who's betrayed who. The real question is, are you sure that you belong here?"

"If you want me to shut up, then act like you're one of us. Quit moping around every bad thing that has ever happened to you. Deal with it and move-on, the sooner, the better." She says. "If you can't do all those things, then you better shut up because clearly, you know nothing how the system works." Krystal stands up and heads for the exit door but then stops when she was at the same standing position with Jisoo. "Trusting yourself is the safest option." Krystal looks at her in the eyes. "It's always the people who we try to keep close ends up betraying us first."



Soojoo had always been nocturnal.

Due to her chosen profession, she had mastered the art of being awake for twelve hours straight and with her schedule for the entire month, she has an inkling that she just might beat her personal record. However, when her manager said that she had been given the weekend off, she wanted to cry out of sheer happiness and kiss her manager multiple times but her manager was actually a guy and so that wouldn't sit well both for her manager who has a girlfriend, and for her who just isn't on that kind of personal level just yet.

Instead, she grins and bows a perfect ninety-degree angle bow before rushing to the vehicle, excited to go home. She freshens up and does her usual night ritual before heading to bed. When the doorbell rang, she was already on her way to the kitchen to grab one more glass before hitting the sack. Soojoo thought that it was her manager, bringing her back something she had forgotten in the car. It was understandable, she's always been forgetful of her things whenever she's excited.

So just imagine her surprise when she saw Jisoo, standing there awkwardly in front of her apartment door.

Jisoo, on the other hand, was quick to realize that Soojoo had other plans for tonight. An embarrassed blush appeared on her cheeks as she looks away from her friend's confused stare. "S-sorry, looks like I came at a bad time."

"N-no..." Soojoo was also starting to feel awkward. "It-it's alright."

"I just..." The model watched as Jisoo firmly bites her lower lip, continuously avoiding her gaze. "I don't know who to talk to."

She couldn't help but sigh knowing what her best friend's problem is before she could even talk to her about it. "Looks like you need a distraction." Soojoo helds onto her hand and allows her to enter her personal abode. "Can you wait for me? I'll just do my make-up really quick."

"Make-up?" Jisoo was lost. "Why do you need make-up on?"

"Because we're going to party."

"A party?"

"Soojin invited me to be her plus one into this birthday party of her colleague."

"So does that make her plus one's plus one?"

Soojoo chuckles. "You could say that." She takes a look at her friend's clothing and nods. "Thank God your stylist always manages to make you look presentable."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're lucky and you should count the positive things that happened to your life more than the bad ones." Jisoo looks at her friend who just finished fixing her hair into a bun. "Wait for me outside, I won't be long."

Jisoo finds herself in one of the high-end clubs in the city. It was located at a rooftop in a hotel where you could get drunk and take in all of Seoul's beauty. Clearly it was an A-lister place and her assumptions were made clear as soon as they enter the vicinity where Jisoo could name most of the guests invited and one of them was heading their way.

"Ugh! I am so glad you came- Jisoo!" Soojin hugs the both of them.

"Sorry if I came uninvited."

"Non-sense!" The woman says. "For what it's worth, I was actually planning to invite you instead of this lazy-ass here."


"Yeah, you!" Soojin chuckles and wraps an arm around Jisoo. "I barely see you now since you're up with the acting gig but I know you value sleep and breathing at home as much as possible so I invited our owl-like friend instead."

"I'm still here guys." Soojoo answers with an eye roll.

"Glad to know." Jisoo smiles at the light bickering of the two. "Now since I am a good friend you should be too. Would you mind if you got the drink for the three of us?"

"No problem."

Soojin and Soojoo watched as Jisoo faded into the crowd. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

"Does it look like I'm doing something?"

"Come on Joo, you know the reason why I invited you here instead of Jisoo."

"I'm still completely aware of that."

"Why'd you bring her here then?"

"Because she's doubting herself once more..." Soojin couldn't help but sigh when she broke the news. "And I know, no matter what I say to her- it's not the validation she needs."

"Did..." Soojin trails off, unsure whether to continue asking or not. "Did they fight again?"

"It looks like she found something, but she's not ready to tell us what's up."

"And you think she's the only one that can help Jisoo now?"

"Why not?" Soojoo says. "After all, she's been through the same thing as her."

Jisoo finally arrives at the bar where it was filled with a long line of guests trying to get or make their orders. Thanks to her slim figure, she successfully maneuvered her way to the counter where she tried ordering three cocktails for them to enjoy. Now, the only problem was getting the waiter's attention towards her so she can spare her nose from the ridiculous odor and scram.

"Hey you, what's your order?"

Jisoo couldn't be more thankful for his attention on her. "Can I have- three cocktails please?"

"No problem but you're going to get your hands full." He smiles. "Tell you what, I can help you if you give me your number."

The actress was shocked at the bluntness he displayed. "W-w-my nu-mber?"

"Yeah, I mean you're pretty cute so it would be an automatic offense if I didn't try my luck."


"Hold on a second... I know you! You're Kim Jisoo! The actress from SM!" He smiles widely. "Now I definitely have to get your number."

"I don't think-"

"Don't worry, things like this happen way too normal. Even for people like you. I promise I won't tell a soul..."

"Can you please tone it down?" Jisoo turns around and gasped as soon as she puts a face on the voice. "You're making the line even longer and you're getting her uncomfortable."

Jisoo even had to blink multiple times just for her to clarify that what she's seeing right now is the real deal. "Miyeon?"


"Here you go." Jisoo reluctantly accepted Miyeon's offer. "Don't worry it's from a different bartender."

"Uh, thanks." She takes a sip of the cocktail, thinking of what she should say towards the latter.

"It's quite surprising to see you here." Miyeon cuts her to it. "You didn't seem the person who I'd see in events like this." She nods in understanding. "Did you decided to run after Jennie?"


"She was here." She spills. "Quite distraught if I may add."

"Did you talk to her?" Miyeon shakes her head. "Why?"

"Figured that she wasn't in the mood for talking and knowing her, talking is the last thing I'd do."

"Oh." Miyeon remained silent and just observed Jisoo. "I was actually dragged here by Soojoo who was dragged by Soojin."

"Wow for once it's not about Jennie Kim."

"I'm not sure I'm following..."

"Back in the days, you two seemed like your limbs were glued together." She says. "Wherever Jennie Kim is, Jisoo Kim is also there." Miyeon looks at Jisoo's expression. "Seeing the two of you from then, you guys were like to lost souls that found one another and to be honest, it's cute... I've always wondered what it would feel like..." She trails off while she twirls the drink on her cup. "Finding that someone who could understand you before you could even utter a word."

"Like a double-edge sword." Jisoo responds. "While it's nice to have someone who understands you completely, there are just things that you just want to keep it to yourself first."

"That's true."

"So why did you talk to me?"

"Well other than the fact that you needed some saving, I actually missed you." Jisoo was taken off guard. "You were my favorite friend out of all the trainees." She says. "When the four of us lived together, you never fail to look out for me. I don't know if you noticed but Jennie was actually scared."

"Scared? Of what?"

"That we'd be closer than the two of you." She confesses. "I remember the talk we had. We were walking towards the store because she had asked me to accompany her and buy some milk. She told me she was in a bad mood because she was scared that she was losing her friend. Of course, it didn't take long for me to put two and two together. I knew that she was talking about our closeness."

"W-what did you say to her?"

"That she shouldn't be worried because I know how much you care for her. That we were all friends going through the same path, planning to achieve the same goal."

It was now Jisoo's turn to observe the latter. "Something happened between the two of you. Am I right?"

"Jennie was the one who told the managers of my relationship." Jisoo couldn't even hold her gasp when Miyeon said it.

"No... that's not true." Jisoo says in a whisper. "Jennie... would never do that."

"She didn't have a choice. It was my career over hers." Miyeon said. "The adults pressured her and what would a teenage Jennie Kim could do back then?"

"I... I still find it hard to believe."

"I completely understand... when you've been with someone for a long time, there's this confidence in you that you're able to understand them far better than anyone. You know what ticks them, what makes them happy or cry- but you have to realize that the length of knowing something is not the same with the depth of knowing one person." She says. "You should know it above all people, after being close to the most respected trainee in the agency after three days."

"Jennie wouldn't- she couldn't betray someone even if she wanted to."

"Are you sure?" Jisoo looks Miyeon in the eyes. "Are you confident enough to say that Jennie isn't capable of going behind someone's back?" That question made Jisoo swallow the lump on her throat. She instantly remembers about the problem she was dealing with and so with a defeated sigh, Miyeon went on. "But like I said Jisoo, it's all in the past and I don't blame her. It was just that she was the person who was supposed to be with me when I met with him and maybe the management knew what was going on."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that... it must've been hard for you."

"It was, for some time, especially when the thing you've exchanged your bright career with vanished into thin air after weeks." Miyeon sighs. "We broke up three weeks later and I found myself losing hope day by day. There were a lot of questions going through my mind, a lot of regrets and anger. I locked my heart from everyone and pushed all the people who cared for me away."

Now Jisoo was feeling guilty. Miyeon considered her a friend but not once did she tried checking up on her once. Just because she was too absorbed in her own problems. "I should've been there for you."

"It's alright Jisoo, I don't and I cannot blame you. We were going through the same thing right?"

"All the more reasons that I should've been there so we could be each other's strength."

"It may sound crazy but I still believe that everything happens for a reason." She says. "Every pain, laughter and heartache aren't just there by coincidence- it was part of the process... if you had asked me before, YG was all that meant to me. Being signed by that company was the ultimate dream and when it came crashing down, I crumbled along with it."

"But now- looking back, I realized that it was for the good purpose. I was forced to leave not because I was not good enough, but because I was meant for something better. Happier." Jisoo looks at her and all she could see was pure happiness on her face. "If I didn't leave YG, I wouldn't be with the people who I am meant to be with."

Jisoo follows where her friend was looking and not from afar was Miyeon's new girl group members. Five women by the table with four of them laughing hard with what the other one was doing which was dancing really silly that it even made Jisoo laugh.

"It was hard starting over but I made it. After everything I've been through, I wouldn't mind going all over again because they're worth it."

Jisoo smiles at that. "I'm happy for you."

"It's okay to let people go Jisoo." Miyeon suddenly says. "It's okay to walk on a different path. It's okay moving forward all by yourself. Just because you left everything will be gone you know..." She trails off. "All you have to do now is believe that you'd be fine on your own. Once you do, you'd eventually allow yourself grow." She gives Jisoo a light tap. "Flowers don't bloom on toxic soil after all."

Jisoo decides to make up for the lost time and talked with Miyeon more. She was even introduced to Miyeon's new circle who welcomed her warmly. Jisoo had a blast and when it was their time to leave, she got her old friend's number with a promise that now they're no longer affiliated with YG to hang out every now and then to make up for the lost time. Jisoo couldn't even help but get teary when the latter hugs her all of a sudden, securing her in the tight hug before looking at Miyeon's teary eyes. They end their talk on a promise and a good note and now, Jisoo was just standing at the balcony once again- admiring the city's silence in this time of the day.

"There you are." Jisoo turns around and sees Soojoo smiling at her. "Want some?"

"I'll pass. I have an early schedule tomorrow and to be honest I've had more than what my body could handle."

"I know but I'm glad you guys were able to talk after a long time."

"You knew." She says in a realization.

"Kind of... I mean, you always call me no matter what the time is when it's about her."

"I'm sorry..." Jisoo says as she hangs her head low. "I'm not much of a good friend am I?"

"It's okay, I know how much she means to you."

"Jennie funded my previous solo activities before." She throws it out in the open. "Miss Choi said it to me and it just took a huge blow in my confidence. I'm still in the in-denial stage you see... I try to convince myself that out of all the people who have been with me ever since I took this path, Jennie is one of the people I trust and one of the people who greatly believed in my capabilities."

"Did you talk to her about it?"

Jisoo shakes her head. "I couldn't bring it up."


"I don't know."

"You know the reason Soo, you're afraid to look at her in the eyes and watch her come up with excuses." She retorts. "You're afraid that the image you had on Jennie would be greatly stained and that you wouldn't be able to move on from it."

"Well then tell me Soojoo, how do I get over it?" She asks. "How do I move on from the fact that the only person I confide with about everything decided to do that?"

"Do you want me to be gentle with you or be straight up honest?"

"Please..." Jisoo sounded as if she begged. "Please not you too."

"Okay." Soojoo sighs and breathes a few more times before beginning. "You simply accept it. Just suck it up." Jisoo was surprised to her friend's answer. "I mean yeah sure it sucks after all trust is rare to find in this industry. I don't blame you for feeling that way but it happened way too long ago. Deal with it and just start from where you are right now."

"If you want me to shut up, then act like you're one of us. Quit moping around every bad thing that has ever happened to you. Deal with it and move-on, the sooner, the better."

"If you find it hard to trust Jennie then don't. If you don't trust me, then don't. But never ever lose trust within yourself because no matter how hard I try to be there for you, no matter how Jennie wants to be with you- there are certain circumstances that you have to go through alone Jisoo. To be honest, I think that this is one of those moments." She says. "Screw the past, what's done is done."

"Easier said than done."

"You only say that because you never had enough courage to try." Soojoo looks at Jisoo who was staring at her. "You're a strong woman you know that... You've always been a strong person in my eyes."


"I don't know if this'll help but- you can always belong wherever you want to." She says. "All you have to do is believe that you can do it and be strong enough to try."

"I... I'm scared."

"It's always the first step that's the scariest." She smiles. "But like I said, you're a strong woman Kim Jisoo. You will get through this."

Ever since that night, Jisoo had everything continuously replay on her mind. From the things that Miss Choi said, to her heated confrontation with Krystal down to the conversation she had with Soojoo. All of them just pointed to one conclusion- and that is to trust in herself and believe that she can bounce back from this.

So Jisoo did try. Carrying everyone's advices, she took the first step and that happened when they started filming for the first episode of her drama. It was hard and she would constantly worry about her performance, always asks for feedbacks from the crew and her co-workers. She gave it her all for that episode and when it aired- Jisoo finally reaped what she had sown. And boy was it a bountiful harvest.

After the debut of the pilot episode- everyone commended her for doing a job well done. She read the comments and mostly of them were positive. Of course, Jisoo had the support of her family and friends and even her staff which she's extremely thankful for. It was also a no-brainer that because of her beauty and wits, Jisoo was able to bag multiple endorsements and show guesting not to mention her growing fanbase.

Above all, Jisoo was finally able to see it.

Jisoo Kim was starting to see that she does belong here.

She was meant to be here.

"Well Miss Choi I don't know how you did it but I, together with members of the board are impressed with the work you've done for Miss Kim."

"Now we can confidently say that it was the right decision for us to scout her and put under our care."

"Poor YG, they didn't know they had a rough diamond in their company."

Miss Choi smiled at the countless amounts of compliments as she faced the Board of Directors. "Thank you for acknowledging my abilities but if I am being honest, I wouldn't have done it without your patience. Had it been that you went straight to dismissing her, we would never be able to see her full potential."

"I'm glad we didn't otherwise we're no different from her previous employers." The rest nods in agreement. "Continue managing her career personally Miss Choi. We believe that with your guidance, Miss Kim is going to reach even greater heights than this."

After the meeting ended, Mr. Yoo sees Miss Choi walking out of the room with a smirk on her face. "I take that everything went according to plan."

"It was more than that."

"Even though it's not needed, I would like to congratulate you Miss Choi."

"Thank you, Mr. Yoo." She says. "However, you'll need to say it to Jisoo."


"Because we're going to throw her the best party ever."



Earlier this day Jisoo had just finished her shooting for the following episodes for her drama. It was just another usual day for her, tiring yet enjoyable. In the past weeks, Jisoo was more relaxed with her surroundings and not have this pressure on her like some huge weight on her shoulders.

When her manager informed her that she had one more appearance she had to be at, she nodded in agreement after knowing that it'll be just a short interview for a famous vlogger. It was settled on a coffee shop near her home so while on the way, she tries to not fall asleep because these days as soon as Jisoo dozes off, it'll be hours before her next wake-up time.

So imagine how her sleepiness was instantly washed away when she saw her friends and family there in the coffee shop with a huge 'congratulations actress Chu' as the backdrop.

Right, it was quick as lightning.

"Congrats girl!"

"W-wh-what?" Jisoo was still trying to absorb everyone's faces. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Miss Choi invited us." Yujin smiles as she throws her arms around Jisoo's neck pulling her close. "I'm so happy for you Chu."

"Don't forget us when you're at the top." Soojin teases making Jisoo roll her eyes.

"Alright, step aside it's my turn now." Soojoo stops in front of Jisoo while holding onto a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."

"Thanks Joo, they're beautiful." She says as she takes a quick sniff. "They look and smell good."

"Glad to know, otherwise I would've sliced off Soojin's hand."

"Told you they're the best in town!"

"Chu, your family's waiting for you over there. I'm sure you want to spend some time with them."

Jisoo grins as she watches her family looks at her with their happy faces. "I do."

"Okay, go get 'em tiger!" Yujin says.

Although it was just for two hours, Jisoo was thankful for the effort that everyone exerted that night. It was true, what they said. That as soon as you see the reason why you're working so hard, it makes everything better. All the tiredness fades away and just seeing everyone who have supported you from the very beginning and there's still there until now made Jisoo even stronger and determined to give it her all.

"Hey you." Jisoo turns around and saw Miss Choi smiling at her.

"Miss Choi!" She greets her with a smile. "Thank you for the surprise party."

"You deserved it, after the successful pilot episode and all the good things that happened."

"Still I feel like I owe it to you. If it weren't for your guidance and support, I wouldn't be effective as I am now." Jisoo says, still with a smile on her face. "Thank you for believing in me."

"With your talent you have in you, it's hard not to put some trust in you." The latter responds. "All those people there believes that you can do it. Now, all you have to do is continuously believe in yourself, just like you had done in the past."

"I won't let you down Miss Choi. I promise." She bows down. "I'll be heading home now."

"I do have one more surprise for you though." Miss Choi grins.

"Jennie's here."

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