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 "You look lovely today Miss Kim." My manager greets me as soon as I stepped foot inside the car.

"Thanks oppa."

"Ey, don't praise her too much her head's going to get big if you compliment her more."

"Sheesh, why do you always have to be bitter when Jae-bom oppa compliments me?"

"That's because he's jealous because he's too shy whenever you're around."

"Yah! Stop making shit up!" The one from the passenger seat, Beom-seok reprimands before looking at me with the use of the rearview mirror. "Now remember to look chic today. You're attending one of the most anticipated flagship stores party and you have to look the part."

"I know."

"I'm serious. This is your time to show that you have a serious side and you can be casted to be a villain too. No more breaking into a grin and especially no more laughing a lot."

"Hold on for a second, my stomach hurts."

"That's what you get when you laugh too much!"

"Seriously though can we like hold up for ten seconds I just need a break." I placed my hands on my hips, trying to get a grip of my upset stomach. "I feel like I did so many core workouts."

"Geez, why did you even laugh a lot in the first place? I mean things earlier weren't even funny but you laughed like it's the best thing that's ever happened. You're lucky you weren't called a lunatic."

I turned to my friend who was waiting for my answer. "She had a rough day at training today. I thought that maybe I could do something even just a little so she could cheer up."

She didn't even have to know who in God's work I am talking about for her to roll her eyes. "For Pete's sake, you're really going to suffer for her?"

"A little upset tummy is nothing if it meant making her happy."

"But why? Why did you have to do that?"

"Because she told me that she likes my laugh so I laugh a lot for her."

"You laugh a lot for her?"

I smiled a little as we continued to walk on our way back. "I laugh a lot for her."

"Yah!" Beom-seok oppa's voice pulled me back and it made me look at him through the mirror. "Are you even listening to what I just said?"

"Y-yeah I was listening."

"Well then, you better concentrate on what you're going to pose for later." He says. "With this kind of traffic, I doubt we're going to make it out anytime soon."


While looking at the outside view of downtown city Seoul, I try to set my focus on one of my biggest events today. I looked over at the tall and gigantic skyscrapers as they almost reached the clouds up above, the hustling streets and the number of people who were rushing the sidewalks and chasing pedestrians.

It was kind of annoying really. The honking sounds, the various noises from the crowd and my two managers who were endlessly bickering as to which route we should take to avoid traffic.

Everything about Seoul just made me miss Jeju more. I was missing the serenity and the tranquility it gave me, especially when I've stayed there for almost three months after filming for a drama. It made me reminisce the beach, the silence and the trees.

But what I love the most about Jeju isn't about when I was there, but it was when I was with you.

You looked like you were going to pass out that day.

We were sitting at the most back part of my family's car, and we had my brother, sister in front and my parents both in the driver and passenger seat. It had been a long day of walking around, taking picture and of course an unending day of eating. My mother wouldn't stop worrying after she thought that we had lost so much weight.

Eating endlessly was like a talent of mine, but for you who was always used to eating minimal because you have various diets for your health felt like drowning. I remember I would always have to reprimand my mother for giving you too much food but she would end up disregarding it and trust on her motherhood sense.

And her motherhood sense that's what got you to Food coma.

I feel so sorry for you that day. I know you were going to have an upset stomach but you still accepted the idea of heading through an ice cream parlor for one last meal for the day before hitting the sack. You leaned you head on my shoulder as you warmed your stomach with your hands, and it made me worry so much because you're going to have a hard time sleeping. But even though there was already turmoil in your stomach you whispered to me-

"It's okay; you're going to take care of me right?"

And like a stupid fool I nodded my head, took you in my arms and placed heating pad over your bloated tummy.

I took care of you, I've always had. At the times when you did need me and even at the times when you just shut me out.

A sudden buzz from my phone catches my attention. Fishing it out of my purse I've realized that it was a text message from my mother, asking me if I could head home tonight rather than my apartment. I responded with a teasing question if she misses me, and she replied immediately with a yes, but we also have to prepare lunch as my brother's girlfriend is coming tomorrow for lunch together with her family.

Of course, as the good daughter that I am replied affirmatively and with a demand that she would have to prepare my favorite late night snack to which she didn't respond anymore but I know right there that she was already ranting to my father of how much a demanding kid I am. I am the youngest though; I have the right to demand.

I thought about the embarrassing stories I could tell tomorrow during lunch. It was time for me to have my revenge on my brother. This is just a payback for what he did to me years ago. I clearly remember every detail about the stunt he pulled not just in front of my parents but yours as well.

It happened during our first time celebrating your birthday. You were so happy that day because your parents freed their schedule all because you told them that you'd like to formally introduce me. As if that wasn't enough for me to lose my composure, you snooped through my phone and asked my parents if they could tag along. I remember being mad at you back then. You even came rushing on my bed wrapping both of your hands around my arms and asked for apology and told me that you just want to return the favor from the recent Jeju trip that we had.

I try to still ignore you though but not because I was still mad but because I know how embarrassing my family can be. Especially my dad, he tries to be funny all the time it makes me mad.

But not you. No, I can never be mad at you.

So there we were surprisingly bonding so well as our families continue to point out each other's similarities when my dumbass brother decides to speak up.

"Your daughter is such a caring daughter. Whoever she marries is indeed a lucky one. Unlike my sister who does nothing and plays video games all day. She acts like a boy sometimes."

"At least I don't think like a man especially you. Can't believe you sent me a letter from the military with all those errors sheesh."

The laughter flows through the entire dining hall and my mother turns into yours. "That's why I am so thankful for your daughter because she's doing a great job at taking care of mine. If not for her, I wonder how she will survive."

"Well she says the same thing about yours too. They both suit one another very well don't you think so?"

"So... when's the wedding?" I snapped my head towards my brother after he said that. "What? I'm just saying if you're not going to end up with someone like her then what's the point? Right dad?"

I turned to my father who smiled. "Well I think she takes care very well of my daughter and I could see my little baby is happy whenever she's around so I think she's a good candidate." He turns to give me a brief glance but I was already giving him a death glare. How dare he say that here?! "But that's just my opinion." He chuckles nervously.

I was beyond embarrassed already. I wanted to dig my grave right there and I couldn't look at you in the eye. But then, all of a sudden, your father who barely spoke that night laughed. "I think I agree with that. I'd like my daughter to end up with someone like your daughter too... she's the perfect candidate."

And while they continue to joke about 'our' wedding, I couldn't help but feel happy and excited. Even if this was just all play and pretend the fact that your father told me that I was his preference if he were to choose the person that you would marry made me wonder if this talk happened years later and it wasn't just because of my dad's attempt to be a comedian but rather something for real?

But who am I kidding? That's never going to happen. Because everything is just my imagination and everyone is just taking this as a joke. Including you.

I was just a joke to you.

"Hey, do you know your schedule for the upcoming week?"

"No but do inform me oppa."

"Well tomorrow lunch you'll have to go to the-"

"Can you cancel or move it to late evening? I have an important family matter to attend."

"But later evening you're going to have to do a script reading for your upcoming drama. Plus you'd have to fly later to New York for Coach."

"And from New York you'd have to fly to Spain."

I look and gave him a questioning look. "Why would I have to go to Spain?"

"For Europe Fashion Week remember? Prada booked you for there."

Europe huh.

It was the last trip that we took together before I left... before we grew apart...

"And then you'd have to attend your nephew's birthday. Your sister reminded you to buy him a fish because apparently he's been into those things these days."

"Unnie, what's your favorite fish?"

"Hmm... I like French Angelfish."


"Because they only mate once in their entire life as a fish. Not only that they're loyal but they're also protective and territorial of their partners."

"Just like how we are with one another?"


"I mean, we're both loyal, protective and territorial of one another don't we?"

I was about to disagree and argue with you but I know I would always end up letting you win anyways so I just chuckled it off and shake my head. "Hahaha, sure Jendeuk. Just like how we are with one another."

"And the Daises you ordered have arrived. Where would you like them to be placed in your apartment? For me I think it's better..."

"The flowers are so beautiful!!!" You say as you skipped and hopped through the walkway of the park. "Different kinds, different colors and different scents." Taking a deep breath and try to take everything in. "This is beautiful don't you think so?"

"Yeah." I answered and took a seat on the free bench. You look at me with worry so I turn to give you an asking look. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sorry, I shouldn't have pulled you out of bed so early."

"No need to be sorry, it's not like every day you get super energetic right?" I smile. "Besides, we're on a vacation. We're supposed to be outside."

"But still..."

"Hey." I grabbed your hand hoping it'll grab your attention as well. "If you were to have a massive garden yet you can only plant one kind of flower what will it be?"

"Hmm... that is kind of hard." She continuously bite her lips while taking a view of the canal in front of us. "Only one flower?"

I nod my head in response. "Only one flower."

"Then it would have to be Daisies."

"Daisies?" I say, quite surprised with her choice.

"Why do you look so surprised?"

"I mean I was expecting between the lines Roses or Tulips."

She laughs as soon as I mentioned Tulips. "Tulips from Amsterdam."

"Still not over that greeting card I see." I say. "But seriously though, Daises?"

"What's not to like about Daises?"

"They're not that attractive."

"Yeah but doesn't mean they're not useful." She states. "Did you know that Daises help people with their appetite and metabolism?"


"Did you know that it also heals colds, coughs, menstrual complaints or swollen feet?"


"Because you focus on the beauty of things Chu not on what they could give you." She states in a matter of fact tone. "Beauty is nice and all but I'd rather have a garden filled with useful flowers rather than just plain, old, flower." She says. "Plus Daisies also means courage so I need them to remind me to be courageous. You know, in the industry that we're both about to enter, courage is a pretty big thing."

"You're right."

"But what about you? What flower are you going to plant if you ever have a massive garden?"

"Me?" I thought about it for a while before turning at her with a smile on my face. "I'm going to plant Jendeukie's Daisies."

"And the customized contact lenses are available for pick up. We can do that after the event. You need a new pair of contact lenses seriously, you are going to destroy your eyes and let's face it, and we can't because it's one of your assets."

"Hey!" I try to catch up to her after my performance. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"Where's the fun if I told you I was coming?"

"You could've told me. I would've reserved a seat for you."

"Really, and you think our companies would allow that? With the image they're trying to portray us?"

"I was a mess earlier."

"A beautiful mess that's what you are. You did great there."

"Pfft, all I did was to stand in the middle say a few lines and I was out. I was too tensed, I care too much about what other people think and I know that's what the people are going to see and the people are-"

"The Kim Jisoo in the middle is the Kim Jisoo in my eyes."

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what her phrase meant. "What are you talking about?"

"Remember when I told you that I've always envied you as someone who's free-spirited and someone who just don't take a shit from nobody and just do whatever you want in life? I asked you how do you do that and you tell me that just you... that's how you always have been and ever since then I've always viewed you as that."


"Well I want you to remember that Chu. Remember that whenever you start to doubt yourself. Whenever you start to question your validity as an actress, remember how I always viewed you. Remember how my eyes have always looked at you."

And ever since that day I just stopped paying attention to what others say about me or what others were thinking about me. Knowing that no matter what happens may portray me for or may think of me won't matter. Their eyes wouldn't matter because it's only her eyes that matters to me.

It's her eyes. It's always her eyes.

"Okay! We're finally here." Her manager says. "Are you ready to hit the road?"

"I'm ready."

"Last minute reminders." Beom oppa says. "Remember to be chic and fierce. Cameras like that stuff and remember to be very affectionate towards the clothing and the brand. Especially to one of the head. I believe she's going to be here today so you have to get her attention and remember to thank her for the opportunity she has given you."


"Remember, affectionate."

She was affectionate too. She was too affectionate that it made me believe that she must've felt something. Even if it was minimal at least she would've felt something... At least something a little for me...

But... if I would've meant something to her, she wouldn't have let things end this way...

"Okay! Showtime Chu! You got this!"

I smiled at the two annoying men in my life. "Later losers."

As soon as I stepped outside the car, hundreds of media try to swarm, hoping that they would get a perfect shot of my look. The bodyguards try their best to protect me as I paved my towards the red carpet.

"Miss Kim! Miss Kim look here please!"

"Jisoo please wave!"

"Kim Jisoo pose for us!"

I remember the day where it all started. I remember how you looked, how you sat and what kind of music you were listening to. Everything about how it started I remembered it all like it just happened yesterday.

But I also remembered the last music we listened to. I remember how we just laid down on my part of the bunk bed, your nose placed on the crook of my neck and we both silently beg for the time to stop.

Everything started with you, and that's how everything will end too.

"Miss Kim Jisoo can I have a word or two please?"

"I'm sorry but she needs to-"

"It's okay, it's okay." I smile at one of my managers as he decides to back off a little. "What is it?"

"Well everyone has been talking about you after you took the most influential individual award for this year, dethroning the 3-year winner, Jennie Kim. How does it feel to overthrow Korea's IT GIRL?"

I chuckle at her comment. "I didn't even know she was already winning for three years in a row but it feels nice to feel acknowledge even though I barely did anything through this year."

"Are you trying to imply that you defeated Jennie by not doing anything?"

"No, I did something this year but it was barely minimal. I appeared on a drama and barely spoke a word. If I know that would help me to get the award, I would've demanded a few more lines." I laugh.

"Just one last question before you head inside and enjoy the event." The reporter insist. "There has been rumors and even pictures leaked that you and Jennie Kim have been friends for years even before your debut at the company. Is this all media play in order for your companies to gain profit?"

Friends. That's all we could be before, and now I can barely call us that. But who am I kidding? We aren't friends. We never were because I never treated you like one.

"No." I say as I looked serious, chic and fierce just like what my manager told me to.

"Jennie and I were never friends."

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