7: Breathe In, Breathe Out

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A/N: This chapter will contain triggering content.


-•-•-Nico's POV-•-•-


The next day of school was the same, and Will was constantly bugging him in history. But History was over, now it was break.

Break was 20-minute-period where students could do anything they wanted in the school or on the front yard. Nico, of course, went to the front yard.

He sat in the shade of a tree that was mostly secluded. He sighed and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Now, before you think too much about it. He didn't smoke that much. He did it whenever he had a major problem, like a backup plan he had if he couldn't self-harm. But he did it often enough to not cough when he breathed in the smoke.

He put a cigarette between his lips and pulled out a lighter. He slowly lit the cigarette.

He breathed in his Problems.

He was being bullied.

His dad hated him.

He was gay.

His mom and sister were dead because of him.

He was growing a crush on Will (a recently found out one).

He breathed out his problems.

"Nico!?" A shrill voice exclaimed.

He turned his head and saw Will, looking at him in shock. "If you tell I Will stuff your but with every cigarette I own up your ass."

Will yelped and held his ass in defense. "Okay, but you do realize that you're killing yourself with that poison stick."

Another breath in, another breath out. "Whatever, it helps me with life."

Will sat down next to him. "No, it's ending it."

"Shut up, mother."

"I'm not going to let one of my friends smoke!"

Nico breathed in, he breathed out a puff of smoke, right in Will's face.

Will cough and swatted at the smoke. "SECOND HAND SMOKE!" He exclaimed.

Nico laughed, and took the cigarette out of his mouth. "You're too cute."

The blonde blushed. "C-cute?" He squeaked.

"Yeah, but you're also like a mother. It's weird."

"I just, I don't understand how smoking helps you."

"Here, take a wiff." Nico handed the older boy the cigarette, offering him to take a couple breaths.

Will tried, and coughed so much that it sounded like he was dying, and Nico was laughing hard. "Smoke much?"

Will rolled his eyes. "No! I actually enjoy living."

"Well, I don't. Now give me back my 'poison stick.'" Nico said, snatching it away.

Will was about to speak, but he stopped himself. The bell rang, announcing break was over. Nico groaned and threw his smoking cigarette on the ground.

"Are you really going to do that? That can cause a fire!" Will scolded.

"Whatever, sunshine, I don't care."

Will groaned and stomped it out, and then they went back into the school.


-Swigity Swip It's a time skip-

After another long day of school, Nico finally walked out of hell. He was about to hail a taxi when he felt a larger body clasp onto him, and cover his mouth.


He was dragged into an alley where a whole bunch of boys were waiting for him. They were the biggest bullies in school.

"Hello, f*g (A/N: I will never spell out this word), how are you?" One sneered.

"I was doing fine, but I don't feel good now. I probably caught your shittiness." Nico sassed.

One laughed. "Looks like we got a feisty one, boys. Let's teach him a lesson." All began to crack their knuckles. Nico tried to run away, but someone grabbed his shirt collar.

"Nice try." The boy said.

The rest was a blur. All he knew was that he got beaten badly, so much that he was coughing up some blood. "O-ow..." The frail boy whimpered.

"That's enough, let's leave him for his boyfriend to find."

They all left him, leaving Nico to curl up in the alley, beginning to cry lightly. He coughed weakly as he shakily pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He tried his best to smoke it when he was lying in a ball.

Breathe in your problems, he thought, breathe out your problems.


A/N: Soooo, hi.

That was the new chapter.

I'm sorry for making Nico smoke ;-;

I just thought about it and this happened.

Don't worry Will is going to help him in the next chapter...

But are his injuries more severe than they think?

I'll leave you to worry.

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