And Coronations

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Chapiter 11


I have an older sister?!

OK, so not cool.

Why did she have to be alive in the first place. After all she was in the first clutch, the one that didn't make it!

"Utea, are you brooding again?" Mother asks.

"No Mother." I anser her. After all I'm not truly brooding. I just can't stand the thought that she will be the next ruler. I just have to get use to it I guess. But that doesn't mean that I have to like it. Oh well. I leave the cave that my parents live in, I had moved in with one of my friends. None of them would be a good Tallon-brother to me.

I run all the way to were my sister is being prepaired for the corination.



She was raised away from the cort and yet Mom and Dad want to make her heir! I coudn't believe this!

I run in to the cave to see my grand-father, and the dragon that I fought in the Great Hall. I hear claw screeching sounds from behind a bolder to my right, and see a cave entrince to me left.

"Utea! What are you doing here?" Tere asks me.

"I just couldn't stand all of the dragons expecting me to show more emotion than I should at the news that my new found sister would be names heir instead of me." Tere chuckles.

Suddenly the claw screeching coming from the bolder stops.

"Are you done torchering our ears?" the Red dragon asks the bolder. I hear a sound that sounds like a snarl, then the words "I am not but the fucking servants are makeing me! You had to choose the stronges ones didn't you Tere?" I jump as Asara's voice comes from the bolder. I hurridly scoot away. Tere smiles. He seems to be doing that alot lately, like Asara has done something to his controle over his emotions.

Then every noise in the cave stops. Tere goes to move the bolder aside and I see the red dragon tense up as if preparing to see a horrific site or as if to get ready to battle. But as soon as the bolder is moved I see two dragon, one looking very grumpy and the other looking slightly borde. Both of the dragons had a buffering. The red dragon chuckled.

Asara and the dragon that was with her pounced onto the red dragon.

"Remember what I did the last time you laughted at me Yato?" Asara snarled.

Yato (Realy? Who names someone that?) frose.

"Asara, do you want to go throgh what you just did again?" Grandfather asked.

What did she do the last time?

Asara growled and jumped off turning into a sphinx, and she started to groom her self. The servnts came out of the cave and groaned as soon as they saw Asara.

"Graaasss yaaaaa sssseeee" Asara says. What on Hateya did she say?

Yato ansers my question before I can ask it. "She says don't worry about this form."

"Grrrrrrrr, essss assssseeee iiiissssss"

"Sphinxes, they don't realy do much grooming other than with their tongs."

How did he get all of that?

Asara finneshes her grooming, then changes into a dragon once again.

"Good job. Not the exsact words I was thinking, but other than that you translated it perfectaly."

Yato puffed up alittle but Asara slashed her tallons right infront of his nose but not close enuf to touch him. He didn't flinch. Asara pounced on him, but this time it looked playfull.

"Sister, let me have a go!" The other dragon said and also pounced on Yato, but hers looked less like she liked him, and more like she was trying to confuise him.


I was the one in charge of the corination ceramony, I just wish that I had more time.

I didn't quite know when, but it would be after the corination. I see my Mate, Haget comming into the hall, I walk up to him and he nusles me.

"Why do we have to do this corination, I want more time with our daughter. The incedent will happen after the corination." He looks worried.

"It has to be now because people have already seen her spikes and are asking questions. I'm sorry, I wanted more time with her as well." He dosn't look like he has gotten much sleep.

"On a compleetly diffrent note, have you seen Utea?" Haget asks me.

"Not verry recentaly, but I heard the servants gosiping that he went to Tere's caves."

Haget grimeses.

I understood, Tere's cave was were our daughter was, and she had just had a fight with Haget.

"Maybe you could send a servant?"

"No, I will weather the storm." And with that he left.


There wasn't much to were I live. Almost completely rock, with animals that I could hunt. But I still knew when my children were about to go to war with the humans. Sometimes there were silly reasons, but other times they had perfictaly good reasons as to why there was a war. But I can only heal, my warrior half could and did die, promising me that I would see him again and this time he would be able to live as I had alwase wished that I could for me. So far, he hadn't kept his promise. I wish that he did. No I wish that he never could die so that I would have someone to talk to in the centuries of peace, but I would take bordem over war any millenia. I alwase have.

War is brewing, for some odd reason, I fee like it has something to do with Marcus. I wish that the humans hadn't found us when we were hatchlings and taken us to study and name. After all I hate the name Gabe, a name that they were considering giving to Marcus. It is a stupid name. He agreed with me when I told him in our native tounge. The humans were upset with the face that I couldn't fight for some reason, but were realy glad when Marcus could. I still don't understand why the humans have to be so crule.


I just couldn't understand why the corrination had to be such a big fuss! I hated croudes, and all I wanted to do was to get to know my family. But no, I had to become a princess, and I didn't know a thing about being a princess, I needed a battle stragity, but I couldn't think of one.

Ganna pressed my wing with hers, clearly I was about to ether run or attack the croud, and it seemed like every dragon and animal was in the cavern.

Did I mentchen I Hate crowds?

I walked over to where the croud started, and stoped, all of the silly fools thought that I would come out from the entrince where the king and queen were coming out of now. Mother and Father agreede with me when I said that it would be a bad idea to go that way, some one could plan to kill me, and I would make there job just a little harder just by going behind the crowd.

Looking up, I see that no dragons are flying, all are sitting, and the sky is clear. I face Ganna and she nods, she is ready. I look tword Mother and Father, both look worried, but Father nods to me.

Pausing as I bunch my muscles, ready to leap into the air, I see faces turn to me.


I sigh and leap into the air with Ganna following close behind me. Imedeatly, wispers break out.

"Black scales? No one has ever had black-"

"Why did she come from back there?"

"She must think that she is better than us."


"Because-" and they kept on comming.

I vowed that as soon as possable, I would get out of this infernol prison.


Asara did not look happy. Actualy she looked like she was about to ether fight or run. I had to stand next to her, so that she didn't need to lash out to anyone. But I don't know what to do if she started fighting everybody.


I thought that I was dead!

It was dark, but I was certainly alive. No pain ether.

This is not going to be fun. I couldn't control my own body, but I could fight. I only had two wings though. Not four like I am use to.

I felt weird, with scales, not feathers. This wasn't good. And I was flying. I was hearing whispers as well, then.

I can't wait to get out of here. Said a voice that sounded like a dragon's.

It is just a little serimony. A voice sounding like dry desert sand, hot summer days and cold nights.

LITTLE? The entire kingdom is here! The dragon voice again.

I agree with the dragon, sphinx. This is more than just a pack, this is a gathering! That voice sounded like the moon.

This is more like what would happen during the 4th of July in New York, Time Square. What was a human voice doing in my delirium?

Almost there, get this corrination out of the way and we can get the hell out of here. All of the voices agreed with that statement.

"Asara, are you alright?" I hear a voice, female, probaly a friend or someone who could be, I couldn't see her to size her up but I can still fight blind.

"I'm afraid of assassinations Ganna." I feel my body respond, out of my controle. I am in a creatcher with scales and wings, I didn't know any creacher with wings and scales. The humans thought that dragons had scales...Of course, I am in a dragon.


Asara looked anxious, but I could see it, bacause I knew her. But it was still hard to see, she was getting better than I had hoped.


I was flying twards were I felt Marcus.

I was flying tword Haletia.

What was he doing in Haletia?

I arrive, and there are no dragons within sight. I hear noise comming from the Large Hall. The one were all the important serimonys were held, when all of the draogns needed to be there.

I fly in to see a black dragon and a dark green dragon land on the dais. My vision zooms and lock on the black dragon.

Marcus? I ask.

Sarah? That is Marcus's voice.

Who is this? A voice sounding like a wolf asks.

Who are you talking to Wolf? Asked a sphinx.

What is that? A human voice asks apperentaly noticing me for the first time.

Who is in my head? Who isn't supoised to be! A female dragon voice roars in my head.

This was unexpected. Marcus, one of the First, isn't in the form of a First. He somehow got into the form of the dragon.


Who was that four winged feathered thing that just flew in? Because as soon as she did, I saw the slight movment of what I had come to know as the movment that portrays anger in the King's family. Comming from Asara. This dragon is amazing on hiding her emotions, but not as good as the King, or even the Queen.

I have heard legends of feathered dragons that call themselves the First. They are suposedly the first dragons ever lived, and that they have ceartain abilitys, like this one First that apparently apears during times of war, and help dragons who are injured.

Onyx: Sooooo..... Ya. This is what I came up with today. If you have any ideas or suggestions please tell me! I am running out of ideas.

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