Kings to Meet, Battles to Fight

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Chapiter 7


We went to a cave that I assume was the thrown room. It was massive. I looked around and saw a two huge throwns and one smaller thrown. The big throwns had a male and female dragon sitting in them, I assume the king and queen, but the smaller thrown had nothing in it. Again I look around and see Yato again gaping like a contry bumpkin. If I didn't know how to hide my emotions I would look like that too so I didn't tease him about it. Something caught my eye. A glimmer of gold and bronze. Standing beside the king in dragon armor was Hanna. She looked me over and then at Yato. She let out a soft hiss.

Tere steped asside from us and mantled. Taking the hint Yato and I mantled as well. My blood crusted scales looked a little loo wet to me, but there was nothing I could do now.

"Tere rise." The kings said. "You know that you don't have to mantle to me, father." I froze. Tere was the kings father? Aw shit. That meant that I was roalty.


The king steped down from his thrown and walked over to Yato and me.

"I assume that these are our students?" The king sayes.

"Yes son." Tere said.

The king had brown scales with electric blue back spikes and horns with the first back spike purple-black insead of electric blue, he had ruby claws and teeth, and he was about 250 feet tall and maybe 300 feet long with a wing span of about 390 feet, he was big. The queen on the other hand had purple scales with purple-black horns and back spikes but she had one spike electric blue, her claws and teeth looked to be made of steel, she was say 70 feet long and tall with a 75 foot wing span.

"Why is one of them wet?" the king asks.

I wince.

Tere sayed that we had just been fighting in a duel.

"Look up both of you, I would like to see your faces." Yato and I looked up and the queen gasped.

The king gave me an aprasing look. Then he smiled. He turned to Ter- Issorr-Tere I reminded to my self, and sayed "One of them is covered in blood isn't she." Tere smiled.

"Ah, I wondeder if you would notice or not." the king just bumped into the king like a wolf.

"What are their names, may I ask?" Hanna had spoken.

Tere looked at Hanna and said "I think you know."

Suddenly Hanna gasped and looked at me again. The king looked at Hanna then at me then again at Hanna.

He looked confused. But just for a moment. Then comprehention dawned on his face.

He turned to me and saed "Child would you like a bath?"

I nod.

"Hay! how come I don't get a bath?" Yato wines.

"If you did get a bath I would be shure to do the first thing on the trip again." I said wikedly.

Yato looked at Tere and sayed "See! She admited to doing it!"

"Doing what?" The king asked.

"She put river muck all over my scales!" Yato sayed.

The king's laughter boomed aroun the huge cavern along with The queen's and Hanna's.

"Hanna, show this young dragon to the private bathing chamber if you please." The king sayed.

Hanna noded and left. I followed her. After awile she sayed "River muck? Why not dung?"

"River muck was all I had to work with." I say with a smile. Hanna was the one to teach me to do the best pranks. "And then I tricked him into washing it off in the lizard infested lake that we sleped near instead of the hazerd free river."

Hanna chuckled softly to her self.

"Here we are. The private bathing chamber the king offered." She sayed. As I looked around she looked worried. "Don't worry, most of this blood is Yato's." I say. Diving into the warm pool. It was big enuff for me to do laps around. And this one was private?

After I had fineshed my bath Hanna handed me a towel with her telekinises. It raped its self around me and she lead me back to the thrown room.

In the thrown room the towel that Hanna had given me droped away to reveal my black scales. As soon as the towel hit the floor the king and queen gasped.

Really, what did I do?

"Asara?" I heard the queen say. I froze. How did the queen know my name?

"Oh! Ever since Hanna came back withought you we thought..." The king sayed. I looked at Tere and Yato confused.

"Wha'd I do?" I ask Tere.

"Nothing. Nothing." The king said. then the towel lifted again to cover my horns and back spikes as a servant came in.

"Send for Utea." the king sayed. The servant bowed, and left.

"Who is Utea?" I ask.

"Your opponent."

"I see." I mutter "Even in court I can't get out of fighting." not that I want to, I love fighting. It is what I was made for.

"No." Tere sayed "Their oponent." he motions tward Yato as well.

The king shrugs.

We wate and soon a blue dragon with electric blue back spikes and horns, and floral green teeth and claws apears he is say 50 feet long and tall with a wing span of 70 or 75 feet. He stops and stares at me. I lay my ears back and growl.

Something told me he was a threat. A big one. He has to be put in his place. The sphinx in me sayed.

I spread my wings to be ready to take flight, and to make myself look bigger, and chouch. Utea takes a step back and half-heartedly growls back. Yato looks at my poster and imediataly cyrcles to cover my back.

"Since otherwise it would be two agenst one I will give Utea the opertunity to pick his companion. NO killing." The king looks at me.

"What?!" I ask. Aparentaly dragons think I would kill a realitive younger than me.

"I pick the head of the guard." Utea sayed in a shakey voice.

I hiss to intimidate him more and he squeeks. I bear my dimond teeth and hiss at him again ecsept this time letting my fangs grow out ready to spit assid at my target, unfortunataly it dosn't work on meatal for some reason. Oh well.

Then the Head of the Guard comes in and sees me in my threatning poster and who I am threatning and atacks me. Immidiataly I leap into the air and slash my tail spike across the guards snout. I then spit asid at him, but only because he is wereing meatal, after all he was just doing his job.

As the guard distracted me Utea leaps for my tail probaly going to try to rip my tail spike off and he couldn't anyway but I know that Yato will cover me. He alwase does. I ignore Utea for now focusing on the guard. He is in the air now so I lead him on a wild goose chase going behind pillers and camaflashing my self with one of my abilitys. It was quite funny to see his reaction when he realised that he couldn'd see me. Unfortunataly the camo would only work in the dark and I didn't what him to gang up on Yato.


I flip and see his battle. He was still wincing from our spar this morning.

Shit shit shit shit!

I dive tward him just as the guard saw me and blew fire at me. The queen roared in a panic but I couldn't under stand what she was saying.

I hit the stone runing and roared to Yato "Out of the way!" But it came out as "Graasss ooossseeeerrr!"

Thank God I had been teaching him the 'meanings' of the sphinx language. He ducked and roled. Utea roars with glee not notesing me, big mistake, and pounces after Yato, but I was on him even before he was an inch off of the ground and growled in his ear. To my suprise Utea just froze. The guard still trying to find me behind a different pillar whiped around and saw what had happened. He too froze. Checkmate. My dragon thought, and my sphinx agreed. I slid my claws onto his throught and growled.

"Hanna, what is this?" the king asked. Hanna just shruged and sayed "I forgot to tell you, Asara can change into a sphinx faster that anyone I have ever seen."

The guard went into yeep and fell. Tere caught him and gentaly put him on the hard stone. I got off of Utea and hissed, in old dragon, the only form of dragon that sphinxes could speak, "COLD!!!" and lept back up onto Utea. But this time I had my claws sheathed. Utea, who was tring to get up when I jumped on him, fell back down. Hanna chuckled. I glaired at her. The guard gasped. Hanna just laughted even harder.

"I told you that even warm stone feels cold to a sphinx Asara."

"You could have reminded me." I grumble in old dragon. The king laughs.

I guess that the king is a dragon of laughter.

The guard bows to me. I hiss in anoiance and jump off of Utea. In mid air I change back into a dragon. The guard finaly gets a good look at me and I see fear in his eyes. I shake as if shaking off water from my scales and Yato comes closer to me.

"Asara are you roalty?" He asks

"God, you are slow." I say. "My back spines are the same as the king's and the dragon that you were fighing with."

"Crap!" He shouts "I hert a Prince."

Utea gives a small smile. He isn't worth your time, but he is still a threat, make him understand that you are dominant. A voice in my head sayed. Strangely the voice sounded cold calculating and like the moon, like the wolves that I have learned from, it also sounded like the night that I so loved. I disided to call her Sol-less Night. Night for short.

I shake my head confused.

"Asara, are you listning?" Tere asks me.

"Sorry, just a..." I pause there are so many dragons staring at me.

"I'll tell you later." I say. Tere nods.

"Were are you staying Father?" The king asks Tere.

"We are staying in the Rainbow Scale." Tere anseres. The king shakes his head.

"Not good enuf. You can move in here tonight."

"But, Sire." The guard says, "We don't even know two of the dragons that you want to move in." The guard flinches as soon as the king looks at him.

"You will escort Asara, Yato, and Tere to Tere's quarters. Now." The king snarles the last part. The guard gulps and nods.

Tere followed him, Yato and I have no choise but to follow Tere.

Onyx: I almost forgot that I even HAD this book. \(OAO)/

Onyx: So here is the latest chappy!

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