Part 1

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Key: Cara. Amy. Sophie.

Part One

"Cara!" my mom screamed. "Get down here! Now!"

"I'll be down in a second!" I shouted back for the hundredths time.

I slipped on my black high heels that matched my tight red spaghetti strapped shirt with black stripes and black mini skirt.

"Cara!" my mom shrieked.

I snatched up my eyeliner and did one more swipe around my eye before stuffing it back into my Prada purse with the rest of my makeup.

I seized my backpack and ran downstairs. I took a Granola bar while my mom stood behind me watching.

"You need to get up earlier, Cara," my mom scolded. "And really take off some of that makeup!"

"Whatever, mom," I stated. "I'm out of here."

I walked down the sidewalk and waited a minute for my friends. I wouldn't wait too long because I didn't want to be late for my first day at a new high school. My friends had finally convinced me to ditch this fancy private school I went to my freshmen year and join some icky public school. If they decided not to wait for me and walk with me on my first day, I was going to be so mad at them both.

"Cara!" someone yelled. I turned to see my best friend Amy running toward me.

"Hey, Amy," I smiled.

"Hi! OMG! I am so excited! You, me, and Sophie all going to the same school just like we always wanted! Oh, BTW: You look a-dorable!"

"Awe, thanks, you too."

Amy was naturally tan, had light brown hair, and was supporting a small khaki shorts that emphasized her long legs and a bubble gum colored tank top that was tight and showed all her curves. Her hair was straightened then pulled out of her face with a bunch of bobby pins. For shoes she wore a tall pair of three inch high heel boots.

"Should we wait for Sophie? Or just let her meet us there?" Amy asked as she checked her nails.

"Here!" a perky girly voice announced.

"Sophie!" we said. Sophie greeted us each with a hug and French kisses.

Sophie was a girl with bleach blonde hair and a deep tan from spending her summers in the Caribbean. She was a loose form of a hippie, I guess. She refused to eat meat, carried hemp purses and bags, and always had flowers on her somewhere. Today, she was wearing a floral pattern dress and white ballet flats.

"I hate walking to school," Amy griped. The smart and musical one was Amy but she's also the sweetest out of the three of us. But to be honest, that's not saying much.

"I know," I agreed. "I'm going to snap my ankle if we keep walking."

"My brother said he would give me a ride once the weather gets colder," Sophie chipped.

"No fair," complained Amy. "My brother just left for college so I won't be getting rides from him anytime soon."

"I enjoy being an only child," I put in.

Sophie nodded, "I can see its advantages, but I wouldn't know how to play half the sports I do if it wasn't for my brothers."

Sophie was spacey and girly but don't let that fool you. I don't think I'd ever seen her lose a soccer game. She'll get as aggressive as she's needs too during a game. She can learn just about any sport and be absolutely fabulous at it in a week.

"You don't have to worry about walking, though," she continued.

"Yeah you're the pretty one, you can just hook a ride with your current boyfriend or some admirer," Amy joined in.

I scowled, "Don't be mean."

"I was serious," insisted Amy.

"Me, too," Sophie added.

I beamed, "I know!" We laughed. I was the pretty one. I presumed that role we couldn't find anything else I was good at.

Just then Goode High School came into view. Banners were stung up over the doorways saying 'Goode is good. Let's have a Goode year.' Things like that.

"Ready? You guys are totally going to love it here!" gushed Amy.

Sophie raised an invisible sword and cried, "To the office!"

We laughed again, hooked arms and walked up the steps and up to the window. Amy worked in the office so we could get our schedules without waiting in the line. Amy was also very social. She was looking forward to running for student body president and planning dances while on the other hand I was looking forward to the cute guys and buying dresses for said dances.

"Okay, there yours," Amy gave me mine. "And here's yours," she handed Sophie hers.

"Do we have lunch together?" I said hopefully.

"Mine's..." Sophie trailed off as she was looking, "twelve thirty."

"Perfect!" Amy cried. "I kind of rearranged our schedules so we have most of our classes together," she told me.

I rolled my eyes "Of course you have."

"Well I have freshman classes to get to," Sophie said.

"See you at lunch!" we shouted after her.

Amy turned back to me and started talking at top speed, "Okay we have second, fifth, sixth, and seventh period together; and, of course, lunch. I'll see you soon, 'kay? Do you want help finding your first class? Of course you don't. We did take the tour before summer. I can't believe were sophomores! Can you believe it, Cara? OMG I need to text Jimmy! What am I saying? I need you to meet Jimmy! I wonder if I'm going to get a top or bottom locker. I really hope for a top. Last year was the worst. I had a bottom locker and the guy above me kept dropping books on my head! I was like 'What the f-"

"AMY!" I gripped her arms, "Stop."

She took a deep breath. "Sorry, I am just really excited. We've wanted this since what? Fifth grade?"

"Yeah, fifth," I agreed. "I'm going get to class. We'll check out our lockers later."

"All right, sounds cool," she spun on her heel and wandered off in some direction. I looked down at my paper. Eight fifteen: Math. Just my luck; Math first thing in the morning, I sighed.

I began making my way over when someone bumped my shoulder from behind. My bag slipped off my back and fell on the ground spilling pens, pencils, and notebooks everywhere.

I was about to scream this person out of school! I mean, really couldn't this see me walking here?

"Watch where your-" I stopped, mid-sentence when I saw the boy that had collided with me.

The boy had dark, dark black hair and bright green eyes. He was majorly ripped but he was also kind of soft and friendly looking.

He bent down quickly and gathered my stuff. "Sorry," he said.

I recovered and flashed him one of my cute flirty smiles, "It's okay."

He handed me my things and continued walking down the hallway.

I felt a bit offended. I mean, I was gorgeous. Why didn't he want to stick around for a bit? I checked my cell phone for the time it was only eight o' two I had a little time... besides I was curious, so I followed him.

He walked out the door and hopped down the steps to a girl who was sitting down on the steps drinking a Starbucks coffee. The boy sat down next to her and said something; she hit him in the arm. I was too far away to hear but whatever it was the boy appeared to be begging. I saw the girl sigh and hand over the cup. The boy smiled and took a sip.

The bell rang. I groaned; I hate Math class, it puts me to sleep. I watched the pair stand. The girl was the same height as the boy and had long black hair. Oh and when I say long, I mean LONG; her hair cascaded all the way down to her waist.

"Whatever," I heard the boy say. "I'm just saying this whole thing isn't very fair."

"Face it," she replied. "We might be heroes there but this... this is high school."

My phone buzzed. I checked it while I went to homeroom. It was Amy.

Ugh i hav bio

I smirked. Amy hated Biology almost as much as I Math. I reached the door but texted Amy back before I went in. I hav math I win

Her response was quick. Haha enjoy

I tucked my cell in my purse, fluffed my hair, and pulled open the door.

Math was a blur of numbers and stuff I didn't care about and wasn't going to use in life. I met up with Amy before second period and she talked for so long about how science classes are dumb and how she wanted to take French or Spanish not Greek that we were late for our class. We had to sit in the first roe which irritated me.

I got to my third period English class a bit early so I could sit off to a side but in the middle everyone could see me and I could see them.

I had a good seat in Biology (fourth period) expecting it to be boring. I didn't hate the sciences but it was pointless to me.

I scanned the room as people came in. There was an overweight boy in the front with bad acne. Directly in the seat before mine there was a girl with glasses in a T shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She wasn't that bad looking but she had nothing on me.

The class slowly filled and I became more and more comfortable. I reached down to get my phone and text Sophie to see how she's doing and tell her how these people are boring me to death. When I looked up and almost had a heart attack.

The girl with black hair was walking in but she wasn't with the boy. She was with a girl.

They were quite a pair. A slightly tan girl with dark waist length hair wearing jean shorts and a light blue top that showed off her calm blue eyes accompanied by a girl who had short blonde curls, intelligent gray eyes, a tan like Sophie's, a long pair of jeans and a maroon shirt that said: Long Island, New York. I hadn't noticed before how pretty the black haired girl was. So was the blonde for that matter.

The two took seats by the windows and the teacher passed them books and stared class. "Hello, my name is Mr. Peterson," the teacher introduced. "This semester in Biology we'll be studying the oceans."

The two girls by the window snickered before trying to muffle them into their arms.

"Something funny?" Mr. Peterson asked them.

The blonde shook her head, sending sunshine dancing across her curls turning them a light gold color. They both muttered, "No, sir."

"Very well," he said then continued talking about creatures from the depths and I zoned out.

Art was next. The teacher (Mr. Peru) talked about finding your center, letting out your emotion through paint and other art tools. I listened for a while but eventually tuned him out from boredom. We were all sitting on stools with easels set up in front of us ready to do who knows what. I glanced around looking for Amy.

I didn't recognize anyone in this class but I was sitting near the front in the middle. So I couldn't turn around; Stupid assigned seats.

"All right, everyone can get some paint or pencils it doesn't matter let's just see what we can do today," Mr. Peru instructed.

I got up and walked over to the table of paints. Nothing really along the lines of paint that got stuck to my nails appealed to me but the teacher was standing over behind his desk watching, making sure we were doing everything correctly.

I backed away from the table of paints, scowling. I wasn't doing paints. I moved to the colored pencils. That was probably safer for my nails.

"There you are!" Amy appeared over my shoulder. "I figured you'd be by something safe like colored pencils."

I rolled my eyes, "You're here, too."

"Yeah, well, I just got my nails done yesterday!" she reminded me.

"Whatever, what are you gonna draw?" I asked.

"I don't know and I don't care."

"You're going to get in trouble if you don't draw, paint, create something!"

"Ugh... I know," she picked one of the light green and pale yellow pencils while I picked periwinkle and dark blue.

Amy flipped her hair, "I'm just going to make a bunch of swirls and say it 'came from inside' and that idiot of a teacher will swallow it."

I giggled, "He totally will."

"Does anyone need help with their work?" Mr. Peru said.

Someone asked him something about mixing two colors of the paints and the two of us headed back to our seats. Amy was sitting some seats back. I looked around again this time turning a bit to see the rest of the class. High school kids were spaced out in the room working with some type of art tool. The kids at this school were seriously deprived of good haircuts, manicures, and quality clothing style!

The girls were predominantly in T shirts or some deep V-neck slutty tank that showed much skin then I wanted to see. I froze in spot when I saw a girl across the room pulling her hair into a pony-tail. Even before I could think of something cruel to think about her, I felt a sharp pang of jealously.

Watching the girl work will with all her dark black hair was mesmerizing. She seemed to know exactly what to do with it, so it must be naturally grown out. But that was impossible no one's hair could get that long! Or if it did get that long it never looked that good! If it was natural, it would be almost purely spit ends! So it must be extensions.

I was about to text Amy and ask who she was and more importantly, who the boy was. I pushed one of pencils to the ground and faked surprise. Just as I was about to lean down and get it and my cell, Mr. Peru walked by; "Miss Cara," he picked up my pencil and held it out to me. "You need to be more careful with your tools."

I took the pencil from him and resisted the urge to snap it in half and laugh as he cried about it. Instead, I smirked and tapped the pencil on my easel, "I will, sir."

Mr. Peru gave me a look that said: 'I'll be watching you today'. Which means no texting today... I held back a groan. This was going to be a long year.

When the bell rang I got texts from Amy (even if she was sitting four seats behind me) and Sophie at the same time.

food! yay! I luv food lets meet by the door

finally! meet by the caf door and we go in together

I grabbed my stuff and waited for Amy. We walked to the cafeteria discussing what we had painted and why we hated it or loved it.

There by the entrance was Sophie. "Hey hey," she said.

Amy ran her fingers over her hair, "How do I look?"

"Fab-ul-ous!" Sophie replied; the way she pronounced it made the word sound like three different words.

We connected arms and strutted into the lunchroom. Almost everyone stared. I smirked. Well, come on, I would stare too! We're three sexy, beautiful girls! We're probably a dream come true to most of boys in the room!

We took our place in line. The three of us never really ate much. I just got a bottle of water while Amy got pink Vitamin Water (that matched her shirt perfectly) and Sophie got a Diet Root Beer.

Sophie sighed, holding the bottle of Root Beer. "Wish it was real."

"Don't we all?" I murmured.

"How awesome would that be?" Amy piped.

"What do mean?"

Amy explained, "I mean, wouldn't that be cool? If they sold REAL beer in the cafeteria?"

We both agreed and went to find a table. I saw a few guys check me out but quickly flipped them off. These boys were hideous!

"Oh my gaud! Some people need to get a buckle for the drool! These boys have no right to be staring! It's rude," Sophie fumed.

"Chill out, Soap," I chided. "I find it kind of cute."

"You mean you like the attention," she corrected. "And I wish you would stop calling me 'Soap'."

Amy joined in on the fun. "I don't know, Soap. That nick-name is starting to grow on me." I laughed then opened my water and took a long drawl.

"Wow, Cara," Sophie snickered. "Plan on breathing any time soon?"

I was about to make a sarcastic response when I spotted the boy.

He was sitting with someone else. This boy was Goth to the extreme. I could only see the back of him but I could enough to know that he was definitely Goth or possibly Emo. But he really didn't look like the type of guy to go around cutting himself; he looked more like the type of guy who would go around cutting other people.

"Who is that?" I was a little frustrated with the fact I didn't know him yet.

"Who?" Sophie asked, forgetting our other topic.

"The boy with the black hair in the corner," I said.

Amy craned her head than nodded, "Aw, yes."

I lowered my voice so people passing us couldn't hear. "You know him?"

"Wait," Sophie protested. "Are you talking about the boy sitting with the kid who breaths walking death?"

"If you mean the totally smoking hot boy sitting with the olive skinned one with the all black assemble... yes," I nodded. "You know him?"

"He's in my Greek class. He kept blanking out or laughing to himself every couple of seconds. It was really weird."

"Didn't the teacher notice?"

"Oh, he noticed. He just appeared too scared of him to do anything about it."

"Anyways," I leaned toward Amy, "Who is he?" She threw me a quick look of... Pity? I think it was pity.

She took a deep breath and leaned forward too, "His name is Percy Jackson. I won't deny he is smoking hot but..."

"But?" I prompted.

"He is well protected."

"Huh?"Sophie moved so she could lean in also.

The lunchroom door opened. The blond from my Biology class walked in. She caught sight of the boy, walked across the room, sat down next to the Goth and began talking.

"That's what I mean," Amy pointed to the blond.

"Who is she? His bodyguard?" I scoffed. No one could keep me away from something I wanted!

"Annabeth Chase. Smart. Scary smart. Currently dating Percy Jackson."

"That's it?" I pressed. "Gee, Amy you're seriously underestimating me."

"Whatever, Cara, you should know: he's got more than a girlfriend. He's got friends-"

"Okay, nothing I haven't handled before." I watched the blond get up and to go get food. "Perfect. Let's go sit with them."

"Not a good idea," Amy stated.

"Fine," I relented. "Let's go say hi at the least."

She shrugged, "You can. Jimmy!" She waved a boy over as I grabbed Sophie's arm.

"Hey!" Sophie objected.

"Come with me."

"All right," she decided.

' I fluffed my hair before heading over to the table. "Hello," I smiled.

"Hey," Sophie said in a perky voice.

The Goth just stared at us. Percy half smiled and said, "Hi."

My smile widened, "We just wanted to come over and introduce ourselves. I'm-"

"Percy!" someone interrupted. The girl with the long black hair slid onto the bench next to him, not even seeing us. "Oh my gods! You are never going to believe what we're studying in Biology! Go on try to guess! Never mind. Let's face it, you won't guess right. It's the ocean," she laughed.

Percy laughed too as the Goth muttered, "Of course you get the ocean I get the atoms. How can they even be provoked that they're really? No one has actually ever seen an atom."

"That's because scientists haven't been able to make a microscope strong enough," a new voice said. Annabeth was back holding a tray of food.

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