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" Lucy, are you alright? "Aries asked as Capricorn left. Lucy was sitting on one of the beds, her body shivered.
" Yes... I'll be just fine. I should get back-! "she stumbled as she stood.
" Lucy! "Aries put her hand on Lucy's arm, just in case if she fell." I want you to go home. "
" But-"
" No, I'm sorry but you're to stressed and school will just make you have an attack at this point. I'll have Capricorn drive you. "she stated, Lucy just nodded in defeat. Aries was always honest and knew what was best, well most of the time. But if it meant the well being of others, they better believe her.

Capricorn sighed as he pulled into the driveway to the Heartfillia mansion." You know what he's going to do, when you step through the door. "he looked at the blonde in the passenger's seat.
" Yes, but I'm more afraid of Loki telling everyone of America. I should've never spoke to them, if I didn't Loki would keep his promise of never telling anyone. "she hugged herself." I know I should tell someone! But I'm so afraid! "she couldn't help the tears as they fell down her cheeks.
" Keep yourself together, if you go in there while crying he'll hurt you even more. "
" Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow then. Hopefully in one piece. "she joked softly, wiping her face. She got out of the car and waved as he backed it up and drove off. She waited til his car was out of sight before heading inside.
The doors were silent as they closed. She made to the top of the Grand staircase, that's when she saw her father. The one she was the most scared of.
" Father, you're home earlier than expected. "she spoke, straightening her posture. Her back sore as she did.
" You are as well. Why? "
" Aries sent me home, said I shouldn't continue the day-"she stopped as her father glared at her." I-I'm very sorry, but if it helps at all my grades are exceptional and my classes are caught up! "she spoke louder than she wanted, but it was the least she could do from getting hit.
" You're hunching. "he growled." Have you been taking your lessons here seriously!? "
" I have, father! I-I'm so sorry-"
" I'll have to give you double the lessons for you to understand. "
" Father, I already take three lessons a day, maximum. Each take to the most three hours-"
" Are you arguing with me? "
She stared at Jude. Was she?
" N-No-"
" I give you shelter, food, and lessons that cost me more than the money you could make in a lifetime! And you dare argue with me!? "
" I'm sorry, father. "she braced herself, seeing his hand raise. She felt the connection between her soft cheek and Judy's rough hand. It stung but she dared not cry. If she did, all hell would unleash upon her.
" Aries said I am to hard on you, but I believe I'm not hard enough. You are such a disappointment. I don't even know what to do with you! "he placed a hand on his head." If you just weren't born, Layla would be still be here. "
Lucy thought back to her mother, and that's when the dam broke. Her eyes were so overwhelmed she couldn't see anything but blurry shapes. She bit her lips, keeping in her sniffles." I-I... "she stepped back, cowering before Jude." I'm so sorry fa-ther. "
Her foot slipped from the top step making her tumble down the stairs. Her body went limb at the bottom, but she definitely wasn't dead or even unconscious.
She couldn't breathe, she opened her mouth to hardly receive any air.
" Lucy! "her orange headed butler ran to her side from the front doors. He grabbed her body, holding her closely to his chest." Lucy, where's your inhaler!? "he searched her skirt's pocket to find her inhaler. He pushed it through her lips. His eyes widened. She wasn't moving at all, nor could he hear the noise that came from her inhaler when she inhaled the substance.
He put her down on the floor, taking her arm to find no longer a pulse. He immediately put his hands on her chest and began CPR. After thumping her chest he leaned down, lifting her chin to give her his own air. About the third time he pulled up hearing her cough.
He brought her inhaler up and put to her mouth as he held her in his arms again. He looked up to see a small crowd of the maids and butters around him with relieved faces. He then gazed up the stairs to see the emotionless Jude gazing at them like ants.
" Jude. "he grinded his teeth together." This has gone to far! She could've died! "
Jude glared at him." think before you speak, boy. She tripped down the stairs herself. "he growled.
" Bull shit-"
" Loki... "Lucy gripped onto his blazer. He looked at her and shut up. Jude smirked.
" At least that disappointment can be honest. "he turned and walked down the hallway to his study.

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