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~Erza's POV~

I walked into school, my hand holding an umbrella. It was pouring outside. Such a gloomy morning.
I made sure to wipe my shoes on the black mat that welcomed us and stepped into the main hallway.
Today we had a meeting in the auditorium after attendance in first period.
I only sighed, today was also a half day, even though I would rather a full day. But after school was a student council meeting.
" Erza! "
I lifted my head, looking at my dear friend Lisanna running up to me, waving her hand in the air. But, she tripped right in front of me.
" Are you alright, Lisanna? "I questioned, helping her up.
" Yeah. "she dusted off her uniform." Anyway, have you heard?! "
" Heard? "
" About Juvia and Gray! Someone saw them holding hands after school, Gruvia is coming to existence! The ship is ready to sail, hoist the flags! Bring up the anchor! The ship is leaving the dock! "she jumped up and down excitedly.
" Don't get your hopes up, Lisanna. It could be just a rumor. "
" I know, but I have my banner in my locker just in case! "
I sighed, she has a banner for everything, including confetti... And glitter...
But that's one of the things we love about her, I love about her. I patted her head making her smile. She's so childish. She makes up her childish ways with her cuteness and good grades.
"Alright, well I got to get to class. "I said to her. She nodded and waved me a goodbye. I had to stop by the main office, I needed to pick up the student council schedule, I am the student council president after all. My red blazer and glasses show that!
I paused after I got into the main office.
Blonde hair, pale skin, arrow back... Lucy.
What was Lucy doing in the main office?
Well, she could be here for anything, it's not my business. But, why is her cheek and all her fingers bandaged, even her thumbs?
She looked down, she looked so miserable. Never have I seen such a face before.
" Lucy. "a voice called her name, she got up immediately and walked to who spoke. That must be our new counsellor, Mr. Capricorn, he's also one of Lucy's butlers if my sources are correct, and also our school nurse is also one of Lucy's own personal nurse. But the question here is... Why?
Why is the new counsellor and new nurse work with the Heartfillias'? And why did they come when she transfered here?

~Lucy's POV~

I walked into Capricorn's office and sat down on the green couch he had in there next to his desk.
" I know you had a rough yesterday. "he began." How is your cheek? It's been two days since your father hit you. "
" It's still a bit swollen, but it's getting better. "I said, touching the bandage lightly.
" And your fingers from piano practice? "
" They sting when I move them. But they will heal... "
I took a deep breath. I can't let myself break down from emotions.
" You have some time before class starts, I wanted to ask how classes and friends were going. "he asked.
" They're fine. "I said, though classes were fine, I have no one I can call as friend, only acquaintances.
" I know you won't tell me anything other than classes. "Capricorn stated with a sigh." Classes will start soon, you should get going. "
I got up and left. I didn't speak any words to any body, as usual. I already had my things for class as I walked into the classroom and sat down in my spot.
I put down my things and went to open my notebook. My fingers stung as I picked it up. I winced and dropped it. I cursed to myself as it slid onto the floor.
" Here you go. "
I looked up to see Levy bending down and picking up my notebook.
" Thank you very much. "I said, taking my notebook, I tensed up, it hurt my finger so much.
She leaned forward and put down on my desk for me." Thank you again. "I nodded. She's always been kind to others, that's one of things why she became my friend-Lucy! No! Get yourself together!
I won't allow any friends into my life... I promised myself that, and for a good reason.

Class started and I was trying to take notes, but my damn fingers stung so much.
I hissed and dropped my pencil onto my page and held my hand with my other.
Luckily, no one heard me or looked my way. I don't want others to look at me and pity me. Or, father will be very angry with me.
He is the one who told me I am to busy to be friends with anyone. He was there for me when mother died... And I'm the only family he has left.

I didn't realize the bell rang until I heard others get up from their seat. I was barely able to get any notes. I sighed at my notebook that looked so empty without words upon the page.
" Here... "a sweet voice flagged in my face a bit, but not rudely. I looked up and it was Levy again. She took extra notes and gave me a copy.
I believe it was the first time I had genuinely smiled this year.
" Thank you, you're very kind... "I hesitated a bit." Levy. "
She smiled back at me before leaving the classroom with Gray. I then became sad.
Oh how much I miss them.
But, I can't allow myself to be with them. I'm so sorry, Levy, and everyone else... I just can't.

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