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***5 years later***

I walk out of a bakery, taking a deep breath and letting it out my mouth. Shall everyone I try to get a job with be a complete fool? I swear, even pawnshops don't want to hire me.

There's no point in me getting a job, but I guess it would be nice to escape from everyone in my pack. I feel like when my dad... died, everything's just been falling apart. Not only planning and making sure everything is in order, but also us werewolves.

A chuck of werewolves turned on our pack, leaving us and crowning a new alpha for their new 'pack'; Conri. 

Conri was one of my dads friends, and he was a pretty chill guy. Though, when my dad died, he turned into a completely different person, and so did I.

I was always about war and killing the humans, but as alpha, I now realize that it isn't right and I want to continue my family's legacy. It's like Conri took my old personality, but multiplied it with some demons he found on the side of the road. I mean, I was a stupid brat, but I would never turn against the pack.

Anyways, I want to escape from the pack for a bit, but as a young alpha, they never let me leave unless I have a reasonable explanation for leaving. I figured a job would be good enough, right?

I continue walking down the sidewalk along the tall buildings. A lot's changed in five years; buildings getting remodeled, pack turning against pack, family losing family. It's almost too much for me to handle, and on top of that, I have to help werewolves when they need help. It's tiring.

I see the old house that I had always been dropped off at as a kid after school; still as ugly as ever. I've always gone to this house after running my errands because I feel people would get suspicious if I just ran into the werewolves territory every day.

I head back towards the cave, knowing the line of werewolves that will be outside of my house. Even if there's a reason that's not big at all, like a piece of toast burning, everyone just comes to me. I don't know why, though. It's like they all assume I know everything. Just throw it away and make a new piece! Was that so hard?

Of course, like I had said; a line of werewolves. 

Like every other time, it's probably just some overreaction. What happened this time; some rocks on the sidewalk are moved in a different spot then you prefer?

I walk to my house, people running towards me, worried. They were all talking about the same thing, but I couldn't quite hear it clearly through all the commotion. Something about... not able to... ahh, forget it.

"What?!" I yell, everything becoming silent,  "what is wrong this time? Do you guys need a tutor to help you? Do you need me to sweep your house because you can't bend down? Do you-" A man with a familiar voice from the back cut me off.

"Some of us can't turn back to werewolves." Rafe says.

He walks to the front of the crowd, everyone jumping out of the way to give him space. He's turned into his human self, something us werewolves don't usually do around each other while in the cave. 

I look at him, worried, "Come with me. Everyone else, stay out here!" I command.

They all do so, but not willingly. Rafe and I had to shove through them to get inside, then I had to threaten some of them to get out of my house.

I lock the door, making sure no one else can get inside. Rafe goes to all the windows he can find and locks them, shutting the curtains on hundreds of confused people.

"So," I say as I turn towards him, "when did... this happen?" I finish, motioning to his body.

"Well, I would rather not get into all the details, but I can give a fact that should help you out enough." He says, "I know that Conri has something to do with it. Look," He says, handing me a paper.

Crap, I think, seeing the signature on the front of it; a C with a line going through it, Conri's signature he like to use. My eyes narrow in anger as I open it up.

Hello, Fenris. I know you're reading this; I've made sure you'll read it. 

I trust this message finds you and others in a state of bewilderment and despair, for I have succeeded in a feat you never anticipated – stripping you of your cherished werewolf genes. The power and primal nature that once defined you now lie dormant, a testament to my cunning and determination.

The process by which I achieved this triumph shall remain my closely guarded secret. It was a meticulously executed plan, designed to expose your vulnerability and obliterate your dominance. Your transformation from a fierce lycanthrope to a mere mortal brings me unparalleled satisfaction.

You boasted of your werewolf heritage, but I have proven that even the most formidable creatures can be brought to their knees. As you grapple with your newfound mortality, I revel in the knowledge that I have emerged victorious.

Consider this a lesson learned – never underestimate your adversaries, for they may hold the key to your undoing. Now, with your vulnerability, I shall take the crown of alpha.

Yours in triumph, Conri

I drop the letter on the floor, shock spread on my face. Rafe stood there confused.

"What did it say?" He asked me, concerned. 

I look at him and stare, unable to get any words out. I sat down in a nearby chair, trying my best to process what I had just read.

Are you serious? Conri found out a way to take the werewolf out our genes? I can't be the alpha if I'm nothing but a mere human! These thoughts fly around in my head.

"Are you okay, Fenris? Look, we can find a way to turn us back into werewolves, and we-" I cut him off off.

"No, Rafe. This letter says that he... took werewolf out of our blood."


"I know, I know. I don't know how he did it, but if we find him, I'm sure we can persuade him into putting it... back into our blood?" I said, knowing how stupid it sounded.

Although it sounded like a dumb plan, it could still be possible, right? I mean, if he can take it out of our blood, couldn't he put it back in or something?

Rafe looked at me like I was completely insane, "You're kidding me, right? We're humans now, and he's one of the most powerful werewolves ever. The only reason he didn't take the role of alpha in this pack is because you were way stronger and had an army of werewolves to fight for you."

I shake my head and motion for Rafe to leave. He walks out the door and goes home, along with everyone else.

I rush up to my room and rummage through the books on a book shelf, looking for any books on how he made this possible. I search the books for over an hour; nothing. Not one book that even connects to this.

I sit down on my bed, hopelessly giving up. If I can't find it here, then there's no way there would be a book about it at a human library.

I think about what I might do for a few minutes, my mind blank. I can't think of anything! Not one idea on how to fix this, except... going to Conri myself.

It's not a great idea, or even a good one, so I'll just have to wait on this. I think. For now, maybe I can take advantage of this curse. For now, maybe I can use this as a good excuse to escape from everyone. 

I grab some clothes and essentials and shove them in a bag, throwing it on my right shoulder. I look out the window, remembering that one night all those years ago; the night it all happened. The night I ran away to find some peace of mind, the night my dad was killed... by me.

I try to ignore the pain, forget about that dreaded night I wish was just a nightmare. Forget about my dad and those last few words he said to me. Forget about... Akela.

Oh, but how could I ever? The last time I saw or talked to her was when I yelled at her to leave, to run away. To run away so I could protect her, to run away so I wouldn't take my anger out on her. It wasn't her fault I told my dad about her or killed him, but at the time, I convinced myself it was her fault.

The anger flowing through my veins was messing with my emotions, making me think awful things I had never thought of before.

The sight of my dad in front of me, dead. That is a sight I'll never un-see. I wish I could, though, for that image haunts me and gives my nightmares constantly.

The only thing that doesn't make me regret my actions were the actions of my dad. How he threatened me, threatened Akela. How he randomly struck out, turning mad within seconds, is something I'll never understand.

I turn away from the window, pushing the images from that night out of my head. I shake my head and grip onto the bag stronger, making my way downstairs. 

I guess I don't really have any plans for what I should do, maybe find a place that will hire me? Maybe I could find some new people that are chill, or maybe even a girl? Who knows?

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