Chapter 17: Returning the bitter favor

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(Snotlout's pov)

Preparations for the battle against Hiccup was going quite smoothly to say the least, it had been six days since Hiccup revealed himself to us and that was more than enough time to marshal our combined forces together, though we weren't blind, we were still heavily outnumbered. Which is why it was critical to decide where we were going to fight, sooner rather than later.

I had helped a group of our warriors loading weapons on board our ships, the harbor was filled with our allies ships, we've been working all morning and despite the snowfall and low temperatures? We Vikings pushed through the pain of aching bones and chilled skin and continued preparing our ships to set sail.


Turning around, I laid eyes on my father approaching from the harbor, I got off the ship I was working on and approached the man. "Father? What is it?" I asked, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and gestured to our own fleet and our allies ships. "It makes me proud to see you out here working with your people son. But this... isn't enough to repeal Hiccup's forces in open battle." Spitelout then leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I want you and Tuffnut Thorston to take Hiccup out."

I pulled away from my father with my eyes widened and looked around us to make sure none of our tribesman or allies were listening, when I was satisfied with what I saw, I turned back to my father and whispered yelled. "How?! I don't know where he is!" Spitelout placed both his hands on my shoulders and gently squeezed them. "Go to the Northern Market and ask anyone if they've laid eyes on Danes and Hiccup. If you find your cousin? Kill him. Without him, we may just stand a chance against the Danes."

Seeing no other way than to obey my fathers command, I bowed my head. "Yes father. I'll see it done." I then set off to find Tuffnut throughout the crowds of Vikings coming down to the docks either to load up supplies or return to their respective tribes. Finally I laid eyes on Tuffnut inspecting his spear and then twirled it in his hand expertly.

"Tuffnut!" I called out, the male twin turned to me and approached me. "Whats up Snotface?" He asked, I then pulled him close and whispered. "My father wants us to go to the Northern Markets and ask anyone there if they've laid eyes on Danes or Hiccup. Should we find Useless? We are to kill him." Tuffnut looked at me with shock, but then his demeanor changed into excitement. "Alright. When do we leave?"

"Now. Pack what you need and lets get going." I say, Tuffnut nods and runs off to his home to pack what he needs, I sigh heavily wrapped the thick black fur cloak around my shoulders tighter and looked out towards the horizon. Hiccup is out there somewhere, and without his leadership? We just may stand a chance against the Danes, if the gods will it.

Running a hand through my sleeked black hair, I then head to my house to gather what I needed as well, the sooner we got this task done? The better for all of us and I'll finally be rid of Hiccup the Useless.

(Astrid's pov)

I had been helping a group of shield maidens load up Stoick's flagship, the last five years have been... hard for Stoick to say the least. When the man and his raiding party went to the steppes of Russ? Only one ship returned and only handfuls of our warriors were on board Stoick's ship, they didn't return with treasure or wealth, they only returned half dead and with their lives.

After that disastrous raid? We joined with some of our allies and raided in England, though that raid gave us some portion of wealth, it was better than nothing. The whole of England has been fighting off Viking tribes for quite some time now and we fortunate enough to walk away with at least one ship full of treasure.

But now? Our combined forces were focussed on loading our ships with the supplies we need to wage battle against Hiccup and his forces. The news I heard about Hiccup, how he became a battle hardened warrior? I dared not believe them at first. Hiccup was far too clumsy, weak in body and strength to be a warrior. But it seems thats not the case anymore, he looks stronger than ever before and he's hungry for battle.

After finish helping the shield maidens load up Stoicks flagship, I exited the ship and shivered at the freezing temperatures outside, thankfully there were torches lit along the harbor to keep a heat wave above us and warm the air. I looked behind me to see Snotlout and Tuffnut carrying satchels and boarding a dinghy boat, cocking my head suspiciously, I approach the two before they could set sail. "Where do you two think you're going?" I demanded, Snotlout looked up to me and snorted. "Don't you have other things to do Hofferson?" He asked, I glared at him and repeated. "Where are you two going?"

"We're going to the Northern Markets and ask anyone if they've seen Hiccup. We have orders to kill him." Tuffnut said, Snotlout turned the male twin and glared at him, Tuffnut shrugged. "What? Its not like she'll tell the chief. She wants him dead too, don't you Astrid?" Tuffnut said while turning to me, I looked down and pondered Tuff's question, I mean... in the past, Hiccup was absolutely no threat at all. But now? He could wipe us out in the blink of an eye.

"Yes. He threatens us all and if killing him gives a chance to survive? Than have at it." I respond, Tuffnut turns back to Snotlout and grins. "See? Nothing to worry about 'Boy-o'" He said while impersonating Spitelout's voice when he calls his son Boy-o. Snotlout rolled his eyes at Tuffnut and then grabbed the oars and began to sail away, Tuffnut shot me and grin before he two grabbed the other pairs of oars and helped Snotlout sail out of the harbor.

"Best of luck. You'll need it." I murmured to myself as Snotlout and Tuffnut's dinghy got further away from Berk, I then returned back to assisting my people in preparing for the battle to come.

(Snotlout's pov— Two hours later)

Finally reaching the Northern Markets after two hours of rowing, Tuffnut and I docked at the harbor and tied our dinghy down so that it wouldn't drift away into open ocean. As we made our way into the marketplace, it was packed full of our countrymen, foreigners and slaves being towed by their taskmasters, long story short? We'd never find Hiccup in such a crowd.

So, sticking together and keeping a sharp eye out, Tuffnut and I stared everybody down and made sure to leave no stone left unturned. The people of the Northern Markets stared us down as well, being cautious of our presence here, but we weren't here to cause trouble with the people of this place, we were here just for Useless.

"Snotlout." Tuffnut murmured as he then pointed ahead of us. "There he is." Following where he was pointing, we laid eyes on Hiccup and a man about our age who bore Danish tattoos on his neck and rune tattoos under his right eye and he was the same size as Fishlegs as far as bulky physic goes. Hiccup's companion as bore dirty blond hair which was braided and had silver cupping along the braids, the length of his hair stopped at his the top of his spine and he had a small beard on his face.

Tuffnut then turned to me and whispered. "How do you wanna do this?" I turn to my companion before seeing Hiccup and his own companion walking away. "We follow them." I say as we push through the crowds full of people and try to keep up with our enemy. Hiccup and his companion then make a left and into an alleyway, as we push through the crowds, we press our backs against the wall and I lean in slightly to see what Hiccup is doing.

"We're all set here King Haddock." The man accompanying Hiccup said, my cousin grunted in acknowledgement and looked towards where the alleyway began, I quickly pulled away and took slow and steady breaths to calm my racing nerves. Tuffnut pushes me away and decides to take a look but it was a mistake, he bumped right into Hiccup who grabbed Tuffnut's face and head butted him, causing the male twin to cry out in pain and clutch his bleeding nose. Hiccup then looks into my eyes and I swallow thickly and could feel fear rising inside me as my cousin gives me a murderous gaze. "Hello Snotlout. A pleasure to see both you and Tuffnut again." My cousin then looked to someone behind me and nodded. A sharp blow of pain exploded in the back of my head and I feel to the ground and could feel myself losing consciousness fast.

"Take them to the Fury Rider. Its time to repay a debt long overdue to them." Hiccup's voice reached my ears, but as hands took hold of me? I suddenly lost conscious and everything went black.

(Normal pov— Unknown location)

Both Snotlout and Tuffnut were brought back to consciousness thanks to icy cold water being dumped over their heads, they both yelled out at the extremely freezing water soaked their skin and they then began chattering and tried using their body heat for warmth, but they couldn't move any of their limbs, because they were chained up.

Snotlout thrashed around violently; desperately trying to free himself, while Tuffnut continued to shiver and then gasp in horror as he relaized— "Snotlout, where are our clothes?" The younger Jorgenson looked down to see not a stitch of clothing on his body, it was the same for Tuffnut, they were naked and were exposed to freezing temperatures in this cell they were in.

The two Hooligans could see two Danes with buckets in hand, they must've been the ones to being back to consciousness, before Snotlout could speak, the doors to the cell opened and the two Danes bowed their heads as Hiccup and Cnut entered the room while glaring at Snotlout and Tuffnut. "Let me guess, you were sent by my father to... assassinate me?" Hiccup asked with disgust, Snotlout flicked his head back and multiple water droplets flung out of his drenched strands of hair as he then chattered out. "N-Not... S-Sto-Stoick... Sp-Spite... Spitelout." Hiccup snorted and murmured. "Of course." He then approached his nude and chained up cousin and grasped Snotlout's cheeks with an iron grip, causing the Hooligan to gasp and look into his cousins cold and hateful eyes.

"Remember when... you and Tuffnut tied me up and raped me Snotlout?" He asked calmly, Snotlout nodded slowly, and Hiccup bared his teeth at his cousin before smiling wickedly. "Well... I'm going to return the favor. But not with my cock, but with something... better." Hiccup released Snotlout's cheeks and snapped his fingers, soon one of Hiccup's bodyguards entered the room and brought forth two strap on cast moldings of his cock, but there were sharp little spikes sticking out of every direction of the cast appendage and presented them to Snotlout and Tuffnut.

"These... are going to tear apart your anus's and rip your tongues to pieces by the time me and my friend Cnut here are done." Hiccup said as he tossed the second strap on to Cnut, the Danish heir caught the strap on and smirked menacingly at Snotlout and Tuffnut as their faces slowly drained themselves of their color.

"H-Hiccup... cousin... pl-please—"

"Spare me your words Snotlout." Hiccup barked out, causing Snotlout to close his eyes in fear at his cousins venomous tone. "You and Tuffnut took great pleasure in stripping what innocence I had left and used me like a common whore!!" Hiccup then strapped his modified appendage on and seethed out in Snotlout's ear. "You have no idea how much I hated you and Tuffnut for doing that to me. But now?" The young Danish king grabbed a handful of Snotlout's hair and yanked back, causing the Jorgenson to cry out in pain and whimper in fear. "Now I'm going to return the bitter favor." Hiccup said as the released Snotlout's hair and positioned himself behind his squirming and naked cousin.

(A/N: Snotlout and Tuffnut are going to be raped by both Hiccup and Cnut, viewers discretion is advised)

"Hi-Hiccup... stop... PLEASE STOP!!!!" Snotlout cried out in horror, Tuffnut too cried out for mercy as Cnut already began thrusting the modified appendage into Tuffnut's ass, causing the male twin to cry out in agony and horror. Hiccup laughed darkly at Snotlout's fear and he then replied back to his cousins plea for mercy. "Why? You and Tuffnut didn't stop when you raped me. Its only fair for me to ignore your pleas." Hiccup then thrust into Snotlout and the deadly appendage tore open Snotlout's anus, causing the Jorgeson to cry out in agony, the appendage wasn't even lubed up, it was dry and sharp.

Tuffnut was wailing like a baby as Cnut thrusted harder and harder and grabbed the back of the Thorston males dreads and yanked back while whispering taunts and filth into his ear. Seeing his friend suffer caused Snotlout to realize what an utter fool he's been. He was Hiccup's flesh and blood for Thor's sakes! His cousin. Family always stick together, no matter what, but instead, Snotlout took advantage of Hiccup's weakness in the past and made him feel unloved, unwanted and undesirable.

"How does it feel Snotlout?" Hiccup grunted in Snotlout's ear as he unleashed powerful thrusts, the spiky appendage began tearing apart the tissue inside of the Jorgeson's anus and when the appendage came into view? It was bloodied. "How does it feel being defenseless? HUH?!" Hiccup roared out, causing Snotlout to squeeze his eyes shut as tears streamed down his face as the pain intensified tenfold.

"Oh Thor's hammer no! No no no NO... Mph!!!"

Snotlout turned to Tuffnut and watched in horror as Cnut began thrusting his sharpened appendage inside Tuffnut's mouth, therefore slicing and tearing apart the inside of his mouth and his tongue. Following Cnut's example, Hiccup pulled out of Snotlout's bloodied ass and approached in front of him, Snotlout's eyes widened in horror as he looked at the sharpened appendage that was inside of him. There were bits of flesh sticking to the spikes and almost the whole thing was covered in blood.

"Any last words Snotlout? Before your mouth and tongue are torn to pieces?" Hiccup asked, before the Jorgenson boy could plead one last time for mercy, Hiccup thrust home into Snotlout's mouth and could hear his cousins's blood curdling screams. Every cry of pain from both Snotlout and Tuffnut brought great pleasure to Hiccup, now he, the once Hiccup the Useless was now showing his old tormentors and rapists what it's like to feel weak, useless and unable to stop the suffering.

When Cnut pulled his sharpened appendage out of Tuffnut's mouth, he laughed at the sight of a huge chuck of human tongue still twitching on the spiky shaft. "Well well, guess we'll never have to listen to your cries ever again." Cnut taunted while showing Hiccup just how much damage these cast molding appendages could so. The sight of a piece of Tuffnut's still twitching tongue on Cnut's spiky appendage caused the young Danish king to laugh and turn to his cousin. "Your words made me feel unloved, unwanted and cut me deeper than any knife ever could. Lets do Midgard a favor and relieve you of your venomous and foul tongue." Hiccup then thrusted harder and sharper, causing blood to seep out of the corners of Snotlout's mouth and causing the Jorgenson to scream in agony.

When Hiccup felt his spiky appendage being snagged, he knew the appendage was embedded inside his cousins tongue, so Hiccup pulled back violently and successfully ripped Snotlout's tongue clean out of his mouth, causing Snotlout to scream, yet no sound was heard. Hiccup laughed as he then ripped his cousins tongue off his spiky appendage and slapped his cousin across the face with his own tongue. Snotlout was crying heavily, as was Tuffnut, both of them spat out mouthfuls of blood and their chests was rising and falling heavily.

"So King Haddock, do you think they've had enough?" Cnut asked, Hiccup turned to his ally and shook his head before grasping Snotlout's cheeks once more and snarled out. "I'm not done with you cousin." He spat the word out like a rotten piece of fish before continuing. "I will make sure you and Tuffnut stay awake long enough to feel just how much I myself suffered by your cocks. Only this time? You both shall suffer far worse and when we're done? I'll return your corpses back to Stoick. But first..." Hiccup then drew out Inferno and both Snotlout and Tuffnut's eyes widened in horror at the sight of Hiccup's flaming sword.

Hiccup then took hold of his cousins cock and with a flick of his wrist, Inferno severed Snotlout's cock clean off his body, causing the Jorgenson to cry out in sheer agony, though his cries were muted since he lost his tongue. "You shall never lay hands upon me again!! Nor ever touch me with your filthy cock." Hiccup boomed out to Snotlout as his groin began bleeding at an alarming rate. Tuffnut thrashed around violently as Hiccup approached him and seethed out. "Your cocks were used as weapons to hurt me. Now, I'm relieving you of them." Hiccup then sliced off Tuffnut's cock and the Thorston males cries were heard somewhat, since he only lost a large portion of his tongue, but not all of it.

When Hiccup discarded the cocks of both his tormentors, he then present Inferno and gave both Snotlout and Tuffnut murderous grins, the flames that were dancing off the sword illuminated Hiccup's face, making the young king look like a devil in the flesh and to further fuel Snotlout and Tuffnut's horror.

"Now. Let us continue."

(Stoick's pov— Island of Berk, later that evening)

"Stoick! The boats have all been loaded and are ready to set sail by your command." Egil Hofferson announced to me, I nodded in confirmation before watching our ways leave the harbor and were on their way to the Great Hall to feast and satisfy their hunger.

Turning around, I could see Gobber approach me and shake his head at the sight of Ivar the Witless carrying two barrels full of ale to the Great Hall while he and his warriors began singing.

"My mother told me
One day I would buy
Galley with good oats
Sail to distant shores."

"Stand up high on the prow
Noble barque I steer
Steady course for the haven
Hew many foemen."

"So, do you still believe we stand a chance here Stoick?" Gobber asked me, I turned to my old friend and sighed heavily. "I can do nothing but trust in the gods, believe in my people and those we're allies with Gobber. I wish there was another way to bring the old Hiccup back to us. But... that Hiccup is long dead." I said while looking towards the horizon, my mind wondered if Valka was with Hiccup right now and I began to wonder if Hiccup would ever forgive Valka for leaving him here to suffer for fifteen long years.

An ear piercing shriek filled the air and there was only one dragon we knew that made a sound like that.



As the Night Fury swooped over our heads, a sack fell at my feet and I could see the sack blood stained. Looking up to the heavens, I could see the very same Night Fury Hiccup rose and my son riding the devil, the Danish king had his riding helmet over his face and his fur cloak flapped through the winds as he and Night Fury then retreated to higher altitudes.

Spitelout and Buffnut ran to me and then looked down at the bloodied sack at me feet. "What... what is that?" Spitelout stammered out, with shaking hands, I picked up the sack and opened it and winced at the sight. It was two bloody and mangled heads inside, but I then noticed something even more terrifying, they were belt buckles that held both the Jorgenson and Thorston clan emblems on them.

These were Snotlout and Tuffnut's heads

Also, to add even more insult to injury, their cocks were inside the sack and I gagged, shoving the sack into Spitelout's arms and ran my hand through auburn hair with hyperventilating breaths. Spitelout and Buffnut's cries of sorrow filled my ear and I could see many had gathered to see what was going on and everyone gasped in horror at the sight of Snotlout and Tuffnut's heads in their respective fathers hands and their severed cocks lying on the ground.

"Stoick, there was a message inside."

Gobber's voice reached my ears as I turned around and took the message from his hands and could see the message was bloodied as well. With shaking hands, I opened the message and began reading it to myself.

"Snotlout and Tuffnut raped me. So I returned the bitter favor, only they got and received far worse."

King Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

Spitelout turned to me and growled out. "Brother, what do we do?" I looked into my younger brothers eyes and then looked out towards the horizon and answer his question.

"We fight."

A/N: Alrighty! The next two chapters are going to be civil war, I'll get working on those chapters as soon as possible. The first chapter will involve a sea battle and the second part will be a land battle, but other than that? I won't spoil the battle ahead. Hope y'all enjoyed and I'll catch y'all in the next chapter.

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