Chapter 10 Earth Angel

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Hey everyone i'm back!!!!!! Sorry for the delay but today i'll be posting the last three chapter of this story. I changed my mind on just writing one chapter so it'll be three now. Btw i'll be writing the second part of the movie which takes place in 2015 so....I've been meaning to ask. Should i do another story for the second part or should i post them all here?? Please let me know. 

I arrive with Thomas at the dance and see a couple of teenagers dancing others stuffing their faces with food and wat-Is that Marvin Berry and his band playing?! Thomas i-i mean Dad got dressed up in black dress pants,a white shirt along with a black matching tie and his leather jacket. He always wears the damn thing i remember when I was still like seven and he wore the same thing over and over again.

He seems like he's a bad boy believe me I thought about it when i first saw him since we arrived but he's a complete dork. I look at the far corner and see Mom with her friends except Lorraine she hasnt arrived with Marty yet...Marty...I wanted him to come with me to the dance...

"This place the way nice dress"

I chuckle at Dad still same as always.

"Thanks. I was gonna say the same thing i-im not a fan of dances after all."

"Me either. We are so much alike i can't believe we never met."

"Oh believe me we have." I whisper walking past him to take a drink of the fruit punch.


I smirk and grab a handful of chips and stand beside him. "You really do eat a lot.kinda like the way i eat too." I shrug and continue to eat. "Don't blame me my Dad eats the same way too."

"Are you sure i havent met you?"


"You know i think that you should let your hair grow. It'll look better. You know when i first saw you i said 'I wanna stay with that girl for the rest of my life'"  I raised an eyebrow and tried my best to not vomit.

"You are different than the other girls but i have a strange feeling that when I look at you you remind me of myself for some reason...and i like you but like a sister...i-is that weird?"

"A bit yeah."

"H-how about that Zoe girl? She's nice."

"Guess she is but we had a fight when we were kids and we havent spoken ever then."

"Thomas i've been meaning to ask you,Why did you invite me to the fish under the sea dance?"

"I just wanted to get out of the hasn't been that easy to me you know? My parents constantly fighting,kicking me out of the house you name it. I just want to be different from them and when they kick me out I either sleep at George's house of my cousin Nathan..and i wanted to see someone."

He looked ahead of him and saw Mom talking and George he was uhhh dancing alone.I have the perfect plan for them to fall in love again.Wait Nathan? As in my uncle Nathan? I only met him once when i was ten o-okay that doesnt matter right now,I look at my watch and see that it's 8:55. Marty is already in the parking lot. "Okay..I'll be right back."

I give him my cup and start walking outside of the school and I see Marty talking to his mother and he seems more nervous than usual. I wonder what they are talking about i look at my left and right and i run to where Marty parked the car and sneak behind them and press my ear against the door.

"It's like i'm kissing my brother."

"What the hell?" I whisper/shout. Did she kiss Marty?! That's disgusting...

I hope Marty gave Doc the letter of course he did I was there when we wrote the letter but I didnr see if he placed it in Doc's coat. Pretty sure he did. I heard footsteps and the door opened. Aha George arrived. I stand up quick and see Biff holding onto Marty.

"You caused 300 bucks damage to my car,you son of a bitch. And I'm going to take it our of your ass. Hold him." Biff saw me and I wasnt fast enough to run, So his friends grabbed me. "Marty! Leave him alone!" I yell as they begin to punch him. They grabbed him and placed him in the back of the car. Now's my chance. 

"Hey get her!"

I began to run and hid under a table. "Where is she?!" "That way!" I heard them run away. I got up and ran outside again and this time I saw George and Biff fell to the ground, "Wow." I smile wide and Marty came over. "See my old man did it." He smirks at me. We both looked at his picture and it started to fade,I saw mine and it started to do the same. 

"Let's go!"

He grabbed onto my hand and we saw Marvin and his band. Oh he's injured holy crap now who's gonna play?! 

"See, that's where they kiss for the first time on the dance floor. And if there's no music,they can't dance. If they can't dance,they can't kiss. If they can't kiss,they won't fall in love and we're history." Marty and I begged them to play.

"Hey,man,the dance is over unless you know someone else that can play guitar."

Marty and I exchange looks and I nod my head and Marty shakes his....


I smile up at Marty as he begins to play the chords to Earth Angel. I look back and see Lorraine and George dancing the, suddenly Marty messes up the chords. I look and sees he's dissapearing I am too and I see that Zoe walks away from Dad. "No way!" I reach my hand out and push Dad and they end kissing. I sigh in relief and they continue to kiss. Yes! I succeeded. 

I swing back and forth to the music and Dad smiles at me,i return it. Neither of them had the courage to speak to each other so why not push one of them and make them kiss to fall in love again. I look at Marty and smile lovingly at him. 

"Earth Angel, Earth Angel. Please be mine. My darling dear,love you all the time. I'm just a fool. A fool in love with you." 

This song perfectly describes Marty and I even though he probably doesnt feel the same. Dang it I wanted to at least dance with Marty once. "Come on,man. Let's do someing that really cooks." I mouth him the song and he nods his head.

"Alright. This is an oldie but..well it's oldie from where I come from."

He begins to play and I can't help but dance. Dad and Mom come over and we begin to dance,the three of us. Marty comes over and takes my hand leading up to the stage and hands me another guitar. "What? I'm also gonna play?" "Why not? The more the merrier." He winks and begins to play again with me this time. "Go,Johnny,go go. Johnny B Goode." I begin to sing along with him and we share a smile.

I concentrate on the guitar while Marty is feeling like the rockstar he's gonna be. Marty then bgan to heavily play it making me stop and stare at him. I laugh at him when he realizez everyone stopped dancing. "Whoo!!!" I shout while laughing. He looks over to me then back and I help him stand up. 

"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it." He fixes his tie and walks out. I gave them the guitar and followed Marty. Hey! Dad wouldve played as well he's good at guitar damnit! 

I hear someone playing the guitar and I see Dad playing with Marvin Berry and it's the song again, Earth Angel. "Sorry folks we're gonna play this again. I wanna dedicate this to you Zoe! And I want my good friend Jane to at least dance to this with her friend Marty.

Marty looks over to me and places his hand on my waist and we begin to dance. "You did an awesome job back there. You know, In playing the guitar." I giggle.

"Glad you liked it. It's about time someone listens to new music."

The song began to quickly end and Marty spoke up.

"L-listen Jane. I just wanna thank you for doing this with me,we had a blast meeting our parents and all and i feel that we've gotten closer than before. And now i'm doubting if Jennifer is the o-one." He sighs and looks back at my brown eyes and i stare into his Blue ones. 

"What i'm trying to say is that...we make a great team."

The song was about to finish when Marty grabbed my chin and slowly leaned down and kissed my lips. My very first kiss and it's with the guy I love. Marty Mcfly. I was surprised the first seconds then I wrapped my arms around Marty and the song ended with us pulling apart. I blushed and met his eyes. 

"Geez! I almost forgot we gotta head back!"

Marty grabbed my hand and we started running to the back door when Lorraine appeared along with George,Thomas and Zoe.

"Marty,Jane. That was very interesting music."

"Well i liked it!!"

Thomas well my Dad grinned with Zoe holding onto his hand

"That's great!"

George was heading home with Lorraine and Zoe with my Dad. Guess this is goodbye then,for now.

"Listen,I got to go,but I wanted to tell you that it's been educational."

"Yep it has." I say with a smile on my face. 

"And I had a feeling that you and Marty aren't relatives." Zoe and Dad said. I blushed and shook my head.

"Marty,will we ever see you again?" Lorraine asks.

"Yeah,Jane, Will we ever see you guys again?"Dad asks,Marty and I exchanged looks.

"We guarantee it."

"Well, Marty, Jane,I want to thank you for all of your advice.I'll never forget it." George and Marty shook hands and I did the same with each of them. I smiled at all of them and began to follow Marty. "Oh! One other thing. If you guys ever have kids,and one of them, when he's eight years old,accidentally sets fire to the living room rug,go easy on him."

"Yep! also when one of them is seven and accidentally broke a guitar and lost the car keys. Just go easy on her too." I say with another smile on my face.

"Okay.." I waved at them goodbye and followed Marty outside. Time to go home...

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