Chapter 7 All We Need Is A Little Plutonium

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Finally i updated!! Tomorrow i'll probably update and we'll have a father and daughter moment with Jane and Thomas and btw ive been playing a lot of Rick and Morty which is fun XD Does any of you like the show? Also how do you think Jane's mother will be introduced??

"Marty..wait." I finally caught up with him and began to breathe normally once i stood beside him "Where's our dads?" I look at him and he points his finger up and i see George watching a girl while dad is next to him but sitting down reading a comic book.

"Never knew your dad was that type of guy." I chuckle and see Marty giving me a glare and i look away from him trying my best to not smile or laugh.

I was about to speak again when George lost his balance and fell safely to the ground and dad feel backwards,That mustve hurt a lot.I wince and Marty shouts "Dad!" I see Marty jump and push George out of the way and i follow him and we both get hit by a car and i fall next to Marty.last thing i see is George and my dad running away from the scene.


"Mom? That you?" 

I hear Marty finally woke up and i slowly open my eyes and hear another voice.

"There,there now just relax.Youve been asleep for almost nine hours now."

"I had a horrible nightmare.I went back in time.It was terrible."

"Well you're safe and sound now,back in good old 1955." 

My eyes pop open and i sit up and sit up and watch Marty and..Lorraine?! Oh god she looks so young not that she's too old but still.I give Marty a look and he looks very surprised. "Where are my pants?!" I blush once he stood up and covered himself again. I looked away very ashamed of myself.

"And who are you?" Lorraine asks once she finished talking with Marty whom she kept on calling Calvin.

"I-Im uhh im.." I look at Marty so he can help me but he just shrugs his shoulder.

"Im..Jane..Marty is my cousin you see." I give her a fake smile.

"Well nice to me you Jane."

I watch Lorraine as she stands up and sits right next to Marty and he's very nervous "Mind if i sit here." No way she's hitting on him! I feel my blood boil and i try my best to not make a fuse about it "Lorraine you up there?"

Marty fell to the floor while putting his pants back on and we walked down the stairs following Lorraine's mother which is Marty's granmother.Once we walked in the living room Lorraine's dad was furious that we jumped in front of his car.

"This is Milton,this is Sally,thats Toby and over there in the playpen is little baby Joey." I turn along with Marty and see his uncle "So you're  my uncle Joey.Better get used to these bars kid." I couldnt help but laugh at that.

We sat down ready to eat even though Marty and I arent hungry at all."Hey.Hey, Ive seen this one.Ive seen this one! This is a classic.This is uh where Ralph dresses up as a man from space.Remember Jane?" I nod my head multiple times.

"What do you mean youve seen this? Its brand new?" Lorraine's little brother asks him.

"Yeah,well I saw it on a rerun."

"Whats a rerun?" 

"You'll find out." 

"You know,You two look so familiar.Do i know your parents or your mother?" I see Marty staring at Lorraine "Yeah,i think maybe you do." 

"Oh,then i want to give her a call.I dont her to worry about you and im also calling yours Jane."

"You cant! u-uh that is nobodys home."

"Mhm our parents left for vacation. See we're both cousins so our parents went all together as a family." I laughed being all nervous.

Marty began to ask a certain direction but i was too bust watching the tv when a music video came up and i squealed from excitement "Thats David Bowie!" I almost shout "Who the hell is David Bowie and John F. Kennedy?" 

"And he can sleep in my room." 

I stood up already angry and almost made the food jump from the plate "I gotta go! I-i mean we gotta go we have to much to do-" "Uhh thats right.Thanks very much,It was a wonderful.You were all great.See you all later.Much later." We both walked put of the house and sighed relieved that nothing else happened.

"Well that was somethin,huh?" He laughs and i just keep frowning "Guess it was." Marty knocks on the door once we arrived and i see Doc opening the door but he quickly closed it,I was about to knock on it when he again opened it and pushed us inside."I dont wanna know your name?I dont wanna know anything about you."

I was about to touch a little Einstein but Doc smacked my hand away."Doc, you gotta help-" Even Marty coulnt finish his sentence."Doc.We're from the future.We came here in a time machine that you invented.Now,We need your help to travel back to 1985."

"So this is Docs house." I whisper to myself and i continue to listen to Marty and Doc speak cause im too sad and i blame myself for Doc's death.I was interrupted by Marty grabbing my sleeve and forcing me to follow him outside."The bruise on your head,I know how that happened.You told me the whole story.You were standing on your toilet and you were hanging a clock and you fell and you hit your head on the sink.Thats when you came up with the idea for the flux capacitor which makes time travel possible."

With that being said Doc opened the door and we were on our way to show him the DeLorean.Marty and I began to showed him his first ever working invention "We gotta take you two home." We returned to his house and i just sat down on the couch petting Doc's dog meanwhile Marty began to explain everything else to Doc.

"We cant be stuck here?!" I finally talk while Marty begins to talk about stupid Jennifer."Wait so we need a bolt of lightning?" "This is it! This is the answer it says here that next saturday night a bolt of lighting is gonna struck."

"Next Saturday night we're sending you two back to the future!" I jumped from my seat and hugged Marty "Sounds good,i can hang out you can show me around." 

"Marty i dont think thats a great idea:" I try telling him.

"Marty,that is completely out of the question.You must not even leave this house.You must not see anybody or talk to anybody.Anything you do can have a serious repercussions on the future events.Do you understand? Same goes to you too!" He pointed at me.

"Y-yeah sure." Marty and I say.

"Have you to interacted with anybody else today,besides me?"

"Yeah,well,I might've sort of bumped into my parents." "In my case just my dad." I scratch the back of my head which is a bad habit of mine.

"Great Scott! Let me see the photograph again of your brother." Marty hands him the picture and we see his brother who seems to be erased "Erased from existence." That night we spent at Doc's place and I couldnt sleep at all.I was too worried about my father and mother who i havent seen yet.Well who am i to know how they even met.They are never home and i never really to talk to them but when i do its mostly just arguments..

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