The Next Morning

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Rogue woke up in a bed he didn't recognize. His head suddenly started throbbing, and when he went to put his hand to it to massage the pain away, he felt slight resistance.

He grabbed his head after his arm was free and looked to see what it was that had his arm trapped. His eyes widened when he saw a mop of shoulder length red hair. He panicked, trying to remember what had happened. He gasped when he remembered, "ZEREF!!"

He quickly looked around for the dark wizard, but saw him no where. He remembered Zeref wanted him to take over the past to become the dragon king. He declined but he guessed the dark mage brainwashed him into doing what he told him, "Dammit!" 

He decided to think about something else, like why he was in a bed, with a woman he didn't know. He put his nose just over her shoulder and sniffed a few times. His eyes widened when he could smell her alluring scent, plus his own. That's when he finally took notice to the fact that they were both naked. They had sex? He smirked but still questioned how it had happened.

He racked his brain until he remembered catching her scent last night and then following it. Then climbing up the tree and looking into the window. Her dancing. He smirked again when he finally remembered the sex part. He had taken her virginity as well. He hoped she wouldn't be too mad at him.

Grace woke up, her whole body sore from last night's events. She wondered if he had left already. The red head turned over and saw Rogue sitting up. He looked like he was in deep thought. She sat up on her elbows, groaning at the pain. The groan seemed to have snapped him out of his thoughts, because his eyes widened and he looked at the girl with his mouth slightly open. She watched him open his mouth and inhale as if he was going to say something but then he closed it. She gave him a concerned look and asked, "Is everything alright?"

He nodded and asked, "What day of the Grand Magic Games is it?"

She rose a brow at him and stated, "The day before the final battle."

His eyebrows came together, so he only had about two days to stop the eclipse project. He decided to ask the girl, "I know your name, but who are you? Are you in a guild?"

She chuckled, "No, I don't use magic...technically. But I'm best friends with a fairy tail mage."

His eyes widened, "Which one?"

"Gajeel Redfox."

His eyebrows came together. Gajeel didn't seem like the type to have a best friend, or want one. Grace suddenly looked down and said, "Um, listen...about last night. If it didn't mean anything to you that's fine. I don't really care if it's just a one night stand...honestly I'm surprised you're still here."

He was surprised at the woman in front of him. She didn't care that he took her virginity, mostly against her will? "How do you not care that I took your virginity?"

She shrugged as she sat up completely, wincing a bit, "It wasn't really that important to me. I always just saw it as something that existed and that I still had. I'm twenty years old and it was kind of time for me to lose it anyways."

He eyed the girl for a second. Something was telling him that he could trust her. He zoned back into the real world and saw that Grace was staring at him, like she was lost. He stared back into her bright green eyes. They slowly started moving their faces closer together. Their lips met for a quick second before separating and then pressing back together. They moved their lips together in perfect sync. Grace moved her hand to the side of his face with the scarred eye. She slid her hand under his black wisps and held his face, deepening the kiss. Rogue placed his hands on her hips and picked her up into his lap. She put her other hand against his chest, enjoying how she could feel his warmth and his heart beat.

They separated slowly with a long and loud smooching sound. He asked with a smirk, "So do you want to start a relationship with me?"

She felt her stomach tighten at the smirk, it was sexy in a way that most smirks weren't. She threw her head back and laughed though, "That's a weird way to put it, but sure. I'd like to know more about you anyway."

He readied himself for the fact that he was about to spill everything to her. He took a deep breath and said, "You may not believe me, but I'm from another time period. Seven years in the future to be exact. I was sent here against my will. By the dark wizard Zeref." She gasped but he ignored it, "He brainwashed me into coming back here and he said something about becoming the dragon king."

She blinked and asked, "Why would Zeref want you to become this so called dragon king?"

He shrugged, but continued telling her about everything that he did while brainwashed and what he was supposed to do and what was going to happen.

Grace stared at the male for a minute, wide eyed, before she said, "Well we gotta do something. I know you don't want to tell anyone else about this, so why don't we come up with another plan to stop what's going to happen and fix what your brainwashed self has done?"

He shook his head, "If we go to the Princess she will most likely arrest me on the spot for lying and threatening the kingdom, even after we explain it, and then there would be no one to stop it."

The red head looked up in thought. She smiled suddenly and said, "Oh! Why don't we meet Natsu and everyone in the castle, when they're inside of course, and explain everything that's happened and tell them what they'll need to do to help?"

He thought about this for a minute before he nodded and said, "Sounds good. We'll definitely have to add the part where I was brainwashed."

Grace nodded with a chuckle. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and then a gruff voice said, "Ay! G! Get up woman! Mira wants you for somethin!"

Grace cursed under her breath, "Fuck! It's Gajeel!" She yelled back, "Um, I'm not feeling good! Tell her if I feel like it I'll show up later!"

They heard him yell back, "Woman! Ain't no way in hell I'm tellin that she-demon you said no! A damn tummy ache has never stopped you from doing shit before!"

Grace pinched her nose and yelled back, "This one's not just a stomach ache! I'm throwing up too!"

"You don't sound like it!"

"That's because you showed up at the right time dumbass!!"

There was silence before the iron dragon responded, "FINE! I'm pretty sure you're gonna get me killed but whatever!"

They heard his heavy footsteps stomping away from the door and then sighed. Grace stated, "That was close. I'm glad he didn't pick up your scent."

The male just nodded.

They locked eyes again. Something was pulling at both of them, neither of them knew what it was though. They felt their eyes fog with lust. Slowly they started moving their faces closer again, but this time when their lips connected, they didn't pull away for a second. They just immediately started making out, Grace still being in his lap.

Grace grabbed both sides off his face and angled it down so she could deepen the kiss. Their foreheads touched every time their lips separated with a smacking sound. Rogue suddenly took a hold of Grace's wrists and pulled them away from his face. He pulled out of the kiss and slammed her wrists to the bed, her back hitting it as well and making them bounce on the bed a few times. He hungrily attacked her lips, her doing the same to his. She grabbed his bottom lip with her teeth as he pulled away for a second and then came back down. He moaned into the kiss, sending vibrations through both pairs of lips.

He separated from the red head and began trailing kisses down her jaw, to the side of her neck, and then to her throat. She turned her head away from him to give him more access, letting loose a cracky high pitched moan in the process. He moved back to the right side of her neck and found her pulse, where he lightly nibbled on it.

Grace gasped at the sensation and stretched her neck out more. She bent her legs slightly so her knees were pointing towards the ceiling as her legs were in between his. He started trailing delicate butterfly kisses down the center of her chest. He reached the center and took a sharp right towards the nipple of one of her small but perky breasts. He put the nub into his mouth and sucked on it, rolling his tongue around it a little. The red head moaned and arched her back into his face more. She had never felt this before. He flicked it with his tongue, her body giving a quick jerk and stuttered gasp at the sensation. He suddenly put it between his teeth and began grinding it lightly. She squealed, "Rogue!"

He bit down harder causing her to scream out and try to brake free from his hands so she could grasp his hair, but he was stronger so she couldn't get free. He was about to switch his little torture session to the other bud when the door suddenly crashed in and they heard an angry female voice, "GRACE?! WHY CAN'T YOU CO- Oh my!"

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