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His aqua green eyes flashed as a soft smile plastered his face. He already lost count of how many century has passed since he found the last Diluc.

He can recognise him in a second, that even his soul is the same of that first. Just, with new body and different era.

It has been far too long perhaps, since he can feel himself longing for cuddles, hugs, kisses, and everything.

A soft sigh escape his mouth as he decide to just leave before his desire won over himself. Not knowing the red eyes on him for a while.


Sighing as he asks for another glass to the bartender, he slumps on his seat. "It is already dawn sir, even if you are a VIP I need to go home too." The bartender told, grumbling softly. "I won't be getting anymore payment for overtime too."

Venti, although face red, his mind was still clear. "Mmhm, alright alright," He lightly responded tiredly. "I probably should sleep too." He mumble out, chugging the rest of his leftovers and left money in the table.

He starts to walk outside, feeling the cold breeze of night. He took a breath and relaxs himself. A light yawn escaped his mouth as he starts to look around.

Seeing the coast clear, he decided to warp to one of his favourite place, the huge oak tree on Windrise. He leans on the feet of the tree, making himself comfortable. "Perhaps I should've taken one or two more cups.." He then chuckles, "Won't change the fact I won't be drunk though." He huffs lightly.

A long sigh escape his mouth. "Should I get some from the mansion directly..?" He laughed at his own works and slumps back, "It would be good if there's Diluc scolding me for it.." He dryly stopped.

"I should really sleep." He mumble out, looking at the sun which is already going up, "I guess it's better for me to refresh myself instead." He jumps up easely, letting loose his wings as he made an upcurrent and flew up.

He sat in the air looking around Mondstadt, being peaceful as ever. He sighs, feeling lost, unsure what to do. He decided he might as well see the sun on top of Starsnatch Cliff, where he can also smell his favourite Cecilia flowers.

And so, there he goes.

Landing on the cliff, his wings disappears in a swift and he leans on the rock. His eyes dreamily look into the sky, a longing face he put.

He slowly feels drowsy from nothingness and peace, he succumbed into sleep.


Diluc was on his way to get more dandelion as he was told. In the silent, alone journey, he can't help but think of things which bothers him. Espescially about the dark blue haired bard.

He was born and raised as a knight, although he decided to not continue as one, he still have the skills of a knight's. He can always feel the gaze of that from the bard.

He never knew his name is, but he knows that he is a VIP at Angel's Share. He is one of the loyal patreon there. Dissapointing one would ruin one's name so he earns the VIP. 'Although he looks very young..'

That's one of the problems he sees. Somehow others don't talk about how his looks and how he is allowed to drink wines. Everyone just, let it slide.

And is it just him or he don't age? He can feel his gaze from the youngest memory he had. Whenever their eyes meet, the bard's aqua green eyes flashed a longing before he disappears somewhere before he himself notices.

It's odd. And he never got the chance to talk or confront it with him.

Diluc checks on his map, "I think there are three on starsnatch cliff.." He mumble out, continuing his hunt and thoughts.

Speaking of longing, the bard also seems familiar. Everytime he shows a sad face, Diluc could feel his chest tighten, hurt. He don't know why, but it really hurts.

He knew he's a bard. He always running around joining all of the competition everywhere. He had won all of them easily, he is really skilled.

His feet halted as he saw a silhouette leaning by the rocks. He brushed his forehead, wiping his sweats. "..? Who could it be,?" He whisper out in disbelief, as right now the sun is at it's peak.

It's hellish hot.

He decided to just mind his own business, and take the three dandelions. But he can't help to notice the silhouette isn't moving at all since the start. Being the kind-hearted one he is, he decided to take a look, just in case.

He didn't expect to found the one bothering him in mind to be sleeping there. "..." His mouth parted, wanting to wake him up, but somehow bubbles swarms in his stomach, telling him to enjoy and let him sleep some more.

Seeing that he is, sleeping very peacefully.

Diluc's hand unconsciously reached to his face, brushing the damp hair from the sweat on his forehead. A fond smile plastered.

The dark blue haired bard then suddenly starts grunts on his sleep, the peaceful face turned into one of a horrified one. Startled by the change of facial, Diluc took back his hand. "Are you okay?" He moved his hand to the shoulder, in hope to wake him up and let him escape from his nightmare.

"Hey, wake up." The grunts didn't stop, and he didn't give any signs of waking up either. "Hey," He clicked his tongue, something is wrong and he is affected too. He don't like how he is feeling right now.

Diluc stood up, bending down a bit, scooping the small bard to his hands. He heads back to his mansion.


Venti's eyes open as he gasp out. "..wha-" His voice was a bit hoarse, 'Did I fell asleep..?' He closed his eyes again, taking a deep breath trying to calm himself down. Now that he think of it, he isn't outside..?

His eyes flutter open again, this time to observe where he is. His breath hitched, he's familiar with this place. "...Dawn Winery?" He whisper out in surprised himself, 'Am I still dreaming?' He can't help but to think.

It's.. night? No, it's dawn,, "How long did I slept?" He wonder out aloud, sighing to himself. "How did I get here, even? I thought I went to starsnatch cliff.."

A familiar grunt distracts him, he finally look down to beside him.. "!?" He quickly drew back, 'D-Diluc-' He bit his lip seeing the red head slowly waking up from his movements.. maybe,-

Diluc rubbed his eyes, noticing the stare from Venti. "You're finally awake." He voiced out.

Venti nodded slowly, "Why.. am I here..?" He gulped.

"Huh?" Diluc stretched his stiff body and yawns. "I found you having a nightmare at the cliff and isn't waking up soon," He mumble out, "and it would be dangerous to be alone so I brought you here." He ended his brief explanation.

Venti didn't know how to react, was it fate or a coincidence? How should he respond in this unexpected condition? He didn't know. He don't know.

Diluc just stares back to Venti in a confused state, "..do you want something to drink?" He decided to offer. He looked outside seeing the sky's color changing, "oh, it's dawn," He commented.

Venti stayed still, still unsure how to react. He wants to just leap in, getting a hug, a cuddle, a kiss, everything. He misses everything. But he, can't. shouldn't. He is the same yet not.

He isn't the Diluc he knew.

Diluc looks confused from no reply nor respond. "..?" He was gonna called out for him but realise he didn't knew his name. "..!" But he didn't expect for tears streaming down as a respond.

"Are you, okay..?" Diluc hessitantly question, "why are you crying..?" He felt pain on his chest. It hurts, seeing him sad. It hurts seeing him cry.

Venti slowly sobbed, "I.." He reached his face, unsure why he started crying himself. "Why," He started sobbing uncontrollably, "I-I'm sorry.." He wailed out.

Venti somehow can't help but to let it all out. It's been way too long, and he had left himself loose. All of the things he held up flowed out as he can feel the usual presence of peace that Diluc had.

"Why now..?" He sobbed out, leaving Diluc flustered by himself on what to do.

Diluc wanted to reach out but unsure as they are technically strangers, but why would he suddenly burst into tears? Did he did something when he don't know about it? Have they even met before?

He sighs and ruffles his already ruffled hair, thinking hard won't change nor help the situation. "Wait here, I'll get you some warm milk." He mumble out, not entirely sure if he can leave him alone.

Venti who half-catched Diluc's words starts to calm himself. As Diluc left, Venti wiped all of his tears and snots away. "His soul is as warm as ever." He whisper out, feeling a lot of feelings mashed up.

As he calmed down, he can sense Diluc coming back soon, with warmed milk on his hand. "Oh, you've calmed down. That's good." He said in relieve, handing the glass to him.

"Drink it up, and feel better soon." He mumble out, sitting on the bed.

Venti nodded slowly, sipping the warm milk. A small blush covers his cheeks as he missed the time when he get the Diluc he knew does this.

A hand moved to his head, patting it softly. "I'm unsure why you cried, but it must've been a bad nightmare..?" Venti wanted to vry once again, but held it in.

"..yeah." He voiced out softly. "It was a very bad nightmare.." Venti closed his eyes, inhaling the familiar scent. 'Except it wasn't a dream..'

Diluc didn't pry deeper, "I see." He mumble out. "It's dawn but, sleep some more if you're tired." He then take back his hand and prepares to leave, "I'll get some maid to bring you-"

His sentence was cutted off by Venti's tug on his shirt. "I-" Venti hessitated, biting his lip.

"What's wrong?"

Venti looks down, "Can you, stay here for a little while..?" He whisper out.

A bit dumbfounded from the unexpected request, Diluc nodded. "Alright.."

Venti can't help but to let out a bright smile, "Thank you!"

A bright smile that caught Diluc off-guard, making him blush. He looked to the side, coughing to distract himself. "For starters, should we introduce ourselves?" He brought up a topic.

"Oh, sure!" Venti put the glass down on the night stand and sat comfortably beside Diluc. "My name is Venti," He briefly told, "I'm a bard." He gave a small smile.

"It's nice to know you Venti," Diluc told, "I'm Diluc.. Well you probably already know about me." He told.

"..!" Venti gulps a bit. 'Did he sense me whenever I visit him..?'

"Speaking of that, I am quite intrigued with you," Diluc then started. "I don't know if you're doing it on purpose but I can always see you everywhere."

Venti's face burned, 'He noticed me..-' He wants to drown himself. "T-That was,- I mean,-" Venti hides his face down. "I mean, you looks so hot and you're cool," He mumble out.

This time it was Diluc's turn to blush, "You do know that I can sue you as a stalker." He quickly retorts.

Venti gasps, "T-That's true! But, I never bothered you,, have I?" He lightly pouts.

Diluc hums, "Well not directly but," He remembers how those sad eyes into him, "Have we met before though? Your eyes always showing nostalgia.." The red head felt a pang, 'and you do look somehow familiar..'


Realising Venti's silence, he decided to continue, "Did I lose my memory somehow?"

Venti shook his head, "To be precise we never met," He told, 'at the very least in this life.' He moved his head, "Would you believe me if I say we met on your previous life?" He lightly giggles.

"My.. previous life..?" Diluc can't help but think of it as an odd thing. "My?" It is odd. What does that mean? Does it mean he reincarnated or something?

Venti giggles, "Haha, look at you, looking so serious." He changes the mood, "We have never met before, I just fell in love at first sight with you and was feeling sad because I'm too shy to introduce myself to you~" His tone wavers lightly, but his facial can fool oneself.

"I, see."

Venti gave him a fond smile. "It is nice to meet you, Diluc. I hope we can be friends," He trails off, pausing.

Not hearing any continuation, Diluc nods. "Likewise, Venti." He then stood up, looking outside. "Should we get breakfast then?"



22 May 2021
Empty brain, I hope u enjoyed it <3

I won't join all days of diluven sadly, since my brain probs can't- I wrote this in two days help

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