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You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
Cause all of me, loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning

"What are pointing at Bheem?" approached Yudhishtira, sensing the graveness of his sudden outburst.

"This is the famous deadly venom of Gandhar, Jyesth. It's him. That bastard wretched beast whom we call our uncle!"spoke Bheem, disgust clear on his face.

"Mamashree Shakuni."rolled out of Arjun's tongue, with a cold voice, a voice he never used before.

"Why would Gandhar Raj, attack the children, they've never wronged him!"exclaimed Subhadra, baffled by the mere thought.

"Why would he mix poison into the food of a ten year old boy? Why would he fill his nephews up with hatred against us? Why does he do anything at all? He's a blind vengeful power, with a fixed aim, our downfall, their prosperity."finished Sahadeva.

"How can any of us move about freely in our own home, with this potential threat looming overhead? I don't think I'll be able to let my kids out of my sight for even a second. They were lucky that they had Subhadra by their side today, but what if they don't have anyone tomorrow?"voiced Draupadi, her hands trembling at the mere thought.

"You know what you have to do Arjun."Yudhisthir said in a commanding tone.

Arjun nodded his head and turned to look at Subhadra who gave him an assuring smile.

He turned away and marched out, his angvastra swaying behind him, a serious look on his hardened face.

Draupadi, fussed around the chamber, while Subhadra lay, on the cushioned bay window looking out of the window, at the hued sky. Arjun hadn't been back, she was held captive in her chamber, and she couldn't get his angered look out of her head. It was the first time, that she actually saw the hot headed warrior side of him, it seemed so unknown to her.

Draupadi sensed her running worries and hugged her from the behind. "You gave me a scare, Bhadra. What will I tell Govind, when he asks me about this?"

She hugged her back, not knowing what to say. Both of them just stayed there, leaning on each other, their warmth seeking into their skins.

"How are the kids?"she asked, breaking the silence.

"They were scared, to be honest. But I've prepared them for it, they're gonna have to see a lot more of it in the near and distant future. This feud in Kuruvansh, is gonna take a turn for the worse, is what I feel."

Subhadra hummed, distracted again.
"I'll get you something for supper, you haven't had anything other than Arya Nakul's remedy."she got up.

"Jiji, I don't really feel like eating anything. Please, don't bother about this. I'll myself take something, when I feel like it. You should go and rest for awhile. I've troubled you enough as it is."Subhadra held her hand.

Draupadi sighed in defeat, her shoulders sagging a bit, "Alright, I'll excuse you for today. But please stay in today, for me."

Subhadra nodded and watched her retreating figure.
Again she turned to look out, a calm air hung around, the sky blazen a golden yellow now, a few hours left till dusk.

Her handmaiden and good friend, Vanya spoke, "You should rest for some time, Yadavi. Freshen up and get your mind off things. I'll give you some privacy."

Subhadra smiled at her childhood friend, who by know knew her in and out. She always knew what the princess needed.

Arjun moved to and fro in the central garden, having lost control on his mind and heart. The thing was, that his feelings scared him to no end. He'd always considered his emotions as his vulnerability. He was confused about literally anything and everything. Frustrated he sat down on the boulder nearby.

"Driving ourselves insane, are we elder brother?"smirked Nakul, coming to sit beside him, munching an apple.

"I don't have time for your riddles, Nakul. I've already got enough on my mind. Can you leave me alone?"he muttered.

"Have I ever bothered to listen to you, Bhratashree. And you're just overthinking."said Nakul, lightly.

"How'd you know?"Arjun asked.

"You're acting obsessive again."he smiled cheekily.

"I am not."he slapped Nakul's bicep.

A few minutes later, "Tell sister Subhadra, that you love her."said Nakul throwing away the apple seeds, and rubbing his hands.

Arjun stopped short, did his brother just verbalise it, "I love her ?"

"You've loved her since you met her, Jyesth."he smiled looking ahead.

"I have ? I don't even understand love, and how it works."Arjun scratched the back of his neck.

"Tell me honestly, what do you feel for her? How'd you feel when you saw her hurt? How'd you feel when you are with other?"said Nakul, looking over his Jyesth.

"I just know that she's different, very different from anyone I've ever met. It's intriguing, keeps you hooked always. And I've always felt comfortable with her, at perfect ease. I don't need to hide my vulnerabilities, my weakness. She embraces it all. She keeps me guessing, with her snark comments, her mysterious looks and wholesome laugh. She's the closest I've ever been to any other person. I don't feel like I need to translate with her, she knows the language of my soul."said Arjun, finally understanding it all.

"And you say you don't know about love? You've fallen hard brother, too hard."he smiled.

Arjun turned to him, "What do I do? I don't want to destroy what we have. What if she's not okay with it? What if she gets uncomfortable, I don't want that."he sighed.

"Here, take this. I've prepared another scrub for her wound. I think you should take this to her, check up on her and maybe tell her what you feel. I know her, she's a born empath, she'll never abandon you. And just so you know, I think she feels the same. I've seen how she looks at you. Like you are the most fascinating being on the planet."said Nakul, getting up to leave.

"Where are you going ?"yelled Arjun.

"I've got many relationships to fix, brother. Not a free man."he laughed, walking amusedly.

Arjun laughed, feeling relieved at accepting the truth. Indeed, he was truly and completely in love with the princess of Dwarka.

He entered the chamber, to find Subhadra lost in thought, standing in the balcony. His eyes moved to her wound, all covered up in layer of clothes, her shoulder looked a little lopsided. Again, remorse and guilt filled him and he kept the bowl contains the remedy, a little noisily on the nearby table.

Subhadra turned, to see him grumbling while retrieving some long fabrics, presumably for her wound.
"You're back, Ajay."she smiled out of relief, but he gave no response.

He pulled her and sat her on the bed, removing her bandages.
"Won't you talk to me, Ajay?"she blinked, surprised at getting the cold shoulder. She absolutely hated when somebody was mad at her, it was the worst feeling ever.

"I'll do it myself, she said talking the scrub."she said.

"Settle down, can we?" he said sternly, like a teacher.

He applied the paste carefully however she hissed when he reached he centre of the wound.
He looked up to meet her eyes for he first time, and immediately looking down apologised.
She observed while he worked, his beautiful face scrunched up in concentration. He'd always been so gentle with her. She couldn't stop looking at him.

"Staring contest"he said, wrapping the fresh clothes.

"Why won't you talk?"she whispered again.

"Because I have nothing to say to you."he replied, getting distant again.

"What have I done ?"she spoke, a little irritated this time.

Arjun got up laughing sarcastically, "What have you not done Subhadra? You got yourself nearly killed, how can you be so damn careless."he blamed.

"How have I been careless. It wasn't like I was standing there like an idiot waiting for the arrow to come and strike me. I was tending to the kids."she spoke heatedly, tired of talking about it over and over.

"I don't care. You're always so clumsy, daydreaming and unaware of everything. Do you even know what could've happened?"he spoke, his voice amplifying by the minute.

"Stop blaming me for things that I've not done. Stop blaming me for the unavoidable. You're being so mean. Don't try to take out all your worries and anger of that event on me."she retorted, equally irritated, by the sudden change in behaviour.

"Don't you get it Subhadra, it's no joke. Stop pretending, that what happened today was menial, because it wasn't. Grow up, for heaven's sake!"he shouted.

She was shook by his sudden outburst, her skin glittering under the heavy emotions.

"Why are you being so insensitive and defensive, get a hold on yourself, and don't talk to me until you do."she turned to walk away but he held her hand.

"Leave me at once!"she said.

"Don't you turn away from me."he spoke.

"Why shouldn't I?"she said stepping forward.

"Because I am talking to you."he answered.

"No, you're not talking, Arjun. You're taking your worries out at me."she cried.

"Stop your skin from shimmering, it's distracting me."he grumbled, unable to take his eyes off.

"It's not in my hands, you control freak."she screamed.

"Stop shouting, stubborn girl."he screamed back, stepping towards her.

"Insensitive guy!"she yelled.

"Don't call me insensitive! You were the one who almost got killed today!" he held her hand tightly.

"Why the hell do you care?"she freed her hand out of his.

"Goddamit woman! Maybe because I love you."the words slipped out in anger.

"Has it ever occurred to you, that maybe I do too."she pushed him away.

Both of them looked at each other, their anger melting away, realizing what they had let loose.

Finally, finally I give you the well awaited chapter.
It took me real thinking to work this out.
I didn't want their confession to be too cheesy, or too romantic, or too outworldly.
I wanted it to be real and raw.
I think I've achieved that.
This is the main focus of this book, to be raw in the approach.
The charterers are not perfectly moulded heroes, they are humans with their weakness and bad traits.
I feel love is not a confession, it's much more, much deep, pure and is not hidden in words but in the little actions, in those eye locks, in those never ending laughs, in simply sitting together. Such will be their love, raw and pure.
Thank you to all my readers for bearing with me.
Please respond, if you can.
Signing off

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