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Who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
Form that ice inside your soul
Who do you think you are ?

The days passed in a whirlwind after that night. Just when the two star crossed souls thought they couldn't possibly get any closer, they did. Their feelings burned like a flame, and consumed them whole.

That day he had been searching for her, the year was coming to an end, and he had to be with the Wonder Woman now, Panchali.

Every afternoon, Subhadra gave him lessons on winning over Draupadi, and repenting for his shortcomings in her regard.

Arjun had just gotten the fresh news, that Madhav would arrive tomorrow, and was dying to tell Chitra the same. She'd been eating his head for weeks, wanting to know of his arrival.

A few minutes later, he found her in the garden, completely drenched in the downpour, hopping around in muddy puddles, barefoot, just like a carefree child.

He stood there in a dilemma, the responsible husband told him to her his wife out of the rain, the possibilities of catching a cold reigned high.

But the lover in him wished to join her in splashing the water, he liked the effect she had on him.

With the serious environment and continual outbursts of the Kauravas, he would've been a quiet serious fellow.

But she let him loose, let him out of his cage, and showed him a world, that seemed so unreachable until now. She taught him the very art of living.

He went to her, "Subhadra! Do you wanna catch a cold? Let's get in."

But she paid no heed, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I have been dancing with storms since forever. I am quite immune now."

She shushed him.
"Can you hear the thunder, the rumbling of the clouds, the lightening's wrath, the sheer mayhem? I love storms, they make me feel powerful, they show that even the nature needs to scream at times."

Arjun smiled at her perspective, she had a different way of seeing things, much like her elder brother.
"Madhav's coming tomorrow."

She jumped out of sheer joy, I cannot wait anymore."

He wrapped his arms around her waist, and they rested their heads on each other's shoulders, swaying lightly in the rain. As he held her, he didn't feel like he was holding a person, but a story, she felt wild and infinite in his arms.

The next day, Vasudeva Krishna set foot into the land of Indraprastha, the focal point in the wage of righteousness, the abode of his Yogmaya. Naturally, he developed an instantaneous liking for the place.

The moment he saw her, his eyes twinkled with happiness, and he pulled her close to his heart. The brother and sister spent the day joined at the side, having loads and loads of things to share.

"So, How are things with Parth?"asked Krishna, lying leisurely on the swing.

"So, how are things with my eight sister-in-laws?" Subhadra shot back.

"That shut me up good."laughed Krishna.

"But seriously, how are things now that you are married? How are you, like really, how are you?"asked Krishna, her best friend and brother rolled up into one.

"Well, it's been great up until now. I've settled in well with the Pandavas, I feel like I've belonged here since forever. Your Parth, I am surprised to say, is pretty much a gentleman. But, I missed you and Dau so much. It's not the same, without your random jokes, perennial teasing, your handmade food, and your mystical flute."she sighed, hugging him tightly, a few tears making their way down.

Krishna hugged her tightly too, caressing her back ever so comfortingly, "Hey, I am here aren't I? And you act like only you've been missing us, let me tell you, Dwarka is not the same without you, Krishna is not the same without Subhadra."

"You've becomes a softie."she laughed at his words.

"I'd become anything for my sister!" he raised his hands, in pretended dedication.

Krishna's presence glorified and cleansed the whole palace. He advised the Pandavas, holding their hand at each bump, and guiding them through. Isn't that what the omnipresent does, holds our hand and walks us through?

The day of Rajsuya Yajna had finally arrived, bright and clear as the crystal waters of the Ganga.

Subhadra had an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach, as she and Druapadi walked around, monitoring the last minute arrangements.

"Spill it."said Draupadi, all of a sudden.

"Huh?"asked Subhadra, coming out of her own world.

"Spill, as to why you're acting like a nervous wreck for no apparent reason."she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"I just keep having this odd feeling, like today's going to be significant, for better or worse."she replied, playing with her hair nervously.

"Subhadra, you worry too much. It's like all of you've swapped personalities. Arya Arjun is acting like Arya Nakul, you are being like Arya Arjun and Arya Nakul, is acting like an old grandmother, slobbing too much love on Shutakirti."said Draupadi, a whimsical look on her pretty face.

She couldn't help but laugh at her exceptional expressive face art.

The ceremony went on smoothly, but not for long. Soon enough, their beloved cousin dearest, the crown prince of Chedi, Bhrata Shishupal began rambling and picking up on Bhrata Krishna.

She sensed the sheer audacity of the man, to stand up in another's royal court, intrude on their Yajna and start an insulting relay.

Only Subhadra noticed, the green eyed monster of jealousy settled on Yuvraj Duryodhan, his eyes spinning around with hatred, until they set on her. He gave her a look of distaste and disapproval. Thank god she didn't marry that monster from hell.

Alas, that day Shishupal, tested his luck a little too much, and ran over the hundred forgivable sins, that he was granted due to the pleading of his poor mother.

Krishna looked at Subhadra for just a moment, before he proceeded to slay the man, blessing him with the blow of the holy Sudarshana.

Subhadra, knew from the odd behaviour of Yuvraj Duryodhan, that he wouldn't be able to digest the crowing of Bhrata Yudhisthira as the Emperor of Aryavrat.

Blinded by the hatred, he turned fiercely to leave the court, the court that had shattered his dreams of drinking all the power and in his anger, fell down into the illusionary pool, placed in the middle of the hallway.

The entire congregation of Princes and Kings laughed at his pathetic condition, shooted insults at him and dragged him down mercilessly.

The sheer hurt of humiliation in his eyes scared Subhadra, making her fear for the times to come.

His glare was set at the woman of fire, and the moonchild, the hatred sending shivers down their spines.

She turned to look at Draupadi, the well deserved Empress, who wore the same worry as her.

A humiliation and disgrace of this sort, would only bear poisonous fruits.

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So, we are done with the Yajna, finally !!
I've had a great response from my readers, and I wish that it continues.
I'd be a happy girl, if you vote and comment.

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