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The chap was  walking around the palace, intent on reaching his favorite hideout, rather say favorite practice arena in the morning. But unfortunately or should I say fortunately, his arena was occupied by none other than his muse.

Subhadra was picking up the little rabbit that had fallen into the small pit, which had been dug by none other than Arjun, the other day when he was training.

Amused by the girl, he approached her and asked in a very low voice, " What is all this?"

Subhadra, not expecting anyone to intrude her, was startled out of her wits, turned and saw The Middle Pandav laughing his hair off as if he had made the joke of the century.

Men will be men, she thought and said, " What does it look like I am doing? I was helping this rabbit out of the hole when you so mercilessly scared the hell out of me. Why do people dig holes in the middle of nowhere?"

Running his hand on the back of his neck, "Sometimes people dig holes to improve their memory but then forget to close them because their younger brothers come and distract them?" He replied downright embarrassed.

Subhadra chuckled at his pathetic attempt, "Eh! No worries, siblings tend to do that."

" How is the rabbit not running away from your grasp?" he inquired, looking at the little animal who was playing with her dainty fingers.

" I am good with animals. And I don't mind playing with them either" she smiled up at him.

Just like Nakul, he thought. And then just as he called the devil, the devil arrived.

" What is going on here?" he shouted their ears off.
" Nakul, where did you forget your eyes? Go bring them." joked Arjun.

Frowning, he looked at Subhadra who was busy feeding tits and bits to the rabbit. " He's feeling happy now." smiled Nakul and bent down to take the rabbit.

Subhadra got up and looked at Arjun who was already watching her.

" I can see that you have your bow and arrow along with. This must be your practice arena, I'll leave you alone then."she said.

" I've heard that you've learnt archery." said Arjun.

" I know enough, not as proficiently as you though. Let's just say, archery is something I love." she smiled.

" Mind practicing a little?" questioned Arjun.

" Are you sure?"she said uncertainly.

" Uh huh." he assured and passed her the spare bow.

They spent about half an hour chatting and shooting arrows.

" You're exceptionally good, princess. Not like other girls." remarked Arjun, highly impressed.

" Don't praise me Prince Arjun. I don't know how to reply to that." she said.

" A thank you would suffice, princess." he laughed at her embarrassment.

" Thank you." she laughed back.

"And please call me Subhadra now that we are acquainted. Princess feels a little odd."

" Only if you call me Arjun." he smirked.

" I can't call you Arjun. That's too common." she replied.

" But that's my name!" he exclaimed.

" Well, I'm gonna give you a new name then, how about Ajay! It's Arjun and Dhanajay." she smiled, having made a wonderful observation.

" Sure, I'll be Ajay for you then."he laughed at her antics. Just like Madhav, he thought.

After the competition between the princes

Subhadra was caring for Bua Kunti, who had fainted on seeing the archer with the golden armour, Karna.

Something terrible must have happened in the past, for her to have reacted as such, she thought. She still had guilt on her face as she slept.

Dushala was also sitting beside her, applying some ointment on her hands and feet.

All the Pandavas entered the chamber hurriedly having heard of their mother's health.

"How is she now?" asked Yudhishthira.

"She has fainted possibly due to weakness and heat. But we've given her the treatment. She should wake up soon."replied Dushala.

Subhadra's mind was still racing in the thoughts of the mysterious events, when Dushala shook her, and she saw the Pandavas. "There is some deep grief in her heart that's been weighing her down. We must help her out of it." she said looking into their eyes and saying so, she left.

In the evening, she was proceeding towards Bua's chambers, to feed her the special soup that Bhrata Krishna made for her whenever she used to get sick.

She was just outside the chamber when she heard the hushed sound of a muffled argument.

"You must not tell them. Forget him, Rajmata. You have your five sons. What will they be subjected to if, this blunder of yours comes out? How many people will you answer? How much questioning will you endure? You must take this secret to your grave."

" But how can I keep my heart calm, when I've seen him. How can I ? How can I let my kids be bound by sworn enimity? How can I let this go on? How can I tell my kids that the archer, Karna is their elder brother? How can I ?"

The silver cutlery fell on the floor with a booming clatter.

And I used the word Ajay as Arjun's name given by Subhadra. If you want something else then message me, I'll make the changes.
She'll use it at emotional and heavy moments in the future.

VOTE readers! All of you, and this time I mean it. Specially the silent ones 👀

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